Category Archives: Uncategorized

Spring is Here


Spring has arrived according to the calendar as well as the longer sun filled days.   I saw more geese migrating north this week as well as these Snowdrops.   The temperature around here is still doing crazy things, but the longer days really helps one’s mood.

I have only had one day at home this week.

I helped take down the Both Ends of the Rainbow show at the Schweinfurth on Monday.    We worked hard and cleared and packed all three west galleries.







The yesterday I help Noel do more  packing of her studio space.  She generously gave me  lots of beads.   I will not need to shop for beads anywhere except my closet for a long time .

I also went to the  zoom meetings for Sisterhood of the Scissors and Pixies this week.   There was also a FAD meeting were I got so great  feedback and suggestions on some of my work.

Progress Report: Judy’s Banquet  This work is 40″w X 55″ t.   I made it all from the silk dress of Judy’s mom.     It was a pleasant  to work with the silk and it did not slide around much when I zig zagged it down.








Lap 6-25  I got busy and this is a new top that is pin basted an ready to quilt.  I took seven lap quilts to the nursing home this week as well.




Stencils- Robins and Black Capped Chickadees

The chickadees are  done with oil sticks .   The robins are  stenciled with acrylic paint.   I did another print day this week and  there are now enough robins for a quilt.

Oxymorons Challenge-  Plastic Silverware.   The fabric is all  stitched down now.   I am ready to add highlights.  I also drilled wholes in the plastic silverware  I want to add on top.





Red Tide    I am finally ready to start a new handwork tide piece.  I will be using some of the red beads beads that Noel gave me in this one.




Pillows    My friend Marilyn gave me the handwoven fabrics for these two pillows last fall.   I finally finished them this week.


My life is full and I have many friends that make it more joyful and rich.

Keep Creating



Back to NY


We are home form our California  and Oregon Trip.   It sure was fun, but as always there is no place like home.

Our first visit was to Sacramento , where my husband’s brother and wife live.   We were greeted by this display outside their front door.  There was music too as the skeletons danced and  played St James Cathredel.




They have a great fish pond with some of the biggest Coy fish  I have seen.   Cindy rings a bell and they all swim up to her to be fed.   We went wine tasting and enjoyed our time with them.



We took off on Friday morning north to  Bodega Bay.  Yes, that’s were the film “The Birds” was filmed.   I liked these  fellows from the window were we had Fish and Chips for lunch.  There were seals in the bay and lots of sea gulls on the roofs of the water front buildings.



We then  drove north along the twisty highway  1 along the shore.   I love the sounds of the waves crashing and the sun was beautiful too.





We stayed in the Windflower Hotel that night.    The flowers  were in such a vivid color.  It was beautiful.



Then we drove inland to highway 101 through a state forest of big Redwoods.   That road was twisty too  as you can see they road crew did not cut the trees, but dodged around them.    At times it was quite dark from the dense cover.




Next stop was Crescent City .   We stayed in the Northwoods  Best Western that night.   It too is on the ocean.   This sculpture was in the parking lot.




Leaving Crescent City, we turned land through Smith State park and again enjoyed the views.    This road too was full of S curves, and switch backs as it ran along the Smith River.


There were steep hillsides of shists as well and we drove into a fresh little landslide that punctured both of the tires on the left side of the car.    Several folks stopped to give us aid, but we needed towing .



Called AAA and they sent tow truck – but do to a bit of confusion and the fact that there was a second little land slide it took the truck  four  hours to find us.  It was also Sunday  so the tire place was closed.  The tow truck driver kindly drove us back to the  Northwoods Hotel  were we spent a second night.

We ate dinner at the Fisherman’s  Cafe and enjoyed our walk along the shore were there were lots of boats.

The Tires got replaced in 15 min when the car got in and we were off again.    Back through Smith State Park .  We drove through a section where 3 three  years ago,  there was a forest fire.   Still very desolate.    Having lost a day we drove up US 5  to Portland.  That took all day.  I am a true believer in GPS as I don’t think we could have niigataite the drive through that city with out it.  It took us directly to the hotel.

Then on Tue we went to see my brother and his wife in Vancouver WA.     Cindy is also a bit of a needle woman, and although she dose not consider herself to be a quilter, I was very impressed!  She out lined   quilted this panel beautifully.




We went to the Cove Restraint for a late lunch that day too and enjoyed ourselves.  There was a beautiful view of the Columbia river.   Then back to the hotel and a good nights sleep.

Our last bit of excitement was on the flight home.  We flew to O’Hair in Chicago .  Landed in plenty of time, but our gate was blocked, so we sat on the tarmac  for 45 min.    The  hour time allowed for changing gates was getting short  The piolet asked folks not in a rush to let those of us with close connections  off  first.    And they did!    So I waved   and thanked  all the seated people as we exited the plane,  Then having landed at  Gate 3 in concourse   A and our Syracuse connection was at gate 1 in concourse  B.  We had 10 min to make that run.    We  hot footed it  only to arrive and discover they were holding the plane 10 min for us and one other passenger.  We were so glad to get home last night event though our bags did not make it.  They came at 11:30 today.    Thank you United!   It was enough of an adventure for a while.

I did do a little work on the week end before we left however.

Progress Report: Clear Cut   This quilt is 45″ X 45 .5″.   I have not attached the sleeve yet, but I am calling it done.

I like how the organza shows through the layers.







Cut Away   I did a lot of pebble quilting on this before I left, but there is still about a third to do.






Lap 5    This top is all done now and ready for layering.     I so enjoy these little play exercises.






Roundie   I did this little guy in preterition for the trip.  It seems more timely now even though our run through the airport did not include bags.

I have a lot of yard work to do now  as lots of  leaves have fallen ,  but I enjoy being out in the crisp autumn air.

Keep Creating






Working Away


Mother Nature is starting to paint our trees with color around where.      I love  the daily changes even though I know that raking will soon be a big part of my days.

It has been a very quiet week  for me  with only the Textile Talk yesterday and the Pixie meeting.

Tomorrow I depart for a five day quilt retreat so I have put a lot of time into preparing for that event.

Progress Report: Rough Cut     This work is 40″ w X 37.5″ t.     All the scissors are cut form wool this time.

  Some have frayed out  more than others.  And several just felted when I washed them.







Tropical Floor    This work is 27.5″w X 21″t.   I sure had a good time building this  project.   The fish are all free motion thread drawings on roving done with neon threads.



I am sure I will do even more of this work in the future.




Lap # 4        I now have four of these done.   I want to do a couple more before I drop them off at a nursing home.   These are always play events for me.






Lap #5   Yesterday I pinned out  out these blocks as starting points for the next lap project.



 Drawing   Now that Susan has reminded me how much I like to draw I am   trying to put that idea back into my routine.






Line Shirt      I saw a shirt for $179.0 in a catalogue this week and I love it.    But not the price. So I decided to try something similar myself.  I had also come across a new technique were on stitched across a squire to give the stitch some texture. So I am trying that on this project too.



Cut and Print       I took the Gelli Prints form last week and printed  scissors on top .  Angela suggested that one could make stencils with Tyvek, so I tried that too.   I was trying to work out a new Scissors project -but the print that is pinned to the left just dose not work for me.     At m\least not with the prints.   So I will try to work the piece out at the retreat.

Roundies     I realized I had not done any hand applique in a while , so got busy and tried my hand at a little of it.  I am pleased with these little guys.   I will keep playing until I run out of gas on this  one.



Enjoy the changing season and keep Creating


Moving into Fall


Fall is really filling our air. The nights are crisp and cool and the days have been sunny and warm with a little rain every now and then.   I have been busy raking leaves and finishing up with the garden cleanups.



Last Friday Liz ,Victoria and I went to Rochester to the Memorial Art Gallery to look at the art.  We all were epically interested in seeing the “Infinity  Room” .   It is a room of mirrors and reflective balls.





All of it a bit over whelm inly beautiful!   The rest of the art was good too and we had a good day.


My Joyous Embroidery Class is now over, But I still have projects to finish.  I will post them in progress report.

The Pixies also meant and  We got to talking about Halloween and costumes.  I will post about that next week.

FAD had a meeting yesterday as well.   Sharon shared a  beautiful new piece with wonderful depth. .














Progress Report: Nine Play     This work is 43″ X 43″.    I still need to add the labels  on the back, but I am posting it as complete anyway.  It does seem to have nice movement.







Nine Two    This work is the sister to Nine Play.   I just started quilting it this morning so I am not very far along.    It is stable as I did stitch in the ditch on the edges of the nine blocks that are the start of this work.

 Lap # 18   I just enjoy playing with the process some times and that is what this project is all about.  I am playing with the colors a bit too.






Lap ## 19   I have pulled the fabric I want to use in the next Lap quilt and that is about all I can say about this one.   Quite a contrast form the mono chromatic one I did this week!






Sea Floor      This is a rework project from my rock series about six years ago.  ( I will attach a before image)



I have been adding to this as a part of the Joyous Embroidery class assignment.    I really enjoyed the process and the new found freedom to embellish with lots of extra’s.   An antique belt bucket here for example.


Blue Sea  I have not put in much time on this work as I have been concentrating on other had work instead, but the trumpo is going well.


Light Florals   This work is also a result of my class with Flur Woods.  The Lace is mostly from my friend Judy.   There is still lots of work to do however.   It needs some colored embroidery work,   but I am pleased with how it is going.

I hope everyone has the type of Halloween that they enjoy.

Keep Creating





Beginning Fall


The moon was full last week and already it is waning to less then half- the time is flying.     Because I spent 32 years of my life teaching School and  fifteen years before that attending school, I always see Labor Day as the start of fall and new beginnings.    My life is full of everchanging patters as are most folks.

It has been a busy week for me starting with the opening of the Members’ show at the Schweinfurth last Friday evening.  It was glorious and full of the work of many friends.

The Quilt Divas were well represented with this work by Thresa  as a starter.






Mary presented one of her African pieces.





My old fellow art teacher, Carol, entered one of her metal sculptures.   I love the shadows here too.






Victoria  showed a wonderful new conglomerate sculptures .  She always dose such delicate work.





Liz was proud of her quilt too and was asked to explain  her process by  a passing visitor.






There was also a Diva meeting this week were Barb shared her hand dyed pieces from QBL.




Alice showed off her newest quilt too.






  I am at week three of  the Joyful Embroidery  Class.  We were introduced to the teachers favorite stitches this week.  Because I like to work big  I did two  a samplers along with the class.










The pixies also got together on Zoom this week.  They all survived the hurricane with mostly downed frons and small branches.  The storm  came a shore  north of them.   This is my newest collage with a Katydid as my insect.   We seem to be staying with the insect thee for a while longer.

Progress Report: Earth Works    I think I am done with this work, but I can’t decide what way is up so I can’t add a sleeve.   I did tap Sharon’s  brain as to how to get a good frayed edge on the piece, but I had already done the quilting so I could not use her method.  But it is good to know there is more than one way to do it.

The blue lines on top are adapted from the tangle of power cords on the floor of my class room at QBL.



  Ethel Scrap  I came across the box full of scraps that Ethel had started.  I think most of the strips she originally cut have be incorporated by now and I am working with mostly my own narrow units, but I have decided  to push forward and complete several more bed quilts with her stuff.    These are the  Mini squares  that I completed this week.

Felted project   I started working on the top layer of this project this week.  First I made some thread painted/roving fish in the method we explored in Amanda’s class at QBL.   ( the little blue ones at the bottom)  After cutting them out, I cut some bigger ones from some of the metallic fabric that Noel gave me.    I am so lucky to have such generous friends. Then I made the sea weed  from some metallic yarn in the stash.    It is ready for some stitch down and additions I think.

New Split Compliment    Marty kindly gave me the beautiful red yellow fabric I was looking for to start this last of the Split Compliment projects.   I though I would try some additional shapes with it too.  In the past I have used the precut curves as my start, but there were none of them among the colors I am using this time.


Linen Shirt     I am still working away on adding handwork to this shirt.  It  got lost and the time to wear it is almost over.   So I am pushing forward on the area around the neck.


Handwork   I listed to the SAQA lecture on Wed and worked on finishing up this bit of hand work at that time.




As the days grow shorter and the weather cools I am sure I will put in more time on my art.

Keep Creating



Moving Forward


The cone flowers are fading and  the Rose of Sharon’s and Black Eyed Susan’s are in their glory.   But I did spot these few leaves that are pointing toward the fast approaching fall.    I can’t believe we are in the middle of  Aug already.     It was a busy week for me  with a Finger Lakes Fiber Artist meeting on Sat.    It was very stimulating as usual.    I am always amazed at the wide creative expressions in that group.



Liz showed us her wonderful hand work.








Joyce shared several baskets and a doll she had created.




Deb had a Cubist style  set of portraits to share.






Susan has finished assembling the top she was working on at QBL.  It is a cut up and rework of an old project.






Joan is doing  wonderful painting mixed with great fabric collage quilting work here.

It was a great meeting.

I also had a Pixie meeting this week and we had a good talk.


Progress Report:  Lap # 12     This is the first quilt in a long time that does not have any of the fabric that printed for the 100 Day Challenge in it. 






I did use lots of stuff that I had altered though.





Reggie’s Quilt   At QBL, Reggie specialized in assembling  blocks that she had picked up over the years.   She gave me this top all put together and I  did the quilting.  I am working on the binding now and plan to add it to my lap quilt stash.   My granddaughter has agreed to take them to the nursing home were she worked for me to go to folks in the wheel chairs there.

Elizabeth’s paintings   When Marty and I went to Maine to visit Elizabeth Bush she gave us both some of her little canvas paintings.  “Use then as you please ,”she said.    I finally decided to turn them into cards to mail to folks.



College Insect – Praying Mantis    The pixie subject of Insects to Animals in still in effect  so I continued my study.  This collage is done with a ball point pen drawing on top.



Jeans   The work goes on with this project.  I thought I could use the machine drawn flowers that I had purchased from Amanda on the jeans, but their is not enough contrast.






 So I saved a blouse that had a big black spot on the front with the flowers and continue to add stitches to the legs.






Handwork Napkin   I worked on this while I listened to the SAQA lecture on Wed.  It was a good talk and I am finished with the handwork on this project




New Work I was fascinated by the bark on one of the trees at QBL  So I took a lot of photos.  The bark pulled away and split as the tree grew.     I though I could use that idea as a jumping off place for a quilt and so here goes.   First I pulled the fabrics I want to use.




Then I started cutting and pinning.   You will have to stay tuned to see were this goes.

Keep Creating


Under the Weather


I am suffering a sore throat at the moment.  I caught it from my husband and I am not real happy about that.   I really don’t fee too bad, but I sure do not want to pass it on to anyone I know so I have canceled a few things already.     Before I became ill I had a busy week.  Friday Liz, and I drove to Palmyra to help  Marcia sort and price items for the Perilla sale in June.    There are a lot of her beautiful coats that are for sale.  Liz and I both priced fabric  and we all talked the whole day.   It was a good time.   I will post more about the sale as it gets closer.

I made it to the Diva meeting  and it was very stimulating.   We are working on a  group project and that took most of the meeting time.   We are doing a group banner for Together Women Rise. Then we did do show and tell.  Cheri is doing some great printing.   I really like this approach.






Denise went off for two weeks to an artist in residence program and came home with three wonderful fiber works.   They all have so much texture and color.    They are felted wool plus so much more in the way of fabrics and stitching.




Mary is still  working through some of her purchased fabric prints that she  got in Africa.

I made it to the Zoom meetings this week too.  The QuEGs  meant on Tue, the Pixies meant on Wed and I did the Schweinfurth Art Talk with Nancy Crow yesterday.



Progress Report:  Together Women Rise-  Equal Voice.   This is the start of  my project for the group.  I have cut the figures and will keep building on this through the month.




Circulation   This is the second in the Split Complement Series.   As the photo shows I am to the quilting step of this one now.





Circus Grounds  I am also doing free motion quilting on this project.   This is the last of the SAQA 100 day challenge.  I found that without the requirement of   daily posting I do lots other projects instead of focusing on this one.

Blue Beach  I just keep adding buttons to this surface.   I am beginning to feel like I am near the end.






Take Off  I am working away on this project and drawing the more Terns in take off mode.   I am using inktense pencils to add the details.


Hand Work    This is the on going project that I only pick up when every thing else is “done”.   I did work on it although the Pixie meeting this week.

Creative Assistants     I finished another batch of these little guys.   Each completed one is closer the end of the process.

I hope no one else is under the weather and that  enjoying spring is your main goal.



Crazy Weather


Mother Nature sure has put us through our paces this week.    We had these ice balls one morning and   then we had a 70 degree day.     The warmth  sure has pushed the buds to open on the trees  and the flowers as well.     There is a bit of a cozy feel as the trees become more and more solid with leaves.   One can only dress in layers to remove as the day goes forward.   The sun is around longer too and not setting until after 8 in the evening.  It is a time of change!







Associated Arts meat on Saturday and  we had a workshop on Artist Trading Cards.    I had a good time and did not want to stop when we got to the  end of the  meeting. My only other meeting this week  was with the Pixies  and that was good as well.

Progress Report: Analyze   This work is 34″ w X 44.5″ t.  It is the first in the Split Complement series.      I did all the quilting in a  blue metallic thread with a zig zag stitch. 








Circulating ( formerly Fractured)   This is the second in the Split Complement series.   Liz kindly gave me a lot of solids that she had left over from  her bulls eye quilts.  That means there are lots of curved pieces.   I find it fun to sue them as a starting place.      Therefor I have changed the title as I am concentrating on curves and I really can’t thing of anything that fractures in curves at all.    Red is the primary and yellow green and blue green are the other  colors.  I seem to have lost my emphasis on red with this one.

Circus Grounds   The 100 Day SAQA challenge ended on Monday.  This it the last work that I started as a part of that challenge.  The top got completed Monday.  It got pin based  and I have done a lot of the stitch in the ditch work at this point.   Now I  need to fill in with some fun quilting.




Take Off  This is a curve cut project.     I am just about ready to add the birds.   I am using Inktense  colored pencils to add the detail colors here.


Blue Beach     I just steadily add more buttons to this project.  It is getting a bit heavy and I need to pay attention so it hangs strait.





Scrap   After discovering another box of units, I am finishing up the  cutting of the strips.     I am sewing the strips together now and making what I call wheels of 2.5″  strips .





= Voice  The Quilt Diva’s have a new group project.   We are building series of units that will hang together for Together Women Rise.   We will build our independent sections with lots of limits so they work together and can be auctioned as sections or independently.    I  have started and made one of my sections.    I plan to cut this up.


Drawing    I did a little drawing this week.   I admired one of the gals work in the SAQA challenge and I tried some similar stuff this week.  She started her work with a bit of paper, then did some paint on top and drew on top of that.   I did have fun with this formula, but mine do not look at all as strong as her work was.

I hope you are enjoying the change of season and being a bit creative too.


Before the failure


This post was written before the computer died in November.   It never got posted at the time and due to a list of other problems  I have only been able to get going again now.    A post for this week will be a fresh start.


I have bee away for a long time due to the fact that I went away on a four day retreat and my computer crashed! It has been a wild ride getting things back after purchasing a new machine.   I am still learning the new ins and outs of things, but know I will win in the end.

Three weekends ago I went tot the Sisterhood of the Scissors retreat at Kuaka Lake.   There were only six of us but we had a grand time.    Joyce spent the weekend  working  the  Cubism Challenge  for  the  group.

This   is  a shot   of  the  first  one she did.     I think she had completed six or seven by the time we were done.



Deb spent the time finishing up projects doing things like bindings and labels.    She completed three works over the course of the week end.






Jeannie  worked on a snow flake quilt  and completed the top.  It will be a Christmas gift for  one of her children.





Liz  did hand work on her Graffiti  quilt.   Lots and lots of French knots.    Liz was a part of the Schweinfurth Retreat the following weekend and she continued to work on this project.        Anne and I also were part of the Schweinfurth Retreat were she too continued works she started at Kuaka Lake.


This is a shot of  Anne’s  the project on Sunday morning and it was all built and the top assembled by the end of the day.





I worked on and finished my Graffiti Challenge over the weekend.





The Schweinfurth  Fall retreat was great too.  There were 16 of us and I knew almost everyone.  It was good to see old friends again.


The Sisterhood had a fieldtrip meeting at the Schweinfurth to view the Quilts =Art =Quilts show on Thru last week.     Liz’z work is a part of the show and I am so very pleased for her.





Progress Report: