Category Archives: Sandpipers

Nature Keeps Moving


We have joyously enjoyed a warm spell this week and  also  listened to the honking of migrating birds on our walks.   I know the full moon tomorrow is called a worm moon as the earth worms are starting to emerge from the cold earth.   But I have not seen any of them yet.   That plus the longer sun light days assure me that spring is on its way.     The tilt of the earth is also noticeable to me as the sun  shine now comes almost directly in through the 15 pains of  the east facing door of my studio  in the early morning.  Nature just keeps doing a powerful job of going forward.

It has been a very quiet week for me with only the Pixie meeting and  Textile Talks.

Progress Report: Sandpipers This work is 28.5″ w X 46″ t.    It is my response  to the  Sisterhood of the Scissors retreat fabric  challenge.    I hand drew all the birds and then appliqued them down.   


The challenge fabric are the cliffs.








Lap 5-25     I enjoyed working on this lap quilt this week.   It is a great way for me to mix fabrics  I have printed in the past with commercial material.





Lap 6-25   Spring green is in my blood I guess as I pulled some of the same colors to use in this next one.





Judy’s Banquet   I finished cutting away all the flowers from the dress this week and free motion appliqued them down.     I even started reflective quilting yesterday.   It is a happy work.



 Oxymoron   I drew patters and started cutting the shapes of the silverware .   I am still playing with the arrangement of the parts .  This is real fun  for me.





Handwork     I did not spend much time on this work this week as I did the bindings on the  projects to complete them instead .



Stencils-   Black Capped Chickadees   I spent time designing and cutting stencils this week.       I will be busy printing in the near future.

Robins  I got a lot more  excited with the robins and they are far more active.  I may need to do a bit more work with the chickadees.    I also realized I will need to cut a second  stencil for each bird for the red breast so I can use  two colors .

Keep Creating and enjoy the longer day light.




On the Go


I am home from my travels to Florida to help with Susan’s recovery. In the fifteen days of my stay I saw a lot of growth on her part.


She progressed for a support forher broken wrist on her walker to using a cane some of the time. She mastered use of the stairs with the walker on her own. She went form house bound to an outing where she went nine blocks. I am quite proud of her.    This is a shot of her with the stamps she made and printed one afternoon.



Laura came many times and we worked in a parallel fashion.  She is and excellent water color painter in my mind and this is her painting of me one day.



I started the Childhood Memories project because of Susan’s suggestion so I  brought them along so she could see them.   I had never laid then all  out before and was a bit surprised  by the size.


I enjoyed the green and all the flowers as well as the bird song during my visit.    We worked every day on art of some sort. Chris came   one day to visit and we did collage.





I did a lot of collage work at Susan’s.    Here are about half of them.






On the Friday before I left I went to a play day at Barbara’s. Beth had all the fixings for making knows and we had a good time creating the little guys.


Here are the finished little guys.   Left to right – mine  Barbara’s , Beth’s,  Georgia’s.      It was a fun day.





Georgia also shared her paintings. I like what she is doing.





Tue was the first one of Feb so there was a QuEGs meeting. Sue Ellen was busy and made this great pillow case that will be for sale in Cazenovia at the Artisans.



Susan is working on these four 12″ pieces for QSDS this summer. The challenge was/is 1 2 3 4.




Progress Report: Sandpipers  I got this work nearly completed before I went away. The birds are all stitched down and I only need to stretch it.



Summer Robins I finished the machine drawing and washed out these too. I am not happy with the placement yet and may even need to create an additional bird to be happy with it. I am still shifting and testing.

I did draw every day and have a lot on new work. There were two specific evenings where that was the soul purpose.














I did lots of little collages too,

25 Million Stitches I am glad to have finished this work while I was visiting. I will press it and add the label and then it will be ready for shipping.

New work I did purchase some beautiful linen while I was away and started this bit of hand work as well.


















Childhood Memories- First and Second Grades
The early school years for me meant that we made a special trip to the local drug store to bye workbooks along with new pencils, tablets  and crayons. I stared first grade with a bad case of Poison Ivy. There were lots of weeping soars on my skin and the teacher sure made me aware if how repulsive she found that. I did wear a lotion, but by late morning before I went home for lunch it was really bad. My parents did take me off to Iowa City to see a specialist and that really helped and cleared up the problem.   From that experience, I learned it is really hard to get beyond first impressions. My only other memory of first grade was the difficulty I had with word regition and spelling. I did the work in the spelling book and Mom spent time quizzing me. She even made red construction paper flash cards. I especially remember straggling with “ What – Where -Were- When and Why”. The reading technique in that school at  that  time that was used was one of shape recognition- not individual letters or sounding out  the words.  I am sure that did not help me at all. The teacher was so frustrated with me that I got spanked in front of the class for each word I misspelled on the spelling tests. I was so shamed by the whole thing I did not tell Mom until years later and she was appalled. Mom worked with me on addition and subtraction too. She made up games with playing cards were I had to add every two cards that were turned over.  The game  was modified for subtraction, having to always subtract the smaller number from the larger one. Later the game changed to one of color to determine the process. If I drew red first it was addition and if I drew black first it was subtraction. I really got the logic of mathematics and did well in that subject all through school.
Despite my trouble with spelling I was advanced to the second grade. That class room was up stairs on the left. We learned cursive that year and I was so very proud of myself even though I did not think it was fair that Joe Fox got the same red star for his name that I did for mine – Carol Mc Elhinney. An early lesson on the” fairness factor” in  life.














Childhood Toys
I have good memories of the toys that we got as we grew up and where we lived when we got them. Gene and I got a little red folding table and  a two chairs set while we lived in the Junction. We had a few meals on it and played many a game at that table. Grandfather Howard made a wooden cupboard with a pullout drawer that was painted blue for Christmas while we lived there. It was so very sturdy that it survived through my child hood and Wendy’s. It was here in the house when Alexis was little but I do not think she played with it. I recall two different “Play School” products. One was a red plastic clock with white hands that one could adjust. The numbers were pale blue and could be removed to show minutes underneath. I got that concept quickly as a result I think. The second Play School toy was a balance scale with hooks on both ends. There were lots of blue plastic numbers with loops on the tops of them that were all of increasing size and weigh. The goal was to teach values and have the arm of the scale be strait. We also had various games like Kootie and card games. My first memorable baby doll was a Betsy Wetsy. She came with a beautiful white dress, eyes that opened and closed and wonderful short, soft, curly brown hair. She took a bottle that was filled with water and then wet her diaper. I remember wanting her – perhaps due to TV adds- but quickly tired of the novelty. The doll bed soon gave way to a home for my Tony Doll that I loved. She had a stiff body and limbs with eyes that opened and closed and hair one could comb. She could even stand alone if one balanced her correctly.   Mom made lots of changes of cloth for her and I still have that doll. Mom made soft dolls too. Gene had a sock little boy with green stripe pajamas that was called Mousy. I had an Aunt Jemina made with a pair of Dad’s brown socks and she had a red poke-a-dot dress and scarf along with a white apron. Both of them survived to recent times and although gave Jemina to a friend who collects dolls, I still have Mousy.

Keep Creating




It seems like this time of year one tends to do a bit of clean out and reevaluation.  I found lots of my friends using what they had to make new work this month.

I  spent my Saturday  last week working as a part of the Bed for Kids project here in town.  Sadly there are many children in our community who do not have beds.  So this group is working on bedding as a part of the goal to meet this need.  I started this quilt and the top is almost complete now.   It is made of a project that was passed to me.   Many other women worked on creating pillow cases.  Girl Scouts and a girls basketball team also showed up and created polar fleece no sew blankets.   It was a lively and fun project to be a part of.   I also contributed 13 quilts to this worthy project.

Both of the groups that I belong to meant on Tues.   At QuEG’s , Sue Ellen showed up this top that she created  as she tries to work down her stash.   IMG_2715Dori   is doing hand work on this witches hat to  use up some of her trims.    IMG_2716 Victoria is also using up available materials.  She is cutting up all her angora sweaters that have small wholes and making a throw with them.   Susan is  going through her scrap bag and building units with raw edge applique and embroidery.  She has also set the limit of using red and turquoise as her main colors  for this pursute.   I think limiting like that  can make one be very creative with other tools.   Liz continues to happily quilt away on her  school days piece.   IMG_2727  And Sally is making cards with one of her new sewing machine patterns.  She is also experimenting with water soluble colored pencils that she had on hand.   I like the directions she is exploring.

At Diva’s, Alice  shared her new  series.  She is experimenting with India ink painting on fabric.   To good effect I would say.    IMG_2736 Regina in her wonderful way completed  this indigo piece  this month.   She really challenges herself I think.   Both meetings were full of inspiring talk and interesting works.    I came home all fired up again.


Progress Report: Forest Flock    This quilt is 39” w X 35”l.    I have been enjoying doing the thread painting of birds for a while and this time I tried doing them for a quilt.   IMG_2765 It is a bit different type of approach for me but I like to mix my techniques.   IMG_2766  The more I play with this process the more I seem to enjoy it.   I keep learning little things with each attempt  too.   With  these birds, I  explored  not only using the the  two layers of wash away but  a layer of nylon netting in the middle.  I had noticed that   the  shapes I had created before could easily  be distorted in the pinning and drying stage.     The nylon net seemed to make the work more solid  and helps  to avoid that  distortion problem.    Now there may be a time when that is undesirable desirableIMG_2768 but now the  nylon netting   really helps maintain  the shapes  that I am building.


IMG_2744Sandpipers  The birds are attached to the shore now and I am doing some intense looking as I am not really happy with the appearance   of this composition.   It seems to need something in addition.  I will study it over the course of the next few weeks and hope that I can find a solution that I am happy with.


3X3   This is blao B-3.  The third block in row b.   I finished it for the most part and placed block C-3 next to it so I could make connections.IMG_2750  Pressing and  a little more work should do the trick.   The I went ahead and worked on block C-3.IMG_2752I have been putting in about an hour  every day on this project.  

Label Cards: Tied Up  This week I realized how I get myself in worry knots about nonsense.  Being away from the studio and  such  helped me get a better perspective.   I hope I can continue to recognize  the unimportant things and let them go.

Color Wonder In this gray time of year I am always surprised by a sudden splash of color.   I could not get the pink nose of  my a friends dog’s nose out of my mind so I made this card to remind myself to look  with care at the world around me.

Oaxaca Adventure

Airport ArtHello,

I had a wonderful time in Oaxaca Mexico.  Susan was a great guide and the city was a visual feast.   Every where one looked there was art.   This pony sculpture was at the airport and shows a modern twist on the Alibris’s we usually connect  with this area. I did visit a family workshop where they did that beautiful work.  As one can see here the  painted  detail is amazing.

Susan, Carolyn  and I went to many museums.  We did the Print Museum Indigo 9and the Fiber Arts Museum the first day.   There was a great display of Indigo stilt walker costumes   there.  The museum also had a  display of hand stitchery on shirts from the areas in the state of Oaxaca.    Each area had a unique style of clothing with unique stitching patterns.     I found  that  specially interesting after my slow stitch class last fall.     Each language group has a unique style.   Susan and I went to the  market and it too was a visual bombardment.    Susan’s land  lady brought her fresh flowers every day  and after this visit I can see why.    We had lunch at a Chocolate bar that day.    The shake was delightful, tasty  and very filling  along with a chicken burrito .IMG_2637This shot shows how big the drink was.

IMG_2648I took a day trip to the ruins at Monte Alban  and enjoyed the wonderful carved images  and buildings.    The guide explained a lot of history  and was very knowledgeable.    I was epically taken  by this little god image in the museum  and think he may be a jumping off place for some new work. ( this shot is life sized) IMG_2674 The tour took us to  a village that makes Black Pottery.   Many villages in this valley  specialize in one type of craftor another.   This woman who is in her late  80’s has a sure hand and a good eye.  She stated doing this type of work   nearly 68 years ago  so the fact that she does it all by eye and does not use a prepared pattern is understandable.

Cutting at Susan'sSusan and had a play day.   I  cut some of the organza we got at the market and made stencils. 


Susan worked on her long Lincoln and Washington projects.   The garden in their compound  was beautiful.   Poinnsetta 2I had never seen Poinsettia that were 10 feet high before.

IMG_2711I drew almost every day on this trip and this is a banana plant Susan’s  garden.

We visited the Stamp Museum one day and there was a good display of work using a big stamp as a base   for artist interpations.   Stamp collageI liked the idea of using stamps as units for a collage too.   There was also a large collection of stamps from all over the world for ones viewing.   It was a great museum. w

We went on a field trip to the Print Studio/ Museum  too.  It was an old  weaving  factory, that  has now been  converted for artists   studios.  The display space was huge and there where over 100 huge prints there.  Text Print 1Many were woodcuts that were done  on 4’X6’  sheets of plywood.   Old woman and reflection Big windows and reflective glass made taking photos very hard. Grafitti 1  I did like how their definition of prints included stenciled graffiti.    These were done on the walls of the gallery and were pristine.      There was also a wonderful  video  show in the gallery upstairs from a South African artist.Wood cut 1This woodcut block was also a part of the show.

Susan and I went to the Museum of Modern Art and saw a wonderful show of collaborations.  An artist was paired with a craft person  and  they filled a room of the gallery  with their collaborations.  A weaver and embroider were paired for the text exhibit.     Colloabation stitchersThe results were wonderful.  This    second paring  was  of women appliques and  a  poet.   I went in search of the stitchers works and purchased one of my own to bring home.

Dyed YarnWe  took another fiend trip to a village that specialized in woven rugs.   This shot shows hand dyed yarns drying on a balcony.       The men did most of the weaving and were very pleasant.   His loom was huge and as the photo shows he did it all standing.      There were rugs everywhere even  in this village – even in restaurant  where we ate lunch.  Church walls 2 We spent time in their  local church too.  It had just be restored and in the process it was discovered that may stones from the native  temple that was destroyed for the church construction were reused in the building of the church.  I love the mix  and the fact that the restoration left the  underling stones exposed.Church walls 1  

I went on a tour of the Botanical  Garden in Oaxaca  on my last full day.  It was very informative and  beautiful.  Epically when we learned that it was only 35 years old.  Elephant treeI really  like this Elephant Tree and

this tree they call the Rock Crusher. The roots are amazing.   The guide  said it was going to be cut soon as it was destroying the old abbey wall that surrounded the garden.   I took tons of photos here  and enjoyed myself.   Later that day Susan and I visited the Museum of Oaxaca and had a good history lesson.   It was a wonderful trip and so very colorful.   I am very glad I went- especially when I got back to cold central NY.

Progress Report:  3X3  This is block 2C of the 3X# challenge.    I am currently doing my daily practice on this block.     I took this one and block 2B with me to Oaxaca to work on  while I was away.

IMG_2691This is a shot of the whole background with all nine parts.


IMG_2692This is block 2B, the center of the 3X3 set and it is more or less complete.   As I build other squares there may be overlap that needs to be added.


Forest Flock  I am to the point where I am stitching down the birds with the sewing machine and making that the quilting IMG_2611step  of the project.   The trees are also part of the quilting.


Lily IMG_2706  I painted this  lily on pillion with Susan on one of our play days.    It was one of the flowers that her landlady had brought to her.

IMG_2707Sweet  Peas    I painted these with Susan too.   I added the background  color yesterday.

Sandpipers   I finished the thread painting of the three birds yesterday and they are washed out and drying now.   I go inspired to work hard on them after receiving payment in the mail for the sale of Black Capped Chickadees at the Associated Artist sale.

IMG_2713This is the shore background for the birds.   It is a felted background.

Jeanne’s QuiltIMG_2702All the rows are now built for this project.   I will move on to the next step now.

Label Cards Joy    One day while I was away Susan and made cards.   I used one of the many colorful magazines I had picked up to create these three cards.


ShootIMG_2697 They represent what was on my mind at the time.

Land  It was a great experience and I am so glad I went.

Keep Creating
