I had a wonderful time in Oaxaca Mexico. Susan was a great guide and the city was a visual feast. Every where one looked there was art. This pony sculpture was at the airport and shows a modern twist on the Alibris’s we usually connect with this area.
I did visit a family workshop where they did that beautiful work. As one can see here the painted detail is amazing.
Susan, Carolyn and I went to many museums. We did the Print Museum
and the Fiber Arts Museum the first day. There was a great display of Indigo stilt walker costumes there. The museum also had a display of hand stitchery on shirts from the areas in the state of Oaxaca. Each area had a unique style of clothing with unique stitching patterns. I found that specially interesting after my slow stitch class last fall. Each language group has a unique style. Susan and I went to the market and it too was a visual bombardment.
Susan’s land lady brought her fresh flowers every day and after this visit I can see why. We had lunch at a Chocolate bar that day. The shake was delightful, tasty and very filling along with a chicken burrito .
This shot shows how big the drink was.
I took a day trip to the ruins at Monte Alban and enjoyed the wonderful carved images and buildings. The guide explained a lot of history and was very knowledgeable. I was epically taken by this little god image
in the museum and think he may be a jumping off place for some new work. ( this shot is life sized)
The tour took us to a village that makes Black Pottery. Many villages in this valley specialize in one type of craftor another. This woman who is in her late 80’s has a sure hand and a good eye. She stated doing this type of work nearly 68 years ago so the fact that she does it all by eye and does not use a prepared pattern is understandable.
Susan and had a play day. I cut some of the organza we got at the market and made stencils. 
Susan worked on her long Lincoln and Washington projects. The garden in their compound was beautiful.
I had never seen Poinsettia that were 10 feet high before.
I drew almost every day on this trip and this is a banana plant Susan’s garden.
We visited the Stamp Museum one day and there was a good display of work using a big stamp as a base for artist interpations.
I liked the idea of using stamps as units for a collage too. There was also a large collection of stamps from all over the world for ones viewing. It was a great museum. w
We went on a field trip to the Print Studio/ Museum too. It was an old weaving factory, that has now been converted for artists studios. The display space was huge and there where over 100 huge prints there.
Many were woodcuts that were done on 4’X6’ sheets of plywood.
Big windows and reflective glass made taking photos very hard.
I did like how their definition of prints included stenciled graffiti. These were done on the walls of the gallery and were pristine. There was also a wonderful video show in the gallery upstairs from a South African artist.
This woodcut block was also a part of the show.
Susan and I went to the Museum of Modern Art and saw a wonderful show of collaborations. An artist was paired with a craft person and they filled a room of the gallery with their collaborations. A weaver and embroider were paired for the text exhibit.
The results were wonderful. This second paring was of women appliques and a poet. I went in search of the stitchers works and purchased one of my own to bring home.
We took another fiend trip to a village that specialized in woven rugs. This shot shows hand dyed yarns drying on a balcony.
The men did most of the weaving and were very pleasant. His loom was huge and as the photo shows he did it all standing.
There were rugs everywhere even in this village – even in restaurant where we ate lunch.
We spent time in their local church too. It had just be restored and in the process it was discovered that may stones from the native temple that was destroyed for the church construction were reused in the building of the church. I love the mix and the fact that the restoration left the underling stones exposed.
I went on a tour of the Botanical Garden in Oaxaca on my last full day. It was very informative and beautiful. Epically when we learned that it was only 35 years old.
I really like this Elephant Tree and
this tree they call the Rock Crusher. The roots are amazing. The guide said it was going to be cut soon as it was destroying the old abbey wall that surrounded the garden. I took tons of photos here and enjoyed myself. Later that day Susan and I visited the Museum of Oaxaca and had a good history lesson. It was a wonderful trip and so very colorful. I am very glad I went- especially when I got back to cold central NY.
Progress Report: 3X3 This is block 2C of the 3X# challenge. I am currently doing my daily practice on this block. I took this one and block 2B with me to Oaxaca to work on while I was away.
This is a shot of the whole background with all nine parts.
This is block 2B, the center of the 3X3 set and it is more or less complete. As I build other squares there may be overlap that needs to be added.
Forest Flock I am to the point where I am stitching down the birds with the sewing machine and making that the quilting
step of the project. The trees are also part of the quilting.
I painted this lily on pillion with Susan on one of our play days. It was one of the flowers that her landlady had brought to her.
Sweet Peas I painted these with Susan too. I added the background color yesterday.
I finished the thread painting of the three birds yesterday and they are washed out and drying now. I go inspired to work hard on them after receiving payment in the mail for the sale of Black Capped Chickadees at the Associated Artist sale.
This is the shore background for the birds. It is a felted background.
Jeanne’s Quilt
All the rows are now built for this project. I will move on to the next step now.
Label Cards Joy One day while I was away Susan and made cards. I used one of the many colorful magazines I had picked up to create these three cards.
They represent what was on my mind at the time.
It was a great experience and I am so glad I went.
Keep Creating