Category Archives: Birds

Spring is Here


Spring has arrived according to the calendar as well as the longer sun filled days.   I saw more geese migrating north this week as well as these Snowdrops.   The temperature around here is still doing crazy things, but the longer days really helps one’s mood.

I have only had one day at home this week.

I helped take down the Both Ends of the Rainbow show at the Schweinfurth on Monday.    We worked hard and cleared and packed all three west galleries.







The yesterday I help Noel do more  packing of her studio space.  She generously gave me  lots of beads.   I will not need to shop for beads anywhere except my closet for a long time .

I also went to the  zoom meetings for Sisterhood of the Scissors and Pixies this week.   There was also a FAD meeting were I got so great  feedback and suggestions on some of my work.

Progress Report: Judy’s Banquet  This work is 40″w X 55″ t.   I made it all from the silk dress of Judy’s mom.     It was a pleasant  to work with the silk and it did not slide around much when I zig zagged it down.








Lap 6-25  I got busy and this is a new top that is pin basted an ready to quilt.  I took seven lap quilts to the nursing home this week as well.




Stencils- Robins and Black Capped Chickadees

The chickadees are  done with oil sticks .   The robins are  stenciled with acrylic paint.   I did another print day this week and  there are now enough robins for a quilt.

Oxymorons Challenge-  Plastic Silverware.   The fabric is all  stitched down now.   I am ready to add highlights.  I also drilled wholes in the plastic silverware  I want to add on top.





Red Tide    I am finally ready to start a new handwork tide piece.  I will be using some of the red beads beads that Noel gave me in this one.




Pillows    My friend Marilyn gave me the handwoven fabrics for these two pillows last fall.   I finally finished them this week.


My life is full and I have many friends that make it more joyful and rich.

Keep Creating



Nature Keeps Moving


We have joyously enjoyed a warm spell this week and  also  listened to the honking of migrating birds on our walks.   I know the full moon tomorrow is called a worm moon as the earth worms are starting to emerge from the cold earth.   But I have not seen any of them yet.   That plus the longer sun light days assure me that spring is on its way.     The tilt of the earth is also noticeable to me as the sun  shine now comes almost directly in through the 15 pains of  the east facing door of my studio  in the early morning.  Nature just keeps doing a powerful job of going forward.

It has been a very quiet week for me with only the Pixie meeting and  Textile Talks.

Progress Report: Sandpipers This work is 28.5″ w X 46″ t.    It is my response  to the  Sisterhood of the Scissors retreat fabric  challenge.    I hand drew all the birds and then appliqued them down.   


The challenge fabric are the cliffs.








Lap 5-25     I enjoyed working on this lap quilt this week.   It is a great way for me to mix fabrics  I have printed in the past with commercial material.





Lap 6-25   Spring green is in my blood I guess as I pulled some of the same colors to use in this next one.





Judy’s Banquet   I finished cutting away all the flowers from the dress this week and free motion appliqued them down.     I even started reflective quilting yesterday.   It is a happy work.



 Oxymoron   I drew patters and started cutting the shapes of the silverware .   I am still playing with the arrangement of the parts .  This is real fun  for me.





Handwork     I did not spend much time on this work this week as I did the bindings on the  projects to complete them instead .



Stencils-   Black Capped Chickadees   I spent time designing and cutting stencils this week.       I will be busy printing in the near future.

Robins  I got a lot more  excited with the robins and they are far more active.  I may need to do a bit more work with the chickadees.    I also realized I will need to cut a second  stencil for each bird for the red breast so I can use  two colors .

Keep Creating and enjoy the longer day light.




Calm Winter Time


For me this week has been very calm.   I did do the Textile Talk on Wed and  zoomed with the Pixies, but beyond that I mostly caught up with myself.      A bit of a fallow time and one can always use that.

Progress Report: Scrap Happy   I did the quilting on this project this week and now it is complete.   This one had lots of leftover blocks  in it.




Valentines      I finished up all of these on Tue.  Now I am ready to add the address  and mail them.






Purple Jacket II    I am making slow progress on this piece.  the back of both sleeves as well as the jacket back need to be completed now.




California Burning: the Victorian    I finally got to the free motion stitching on this project this week.      I need to build the hedge and the background and it will be able to complete it.












Tide’s Out      The progress on this one is slow.  I feel good that I am now working  from the center towards the top edge  at this point.  So one is looking at it up side down at the moment.      I try to do a little on this every day.

Cut & Print  I was unhappy with the “film” on this project so I took it off.  Now I am ready to rebuild that so  I can connect the parts.





Collage/ Drawing   This first collage with a drawing on top is called  Teton’s Slopes.    I am learning a lot about how the types of papers I use effect the markers and colored pencils.    I also think I will take a photo of the collage before I start to draw on top  next week.

This second collage drawing is called Snake  River.   I am using a book of images from the Tetons as my starting place for the works.





Handwork   I did not spend as much time as usual watching TV this week, so not a lot of progress was made on this piece.  I am always glad to pick it up and stitch when the news is on.


I hope you are enjoying the joys of winter and staying warm when you are at ease.

Keep Creating


Moving Forward


This is the time of year when it seems like I am just inching forward.  I keep being pulled in so many directions,    I’ll just load the dishwasher, and then go to the studio.  Or I open a drawer and decide it needs to be cleaned out, and then I’ll go to the studio.   So when I get to the studio I see  I need to put away the remainders from the last project and I need to write that Thank you note…   on and on it goes and the day it done and I have not done any real studio work.  I will admit that I did a trunk show for The Thumbstall Quilt Guild on Tuesday night and that did take a lot of prep time.   I related quilting like learning how to read.  You learn the letters( how to cut the shapes) then how to make words( making blocks).   The next step is reading books( like putting the quilt together).   Hopefully the Librarian shows one that there are   many different categories of books:  Like mysteries, romances, plays,  comedies,  poetry and nature text to mention a few.  I related the different types of books to  the many different techniques one can use to create  quilts.      I think they enjoyed the narrative as well as the work.     I still need to put the quilts away in there proper groupings so I can find them the next time I am called upon to do a quilt talk.    I also went to the Associated  Artists Group this week and made it to both FAD and Pixies.   In between that the battery in my car died so when I feel like I have done little or nothing this week, I need to remind myself that there were lots of distortions along with the laundry, shoveling  and …

One other little note, the purple  sweatshirt jacket that was too small for me fit Judy perfectly, so I set it home with her.


Progress Report: Scarp Happy I got this piece all put together this week.      The machine step of the binding is in process now too.   I’m working on the hand step of that process. Then  I will need to do additional quilting to complete the job.

Tide Pool   I attached the punch needle work and I am in the middle of adding the yarn  puffs now.   Still lots to do here, but I am enjoying the process.





Lap quilt  I started this new lap quilt this week.   When I look at this  I realized  the California fires are effecting me  subconsciously






New fire   I did indeed start a new fire piece  with one of my last pieces of Judy Roberts fabrics for my base.     It is basted now and I will start the fabric collage work on top this week.


Collage/Drawing        In my on line class, Cass challenged us to mix drawing with our collage work.   I can see it is a lot more challenging than I expected .  In my own analogous, I think I need to keep the collage a bit simpler.   But making mistakes is a part of the learning process.

Keep Moving


New Year 2025

  Hello and Happy New year- 2025

I can’t believe we are starting the  second quarter of the 21 century. Time has a powerful way of constantly moving forward even if we are not paying attention.    Our worry about all the computers crashing  when Y2K hit seems so silly now.  I’m showing my age.  So many demands on all of us I guess.    I spent my morning closing my books on 2024 and setting up the book keeping for this year.  Doing that always make me take stock.

It has been a somewhat quiet week for me with  FAB  the Pixie meeting  and me stating a new class.    Making Connections with Cas Holms  is my new challenge for  this year.    I am looking forward to her approach to exploring what is close at hand.

 Progress Report:    My Year   I did finish   the quilting and stitching down the binding this week.  Now to get the sleeve added and labeled.

Collage     I did my usual two works this week.

I am trying to do more drawing a a part of the process .












Scrap Happy    I am doing the binding on this queen sized quilt now.  Each side takes more than an hour so the process is slow.






Purple Jacket     In the  newest issue of Quilting Arts Magazine, there was a article about a using a sweatshirt for the base of a jacket.   So I thought I would try it.       This is my back.

Autumn Tide Pool       I am making progress on this project.   I sure seem to enjoy adding all the little buttons and beads to the surface.

Stay safe.


Young Robin

With spring moving forward, the young Robins are now leaving their nests. We noticed one that was out near our hedge yesterday. He still had a few white tufts and lots of white spots. Saw another this morning up in one of the low branches. Wonder if he is the same bird. They grow so very fast.  My iris are blooming too.  This is a shot of Betty’s iris however.
I had a Zoom meeting with Patti this week and enjoyed talking with her.

Started the Stitch Club from Textile Artists this week. Made treasure containers with Debbie Lydden instructions. I am enjoying the process. I really liked making the grommets that she taught us.

These are the treasures.     The bracelet is  from the high school and the little turquoise hearts on that bracelet  are from our tip to Texas when I was a senior .  They re from Judge Roy Bean’s office.   The amber ring is from Mon’s Trip to Russia.  I wore it for years and it saved me from a broken finger when it stopped a slamming door. The rock is from my trip to Australia in  November to celebrate my daughters’s 50th Birthday. .

I dyed with Liz today . We had fun and I didn’t take a single photo.

Progress Report: Heron I finished this project this week and it is 18″ X 27″. It was a good stretch for me.

I like the reeds too.





Scrap Happy This is the one that I was working on and it was completed on Sunday.




New Scrap I started assembling strips for building a new back on Monday. Lots of cutting to begin with and then adding parts together. A good use of my extras.




Jaguar Priest – Mayan series I made real headway on this project this week.There is felt behind the fabric to give the work stability as I stitch.




Layers      Formally Black, White and Green.    I am building on the top of this quilt now. It is at the ugly stage when I am considering tossing it out. But I know from experience that I really need to keep pushing forward.   I still many need to throw it away- but it is far to soon to do that at this time.





100 Day Project I am enjoying the hand work that I selected with this SAQA challenge. I am caught up now and a little ahead as I always use the extra thread on another square instead of saving it because I always ended up with a tangled mess in the past.

Childhood Memories- 4TH Grade
Starting 4 th grade meant a new classroom and a new teacher, Mrs Wilson. Our east side ground floor class room was connected by a corridor to the high school building. I recall the sound of the high school girls crinkling  petticoats when they walked by on their way to the cafeteria. Our desks were a new design. An I-shaped floor unit supporting two poles; one pole holding the desk, the other pole supporting the seat. The top of the desk lifted up at an angle and it always squeaked. The desk itself was a metal rectangular bowl and most stuff slid to the center. I remember cleaning it twice during the year and being surprise by what I found. There was a small class library in the front of the room. I recall settling on the floor to select books. There were lots of turquoise bound childhood biographies with silhouetted illustrations. I remember being disappointed that there were only three books about girls- Louisa May Alcott, Sacajawea and Madame Curie. Despite my reading difficulties, I read all three book and several others. . I was assigned to the slow reading group with four boys.
For Valentines day, Mrs Wilson made two big white hearts that she stapled together on the bottom half and added a red valentine to the front with our names on them. We then decorated them. They hung on the wall and we put our cards into them. That year I had special valentines with heart shaped suckers as a part of the card. I had an argument with Billy on the play ground the day I addressed my cards and I decided to eat his sucker and not give him a card. When he disappointingly asked me about it on Valentines day many days later- I lied and said it must have fallen out That’s when I learned not to do things in anger and how bad one could feel about being left out. I tried to never do that again.
For Christmas we had a concert on the stage in the gym . Our Class was to represent Christmas cakes so we all wore paper hat cakes to sing our little song.
One day were standing in a line to present our papers to the teacher, when Wanda, the girl in front of me fell to the floor and started thrashing around. She was having an epileptic seizure. The teacher quickly put a ruler in her mouth so she would not swallow her tongue and sent one of the students for the nurse. After Wanda was carried out , the teacher carefully explained to us what had just happened. An electrical miss-fire in the brain- like a back fire of an engine, she said, and we were not to worry as we could not catch it. She also told us how to act toward Wanda when she returned to school.

Mrs Wilson was into science and we had lots of science lessons . I remember the Magnet lesson very vividly. There was a table with magnets and lots of objects on it. We were all given a check list of the objects and were to check the objects attracted to the magnet. I insisted that paper was attracted to the magnet until she showed me that it was the nail under that paper that was attracted to the magnet. Grandmother Ruth had a pair of Scottie dogs- one white and one black that were mounted on little bar magnets. One could make them “run away” from one anther, kiss or connect back to back. That is were I learned about north and south poles.
In the spring we did a class play . It was about Dr Doolittle -one of the stories from one of our reading books. I was the narrator. I really memorized my part more than reading it. I helped my friend Judy make her Parrot costume of wings and a tail. My first costume. Little did I know how many I would make in my life time. I have pleasant feeling about fourth grade.

I hope everyone is staying safe.

Keep Creating


Quiet Week

This week was rather quiet after a trip on Friday to pick up my work from the Broad Street Gallery in Hamilton. Wendy and I went together and enjoyed the day. We walked the fitness trail at Colgate and saw lots of great views after climbing lots of hills. We stopped at Oriseany Falls on the way home too. It rained on us at the end of the drive but we still had a good time.

Progress Report: Red-Winged Black Birds This work is 18″ w X 20″ l. The background is a mix of felted work and fabric. The reeds are all added on top as well as the birds. The male, female and adolescent are shown here.







Yellow Ramped Warbler This work is 12″ X 12″. It too has a felted base with the thread drawing birds added on top. It is also a stretched work. I have lots of little bird studies done this way as I picked up 7 from the gallery Friday.

The leaves are cut from hand dyed fabric and the limb is made from torn strips of fabric and yarns.







Heron This work is nearly complete now. I still have eight reeds to attach and the heron too. I do enjoy thread painting.

Scrap Happy This is my third scrap quilt this year. I only need to finish the binding and quilt the big squares and this will be complete. That is about two hours of work remaining.





Mayan Jaguar Priest I am  now to the cutting and assembly of the parts of this work. It is like doing a puzzle- but backward as I have put fusible on the back of the fabric so I cut them correctly  before I iron them down. .




Australian Reef After looking at my pictures of the Birthday trip with Wendy last year I decided I wanted to do a reef picture. The top is painted fusible and the bottom is felted. I will start the hand embroidery next.




9 Square – Textile Artist Stitching Challenge This challenge is from Christine Chester. I will finish it this week I am sure.


100 Day Challenge The SAQA group started a challenge to make a block every day for 100 days. It began a long time ago but I am just getting on board. I started Tuesday. Two done and a third on its way.


Black and White plus Green This work came from a dream I had about black and white. I am going to add lots of layers of greens and metallics on the surface.





Drawing I only did a little drawing this week. One is a seed pod the other is from the oak tree over our driveway.





I love the delicate leaves and small flowers or spring oaks.






Childhood Memories – Camp Life
We quickly adjusted to life in the park provided army surplus tent behind the camp ground office at Colter Bay Camp Ground. Our tent faced west.      A second tent for a second ranger faced south. That tent housed Pete Nickels, a ranger from Texas who had quite a lidrawl. We called him our Texas Ranger in honor of a TV show that was popular at that time. There was a third ranger and his wife who lived in a one room cabin along the highway. They had two Siamese cats- the first special breed I had come across.
One day early after our arrival,  we walked along the side of Jackson Lake to their home. Gene threw rocks into the lake the whole distance. I got to see my first sight of a kayak. I was really taken by it. But I was far too young to do anything more then look. We walked back along the highway  after a pleasant afternoon. We came across a young buck that had been hit and killed by a car. Mom persuaded Dad to remove the antlers- only four points and they were still furry. Then Mom spent a long time rubbing them again trees before they became clean and shinny. They went home with us at the end of the season and later got sawed into buttons with holes drilled into them. She put them on her leather jacket. I still have a few. Gene used his little ax a lot, and the day that the reporter from our home town showed up he took a photo that appeared in the local news paper of the family with Gene chopping in the foreground.
The campground had about 150 sites that were on six loops of about 25 sites each. Every day the rangers had to drive the loops and check the sites in the camp truck. They stopped and talked with campers as  needed and checked to see what lots were indeed empty.  I remember playing Jacks on the wooden floor of the station on rainy days below a big map of the campground.
We did not have running water in the tent and we used the camp ground facilities.   I recall carrying water many afternoons.   The bathrooms- one for each loop- consisted of men’s and women’s sides with four sinks and four stools in each half. One of the toilets was a new ceramic stand up design. One backed over a trough and one did not sit to do business. I got real comfortable with that system as that stall was usually empty at the morning rush because folks were not aware of how to use it.
We went to the campfire talk every week. It was at the top of a little hill and had benches made from sliced longs laying flat side up. The sight  faced the mountains. One of the Naturalists usually talked about some aspect of the park. I loved to watch the sky darken and see the light creep up the mountains until only the tops were lit by the setting sun. Then the stars came out before we started our walk home.   Mom sometimes gave us little astronomy lessons while we were there.      On Wednesday nights we went to Jackson Lake Lodge. We had gone to the grand opening of the lodge two years before when we were in Yellowstone and I still was impressed with the big two story windows facing the Tetons in the lobby. There were also wonderful huge western paintings in the lobby. I remember one of an old miner that was made up of lots of little horses that one only saw up close. It was my first encounter with optical illusion. We went to the lodge to participate in the Square Dancing. Both Gene and I got real good at following the directions given by the caller and were very comfortable with “ al-la-mand left” and “ dosie doe”. It was fun for us and it sure made square dancing at school an easy A for me later.

Keep Crating and stay safe


Temperature swings of Spring

I hope everyone is doing as well as can be expected in this time of high stress for all of us. I continue to see signs of spring and enjoy them as they come.    We had snow on Monday and Tuesday.    Then   the sky was so very blue yesterday it made me smile as we  walk in the 54 degree weather.     More trees are budding every day as this red bud attests.    This time of year is full of surprises.
I participated in a Zoom meeting this week. It was good to just talk with my friends and see there faces. I continue to work in my studio and enjoy the process.

Progress Report: Tiles One of the things I have been trying to do is explore with old Quilting Arts Magazines. The article was by Julie Hirota in the Oct Nov 2007 issue 29, is the source for this project. I think it falls very short as a final piece as there is so little contrast. The techniques of attaching pieces with grommets, I find very frustrating and time consuming. It took me 15 min to attach each one. But as my father often said one can not expect success on the first try of something new. In thinking about the idea I may try the tiles again and use lace as the connections.




Flower Vase This work is 16″ w X 20″ t. I did this work in response to the suggestions from Textile Artists community stitching challenge. Ann Kelly was the woman directing this phase of the challenge. I adapted it as I usually do. I use this project to explore different ways to make flowers. Using old linens as a vase was her suggestion and I really like that idea.

I went on to use old crochet flower forms on my piece. Then I did yo-yo’s as the centers for the blue flowers that have daisy  stitches for the petals. The big pink flowers are made from some trim that I had in my collection. I ended up stretching it to give it a stronger final presentation.









Granite This work is also 16″ w X 20″ t. This work has served as my hand work project for the last few months. I am pleased with how I feel it depicts the granite that I based it on. I now intend to start the 100 days challenge as my hand work.










Scrap Happy This is a queen sized bed quilt. I like to use up scarps and that is how this piece began. It is only the most recent in along line of pieces of the same type. They all go to worthy causes or folks who I feel need them.









Scrap Happy new I started a new one as soon as the last on was complete as I had made the squares earlier this year. There are at least two more quits like these  in the near future.





Red Winged Black Birds This is my newest bit of thread painting. I finished the machine work yesterday and now they are pinned to the board ready to have the wash-a – way removed from them.




Heroin I worked on this piece of thread painting at the same time as the other birds. I only now need to finish the legs and the beak and it too will be ready for the wash out step.   The wash-away has not been trimmed from this piece.





Pattering I started this work in January when I was caring for Susan. It only resurfaced a few days ago. It will get some attention now.





Mayan series –  Leopard Priest  I made on Mayan piece a few months ago and it received such a lot of positive feedback that I thought I would make a few more. This is the drawing and enlargement for that project. The orange fabric will be the background.


Mini   I have also been playing with small little works.  This is one of the first.






Drawing I did a little more drawing this week. The two on the same page are from Designs in Nature  a book published  by Dover.





This drawing of a spring branches, is from life.





Childhood Memories – Serious about Camping

In the spring near the end my third grade my family got a new car. It was a white Ford Station wagon with brown plastic seats that had brands all over them. I remember the circle X and the Bar BQ most vividly. Dad had to purchase a woven wire seat that he sat on because the plastic made him sweat in the summer time. Dad also got busy building at that time a wonderful car top carrier. It was made of plywood that was 2.5 ft tall at the front end and tapered to six inches at the back. There was a hinge a few feet back form the front so items could be stored in that area and easily accessed. Beyond the hinge , Mom made canvas sides and aback panel
that allowed the back to open up, but still  be protected from the weather  inside. Dad also made a ladder that could be placed on the back of the car so Gene and I could climb up into the carrier and sleep there.   We stored all of the family sleeping bags with the air mattresses fully inflated in the   car top carrier back area during the day and removed Dad’s and Mom’s bags at night and put them in the bottom of the wagon with the seats down. We all slept comfortably with this arrangement well into my college years. Dad also built two sturdy wooden boxes to store our food as well as 4 nested metal plates, cups and pans that had removable handles. Mom painted the carrier and the boxes white. There was also a Coleman Lantern and Coleman Stove for cooking.    Both of those ran on white gas and had to be pumped up for use.   We were set for years of great camping experiences with all this great equipment.    All this  preparation was  for Dad’s Summer job as a seasonal Forest Ranger at  the Tetons National Park.
We set out for the Park as soon as school was out that spring. Gene and I both had a suit case of course and we were allowed a small collection of toys. I took my 7″ doll and her clothes, jacks , papers and crayons. Gene took a new hatchet he had been given and his football.
We started out driving west on highway 30 out of Carroll in the early morning. As soon as we reached the Iowa boarder we drove north along the Missouri  River before turning west again in South Dakota. We hit many of the attractions along the way. I remember passing lots of “tourist traps” and a coffee shop built of cast concrete that was shaped like a coffee pot. We stopped and got gas at a Sinclair station that had a life sized green dinosaur on a little rise to the west of the station. We did stop at Wall Drug Store after reading the many Burma -Shave like signs that were along the highway. We drove into the Badlands. They were so barren compared to the green of home, but held a special beauty all their own.   I know we   went to the Black Hills and Badlands on other trips with the Bell family, Grandpa Howard and Grandmother Ruth.   On that trip we did a lot of exploring and fossil hunting in the Badlands.   I just do not know what age I was for that experience.     I do know it was not a  part of this adventure to the Tetons as we had a time dead line.   The next stop   on our trip was Mt Rushmore. I was quite surprised at the size of those of those heads. I remember being impressed with the modern lunch room and visitors center. I had warm prideful feelings years later when I saw the film “North by Northwest”. We then drove on to Wind Cave and stopped and did the tour. I was awe struck by the amazing block crystal formations on the ceiling of that cave. We continued west crossing Wyoming. I am sure we stopped somewhere along the way and camped with our new equipment, but I am not sure where. I do recall the long haul up the east side of the Continental Divide.   It seemed to be  just a long up hill drive with a few descents and then more up with no real view of what we were about to see.  There were lots of trees and no real views.    But when we crossed  the top and there was a wonderful view of the Tetons. We drove down into the valley and into the park. I am sure we went to the main headquarters first but I can’t say I remember it. I do remember  the wonderful summer at the camp ground at Colter Bay, however, and I will tell some of those stories next.

Please take good care of yourself and keep Creating


Vernal Equinox

I hope everyone is doing their best to stay safe in these trying times.
The days are in deed getting longer and the nights shorter with today being the real start of that effect in a way we can really mark as the equinox is the time when the day and night are the same leanth .     Enjoy the awakening of spring.
I did go and visit with Liz and Angela last Friday. We all sat across the room from one another, talked and shared our work and worries. Liz is doing lots of hand work in preparation for a class in Ohio later this spring.



Angela is working on a piece where she is using quotes from folks about memories where they wish they were invisible or felt that way.

Progress Report: China Exchange This work is 15″w X 21.5″ l. It is the first of the challenges that Regina and I are doing. We traded three works we had started but did not know how to finish. Regina sent me this one with only the background done. I added the glove and gold work, plus the Chinese coins.




Beyond This work is 39″w X 35″ t. It too is part of the exchange with Regina too. She sent me the printed pink  dyed fabric with the lace pattern. I added the curvy cut fabrics to create the background. Then I embellished with the pink circles that were added with free motion work in a metallic thread.














Talisman Pouch: This work is going well and I am almost done adding handwork on the outside. I will add a lining and close the sides and then  be done.

The stone button is the closure.





Cowls I just seem to keep creating these guys. I think I am done and then I find I have pulled out a new mixture of yarns to try. I did send two off to some friends this week as well.   I am enjoying the process .









Exploring Blue This project is nearly done. I have been adding buttons to break up the surface a bit. I am at the “look carefully” stage  toi see if I am done.  Then I will  I do the final work.


Thread Painted birds. I have added the birds to a background now and I am just about ready to stretch the work. I do not have the correct size stretchers so I will put it on hold until I get them.





Felt Dryer Balls I saw an article on line about how to build these guys. I have three of my own and I love how they work so I am trying to see if I can use up some of my roving to create some for my friends. These still need a lot of rolling and “water shocking ” to get to the stage of completion.


Painting  Fabric    This is the last piece of fabric from the Regina exchange.   It was too plane for me so I added paint yesterday.    Now to use it as a jumping off place for the last piece.






Childhood Memories-  My Bed Room  in Carroll

The House in Carroll was designed by Mom and Dad. They did research in the form of visiting lots of open houses and collecting lots of house plans from magazines. They then drew up their own plans based on what they liked and what they wanted.    It was a great house for us.
To approach the house,  you would climb the stairs on the north end of the lot and follow the cement path to the small  poach and front door. The house was sided in cedar shake shingles. I loved the smell and even though they were stained red they faded to a beautiful rusty gray color with time. Upon entering the front door one would see a door to the left that opened onto a cloths closet for coats. The next opening  was an entry  to the den where Dad had a built in desk and we kept the new stereo. The third opening on the left lead to the kitchen. If you continued froward past the piano you would enter the living room. Opposite the piano was the door to the basement stairs followed by a hall that lead to the back of the house and the bed rooms. Gene’s room was the first room on the right. The next door was to Mom’s sewing closet and that was followed by the door to my room on the front north corner of the house. If you continued to walk forward you entered the bath room. Across the hall from the bathroom door was the door to the attic stairs. Lastly  and on teh right,  was the door to my parents room. They included a small bathroom with a shower in there plans and it was rather cool I thought.
My bed room was above the garage so I always heard Dad come home late at night when the electric door went up and down. My room had light yellow walls with a coral red ceiling. I loved it. I had a corner room and had corner windows looks east and north . The east window look out a cross the front yard and across Adams Street to an apple orchard. The north window looked out across our dive, the ceder trees and the picket fence to the Lightings house. They continued to live in the finished basement for many years and I had an unrestricted view down the street past two houses and onto an open field.   Mom made curtains with ruffles for the windows in a pink and whited stripped fabric. The bed spread was made with the same fabric. She also make pillow shams with a solid pink center and the ruffles there were in the pink stripe. That bed was long the left wall as you entered the room. Next was the book case, under the north window. My chest of drawers was along the east wall. Dolls had a place of honor on top as well as a black lacquer musical  jewelry box that I had gotten for Christmas. The closet was around  the corner followed by Dads old desk. It got a coat of yellow Emanuel for my room. I loved the desk and did my homework there. I stored lots of paper doll in one of the four   file drawers. The desk had a center compartment where Dad’s typewriter had been stored.   I used that secret compartment to hid my candy from Easter and Halloween there. It was a room where I did a lot of day dreaming too.

Stay healthy and keep creating


On the Go


I am home from my travels to Florida to help with Susan’s recovery. In the fifteen days of my stay I saw a lot of growth on her part.


She progressed for a support forher broken wrist on her walker to using a cane some of the time. She mastered use of the stairs with the walker on her own. She went form house bound to an outing where she went nine blocks. I am quite proud of her.    This is a shot of her with the stamps she made and printed one afternoon.



Laura came many times and we worked in a parallel fashion.  She is and excellent water color painter in my mind and this is her painting of me one day.



I started the Childhood Memories project because of Susan’s suggestion so I  brought them along so she could see them.   I had never laid then all  out before and was a bit surprised  by the size.


I enjoyed the green and all the flowers as well as the bird song during my visit.    We worked every day on art of some sort. Chris came   one day to visit and we did collage.





I did a lot of collage work at Susan’s.    Here are about half of them.






On the Friday before I left I went to a play day at Barbara’s. Beth had all the fixings for making knows and we had a good time creating the little guys.


Here are the finished little guys.   Left to right – mine  Barbara’s , Beth’s,  Georgia’s.      It was a fun day.





Georgia also shared her paintings. I like what she is doing.





Tue was the first one of Feb so there was a QuEGs meeting. Sue Ellen was busy and made this great pillow case that will be for sale in Cazenovia at the Artisans.



Susan is working on these four 12″ pieces for QSDS this summer. The challenge was/is 1 2 3 4.




Progress Report: Sandpipers  I got this work nearly completed before I went away. The birds are all stitched down and I only need to stretch it.



Summer Robins I finished the machine drawing and washed out these too. I am not happy with the placement yet and may even need to create an additional bird to be happy with it. I am still shifting and testing.

I did draw every day and have a lot on new work. There were two specific evenings where that was the soul purpose.














I did lots of little collages too,

25 Million Stitches I am glad to have finished this work while I was visiting. I will press it and add the label and then it will be ready for shipping.

New work I did purchase some beautiful linen while I was away and started this bit of hand work as well.


















Childhood Memories- First and Second Grades
The early school years for me meant that we made a special trip to the local drug store to bye workbooks along with new pencils, tablets  and crayons. I stared first grade with a bad case of Poison Ivy. There were lots of weeping soars on my skin and the teacher sure made me aware if how repulsive she found that. I did wear a lotion, but by late morning before I went home for lunch it was really bad. My parents did take me off to Iowa City to see a specialist and that really helped and cleared up the problem.   From that experience, I learned it is really hard to get beyond first impressions. My only other memory of first grade was the difficulty I had with word regition and spelling. I did the work in the spelling book and Mom spent time quizzing me. She even made red construction paper flash cards. I especially remember straggling with “ What – Where -Were- When and Why”. The reading technique in that school at  that  time that was used was one of shape recognition- not individual letters or sounding out  the words.  I am sure that did not help me at all. The teacher was so frustrated with me that I got spanked in front of the class for each word I misspelled on the spelling tests. I was so shamed by the whole thing I did not tell Mom until years later and she was appalled. Mom worked with me on addition and subtraction too. She made up games with playing cards were I had to add every two cards that were turned over.  The game  was modified for subtraction, having to always subtract the smaller number from the larger one. Later the game changed to one of color to determine the process. If I drew red first it was addition and if I drew black first it was subtraction. I really got the logic of mathematics and did well in that subject all through school.
Despite my trouble with spelling I was advanced to the second grade. That class room was up stairs on the left. We learned cursive that year and I was so very proud of myself even though I did not think it was fair that Joe Fox got the same red star for his name that I did for mine – Carol Mc Elhinney. An early lesson on the” fairness factor” in  life.














Childhood Toys
I have good memories of the toys that we got as we grew up and where we lived when we got them. Gene and I got a little red folding table and  a two chairs set while we lived in the Junction. We had a few meals on it and played many a game at that table. Grandfather Howard made a wooden cupboard with a pullout drawer that was painted blue for Christmas while we lived there. It was so very sturdy that it survived through my child hood and Wendy’s. It was here in the house when Alexis was little but I do not think she played with it. I recall two different “Play School” products. One was a red plastic clock with white hands that one could adjust. The numbers were pale blue and could be removed to show minutes underneath. I got that concept quickly as a result I think. The second Play School toy was a balance scale with hooks on both ends. There were lots of blue plastic numbers with loops on the tops of them that were all of increasing size and weigh. The goal was to teach values and have the arm of the scale be strait. We also had various games like Kootie and card games. My first memorable baby doll was a Betsy Wetsy. She came with a beautiful white dress, eyes that opened and closed and wonderful short, soft, curly brown hair. She took a bottle that was filled with water and then wet her diaper. I remember wanting her – perhaps due to TV adds- but quickly tired of the novelty. The doll bed soon gave way to a home for my Tony Doll that I loved. She had a stiff body and limbs with eyes that opened and closed and hair one could comb. She could even stand alone if one balanced her correctly.   Mom made lots of changes of cloth for her and I still have that doll. Mom made soft dolls too. Gene had a sock little boy with green stripe pajamas that was called Mousy. I had an Aunt Jemina made with a pair of Dad’s brown socks and she had a red poke-a-dot dress and scarf along with a white apron. Both of them survived to recent times and although gave Jemina to a friend who collects dolls, I still have Mousy.

Keep Creating
