Category Archives: Stretched Works



We are really feeling winter in Up State New York at the moment.      Got  8 inches of new snow this morning on top of the 16 from the day before.    Temp is 22 degrees with a wind that makes it feel like 7 degrees.  It  melted one day and then it was back to cold.  I know it is much easier to deal with than the fires in CA  so I am thankful.   Sorry for the folks who have lost so much!

It has been a full week for me.  On Monday I spent the day at the Schweinfurth helping take down the   the QAQ show along with Barb, Donna  and .    It took  three of us to take down many of the big quilts like this one.

Then on Tuesday I helped judge the Scholastic Art program.   I did  Animation and Film as I have done in past years.   It is always fun to see what the kids are trying out.      I had a Pixie Meeting and listed to  the Friends of Fiber lecture on Wed.


I keep working away on my Making Connections  class.    I made these two little sketchbooks to use in class  and I did some drawing as well.   I am just completed the third section in Module 2.


Progress Report: Scrap Happy   I completed the second quilt that I started at the Sisterhood Retreat in the fall.     I have no plans for this project, but I am sure the opportunity will appear.

My Year    I am done with this quilt now, but it is too large to pin out flat in my studio so I will have to wait until later to take a good shot of it.



Purple Jacket   This project is done now.   I made the mistake of not trying it on until this point – and it is too small for me.    I hope I can find someone to pass it onto.



 Autumn Tide Pool  I have finally completed this project.      It too is a rework of one of my projects from the stone series I did years ago.   I added some polished stone disks that my friend Carol A gave to me years ago.

  I really like all the different textures in this one.






 Poinsettia    I made a bit of a self challenge .  That is to experiment a bit more.    In an old copy of “Quilting Arts Magazine”,  there was a n article about using  Caran D’ache wax pastels as a drawing tool to add color to a surface.  Then one was to  apply water with a brush to the work to create a water color effect.   I tried it this week.    I then ironed the works to set the color and did free motion drawing on top.    I am nearly done with this project and enjoying the play .  It is stretch on some old stretcher bars.

Collages    I am still being faithful to the idea of doing two colleges every week.      This one is called Irises, and I used some to the Sharpie markers that Laura gave me for Christmas a few year ago to  add more definition to the piece.



This  second one  is drawn from a photo that I took in CA while we  were waiting for the though truck.






Pillow & Pincushion  I finished stuffing the pillow and pincushion this week.  The fabric in the pincushion came  form my trip to Australia with my daughter five years ago.

Envelopes    It is January and I took down the calendars for 2024.   The images are so beautiful I like to make them into envelopes to send  letters in.    All are cut out  and half of them are folded.     I am in the middle of the process and will add a white sticker to write the add on each one  next.    It’s my little bit of recycling.

I hope you are safe and warm,

Keep Creating.


Sky Light


We have a sky light in our bathroom  and this morning when I was there , I saw a squirrel  on  top of  the space.  He stopped to check his front paw and I admired at his soft white fur in contrast with his black feet.   He did not stay long and my eye then moved to the branches of the oak above.  It has grown from a small finger sized twig that we planted over thirty years ago to a wonderful tall full tree that nearly crossed that sky light that in near the center of the back of the house.    That thought lead me to think of the many trees that we have planted in our yard  over our long lives here.  We have so many now that a vegetable garden is impossible.  I did have one in the back for many years and the tomatoes were so plentiful, I had  to give them away to the neighbors.   Over time I have traded that for hours of shade and lots of raking.   I love the trees so I would not trade any of them and the squirrel that they attract.

Last Saturday was the Flinger Lakes Fiber Artist meeting and although we were a small group, folks had lots to share.

Victoria has finished her box project and it is wonderful.







Anne is still   working with her challenge piece, and  making progress.




Maureen dusted off her  watercolor paintings shills .




And because it was there I had to take a third look at the wonderful show at the Schweinfurth.    It is so powerful!

There was the opening of the Assiated Artist show on Sunday and I was handed a nice prized along with the promise  of s solo show in June.



 Sharon, Victoria and I meant to do some planning for the La Moyne show  in Jan .      Sharon is working on this piece to be a part of that event.





The Sisterhood of the Scissors and  the Pixies had on line meetings as well.

Progress Report: Stream Bed     This piece is 24″ wild X 20″ t.  I finally decided what way was up  on this piece and added the wire to the back.     I sure enjoy ding these  hand pieces and  I pulled out the stuff to start another this morning.



These works really play to my strong interest in textures.




Rough Cut    I have moved on to the next scissors project.  I sure hope the wool frays a lot when I wash it so there is even more texture here.



Tropical Floor     I did the free motion drawing on the roving and Angelina to create the fish and stitched them down.   The sea weed is made from some of the dyed wipes I did earlier this year.



Scrap Happy    I am doing the hand stitching on the binding of this work now.  I am sure I will finish it  this week.





Lap quilt   I got this work all assembled this week and  I am working on the quilting here.






 Drawing     I did this  with ball point pen, my favorite  tool.     Susan of the Pixies challenged  us to draw plants.     Not sure what I will try next.





Take good care of yourself.


Quilt Show


I went along with Liz and Cheri to see the Genesee Valley Quilt Fest on Saturday.     The company was wonderful and the show a good one.   I am always glad to see that quilting is thriving.   I septically enjoyed the section of the show that was SAQA work.   I got some new ideas from those works.



And Yes, I did shop and purchased some fabric.






Cheri and I went to Ellen Blaylock’s lecture too.I have always enjoyed her work and I loved the two Medusa quilts that she shared with us.    This quilt is  what Ellen calls Medusa’s daughter.  It was a fun and stimulating day for me.

The Pixies and  FAB also meant this week .

My big news is Sharon’s proposal for a show was accepted and we spent a day looking at the space and talking about what we want to do for that show.

Progress Report: Shore Line Washup  This work is 21″ X  24″.   It is my latest in the works from my Joyous Embroidery  class.     I read about using Tyvek  by painting on it and then applying heat to get distortions. I  got carried away with the paint and it was too thick so it did not melt too much.   I will try again and  be more careful with the application.    I added old belt buckles , wooden beads, and yarns on top of  one of my old rock pieces then stitched it down.   This work also got some glass  beads from Cheri added to the surface .   This work  is on stretcher bars.



 Lap 5    I completed this work this week and I am pleased with the results.   It is made up of leftover blocks from the 100 day challenge.

The quilting is liner in the same fashion as the blocks.







Lap 6     I put together this piece from   more  leftover blocks .    I need to pin basted it for quilting now.






Lap 7  One more lap quilt  top that I put together on Monday and Tuesday.   It is pin basted from quilting and I plan to tackle it tomorrow.




Lap 8   I pulled these fabrics for the next lap quilt.   The print at the top is a photo print fabric that I purchased on line last winter.  I love the look, but I am having a difficult time descending how to use it.  It is almost too busy for me.




New Work  I decided to make a neutral background in nine patch for a little challenge that Sharon presented.





Shibui    I did these at Angela’s two week ago.   They were in the wash last week when I wrote.   I wish they were a little bit richer, but then we were  playing with lots of unknowns.





Asha’s Quilt  I am nearing the end of the precut blocks that my friend Ethel made.   I contacted her daughter and asked if she wanted one.  She suggested I make a baby quilt for Ethel’s great great Granddaughter Asha.   That is what this top will become soon.

The garden is calling at this time of year too so I  have less to to apply to quilt work.     I enjoy both processes.

Stay playful.



Spring Growth


It has been a full week for me.  One of the event that I Zoomed was a review of a fiber art show that I did not get into.  I found it very interesting that only 17 pieces were accepted and over 400 were entered.  That says a lot about how difficult  the judges job was.   The Judge talked and went into great detail about how she considered what selected.   I did not feel badly about not getting into the show even before I listened but,  it did make me think about why one dose enter competitions.   It sure is a boost to ones self image when one gets accepted but dose it really say anything about ones personal direction?     Three of the artist who were in the show also talked about their work.  They were all young and I think they need the acceptance and encouragement of being a part of this event far more than a person like me.  I am established and although I love a challenge, I know who I am.  That has great power in its self.  For those young women who are new to the fiber world it is far more difficult  and important.    I hope I can encourage them to grow into there full  potential and self confidence.   So why do I enter?  Well I think it is a self challenge and a motivator to keep on my own toes about what I do.     Going forward is important even as one ages.


I was in the Social Art Show this week( no judging).   This shot is of my friend Victoria’s work and several admirers.  I  got lots of positive feed on my work,  “Three Witches”.


The Pixies meant and  we had a lot to talk about.    Laura had taken photos of Susan’s work in her yard sale last week.  I like Susan’s playful style.  Everyone had their say about the week

We are one day 72 of the 100 Day Challenge for SAQA and things are moving along.   I am building up a top with my Tiger prints from earlier this year.





I am also doing the Sketchbook Revival and having great fun  as color is the emphasis this year.     One lesson was on mixing water color backgrounds with lettering.

 Several were  collage projects.





Progress Report:  Green Collection    This work is 48″ w X 61″l.   It is one of the 100 Day Challenge lap quilts.    I was still in the spiral mood when I free motion quilted this work







Spring Mushrooms    This is a felted stretched work that is 22″w X 16″ t.   I have been working on it for a few weeks and had the most trouble deciding on what size to make it.  I did cut off quite a bit and I think that was for the best.






 Purple  Imagining   I am nearing the completion of the machine quilting on this project.  There are lots of little sections  here.


Blue Beach   I just keep adding buttons to the surface.   I am doing lots of looking at the surface too.






Creative Assistants   As you can see I am ready to put arms and backing on a new batch of these guys.   I am making progress on them although it is slow.

Enjoy the longer sun shine days and keep creating.





Spring get away


Before I left for Florida I was a part of a second show at Turquoise Street Studio on the week end.   I even sold a piece and I am thrilled by that.  Barbara is so kind to share her studio with us and help  us all benefit from that experience.Sun rise


The photos tells the story of how I started many of my days when I visited Susan and Carolyn in Florida.  The sun rises were wonderful.  The light was truly “golden” as Barbara says.  IMG_5317A big reason for my trip was to see their show.  I went through the door and  was stopped short by the visual impact.  There was so very much to see I could not get myself started.  I think I IMG_5293.jpgwas fortunate to have seem some of the work before or I think I could have been truly overwhelmed.   In trying to decide my favorite I was struck by the variety and the powerful use of color.  I really like this altered Barbie that has become a  god.   Carolyn’s Swing Clocks with the moving feet made me smile too.IMG_5294 This picture is only two of  seven different variations that were presented.    Some works were small and intimate and others were bigger than life size like this red dress.  Red DressI liked Susan’s piece that was based on Little Red Riding Hood too because it had so many parts IMG_5296 that were all fascinating all by them selves and  also worked together.  It was a full and delightful experience for me.  IMG_5310.jpg  We went to the building next to the gallery and saw a second exhibit of the works of the collage faculty and staff.  I was taken by this wonderful small weaving.  Susan told my it was by the director of the gallery were their work was on display.Susan















Susan and I worked in the studio every day too.   This shot is of Susan painting on Tyveck for her project for the Diva 15 Show.   IMG_5339  We worked with wood and fabric as well and had a lot of fun.    We  went for a morning at the  beach as our way of celebrating Easter.    The day was a perfect one for our ramble with a clear blue sky, white sands, crisp  ocean smells and a cool breeze.

IMG_5367.jpgI found so many fascinating  patterns and textures that I took over 75 pictures.    But I decided that this shot of Cyprus  stumps is my favorite.   They almost look like they could walk the shore them selves.   I had a great visit.



IMG_5388.jpgProgress Report:  Watakoo Wall This is another in my stretch works.  I am getting better at trimming back the corners enough that they lay flat now.  It seems I learn a new trick with every one of these projects.  IMG_5390 I put lots of fabric bits on the surface as I build up the effect I am after.  This one even has some “plastic twist”  on it to give it  a bit of a punch.IMG_5391 It has silk paper as a part of the texture and color as well.

  Second Wall  IMG_5381.jpg This work is a partner to Watakoo Wall.  Both are from the same  photo, but a very different part of the rock face.     This is a very early stage and I am sure it will grow and change as I work on the surface.  It seems to cry out for some light at the moment.

IMG_5392Out My Windows   I am to the fun stage of the work on this piece.   I am doing the free motion drawing part and I always enjoy that step.  I did all the  dark purple squares yesterday afternoon.Trees They are all night views across the roof tops showing the bare trees.

Spring GreenGreen Grass of Spring  This work is another of the pieces that is based on a collage.  It grew and changed a lot as I enlarged it from the 5”X7” card I did the collage on.  I did try to keep the tones of light medium and  dark in the same areas however.  I have it layered together and it is ready for the quilting.   I am just looking and thinking about that step at the moment as I have no real clear idea of how I want to do that.

Memory Maps:Columbus Junction IMG_5383.jpg  I started this work after talking with Susan before I went off to Florida.  She mentioned how much she liked one of the other Memory Map works and I realized that I had not done all the pieces I wanted to do in that series.  So after checking my list of possible subjects I selected Columbus Junction the home that  I lived in from Kindergarten to the end of  third grade.  IMG_5385.jpgThen I  did a list of possible  subjects and began some drawings.   I built my base and then started working on top.   This shot is of the map section with our house being the square with the blue roof.  This shot is of the upper right hand corner of the work.




Ethel’s Trees IMG_5382  I inherited lots of Ethel’s unfinished work and this is one.  I am sure I will not not put my stamp on all of her pieces, but using it as a starting point is a good challenge for me.  This started out as only the brown tree painted on the white cloth.  I added the gray painted “wonder under” to build up the land and then found this second  Ethel cut tree yesterday.   I need to live with this work to know were to go from here.  The gray tree is not stitched down so it may move before I fuse it down.

IMG_5379.jpgLabel Block # 45   I worked on this as I waited for the connections flying back and forth.    I did not want to get behind while I was away and the activity does not require a lot of attention and its small so it travels well.    Susan gave me a new batch of labels so I have more to work with.

IMG_5357  I am going off to Chicago to the Quilt Festival and a visit with my Friend Sharron Evens  on Wed next week so there will be no posting for  April 7.  It will be another double shot when I get back.

Keep Creating,





Leaves seem to remain a strong interest to me.  Most of our local trees are stripped now, but as this photo shows some still have their fruit.     I am still searching out places were I can walk through the piles of crisp fallenLeaves leaves and enjoying the crunch.  I found a wall in the park where the leaves are piled deeper then my knees and I felt like I was six again as I plowed through them.    There is still lots of colors in those piles too- pinks, greens, tans, browns, yellows and purples.   So wonderful! The fact that I am printing leaves on one of my tops is part of the reason for my strong interest I am sure.

JudyThe FAB  group meant here this week and we had a good talk.  Judy finished tieing the bunk bed quilts she brought with her that day.  NancyNancy has added two of her boarders on the quilt she is making for her daughter.     It is great when we all make progress.


Progress Report:  Grounded-GroundedThis work is a part of the curvy cut series.   I am stamping the leaves I made last week.  The colors are not as strong on the brown as I would like.   But I feel it will work out in the end.  I am stamping from the largest stamp to the smallest.  Each stamp is a different color combination.  There is also a number increase with each stamp I am using.  I started with five of the biggest leaf and moved to seven for the next one.  I am increasing by two every time I change leaves to get a deep pile feeling.

Dead Horse Canyon Rock FaceDead Horse Canyon Rock Face   This work is going to be stretch.   I think I am ready for that step as I have done all the free motion drawing and tacking of the parts.   I am finding the small format a challenge.  There are three more canvases so I will keep putting in the effort.

New work   This work New workis one of my first pieces using some fabric from pile of hand dyed works I have been creating sense the beginning of Oct.   In this shot there are about six units.  I was happily putting them together this morning and I did not pin then back on the board every time after I pressed the seams.  That was a mistake as I put an early connection together backward and did not notice that error until I was “done”.   Now I have lots of seam ripping to do before I can go forward with this piece.

Label Block #27IMG_4724  The daily hand work goes forward on this project.

Keep Creating
