This has been a crazy week as far as weather is concerned. Snow and cold, then quite warm and back to snow again. Old Man Winter does not want to let with out a fight.
I had one two meetings this week. The Retired Art Teachers Zoomed as did the Pixies. The Creative Strength Training Class does not officially begin until the first of March, but she still has done lots of pre work with us. We had a lesson on altering a shape based on a
tool. I selected a tape dispenser and this is my solution.

Being the practical person that I am I used the cut-aways from the project plus a leftover bit of blue to create a second composition.

There was also a drawing lesson on contour drawing from Creative Strength Training this week. It was a slow 5 min contour drawing. This is my solution.
My friend Joyce sent me a book “Inspired to Design” by Elizabeth Barton and I have been working through the exercises in it too. Of the five I have done this simplification assignment was the one I enjoyed the most.
Progress Report: Lap 7 I enjoyed piecing together this top this week. I will move forward on the next steps as the new week goes forward.
Lap 8 As usual I have pulled the fabric for the next lap quilt too.
Lost Habitat I was disturbed by the loss of over 500 homes in Colorado due to fire in the fall. I finally got going on my tribute to them. The parts are just pinned in place at this point.
Action I keep working every evening on this project. My goal now it to have it complete by the first of April.

Daily Practice This is the piece I am working on during the news every night.
Stencil work I ordered some commercial stencils from Stencil Girl in Dec and this week I finally got around to using them. This is a computation of three stencils that I though played together well.
Bits and Pieces I finished off and stretched this work this week.
College Life- The Indianapolis 500
I was delighted and pleased to see Eric when he picked me up from the bus station in Indianapolis. We went to Grandmother Butter’s apartment and she was her gracious, cheerful self. That also provided me with my first contact with Eric’s brother Dean. I got to meet one of Grandmother Butter’s sisters, Aunt Gretna, plus her two children, Carol and Dick, at dinner that evening, too. Everyone called Aunt Gretna Aunt Deckie, so I did, as well. It was a pleasant evening. Everyone but Carol was excited about going to the race the next day.
In those days the race was always on the 30 of May so it was a Tuesday that year. It was gray at 6:30 when we got up to go to the race. We all piled in the car– Grandmother, Aunt Deckie, Dick, Dean, Eric and I–and went off to the race track. It was cold when we joined the line of cars waiting to get into the track. At 8;30 we all tracked up the stairs of the main grandstand to row J in the section at the end of turn four and sat in our seats. Then the famous words came over the loud speaker, “Gentleman start your engines!” The cars growled to life and the crowd stood and cheered. The flag was dropped and the race was off. There was a new entry for the first time in 1967–a turbine car, and it immediately pulled to the front of the pack. When the turbine car passed our stands the sound was more of a swish than the roar like the other cars. Then a cold rain began to fall. The race was stopped after 18 laps and we, like most other folks, retreated to the car and waited for the restart of the race. It rained on and soon it was noon, so we ate cold chicken and deviled eggs and drank pop. We too finally deserted the track as we had watched many folks do through out the afternoon. Eric’s brother, Dean had finals to take on Wednesday we had to send him home, I called home and told my folks that I was going to stay for another day to see the race.
Eric and I went to Larry’s house and palled around with him and his current girl friend Connie for the evening. We went to White Castle for dinner. I had never had little square hamburgers before and we all had a good time. In the morning it was still gray and misting, so Grandmother decided to go into work at Wheaton Van Lines. Eric and I horsed around and talked until the phone rang. It was Aunt Deckie. She told us to look out the window and get hustling, as she was going to pick us up for the race. We hurried across town to Speedway. We were in the parking lot when we heard, “Gentlemen, restart your engines!” I think we missed seeing about two laps, before we got back in our seats. Again it was cold in the stands, but is was exciting. On the day before we had drawn the drivers names from a hat and we all had five folks we were following. Our seats were in a perfect spot to witness several wild crashes and I know I lost two of my drivers in the first one the first day. The turbine car led most of the way but broke down on the last lap of the race, and Mario Andretti won. Upon returning to Grandmothers we ate some lunch and called Larry and told him we would be picking up Connie soon. The three of us drove back to Muncie together where Eric dropped Connie off at her dorm. The Eric and I went to supper. After that we talked a bit more before he started for South Bend. I was very sad to see him go and felt that summer would be a long time, even with Summer school to keep me busy.
I am looking forward to spring and some warmer weather.
Stay safe and Create with joy!