Category Archives: Shows

Everson Show


The big event in my life this week was the opening of the Everson show: (Re)Generate.   It is a show of women’s work from  gals all over 60 years old.  I was invited to participate and this is my Wildfire piece that is there.   The show is up until Jan 15.   I am very happy to be a part of this show along with so many friends.     The other event this week was a FAB meeting.  We went to Nancy’s new home.  It is wonderful with great views and splendid rooms.   In the basement there is a wonderful old pool table and some very old billiard   balls.BillardsI could not resist this colorful shot.

Progress Report: Noogoora/Cockleburs   All the parts are attached now and I have even done additional quilting in the form of more branches to fill in.  I will add the facing and finish it this week I hope.

Totem Fox IMG_2452I continue to do the quilting on this piece.   I am just about half way done with that step now.

Waterfall   I added the painted dryer sheet for the water fall yesterday and a bit of silk paper.   I will now free motions quilt it all down.











Meadowlark IMG_2444 All the base machine drawing is done now and I am ready to wash out the stabilizer.   Then on to the  felted  base.

Jeanne’s Project    I keep building away on this project.   It is slow because,  I audition a piece of fabric, look and then decide if it should be stitched on.     The if it works I stitch and move on to the next row.   I think she will be happy when it is complete.

IMG_2451Collection VI    I started a new work in this series this week.   There is not a lot on the surface yet but the building is part of the fun of these projects.

Cards: Inspire Be aware and open to the world around you.

IMG_2438 We never Know      One never knows what will spark a new direction or work.

I hope the holidays bring you joy and delight.

Keep Crating


Quiet Days

IMG_2194  Hello,

We are in a quiet winter week at the moment.     Snow and Christmas prep keep one in the house and busy.    I had several days at home working and I enjoyed them a lot.    Sat afternoon was the opening of the 12X 12  show at the Broad Street Gallery in Hamilton.

IMG_2409Sharon and I went out together and we had a good time.  Several pieces were sold but not our work.

IMG_2410 This piece is in the show along with two more  bird pieces.   I was told by one of my Social art friends that she really liked this one.

Progress Report:    Dickcissels  This felted work is 12” X 12”.    I am having a good time doing little birds.IMG_2430   The felting portion is fun too.   Then adding all the details on the birds as I build them with the stitching is a real learning process.

Solo Blue Jay   This bird work is also 12” X 12”.   ( I have backgrounds built for two more)   I tried to make the background more interesting by putting him in a tree.   The Dickcissels   are found only in meadow settings so building trees for this background was especially enjoyable. IMG_2426 I have been experimenting with putting two treads through the eye of the needle and that makes for a more complex  color mix with the feathers.IMG_2427

 IMG_2422Totem Fox    The fox its self is all appliqued down now and I am to the quilting stage.  I am trying to follow the dye lines and create grass with them.

Jacket IMG_2420The hand work on this jacket continues.    I am still feeling the inspirations from the Slow  Stitch class  I took at the Schweinfurth last month.

Cockle burs- Noogoora’s     The bur heads are all stitched down now and I am ready to do the finish work on this piece.




Jean’s Project

IMG_2417This is the early stage of building this box quilt.   All the little white tags are the centers of the rows and they are labeled so I don’t accidently put them on the   wall upside down when I walk back to the pin wall.  I seem to only be able to add one  or two patches at a time on this work.   Then I must look and decide what to do next.


Waterfall    The tree’s crown is attached to the background.   I am now ready to begin doing the rocks and water in this piece.



Label Cards -Laughter IMG_2414  This is almost a cheat as I did so little in creating this card.   But when I saw this quote I could not stop myself from using it.

Line of Sight    I enjoy how the eye is lead up and away in this  sculpture.    Lines are strong directors for our eyes.

Keep Creating


Opening of Quilts=Art =Quilts



Color is filling the leaves of our area now.   Lots of gold and red around here.      This week has been a full one for me.   The QAQ show opened on Sat at the Schweinfurth and I got to see my quilt in all its glory.   IMG_2133Julia was one of the folks in this show too.   She also came to the opening.   I made a connection with a quilter from California- Viviana Lombrozo .   Her work was in the same gallery as mine and we went to the banquet together  and had a grand time talking and sharing ideas.  Then we meant again at the Gallery Walk About on Sunday afternoon.     I am still flying high from the experience.

Over this same weekend I was taking a class called Mindful Stitching Practice with Christine Mauersberger.   She is a great teacher with lots to share.IMG_2169   She gave us various prompts to stitch.  This is my piece from day one showing circles and my breath patterns.   IMG_2174We did responses to music and other prompts on Sat.    There were so many directions that I did not get to all of them.IMG_2172   This is my response to taking a walk with my thread.    There were 13 other gals in the class responding to her guidance too. Lots f different solution to all the different ideas that were offered up.          IMG_2141And down stairs they where doing Indigo dye work.    This is a shot of two of Regina’s pieces  from that class.      There was so much going on that I still have not processes it all.

Progress Report: Blue Jays I finally got going on the 12”X12” pieces for the next show at the Broad Street Gallery in Hamilton.      The Blue Jays were fun to do  and putting on the stretch felt really was enjoyable too.IMG_2183I think I will do more jays a s they are so active in this area. IMG_2184


Killdeer     This too will be part of the Broad Street Gallery show.   Their distinctive calls have made these birds a long time favorite of mine.IMG_2179



Cedar Wax Wings IMG_2165 I have three of these little fellows done now and I will build a background to use them on next.  I enjoy the thread painting and I have ideas for some butterflies as well as more weeds too.

Daily Practice  IMG_2168I am doing the button whole stitch alone the chain work now and I am about half way done with that process.

IMG_2185New work- Noogoora/cocklebur  This shot shows the fusible inner facing that is on the back of the fabric to make it more stable  for hand stitching .   I can also draw the shape of the prickly seed heads on the back so I can see what shape I am going for with the stitching.   The seed is enlarged about 500 times .         I hope this works.

New WorkIMG_2161I am auditioning fabrics for my next piece.  It is to be an earth piece  in the elements series.    I am trying to decide if I will build on browns greens or grays.

Label card- Include All   In this time of conflict I wanted to think beyond the division and remind us all that there is only one world and we need to be inclusive not exclusive  with it!

Keep Creating
