Category Archives: Word Forms

Great Weather



After several days of spring rains, we are enjoying wonderful weather.   I now need to do some yard jobs.    But any excuse to be out doors will due.    It is so wonderful with pleasant temperatures  and   almost daily changes in the environment.   There was only one meeting this week and it was of the FAB group.  I forgot my camera so there are no new images.

 Progress Report:   Ravens   This work is  38”w X 49” l.    It really came together with ease.  I made a drawing and then  added a Raven’s head to the big white areas.

IMG_1153  I enjoyed working with the limited palet.


Summer Family- Cardinals Texture is one of my main interests, and this work has a lot of them.  IMG_1146   This mother Cardinal has the most variation in thread colors of the three.   Her position is more animated then the males.

  I do seem to be in a bird phase at the moment.


Persuasion I was all ready to add the words on top of this work and then I realized that the value of the text was too close to the background.  So I took them off and made some darker words( navy blue ) and brighter greens.

IMG_1142I am raw edge appliqueing them down with silver and pale blue metallic threads.    There are two threads in one needle of the sewing machine.

Perception   I could not bring myself to toss the pale purple words so I made a new background for them.   The fuchsia and pink really high lights the words that were lost on the first work..   Then I added some of the leftover navy words too.   I think that  they add interest.










New  Collection II  Grandmother Mc    This work is moving along.   I am enjoying going through the  old button collections and adding them to the surface.


Daily Practice IMG_1130  This work just keeps building.

New      I seem to be fascinated by the purple and apple green colors of late.   This is a  new combination for me and I guess I am not done exploring it.












Mulberry Memories- Carroll   This work is moving slowly.     IMG_1149I am adding the images I painted last week on the surface.    As a child, I  lived in this house five years and there are so many memories  that I am having a hard time deciding what to use.IMG_1150

Card- Spin    Spring seems bring on a dramatic change in the outside world and  those changes  push me in a new directions.   I find that my mind is full of a wide variety of ideas.


Keep Creating


Spring flowers


We are still here in Central New York due to the fact that Eric has been very sick with a bad cold.    He is mending now.   I have been walking and enjoying all the wonderful flowers that have burst into bloom  this week.     The May Apples look like they will bloom in the next few days.  The red buds on the tree down the street look beautiful too. The tree leaves  are filling in the sky line and soon one will feel all surrounded by them and the views will be limited again.    I enjoy the changes.


Progress Report: Riotous  Romp This work is 38”w X 34”l.     It is built with a curvy cut background and four copies of a cursive  word- New.     I am glad this  IMG_1109spring like work is finally finished and I am glad I re did the facings when I discovered it was now square.  I do not feel so joyous about the work as I did before I had to re do it, but feel the positive feelings will return with time.


Mulberry Memories I keep working on  this project.  IMG_1117This week I free motion drew the  around the house and the street layout .  I also did sketchbook work of the other items and scenes  I want to use.   It is starting to come together I think.

Collection II   I am doing the add on and detail IMG_1125work on this piece now.  I like how I can mix old little bits of memorabilia with old bits of lace and ribbon from my mom and grandmothers collections.  A nice remembrance sort of work.

IMG_1111Cardinals    In working on this piece I made a tree.  But after I placed it on the background I discovered it was far to powerful in its self to work on this project.   Even lots of stitching would not diminish it enough.  So I went for simpler and added the tulip leaves to the surface.   The leaves are made from silk paper.   I will add the birds and trim next.   This is one time when my little rule about only working for  about and hour on a project helped me see a problem.  If I just pushed forward I would be taking out the first tree now.

  Two Ravens  IMG_1101  Several years ago I went to Canada with Marty.  We visited the Native Peoples Museum  in Montreal.   There I purchased a beautiful hand printed towel.  Due to the fact that Eric and I  did not travel this week,  I had more time in the studio then normal and I pulled towel( the birds) out and cut it in two.   Now I am building a top.

New WordIMG_1122  This background has now been quilted with a stitch in the ditch technique.   I will  add text on top next.     This is the cursive version of  the word “WIP” .   The letters are overlaid and graffiti like.     I do not like what the word means and the connotations that go with it, but the shape is wonderful.  I will not mention the word again as I present the work.

New Water Sky and Rocks   I painted out doors yesterday and created these fabrics.  I want to do a piece on the shore line.  I did sky, water and rocks.

Daily PracticeIMG_1120I just keep  putting in the stitches here.  I am not happy yet as seems to have no center of interest.

Label Card   On Sunday we celebrated Mother’s day.  I  do my cards on Sunday afternoon and I was thinking about my  Mom at the time.  I realized that not all women are Moms, but all women were once little girls and that is what this card celebrates.

Keep Creating
