The birds are returning! If you look carefully at the photo and follow the stratus tree to the top you can see the little song bird who was singing his heart out one day last week. It sure give me hope- then it started snowing again. I went to the Schweinfurth this week and was delighted to find work by several of my friends including this wall sculpture by Carol A. It makes me happy.
There was also a Finger Lakes Fiber Artist meeting this week. This piece is by Pat. She is challenging herself to use only two pieces of fabric to create a new series. It’s a great idea.
Maureen is doing wonderful dyeing work. These are three of the works she showed us.
Marcia finished this wonderful piece too. Her strong graphic images always blow me away.
Progress Report: Radiating Joy
This work is 38.5” w X 45” l. It is one of the first works in this series that uses one big piece of commercial fabric as the background.
The many colors in the hand dyed fabric are strong enough to stand out from the complex pattern. The hand dyed is an Ethel fabric.
The colors work for me and I do get a joyful feeling when I look at this piece.
Purple Asters I just keep working on the vanes of the leaves here.
Memory Map: Carroll I have moved to the painting step on this work and done a few sketches for the parts I want to add on top to create the piece.
Frozen This work is going slowly as I have mislaid the photo that was the start. I add one line of ice and then have to stop and look to see if it needs more……. It is moving along slowly.
Dill I am not at all happy with this piece. The plants were done on wash away and applied to the felted background. But the there is not enough contrast for the plants to stand out or the background is too busy for the frail dill plants. I will get some feed back from my fellow artists- but it may be a work that needs to be tossed.
Glyph IV I am done with the beading. Now I only need to finish the vertical line quilting on this work. It is very heavy with all the beads at this point.
New Work I pulled these fabrics to start to build another quilt. There are lots of my hand dyed fabrics here that will get mixed with some commercial fabrics .
Daily Practice II I am nearly done with this project.
There are only a few more details I want to add and I am sure I will get them done this week.
New Work: Daily Practice For the next Daily Practice, I wanted to challenge myself to work with orange and purple. The scraps are from Zapped. I did not change the shape of any of the scraps from that project. I just had a good time shuffling them until I came up with this layout.
Collage 12 This is the newest collage. I did some machine stitching on this work too as I had done one another a few weeks ago.
Cards: Believe I am fascinated by the flight of birds and this hawk is a beautiful example. I find the fact that birds can fly amazing.
The Dancer Movement is such and important part of life. And dancers do movement with such grace and beauty. They too have my admiration.
I am off to visit with Susan and Cris in Florida next week, so there will be no posting for the 22. I will be back on the 29th of March.
Keep Creating