Category Archives: Series

Beginning Summer

I hope everyone is staying safe and doing well.     Summer Solstice was last Saturday and  now the day light is shortening every day.   I continue to walk and enjoy the summer season as it is a visual feast. There is a Mulberry tree that we walk under every day and it is loaded with berries now. I sure enjoy the  few  seedy fruits  I pick every day.   It reminds me of my childhood.   My garden is also hostessing flowers from Grandmother Butterworths ‘s garden. They always make me think lovingly of her and their bright  color is a joy to the eye.





The Textile Artist Stitch Club had a new assignment this week. Emily Tulli demonstrated how to do a mouth. We are to do three different ones and this is my work at the half way point. I still need to add a second shade of gray and then white for the highlights.

Progress Report: Square’s a Dancing I worked hard on this project this week and finished two groups of seven. I also cut up another pair of Eric’s pants to use as bases and that is why there is a color change.









Scrap Happy I have now made rows of leftover squares for a new quilt. Nothing goes to waste in my world .






Eagle Priest- Mayan Series I finished the quilting of this piece this week and only need to finish off the little quilt with binding and a sleeve .



Vulture Priest- Mayan Series I drew out the next piece for this series and I am in the middle of cutting the pieces to applique to created the image. It will be ready for work when the Eagle Priest is done.




New Work I am working away on this new piece.   The insertion of the metallic pieces is a fun process. As I have no clear vision as to where I am going- the work is slow.






Childhood Memories- 5 th Grade

My teacher is fifth grade was Miss Herd. She had a reputation for being very strict and I guess she was. But she was also very fair. We had lots of routines in her class. After the pledge we had reading followed by Arithmetic. I remember lots of review on Division at the beginning of the year and then team games of all math techniques. At noon we walked done the hall to the far stairs and had a moment of “silent reflection” before we went down to the lunchroom in the basement. After lunch Miss Herd read aloud to us. I remember one book about a little southern girl and learning about her life during the Civil War.   I found it fascinating.   This class room had a little library like the fourth grade. I found and enjoyed all the Raggedy Ann and Andy books there. It was also the beginning of the TAB and Arrow book clubs for me. One could purchase books for .25 to .35 cents. My parents allowed me to purchase one or two every time there was an order. I did not read any of them until years later, but I sure enjoyed filling my book shelf with them. My reading was very poor and one of the things my parents attempted to do to help was have my eyes tested. I got some very stylish tear drop glasses that I wore for about a year. Mrs Fister   the high School art teacher, came for a special art lesson  in late November. It was about Alexander Calder. Then each member of the class each built a Christmas mobile out of an opened wire coat hanger. I made Christmas trees in the form of cones and added a few round candies for balls. The mobiles hung in the hall until  we left for the holidays. I love the history lessons   we had that year and did a special project for westward expansion. We had a puzzle map of the United States at home and under the states was a map that showed all the areas that were added as the country grew.   So I used the Opaque Projector to cast the map on a big piece of white paper and traced it out. I painted and labeled all the areas from the original thirteen colonies to the addition of the California territory. I painted the areas different colors and added the rivers and  mountains and also   labeled everything.    It hung in the front of the room for a long time and I was quite proud. Fifth grade was when we were introduced to instrumental music. I wanted to join the band, so Mom got me Grandfather Howard’s old silver clarinet. He also had a C saxophone, but the band leader, Mr Cox discouraged that choice. Playing the clarinet continued to be an important part of my life until the end of high school. Near the end of the year I volunteered to join the Safety Patrol and become a crossing guard. The main qualification, after volunteering and being at least in fifth grade, was to have perfect attendance. I did. As a fifth grader, I worked with a sixth grader for the last month of the year and became a full guard in the fall when I was in the sixth grade. We all had white adjustable belts and little silver badges. I had to leave the class a little before the end of the day to go to my post. I was assigned to the north end of Adams street across from the High School. I had that same post in sixth grade. We looked carefully and then went into the middle of the street and held our arms out so the younger kids could cross safely. I got to know many of the younger children who lived in that quadrant of the city. Sixth grade guard duty included flag duty. At the end of the day I was assigned to help take the flag down and fold it before taking it to the principals office for storage over night. At the end of sixth grade, I in tern, help teach a fifth grader to take my place on the squad.   I was very proud of my first job and took my responsibility very seriously.

Take good care of yourself.




I hope everyone is doing well as we emerge from our cocoons of isolation. Please stay safe in all your activities.   On my daily walk of about two miles in our city I pass by  the homes of six seniors who’s high school years were cut short by the epidemic.    I am glad to see the signs on their lawns.  But  my heart goes out to them as I recall all the joys of dances,  ball games, honors, meetings  and hanging out, that were a part of my last semester of high school.    Even visiting colleges is done virtually for them.    For a person who is a tactical and visual I am  this sure would have stunted my senior year.

I continue to work and I attended another Zoom meeting  Of FAB this week.    Liz and I dyed again  this week too. We are both doing a lot of over dyeing this season.





I completed the work from last week and my class with Merrill Comeau on Saturday.    I really enjoyed building up all the layers with lots of stitches.










Then   I finished my   new assignment for Textile Artist Stitch Club for this week.   The lesson was from Susie Vickery and we were using plastic bags in combination with embroiders thread  to do the stitch work. I like the effect and will keep an eye out for more different colored bags to recycle into my work.


The plastic has a lot of shine and one needs to think about the printing on the surface when cutting the strips.  But I feel that adds interest.




Progress Report: Mayan Series- Jaguar Priest This work is nearly complete. I did a lot of quilting around the figure this week. It still needs a sleeve for hanging and a label. This is the second in the series. I really like the head of the Jaguar.








Mayan Series- Eagle Priest This is the third piece in this series. It took a long time to cut out the shapes and fuse them down, but well worth the effort. I am now ready to start outlining the shapes and adding details.




Layers This work is still building. The maze portions take a long time to cut and add to the surface.





SAQA 100 days I will keep working with this theme but I think I will go beyond the 100 so I need to think of a new title.



I really enjoy the hand work  and doing variations  on radial designs is something that I find very calming.






Scrap  Happy  I finished three scrap backs for these projects this week. I have only three rows of Garden Path stitch down to the base . It will just take effort to finish now.





Childhood Memories – Allowance

On Sunday morning before we went to church we got our allowance. It was sixty cents. To earn that full amount one had to have done all his or her  chores. I don’t remember all Gene had to do, but we did share  the drying dishes duty. It was a case of alternating days with the two of us working on Sunday. The other chores were to clean one’s room, a job also done on Saturdays before we went out doors to play. One job that I did alone was to empty the washing machine and hang the wet clothes on the line before I went to school on Thursday. I also had to take it down when I got home. I remember taking it off the line when it was frozen sometimes. I  forgot on a few occasions and had to do that job in the dark. I also had to collect and empty the waste baskets every Tuesday evening because the garbage men came on Wed. The  last chore for the week was to polish my shoes. Dad had grown up poor and went barefoot a lot. He only wore shoes to school and church and they were hand me downs many times.   A a result,  we always had three pairs. A daily pair for school and such. A pair that were play shoes, that were old schools shoes or tennis shoes. The last pair were Sunday shoes. I remember his teaching me to polish my Saddle shoes. First one took the laces out. The dark section was polished with a  wax polish. One did one shoe while the first dried so one could buff the dark section and move on.  .When both shoes were done  with that  first step,  then one applied the white with a dauber from the bottle of liquid polish. When they were dry one had to buff the whites to make them shine as they dried with a chalky appearance. The last step was to put the laces back in the shoes. When Sunday saddle shoes became school shoes, the polishing still  had to be done on them too. I liked it a lot better when I got a pair of cordovan Loafers as they were only one color. I was also allowed to add pennies when they became school shoes. We wore shoes all the time. No bare feet in our lives. If Dad saw you with out shoes he would say” Put your shoes on Lizzy, don’t you know your in the city.” The allowance was divided three ways. Ten cents went to the collection plate in Sunday school. Then a quarter went into the Skippy Peanut Butter jar that each of us had that was our savings.   Mom had painted our names on the lids with finger nail polish.    Birthday money and tooth fairy money went into the savings jars too. The money was collected  until we had enough to by a savings bond, that would mature to a full $25.00 in seven years. I remember thinking that seemed like a long time to me. Some times we got savings bonds from our McElhinney grandparents for Birthdays. The last twenty five cents came to us in nickels and dimes with the words” Don’t spend it all at once” as part of it. I put mine in the jewelry box. That spending money was to go for things like dues for Brownies and treats. We were allowed to take loans from Dad if we were away from home and saw something we could not live with out. But it always had to be paid back when we got home. We got lunch Money on Mondays too as well as milk money and that was extra and had to all go to the school. Gene pushed for a raise in third grade. With his arguments the allowance went up twenty five cents for both of us. I recall thinking it was a bit unfair as I had live on the old amount until I was in 5 th grade. Gene was always more concerned about money then I was and he still is.  Dad continued our money education as we got older, but I will cover that later.  It was a good enough system that I did learn the value of saving and thinking about how I wanted to spend my money.

Keep Creating


Young Robin

With spring moving forward, the young Robins are now leaving their nests. We noticed one that was out near our hedge yesterday. He still had a few white tufts and lots of white spots. Saw another this morning up in one of the low branches. Wonder if he is the same bird. They grow so very fast.  My iris are blooming too.  This is a shot of Betty’s iris however.
I had a Zoom meeting with Patti this week and enjoyed talking with her.

Started the Stitch Club from Textile Artists this week. Made treasure containers with Debbie Lydden instructions. I am enjoying the process. I really liked making the grommets that she taught us.

These are the treasures.     The bracelet is  from the high school and the little turquoise hearts on that bracelet  are from our tip to Texas when I was a senior .  They re from Judge Roy Bean’s office.   The amber ring is from Mon’s Trip to Russia.  I wore it for years and it saved me from a broken finger when it stopped a slamming door. The rock is from my trip to Australia in  November to celebrate my daughters’s 50th Birthday. .

I dyed with Liz today . We had fun and I didn’t take a single photo.

Progress Report: Heron I finished this project this week and it is 18″ X 27″. It was a good stretch for me.

I like the reeds too.





Scrap Happy This is the one that I was working on and it was completed on Sunday.




New Scrap I started assembling strips for building a new back on Monday. Lots of cutting to begin with and then adding parts together. A good use of my extras.




Jaguar Priest – Mayan series I made real headway on this project this week.There is felt behind the fabric to give the work stability as I stitch.




Layers      Formally Black, White and Green.    I am building on the top of this quilt now. It is at the ugly stage when I am considering tossing it out. But I know from experience that I really need to keep pushing forward.   I still many need to throw it away- but it is far to soon to do that at this time.





100 Day Project I am enjoying the hand work that I selected with this SAQA challenge. I am caught up now and a little ahead as I always use the extra thread on another square instead of saving it because I always ended up with a tangled mess in the past.

Childhood Memories- 4TH Grade
Starting 4 th grade meant a new classroom and a new teacher, Mrs Wilson. Our east side ground floor class room was connected by a corridor to the high school building. I recall the sound of the high school girls crinkling  petticoats when they walked by on their way to the cafeteria. Our desks were a new design. An I-shaped floor unit supporting two poles; one pole holding the desk, the other pole supporting the seat. The top of the desk lifted up at an angle and it always squeaked. The desk itself was a metal rectangular bowl and most stuff slid to the center. I remember cleaning it twice during the year and being surprise by what I found. There was a small class library in the front of the room. I recall settling on the floor to select books. There were lots of turquoise bound childhood biographies with silhouetted illustrations. I remember being disappointed that there were only three books about girls- Louisa May Alcott, Sacajawea and Madame Curie. Despite my reading difficulties, I read all three book and several others. . I was assigned to the slow reading group with four boys.
For Valentines day, Mrs Wilson made two big white hearts that she stapled together on the bottom half and added a red valentine to the front with our names on them. We then decorated them. They hung on the wall and we put our cards into them. That year I had special valentines with heart shaped suckers as a part of the card. I had an argument with Billy on the play ground the day I addressed my cards and I decided to eat his sucker and not give him a card. When he disappointingly asked me about it on Valentines day many days later- I lied and said it must have fallen out That’s when I learned not to do things in anger and how bad one could feel about being left out. I tried to never do that again.
For Christmas we had a concert on the stage in the gym . Our Class was to represent Christmas cakes so we all wore paper hat cakes to sing our little song.
One day were standing in a line to present our papers to the teacher, when Wanda, the girl in front of me fell to the floor and started thrashing around. She was having an epileptic seizure. The teacher quickly put a ruler in her mouth so she would not swallow her tongue and sent one of the students for the nurse. After Wanda was carried out , the teacher carefully explained to us what had just happened. An electrical miss-fire in the brain- like a back fire of an engine, she said, and we were not to worry as we could not catch it. She also told us how to act toward Wanda when she returned to school.

Mrs Wilson was into science and we had lots of science lessons . I remember the Magnet lesson very vividly. There was a table with magnets and lots of objects on it. We were all given a check list of the objects and were to check the objects attracted to the magnet. I insisted that paper was attracted to the magnet until she showed me that it was the nail under that paper that was attracted to the magnet. Grandmother Ruth had a pair of Scottie dogs- one white and one black that were mounted on little bar magnets. One could make them “run away” from one anther, kiss or connect back to back. That is were I learned about north and south poles.
In the spring we did a class play . It was about Dr Doolittle -one of the stories from one of our reading books. I was the narrator. I really memorized my part more than reading it. I helped my friend Judy make her Parrot costume of wings and a tail. My first costume. Little did I know how many I would make in my life time. I have pleasant feeling about fourth grade.

I hope everyone is staying safe.

Keep Creating


Quiet Week

This week was rather quiet after a trip on Friday to pick up my work from the Broad Street Gallery in Hamilton. Wendy and I went together and enjoyed the day. We walked the fitness trail at Colgate and saw lots of great views after climbing lots of hills. We stopped at Oriseany Falls on the way home too. It rained on us at the end of the drive but we still had a good time.

Progress Report: Red-Winged Black Birds This work is 18″ w X 20″ l. The background is a mix of felted work and fabric. The reeds are all added on top as well as the birds. The male, female and adolescent are shown here.







Yellow Ramped Warbler This work is 12″ X 12″. It too has a felted base with the thread drawing birds added on top. It is also a stretched work. I have lots of little bird studies done this way as I picked up 7 from the gallery Friday.

The leaves are cut from hand dyed fabric and the limb is made from torn strips of fabric and yarns.







Heron This work is nearly complete now. I still have eight reeds to attach and the heron too. I do enjoy thread painting.

Scrap Happy This is my third scrap quilt this year. I only need to finish the binding and quilt the big squares and this will be complete. That is about two hours of work remaining.





Mayan Jaguar Priest I am  now to the cutting and assembly of the parts of this work. It is like doing a puzzle- but backward as I have put fusible on the back of the fabric so I cut them correctly  before I iron them down. .




Australian Reef After looking at my pictures of the Birthday trip with Wendy last year I decided I wanted to do a reef picture. The top is painted fusible and the bottom is felted. I will start the hand embroidery next.




9 Square – Textile Artist Stitching Challenge This challenge is from Christine Chester. I will finish it this week I am sure.


100 Day Challenge The SAQA group started a challenge to make a block every day for 100 days. It began a long time ago but I am just getting on board. I started Tuesday. Two done and a third on its way.


Black and White plus Green This work came from a dream I had about black and white. I am going to add lots of layers of greens and metallics on the surface.





Drawing I only did a little drawing this week. One is a seed pod the other is from the oak tree over our driveway.





I love the delicate leaves and small flowers or spring oaks.






Childhood Memories – Camp Life
We quickly adjusted to life in the park provided army surplus tent behind the camp ground office at Colter Bay Camp Ground. Our tent faced west.      A second tent for a second ranger faced south. That tent housed Pete Nickels, a ranger from Texas who had quite a lidrawl. We called him our Texas Ranger in honor of a TV show that was popular at that time. There was a third ranger and his wife who lived in a one room cabin along the highway. They had two Siamese cats- the first special breed I had come across.
One day early after our arrival,  we walked along the side of Jackson Lake to their home. Gene threw rocks into the lake the whole distance. I got to see my first sight of a kayak. I was really taken by it. But I was far too young to do anything more then look. We walked back along the highway  after a pleasant afternoon. We came across a young buck that had been hit and killed by a car. Mom persuaded Dad to remove the antlers- only four points and they were still furry. Then Mom spent a long time rubbing them again trees before they became clean and shinny. They went home with us at the end of the season and later got sawed into buttons with holes drilled into them. She put them on her leather jacket. I still have a few. Gene used his little ax a lot, and the day that the reporter from our home town showed up he took a photo that appeared in the local news paper of the family with Gene chopping in the foreground.
The campground had about 150 sites that were on six loops of about 25 sites each. Every day the rangers had to drive the loops and check the sites in the camp truck. They stopped and talked with campers as  needed and checked to see what lots were indeed empty.  I remember playing Jacks on the wooden floor of the station on rainy days below a big map of the campground.
We did not have running water in the tent and we used the camp ground facilities.   I recall carrying water many afternoons.   The bathrooms- one for each loop- consisted of men’s and women’s sides with four sinks and four stools in each half. One of the toilets was a new ceramic stand up design. One backed over a trough and one did not sit to do business. I got real comfortable with that system as that stall was usually empty at the morning rush because folks were not aware of how to use it.
We went to the campfire talk every week. It was at the top of a little hill and had benches made from sliced longs laying flat side up. The sight  faced the mountains. One of the Naturalists usually talked about some aspect of the park. I loved to watch the sky darken and see the light creep up the mountains until only the tops were lit by the setting sun. Then the stars came out before we started our walk home.   Mom sometimes gave us little astronomy lessons while we were there.      On Wednesday nights we went to Jackson Lake Lodge. We had gone to the grand opening of the lodge two years before when we were in Yellowstone and I still was impressed with the big two story windows facing the Tetons in the lobby. There were also wonderful huge western paintings in the lobby. I remember one of an old miner that was made up of lots of little horses that one only saw up close. It was my first encounter with optical illusion. We went to the lodge to participate in the Square Dancing. Both Gene and I got real good at following the directions given by the caller and were very comfortable with “ al-la-mand left” and “ dosie doe”. It was fun for us and it sure made square dancing at school an easy A for me later.

Keep Crating and stay safe


Temperature swings of Spring

I hope everyone is doing as well as can be expected in this time of high stress for all of us. I continue to see signs of spring and enjoy them as they come.    We had snow on Monday and Tuesday.    Then   the sky was so very blue yesterday it made me smile as we  walk in the 54 degree weather.     More trees are budding every day as this red bud attests.    This time of year is full of surprises.
I participated in a Zoom meeting this week. It was good to just talk with my friends and see there faces. I continue to work in my studio and enjoy the process.

Progress Report: Tiles One of the things I have been trying to do is explore with old Quilting Arts Magazines. The article was by Julie Hirota in the Oct Nov 2007 issue 29, is the source for this project. I think it falls very short as a final piece as there is so little contrast. The techniques of attaching pieces with grommets, I find very frustrating and time consuming. It took me 15 min to attach each one. But as my father often said one can not expect success on the first try of something new. In thinking about the idea I may try the tiles again and use lace as the connections.




Flower Vase This work is 16″ w X 20″ t. I did this work in response to the suggestions from Textile Artists community stitching challenge. Ann Kelly was the woman directing this phase of the challenge. I adapted it as I usually do. I use this project to explore different ways to make flowers. Using old linens as a vase was her suggestion and I really like that idea.

I went on to use old crochet flower forms on my piece. Then I did yo-yo’s as the centers for the blue flowers that have daisy  stitches for the petals. The big pink flowers are made from some trim that I had in my collection. I ended up stretching it to give it a stronger final presentation.









Granite This work is also 16″ w X 20″ t. This work has served as my hand work project for the last few months. I am pleased with how I feel it depicts the granite that I based it on. I now intend to start the 100 days challenge as my hand work.










Scrap Happy This is a queen sized bed quilt. I like to use up scarps and that is how this piece began. It is only the most recent in along line of pieces of the same type. They all go to worthy causes or folks who I feel need them.









Scrap Happy new I started a new one as soon as the last on was complete as I had made the squares earlier this year. There are at least two more quits like these  in the near future.





Red Winged Black Birds This is my newest bit of thread painting. I finished the machine work yesterday and now they are pinned to the board ready to have the wash-a – way removed from them.




Heroin I worked on this piece of thread painting at the same time as the other birds. I only now need to finish the legs and the beak and it too will be ready for the wash out step.   The wash-away has not been trimmed from this piece.





Pattering I started this work in January when I was caring for Susan. It only resurfaced a few days ago. It will get some attention now.





Mayan series –  Leopard Priest  I made on Mayan piece a few months ago and it received such a lot of positive feedback that I thought I would make a few more. This is the drawing and enlargement for that project. The orange fabric will be the background.


Mini   I have also been playing with small little works.  This is one of the first.






Drawing I did a little more drawing this week. The two on the same page are from Designs in Nature  a book published  by Dover.





This drawing of a spring branches, is from life.





Childhood Memories – Serious about Camping

In the spring near the end my third grade my family got a new car. It was a white Ford Station wagon with brown plastic seats that had brands all over them. I remember the circle X and the Bar BQ most vividly. Dad had to purchase a woven wire seat that he sat on because the plastic made him sweat in the summer time. Dad also got busy building at that time a wonderful car top carrier. It was made of plywood that was 2.5 ft tall at the front end and tapered to six inches at the back. There was a hinge a few feet back form the front so items could be stored in that area and easily accessed. Beyond the hinge , Mom made canvas sides and aback panel
that allowed the back to open up, but still  be protected from the weather  inside. Dad also made a ladder that could be placed on the back of the car so Gene and I could climb up into the carrier and sleep there.   We stored all of the family sleeping bags with the air mattresses fully inflated in the   car top carrier back area during the day and removed Dad’s and Mom’s bags at night and put them in the bottom of the wagon with the seats down. We all slept comfortably with this arrangement well into my college years. Dad also built two sturdy wooden boxes to store our food as well as 4 nested metal plates, cups and pans that had removable handles. Mom painted the carrier and the boxes white. There was also a Coleman Lantern and Coleman Stove for cooking.    Both of those ran on white gas and had to be pumped up for use.   We were set for years of great camping experiences with all this great equipment.    All this  preparation was  for Dad’s Summer job as a seasonal Forest Ranger at  the Tetons National Park.
We set out for the Park as soon as school was out that spring. Gene and I both had a suit case of course and we were allowed a small collection of toys. I took my 7″ doll and her clothes, jacks , papers and crayons. Gene took a new hatchet he had been given and his football.
We started out driving west on highway 30 out of Carroll in the early morning. As soon as we reached the Iowa boarder we drove north along the Missouri  River before turning west again in South Dakota. We hit many of the attractions along the way. I remember passing lots of “tourist traps” and a coffee shop built of cast concrete that was shaped like a coffee pot. We stopped and got gas at a Sinclair station that had a life sized green dinosaur on a little rise to the west of the station. We did stop at Wall Drug Store after reading the many Burma -Shave like signs that were along the highway. We drove into the Badlands. They were so barren compared to the green of home, but held a special beauty all their own.   I know we   went to the Black Hills and Badlands on other trips with the Bell family, Grandpa Howard and Grandmother Ruth.   On that trip we did a lot of exploring and fossil hunting in the Badlands.   I just do not know what age I was for that experience.     I do know it was not a  part of this adventure to the Tetons as we had a time dead line.   The next stop   on our trip was Mt Rushmore. I was quite surprised at the size of those of those heads. I remember being impressed with the modern lunch room and visitors center. I had warm prideful feelings years later when I saw the film “North by Northwest”. We then drove on to Wind Cave and stopped and did the tour. I was awe struck by the amazing block crystal formations on the ceiling of that cave. We continued west crossing Wyoming. I am sure we stopped somewhere along the way and camped with our new equipment, but I am not sure where. I do recall the long haul up the east side of the Continental Divide.   It seemed to be  just a long up hill drive with a few descents and then more up with no real view of what we were about to see.  There were lots of trees and no real views.    But when we crossed  the top and there was a wonderful view of the Tetons. We drove down into the valley and into the park. I am sure we went to the main headquarters first but I can’t say I remember it. I do remember  the wonderful summer at the camp ground at Colter Bay, however, and I will tell some of those stories next.

Please take good care of yourself and keep Creating


Getting Warmer

Spring is winning the battle for the weather. I see more and more evidence of new growth every day. My Blood root for example is doing beautifully and Betty’s flowers are also blooming.






I continue to work away on the Textile Artist stitching challenges. This is my applique piece. It is not at all the assignment – I could not get logged on until Friday so I will do it later.


This weeks is folk art and I am started as this shot shows. Again I am stretching the piece to fit what I wish to accomplish.    I will incorporate as much of the instruction as I can.
My Fad group meant on Zoom again this week and it was good to talk with them.


Progress Report: Agitated Aggie This work is 38″ w X 41″ l. It is my solution to the Sisterhood of the Scissors Canada challenge. Many of us purchased the print fabric and the challenge was to use it. I have only seen one other work doing the challenge.

 When I was in Florida I came across more material by the same artist so I added a second piece of material to my piece. It’s the same artist and meant to go with the first. It is the colored background piece here.

Granite I keep doing the hand work on this project during the news.   This is a close up.






Re Work Self Challenge I was cleaning and came across this piece in the process and although it is okay, I decided to use it as a base for a new work. Stay tuned.




Popcorn I spent an afternoon this week playing and decided to paint giant kernels of Popcorn. They came out fine so I built a curvy cut base to applique them on. It is pin basted and ready for quilting now.





New Sea Floor A long time ago I painted some fusible inner facing. In my cleaning this week I uncovered it. I thought it looked like something I could use as a abase for a small underwater piece. Pulled some shells and found a bag of yarns and ribbons. More play in my future.

Queen Anne’s Lace When I was painting I also did this little piece. I had reread an article in Quilting Arts from Oct/Nov 2007 and it got me thinking about a tiling technique of quilting. This may or may not work. But Experimenting is always just taking a chance.



Mini’s    I cut up one of the quilts that I discovered in my cleaning and made these little starts for use on cards.   Only the one on the bottom right is done.




Scrap Happy   I finished the first of the pieces that I started at the beginning of the isolation.   It is a queen sized piece.



Drawing I was influenced by the Sketchbook Revival class and so I did some clean the brush painting on a few pages of the sketchbook. This is what the page suggested to me.



I went back to my herb book and while I was on the phone I drew this Dill. It may have influenced the Queen Anne’s Lace I did later too.





Popcorn- well we have eaten a lot of that of late and it too was on the desk when I was waiting on the phone.    It grew into the later work.


Then I just opened the sketchbook in the middle of eating my orange and did this drawing.   I see know that it needs strengthening  the green was too intense for this subject sense I did not draw with a strong enough pen.




Snow Dyeing  I actually did this last week but was in the process of washing it out last Friday.  The two dark pieces are from this summer and were in the bottom of the bucket.


Childhood Grandfather Howard

Grandfather Howard was a wonder filled inquisitive person. He often went to Auctions and other places and purchased boxes of books. Then he read most of them. One of the other things he collected was coins. He build a wonderful display that hung in the Den for many years. It held a pounded metal curved blade, brass collars, strings of shells and beads, strange little stamped metal pieces as well as many other odd items that were used as currency and trade goods in Africa.
I remember one summer asking Grandmother Ruth for some dress up clothes and she went to the attic to look. I was allowed to climb the stairs and wait near the top. I spent the time slipping my hands into the space between the flooring and the ceiling were lots of small stuff had be placed. I explored and I pulled out a heave cigar box. It was filled with three rows of silver dollars lain end to end. I called to grandmother “ Look what I found.” “Where did you find them she asked ?” I pointed as she took them form my hands. She carried them up into the attic and they were never seen again as far as I know.
Grandfather collected rocks all his life. He built shelves in the basement from floor to ceiling and displayed his collection there. He also fronted the fire place there and at the cabin with wonderful rocks and geodes. Uncle Paul even carved a pink sand stone dinosaur with a green stone eye, that was featured as part of that fireplace. There was also a part of the basement that was a workshop. There was a rock tumbler that was always running and as a result there were baskets full of Michigan Agates all over the place. The space had a lot of cutting and grinding tools as well as buffer and polishes. He kindly showed me how to use all of those tools and I spent many happy hours working away at carving and creating little works of my own. I still have a stone rabbit and tiger eye “arrow head “ I made.
There was lots of new highway construction in the 50’s and 60’s. We did lots of traveling by car as did lots of Americans. When Grandfather was along , one could count on many stops at the raw cuts along the road side for a bit of exploration. I recall one time when we stopped and collected about 100 petrified Hor Coral. They polished up beautifully and two of them ended up in that fireplace I mentioned.
Grandfather won ribbons for his rock creations . He designed and built three swag lamps that had shades made from sliced beautiful rocks that he suspended in fiber glass. When the light passed thou the stones it was beautiful. Of his two big hobbies, he said that Rock Hounds were much more fun. At Grandfather Howard’s death his collection was given to the University of Iowa and they were glad to have it. My cousin Tracy also took some of the stones to use in her classroom as she was a Science teacher.
Mom too became a Rock Hound and many was the time we carried rocks home in the car. When Mom retied to Tucson, I would visit every February break and we would go to the Gem and Mineral show. I purchased stone beads and she bought more rocks of course.

Stay safe and keep Creating


Inching Toward Spring


It has been a quiet week for me.   Sometimes we need fallow times to catch up with ones self.   I did spring clean out of the closets and that sort of thing with a big run to the Rescue Mission and I am feeling  being a little lighter.  The weather is improving too.   On my walk today I heard lots of different bird songs and noted four different flocks of Canadian Geese in migration flights north.   These things plus lengthening days of sun light mean spring is coming.

Progress Report: Shore Line This work is 16” w X 32” l.   I did a lot of hand work on this piece and it is my solution to Cris’s challenge.    The white is like the egg sack that we picked up on the beach that was the basis of the challenge.IMG_2963Then I added a little challenge for my self.  Angela gave me a box of items and I tried to use a lot of the trims and items from that box  on this piece .   The white bead like items came from her box as well as  the ribbons and shells.IMG_2964The starfish too.

Starfish II   This work is 12” X 12” and my entry for the  QSDA auction for next year.   IMG_2975I just seem to get going on theme and keep at it.IMG_2976   I used the  big  starfish that was too big for the fist work and added two smaller ones  on this piece.


6 X 6   These three works are my entry for the 6X6 fund raiser for the Rochester Arts Center.   I had fun playing with these small works and experimenting.













3 X 3 C-1   This blocks location is  the upper right hand corner  of the piece.   IMG_2993I am enjoying to process and it is going smoothly.

3 X 3 B-1 This is the next block in the series.  It is the for the center of the top row.     I am enjoying this daily practice project.

IMG_2989 Here is  a shot of all of the blocks so far.   There are two blocks that have not even been started.   They are the top and middle block of the far left row.( white here)

 Wave    This is the new background for the wave word.    The contrast is much better.   Here is a shot of the old background. 














Icarus Because I cannot waste  a single thing- the old background for wave  will become the background for my   Icarus quilt.  I am taking the Aloft challenge   from QSDA and this is what I want to play with.   I am working on a drawing for the figure at this time.

IMG_2974Collection VI Mom  I was pawing through  my tins when I was looking for stuff for the 6X6 cards and came across  items that my Mon had   made and given me.   The little dog and sail boat were the bib parts on some rompers that I wore as a toddler.   So I am honoring her with this collection piece.

Puck IMG_2967   I also came across this piece and due to some more recent purchases of roving I had the colors I needed to finish up the felting step of this piece.   I intend to add some stitches to it to add detail.

Cards  The Brain I have been thinking

about the brain and how it functions of late.  Sometimes my thoughts seem as confused as this image and other times it is like one picture laid over another with no real connection.  It is  really a complex item!

IMG_2998  This card is the representation of the scattered  working of ones mind.

I will be away for the next two weeks so the next post will be  April 4.

Keep creating,


March Begins



As the photo shows we are still having winter here.  The first day of March it did snow and it is alternating between sun shine and snow fall around here now.   The deep blue shadows that the sun creates on the white surface never seem to lose there wonder for me.

Along with a new month there are meetings.  The Finger Lakes Fiber Artists meant on Sat.  This is a shot of Marcia’s quilt.   We had a good meeting with lots of decisions about our future.    IMG_2885Liz has now finished quilting her school days quilt.   Angela is taking a class on line dealing with felting.  She has learned how to mix the fibers and now she can create any color she wishes.   IMG_2889Beverly  shared this beauty that is full of her hand dyed fabrics.   Marla shared her rug hooking project.
















Pat finished this new big piece.  This work is  the newest piece in  her series using only two fabrics that she has created.   I think it is very powerful. IMG_2896Mary shared a work she started in a workshop on silk work.  She altered it to fit what she wanted to express.  IMG_2905QuEG’s meant on Tues.  There were only three of us but we still found a lot to share.   This is a shot of Corrine’s newest book cover.  IMG_2909She also shared this beautiful scarf that is  felted work on a sorry base.   She had a whole collection she had purchased as gifts.   The idea is worth some exploration.   Angela   had her Sax keys piece that she hand quilted.  It is a whole cloth quilt that she created in a class at QBL two summers ago.

IMG_2906   This is a felted and stitched book jacket that Angela did too.

The Diva’s also meant on Tues.  Regina showed us this new top that she had created from three prints that she had made in a class at QBL2 .    IMG_2912She also shared this work with indigo she has made with a stamp on top.   IMG_2915 Joan shared some collages that she is building in prep for a new work.   It was a good meeting, even though attendance was small at this gathering too.

  Progress Report: small god – Zapoteck    This little quilt is 23” w X 32”  l.   It is based on a sculpture that I saw in Oaxaca at the ruins last month.   IMG_2932  All the parts are appliqued down with a wide satin stitch.   I may created some more work from my photos. of other sculptures.

Shore Line This work is coming along nicely.  I must have it done before the 20th of March so there is a little pressure.

IMG_2918Wave   This is a good example of how one can see in a photo problems one can not realize  when looking at the subject under natural conditions.   The picture clearly shows  that there is not enough contrast between the words and the background.  I could not quite see that in reality.   So I have pulled out new pieces for the background and I will redo it.   Finding something new to apply to the quilted background however may prove to be more of a challenge.

Creative Assistants IMG_2921  I finished up 15 more of these little guys for this summer.

Snow Dye   The snow dyeing resulted in these beautiful fabrics.

Starfish IMG_2923I keep doing the knots on the star fish.  I think this one is ready to   face and apply to the background.

3 X 3 C-2  This square is mostly complete now.    This bit of Daily Practice is going very  well.

3 X 3 C-1  IMG_2939 This square is about half done at this point.   IMG_2943 The process is very calming for me.

Label Cards: Bird Song   Despite the snow,  I have heard lots of bird songs when I have been out of doors of late.   It is encouraging.

StretchingIMG_2947  I like to stretch my mind and keep it limber.   And I would disagree with this statement for the most part.   But I have been know to take on more than I really should by stretching the idea too much.

Keep Creating


Final Day of February



I know I though that I would not be posting today, but due to the heavy wet show Liz and I stayed home instead of going off to a play day.    Regina said we would try again later in the spring.  IMG_2850     I did take advantage of snow and dyed some this morning .    After the last batch came out so pale I really added more dye this time.    I will post the results next week. FAD meant yesterday and Sharon had a lot to share.  She is doing a commission  of six quilts made from a woman’s clothing .   I’d say it was a big challenge.   This is the first.

Progress Report: Starfish II IMG_2861I continued to work on this second  starfish piece.this week.    The first is all packed and ready to ship to the SAQA auction  some time next week.     I may or may not finish this work any time soon as it is not due until next spring, but I always like to have a little project that I can pick up and work on  if I need some think time.

small god I finally got going on this piece.  It is based on a photo that I took in the museum at Monty Albume on my trip to Oaxaca.  I have drawn out all the patterns  and now need to cut  them out in fabric  and applique them on top.

IMG_2855Wave  I am ready to start a new text piece.   The word pattern is done( the white with green lines)  and I made all these blue and aqua curie cut sections to cut the words from.

3 X 3 A-3  Tuesday I finished this block.   So I moved  right on to the next block.

3X3 C-2    This is the fifth block so I am half way along on this project now.  I was a bit panicked as I thought the completed project  was due at the end of March- but I learned it is not due until the end of May.   IMG_2867I am enjoying the process.

Capture ScarvesIMG_2875I got busy on some new scarves when I realized that March is starting tomorrow.   I am off to visit with Chris, the woman who sells these for me and so I need to have some to pass her way.  These still need the fabric neck units added to them.


Label cards: Little Know Our world is so very vast I feel overwhelmed some times.  There is so much I do not know about so many things.   One needs to keep exploring and expanding one’s mind.









Sewing OperationsI was writing out the steps for how to use the sewing machine for the girl scouts and I realized that there are many little operations in doing simple sewing events.   This is a card to honor that idea.

Keep Creating


Fall Retreat 2018


The Schweinfurth Fall Retreat was last week end.   I had a good time and got a bit of work done  along with lots of old friends. IMG_2260Janice, a friend I made at the  fall retreat two years ago, made and appearance and worked on this baby quilts.     Her child is due in April.   IMG_2252Sally finished up this top.   One of her children gave it to her.

IMG_2265Victoria returned to work on this piece that has some hand dyed stuff in it that she created in the wet studio last fall.

IMG_2261Susan made three Christmas stockings( yes, that is an opossum on the one above her head )  and quilted on a piece that she started at QBL two summers ago.

IMG_2262Sally F worked on this wonderful soft colored piece that is a jump off from a Kay Facet design.

IMG_2250  Randy quilted with the quilting machine in the front of the class room and made progress on this quilt.

IMG_2251Janet worked on creating these diamonds in Cherry wood  strips and she got all the blocks done this weekend.

IMG_2248Liz worked away on this piece using some of her hand dyed fabric.

IMG_2230I started playing with some trapped cut yarns just to see what would happen.       Then I also started to assemble a top using the crows I printed at Susan’s in Florida in March.   IMG_2229   Everyone had fun and made progress.   There was so much going on it was rather exciting.


  Sisterhood of the Scissors meant at the Schweinfurth today and looked at the the Q=A=Q show.   We  decided to use this  nine patch  quilt as the basis for our next challenge.   The wild piecing and applique work  appealed to us.   Not sure about he rules- but I think it will push folks to some unique work.




After checking out the Q=A=Q show the group went upstairs to view the Members  Show.   This is my piece, Deep Jellies  that is in the show.

Lots of my friends are in this one too.     There is work by Victoria .   I know she dyed  this in a workshop with Pat Pauly.


IMG_2301Lori’s piece from Danalia was displayed.

IMG_2303Angela’s felt work was shown too.  I  regret to say that my shot of The Crows Of Auburn, by Regina ,  is too fuzzy to post- but it was there as well.     NOel had a ceramic piece too.    It is a strong show with lots of variety and very enjoyable.


Progress Report: Purple Study  I enjoyed building this little  11” X 11” piece.    The hand work class is still resonating with me.




JacketIMG_2274As   further proof of that the  handwork  classes  influence, I started altering this linen jacket this week.   I took out the shoulder pads and added a few patches of color.   I have even done a little hand stitching here as well.   I can see this is a long term project.

Black Capped Chickadee  I did some tread painting of Chickadees this week as I want to keep building  the free motion skills.




Earth –  WaterfallIMG_2271  I have not touched this piece in awhile but I got back to it this week.   I am building in the trees at this point.  The water over the rocks will come later.

IMG_2321Scrap Happy   I am assembling the rows through the backing and batting in a sew and flip fashion.   I will quilt over all of it later to add strength.

Rework FOX IMG_2317   I thought I was finished with this work a few weeks ago.   When I took it to the QuEGs meeting folks like the colors and the layout- but said it needed more quilting.   This is a case where  in my rush to finish I did not really look at the work to see it’s flaws.   It is easy to repair this one- I merely took off the sleeve and labels and pealed back the facings so I could add more machine quilting.   I am building up the new quilting in a diagonal pattern.



Daily Practice      The hand work continuers to fill in on this work.   I need to finish that step and then live with it a while to see if it needs any additional embellishment.   I am trying to allow for the looking stage.


IMG_2278 Southern Crows    The top I stared at the the retreat is all assembled now.   Pressing and basting need to come next so I can begin to quilt it.

Shredded  Color This is a close up  of the other piece that I started at the retreat.      I have plastic bags of  shredded yarn in color groups that I capture between the felted background and various colors of nylon net with free motions stitching.IMG_2318  It is an experiment and I am leaning lots.   I may or may not keep the piece as a whole unit.      Got to do the careful looking and living with it – but first I need to finish the work.


Label Card:   Beyond     In this crazy fast pasted world, it is difficult to look beyond our  next step or the next day.   I fear we are losing lots of joy and wisdom by not looking a little bit beyond the immediate  events.    So this card is to remind me to slow down and think about the future as well as the past.

Next Thursday is Thanksgiving so there will not be a post next week.    Enjoy your blessings.

Keep Creating,
