Today is the darkest day of the year as the earth begins its tilt back toward the sun and the days begin to grow light a bit longer. This first day of winter is always a good sign for me. I love the light and know how important it is to the existence of life. It will be a month before the days have an hour more light time, but just the thought of more potential sunshine makes me feel good.
This week there was a FAB meeting at Judy’s home. She has decorated for the return of all of her children and grandkids. I am sure a good time will be had by all. Patti was the only one with work to share and her afghan is a gift that she will be passing off soon.
I hope this season brings joy and delight to all my readers.
Progress Report: ZAP IT This work is 37.5”w X 55”l. It is a rework of an older piece that now has the words “Zap It” in purple appliqued on top of the old base.
The new lettering was stitched down in silver thread in a big zig-zag pattern.
I enjoyed the process.
ACE I created this new bit of graffiti form this week and it is now fused down to the base. I will begin to applique it down this week.
Ethel Scrap I keep working away on this project. It is more than half assembled now. It will be completed soon.
New Work I pulled the wood cuts and stenciled pieces out this piece this week and and built the rectangles around them. It is now ready for the machine work. This work is my last tribute to Ethel as the block print and the stencil work is hers. I do enjoy finishing off her piece but it is bitter sweet.
Glyph IV the beading goes forward on this project.
Hand work I have started doing the hand work on this whole cloth project. I have no plan except to use the yarns and threads in the color pallet in various stitches. It is my news work project. The big brown circle is a ball of yarn that I am cotching- and it will become a line as I go forward.
Card- Tribute to Light The time of year and the natural environment pushed me to do this work.
Enjoy the holiday.