One of the big excitements for this week was a water main break on Sunday morning. I was washing up after making muffins and suddenly no water came out of the tap. I looked out the kitchen window to see the road full of muddy water. I went out doors and discovered the gal across the street had just called the water department.
The water was bubbling up and running down the street- it overwhelmed the street drains and ran all the way down to the park – four blocks away.
The water was so powerful it cracked and threw up the street. The men came in about 20 min and turned off the water. A little later they were followed by a repair crew who started about 9. First they broke up the tar via and cleared away all the mud and stone to expose the pipe so they could replace it.
The whole was about 8 feet deep and 10 feet wide. It was huge. They cut away the broken area of the pipe and then put in a new section. It was about 3:30 by that time.
Then they began to fill in the whole with loads of stone. It took four trips with dump trucks full to do that job. Lastly after 9 in the evening they patched over the filled opening with tar via. There was lots of mud on the street and the street sweeper made five runs up and down the road to get it up on Monday – but it is still dusty here.
This shot of a side walk that got flooded and is still muddy this morning when I walked. The street sweeper could not get to that space. It was quite and adventure.
FAB meant here last week too. Marty came as she is in town. She brought her newest little project.
Patty had just finished a new scarf that she shared with us. I think it is grand- only knit and pearl she tells us.
Judy brought one of her Disappearing Four Patch blocks that she started up at camp when we were there.
It was a good meeting and we all had fun.
The first Tuesday of the month came this week so I had QuEG’s and Diva meetings too.
Angela is taking an on line class in felting and having a grand time. She showed us about ten pieces she had done already. These two show different wools on the left and adding different silks on top of the second one.
Linda is finishing up this “ Almost Black and White “ top.
Sally is working away on Christmas gifts and this bag she made was full of them- hand bags, soft toy bags and such. She dose great work.
Corrine had this wonderful bracelet to share. She made it from and exchange she did at a conference where she traded a great luggage tag for the charms.
Before I went to the Diva meeting, I stopped and had a little private visit to the Rock Garden Show in Homer. Cheri and Terri- the gallery guru show me through. They both had work there of course. Cheri’s was one she started in the class she and I were in with Kerr at QBL.
Terri’s work is much larger and full of texture. It is a great little show with nine artists and wonderful work.
This work is Cheri’s too.
The Diva’s were hopping as well.
Lori had this wonderful little bag to share with us. She did it for her entry for the Embroidery Guild of American 2017 challenge. She got feed back on several other stamped and hand dyed projects that she is working on.
Alice has almost completed her Mary Colter quilt for the Woman Museum. It looks great.
Liesa has completed her quilt for the “Threads of Change Show”. Let Us Stay-is wonderful commentary I think.
Regina wowed us again with all her indigo dyeing. She is creating up a storm of beautiful work.
Anne has finished “ Blind In justice” her work on the American’s with Disabilities Act. All those brail dots are three dimensional.
Ruth’s wave is moving along as she wants it finished for the quilt show this week end. It was a powerful meeting and I enjoyed my self . Came home all hipped up again.
The other thing I tried this week was dyeing with wall nuts.
It is great fun and I got some real nice browns.
Progress report: Buggy I am to the reflective quilting stage on this project. I added two more oil stick stenciled insects to it this week too.
Glyph IV
I just keep putting in my hour a day on this project. It is moving forward.
Quartered Glyph I started this one up at camp. I am ready to start assembling the four units now that I have trimmed away the second layer. The Cut aways are so beautiful that I may need to do another work using these shapes and pieces. 
Pond Water
This project has become my short term evening project. I am hand quilting it so this is a good replacement for the time being. I do have a new nightly project in mind however.
Card Make Believe This is my newest card. I am so distressed by the shooting in Los Valgus that I want to escape into make believe. Thank goodness I have art as a way of getting away into my own world .
Label Block quilt.
All the blocks are assembled now. I will stitch in the ditch quilt it and finish the job.
Keep Creating