I took this photo of the sun setting over the St Laurence on Sat. The FAB group had a weekend retreat at Judy’s Camp last weekend. Saturday we went out to dinner. It was so enjoyable to eat along the river and watch the many boats as they slipped by.
Patti worked away on her pillow case project. She finished all but six of them. Both Nancy and Judy worked on “Disappearing Nine Patch” projects.
This shot shows Nancy ready to do the first cut of her four patch. We enjoyed our work time and in the evening we launched two paper lanterns
over the lake. They rose strait up until they reached the top of the ridge where the wind caught them and then they sailed north on a fast wind. We all watched open mouthed, until they disappeared in the night. It was a wonderful weekend and we all felt the it jump started us all for quilt work this fall.
Progress Report: Glyph II This quilt is all done now . It is the second one and where I really started the use of the negative space units that were cut from the back of the project.( the brow squared fabric)
I am enjoying this series.
Glyph IV I continue to bead for an hour every day on this project. It is coming along, but the progress is a slow one.
Glyph V I am doing two different types of quilting on this project. inside the green areas I am doing pebble quilting with green metallic thread. In the blue, green and purple areas, I am doing reflective quilting in a variegated thread.
Glyph VI This quilt is all pinned in place and I am ready to start to quilt it. I am however not sure about what style/type of quilting I want to use here. I am just studying it now too.
Glyph VII This is the project that I worked on at camp. The four smaller glyph patterns where designed to go together to create a four patch quilt. I am now auditioning different layouts for this project. I am not sure if this is the final at this point, but I feel it is the strongest so far. I try one layout and live/look at it for a while and then take a photo and try another layout and repeat the process. nothing is stitched down yet so I can make all sorts of changes.
Wind – Water card I am still trying to deal with my feelings about the newest hurricane- Irma. Mother Nature sure has used her power of wind and water to remind us that she still has the final say.
Creative assistants I have now completed all the little fellows that have completed faces at this time. I will now move back to the face creation step in the process to move forward.
Capture scarves In cleaning up the studio space I opened a box that was full of these scarves. All with out the fabric neck units on them. Deciding I needed to finish the process I have done these black ones and red ones. There are still a few to go so there will be more next time.
Only two more blocks and this step of this project will be completed.
Next week I will be in New York City for three days. So there will be no Blog post until Sept 24.
Keep Creating