Category Archives: Scrap Happy Quilts

Snow days

IMG_0348  Hello

We continue to get snow here in New York.  The wind is not blowing however as the snow laden  windmill shows.   Its just the light fluffy  wet  lake effect stuff.   The snow is piling up however.  It was much nicer earlier this week and I went to the QuEGs and Diva meetings.IMG_0324   At QuEGs there were only three of us so we meant at Liz’s home and did a bit of Gelly Plate printing.      Liz says she will use some of hers to make Valentines. As a part of the season Judy Sent me a cheerful water color Valentine to celebrate too.

The Diva group  meeting   had lots of folks with lots to share.  Mary did this delightful piece of her grandson.














Regina  shared her new work where she used some of her hand dyed fabric. ( the orange)  I am glad she too is doing that with her stash.














Alice is getting ready for her show at the Women’s Museum and this is her most recent work.

IMG_0332Noel made this pillow using her fabric form her Mothers old clothing.

Progress Report: Joy II This work is 34.5” w X 39.5” t.  I am so fortunate to have a group of folks to bounce ideas off of.  I took this work to the QuEG’s meeting and they gave me some valuable suggestions.  I went home and applied them and then took the work to the Diva meeting that eve.  The gals in that group pounced it completed.   IMG_0364This close up shows where I did some of the altering.  Before I reworked this area the orange in the letters and the orange in the background where too close to the same color.  I used a colored pencil to darken the background. IMG_0366  The high contrast is  what it needed.

Double Joy   This work is 28” w X 40.5”t.    I used the cutaways from  Joy II to create this work.  I  like the vertical movement of this piece.  IMG_0367I feel the color gets a bit washed out in the full photo.IMG_0368

IMG_0356New Work I seem to be in a rework mode at the moment so I redesigned the Joy to use as a radial design for the next piece in this series.

New ZAP This word also a rework and I am playing again with.    This is a close up of the word. IMG_0352The letters are cut from some hand dyed fabric I did at a QuEGs play day a few years ago.

Glyph  IV I keep beading away on this project.  This side of the O is almost complete.


Indian Pipe This felted project  is at the build stage.  I am struggling along with the  integration of  the plants into the setting.   I think I have just about completed the bracken on the forest floor.   Now to work on the pipes themselves.

Frozen  This work is also proving to be a bit of a challenge at the moment.   The organza ice is on now and I need to decide where to let the stones poke through so I can build the flow patterns  around them.  I am just unsure about how to start.

 Daily Practice-Orange Essence  I have decide this daily practice work is done.  I do not know how I want to finish the series so I am setting this work aside for now .  I will begin the next one this week.

Daily Practice  This is the second work in the series, it is base before any stitching has been applied.     Again I will try to limit the number of stitches I use on this work.

IMG_0361 Scarp Happy    When I do not know what I  want to do next I keep myself in the working mood by doing a project that requires little or no thinking on my part.  I am doing that with this project as I have done many  of these scrap happys.  I pulled out the box of left over  blocks from previous  Scrap Happys and started  a new project.   I know I can always find a home for these quilts.

Collage    This is collage #5.  I am please I have kept up  this series and feel I have a routine now.   I know this   summy work is in response to the snow and cold too.   The environment really does affect my work.








Susan challenged me to do a collage where I used the sewing machine and this project is the result.




Tarot- The SunIMG_0341  I did this tarot card the same day I did the  collage.

Spirit   This piece was also an avoidance project.  But I feel staying in the working spirit  helps me move forward.

Happy Valentines day and Keep Creating


Winter Solstice



Today  is the darkest day of the year as the earth begins its tilt back toward  the sun and the days begin to grow light a bit longer.     This first day of winter is always a good sign for me.  I love the light and know how important it is to the existence of life.   It will be a month before the days have an hour more light time, but just the thought of more potential sunshine makes me feel good.

This week there was a FAB meeting at Judy’s home.  She has decorated for the return of all of her children and grandkids.   I am sure a good time will be had by all.  Patti was the only one with work to share and her afghan is   a gift that she will  be passing off soon.IMG_0047   I hope this season brings joy and delight to all my readers.

Progress Report: ZAP IT  This work is 37.5”w X 55”l.     It is a rework of an older piece that  now  has the words “Zap It” in purple appliqued on top  of the old base.   IMG_0062  The new lettering was stitched down in silver thread in a big zig-zag pattern.   IMG_0063  I enjoyed the process.

ACE   I created this new bit of graffiti  form this week and it is now fused down to the base.  I will begin to applique it down this week.






Ethel Scrap IMG_0060I keep working away on this project.  It is more than half assembled now.    It will be completed soon.

New Work  I pulled the wood cuts and stenciled pieces out this piece this week and  and built the rectangles around them.   It is now ready for the machine work.   This work is my last tribute to Ethel as the block print and the stencil work is hers.  I do enjoy finishing off her piece but it is bitter sweet. IMG_0072


Glyph IV  the beading goes forward on this project.











Hand work    I have started doing the hand work on this whole cloth project.  I have no plan except to use the yarns and threads in the color pallet in various stitches.    It is my news work  project.  The big brown circle is a ball  of yarn that I am cotching- and it will become a line  as I go forward.










Card- Tribute to Light The time of year and the natural environment pushed me to do this work.

Enjoy the holiday.






As the wreath shows I am doing holiday work now.   I had a great time creating this wreath and it is festive, but it is too thick to fit between the door and the storm door!    I am so silly I did not even consider  that possibility.   It will have to hang inside some where.

I have been thinking a lot about rules and regulations lately.    I think those thoughts are  related to our recent  snow, because two rules     like alternate street side parking so the snowplows can do their work and  clearing the sidewalks are two seasonal things that have come up.    One tends to forget little items like those  rules  when there is not any snow.  So some rules usefulness come and go.     But rules in general are what makes for a smooth running society.     One can be still be  put into situations where they do not know what is expected of them and what to expect from others.   But in general rules of  self control  and kindness usually are good ones to use to go forward even in unusual  settings.   Expecting everyone around you to follow the rules of the road sure make moving around  a less hazardous activity.   But to every rule there are times when one must respond to the environments of that time and place.    One must be flexible and allow for changes and exceptions to rules at time too.

Progress Report: Christmas Banners   My good friend Regina gave me some beautiful machine embroidered blocks last month.   I had a good time putting them together in three small banners this week.   My daughter saw them before they were assembled and she really liked  them too and asked me for a set. IMG_0016       So now that they  in groups.  I will pass one onto  her and keep the smaller ones.   I already have spaces on my walls for these two for this season.IMG_0020


ZAP    This work is 37”w X 56”l.   I enjoyed doing all the hand applique of the bubble “IT’S”  on the top of the Zaps to break up the negative spaces here.  IMG_0026 The work is reflective quilted with the circles added as I went along.  IMG_0029

Zap It   This  rework project is almost done.    I decided that the quilt was ok- but nothing more then that.  So I added  the dark purple strips to spell out   “Zap it” on top.  Now  I have stitched over the dark purple lines sense  the rest of the work is quilted already.   I am still toying with the idea of adding more stitched lines in purple on top.IMG_0010  I think I need to set it aside for a while and then look again with fresh eyes in a week or two.

New workIMG_0022I pulled out the last pieces of work that I inherited from Ethel( the black stencil stuff and the  tree) and found some fabric to work with those pieces.   I will move onto it next.

IMG_0032Glyph IV   I keep beading away on this project.

Card    As the cards shows- rules are on my mind this week.

Keep Creating


Open Studio Weekend



This week I went off to an open studio week end at the Schweinfurth.  I worked in the wet studio with six other gals.   The first image is of the screen work I did on Sat.  I stared out doing Shobori with Liz.   We did four colors- orange, yellow, green and purple.IMG_9764   Everything worked well except the purple where I used a fabric that was only partly cotton and so it did not take the dye as well as I would have liked.     I still have a lot of fabric that is batching so there will be more next week.  IMG_9774Susan did some wonderful stuff as did Cheri.IMG_9770  Maureen worked on sox and other linens  she hopes to sell at the Plow Shears show  in early Dec.  Victoria did some nice work too.   We all had fun  and I came home exhausted.

Progress Report: Whirlwind This work is 30” w X 45” l.   It took several tries to get the edges strait on this one.    IMG_9829   I really like all the movement in this work.

Ethel’s Scrap   I continue to work away on this piece.  I finished row 5 yesterday and there are only nine so I am more than half done with this step.

 IMG_9814Zap  I had to remove the first applique as it caused a lot of ripples.   In doing the second two panels, I will add the inner facing and   tear away before I stitch to begin with- that will make the piece flatter and go a bit faster too.

Peeling Orange    I am zig-zagging the parts down on this one  and thinking about how I want to quilt it as I go.

Glyph IVIMG_9820I have been gone so much this week that I have not  done much work on this  project.   But I did put in a few hours and time is what it takes now.

 Card: Celebrate  As the holidays draw near I think about how important friends and family are to me and want to toast them with this card.

Enjoy Big Bird Day  everyone,


Color every where


I am enjoying the peak of fall color here.   The trees just seem to be burning with color.      I was hard pressed to choose a photos to use this time.

This week was a busy one.  There was a meeting of the Finger Lakes Fiber Artists on Sat.  I collected the quilts for the show I will be hanging for the group on Monday.

IMG_9542Marcia shared the new SAQA magazine and her work on a new jacket.    This is the small quilt  Pat shared with us.

IMG_9548Maureen is busy doing Indigo dyeing for her class with Jane Dunwald.    She is really mastering this technique.     Liz shared her projects form her class at the Barn.   She is learning  Shibori.   And  I am of  benefitting from this experience because we are doing more together.

Regina has been busy this month finishing things from her classes at QBL.    The triangles are from her class  with Rosalie Dace.     The quilt  at the top on the right is from Cynthia Corbin’s class.  IMG_9554   Noel is playing with different quilting and piecing techniques.   It was a very stimulating meeting with a varied group of creative gals.

IMG_9567We also  had a FAB meeting today.   Judy was working on a  baby quilt for her church.   We had our own little quilting bee as we tied it off before the end of the meeting.


Progress Report:Glyph IV  I am done with the beading on the W now.  That letter is the center so I feel like I have made progress.


IMG_9575Peeling Orange    I am to the point where I am zig –zagging down the  parts of this piece.   I will do all of this before I quilt it.

IMG_9581Spring Whirl Wind  ( Renamed from Tossed Salad as the blue does not work for salad. )      I am doing the line green with free motion quilting on this project.  I wanted to push the green back a bit.

New ScrapIMG_9574  I started building new blocks and pinning up possible layouts for the sixth quilt built from Ethel’s scrap box.    It may change as I have only made three rows of blocks and they are not connected.

Zap  I have cut the dark purple in  the ZAP  pattern.  I stitched the parts to the fabric and I even zig -zagged around the right one.  But it pulled and puckered up the fabric so much that I took all that stitching out and now there is inner facing on the back.  I will re do the zig zag before quilting.

Creative Assistants   Another new batch of silly little fellows.   I am working away during the football games.


Card- Some Days  This card is to celebrate having a day without any event.   Feeling a bit over done- I am going to plan some days like this in every week from now on.

I will be traveling next week so there will not be a post.  I will write all about it Nov. 9 .

Keep Crating until then.


Keep creating,

Hurricane Harvey


The hurricane is on my mind this week.  I have spent a lot of time listening and thinking about how much the people of Texas have lost.    I fear I can not really comprehend it.    My heart goes out to them.

Progress Report: Jazzed Lines   This work is 37″ wX 51″ l.      Due to the fact that I spent so much time in the studio this week I got a lot done.  This is a project that  I started before QBL.  I added some lines in black felt and ribbon that I had noted from an image of some of Picasso’s drawings that were in an old sketchbook.    My tip is keep a sketchbook and fill it with what interests you.

And be sure to occasionally  look through the older ones to refresh your mind.


The black images add another layer of interest to a somewhat dull piece.







Considered   This 12″ X 12″ stretched piece is one of the  three   felted  wool pieces that got started before QBL too.     It is based on a rock with a fossil in it.  The sea shell is in the lower left is the fossil and it is hidden on purpose as it is in the rock.





 Scrap Happy- Ethel ‘s Scraps #5    This is the newest queen sized scrap happy work built with Ethel scraps.     The solid blocks are from the samplers she had purchased.   The striped blocks are ones she started and then did not use for some reason.  I believe there are at least two more quilts in that scrap box.





 Lettres ( owl)  This work is 22″ w X 43″ l.   It is based on three blocks  that spell the word owl.  But I have turned the work on its side as  I think it works better in this direction.

I used some old fabric that I had printed  text on a few years ago.  It is the gold here.













 Glyph II    This top grew out of the first glyph quilt as  the text ( the orange and purple shapes) were cut from the back of the first Glyph  quilt.  I have zig -zagged around the shape and I am now quilting down the background units.

 Glyph III








This glyph is based on the same paper pattern that I developed and interpreted in different colors.   I am pebble quilting in the light shape now and will do the background in strati line quilting.


Glyph IV- beaded   This glyph came out to  number 3 and the orange is the cut away of the text shape applied to a dark background of hand dyed.     I continue to bead the glyph and it is filling in.   The back ground it strait line quilting.






Glyph V    This is a close up of the next one in the series.   It is cut from some of the scraps and another fabric that I added to the mix. More  pebble quilting with green metallic thread.








10″X10″  Banquet –  Petroglyph    The Schweinfurth Art center had called for art work to be donated for an auction later this fall.  The work can be any media and I have selected fabric here. These two  works will be on sale at that time with all the funds raised going to support their cause.


Card Green Soul   My card for this week celebrates the wonders of summer and  notes that Autumn will soon be upon us.





Label Blocks    Another block got completed this week.  I also found a lost one under my chair so now there really are only four more to finish.

Keep Creating


Spring Rains


Red BudsHello,

The spring rains here in central New York sure have pushed the buds forward and the trees are greening up.Silk Paper  Its so pleasant outdoors I even ate my breakfast out on the patio this morning.       I finished up the drying and pressing of the silk paper from last week.  This one is my new favorites with the captured Japanese Lantern pods from Regina in it.    I did a lot of work in the studio this week and the project report will support that.

Milkweed Pods
















Progress Report:  Milkweed Pods    This stretched work is 18” X 24”.     There is a lot of  free motion machine drawing in this piece.   IMG_7977   The background was built up and then the milkweed pods were added on top.   The steams were created with three yarns that were   zig-zagged   together and then sewn down on the surface.   I did a lot of stitching on the pods to show the woody  textures on them. IMG_7978

ScribbleScribble    This small quilt is 18” X 21”.   It is made from   the cut away fuse backed scrap fabrics that I have  have created in the last few weeks.  The green from the Jacks and the pink from the blossom projects.   I then just do a lot of free motion machine play on top to hold it all down.   This quilt along with two others will go to the  Animal  Shelter here in town to be put in the wire cages.  They  soften the effect of the  metal cages a bit.


Flags- Wood Ibis    Wood IbisI just keep working away on the flags that I made in Florida.   The lettering here was done with a Sharpie marker.



THe FoxFox This too is one of my Florida Flags.   I used fabric markers to add color and do the   big lettering on this one.    The small text is stamped work.

MantisIMG_7939 This work has fabric crayons as the color agent.  The lettering is done with a stencil and  silver stamping ink.



Pond Water  Pond Water  This project is going slowly as most of the current attachments are being made by hand.  I work for several hours last week  adding these little white units.   This work is a part of my curvy cur series.IMG_7980 The white is deconstructed screen worked fabric that I purchased from Randy.

Four more PodsPods   I continue to create more of these pods.  I am having fun using lots of the beads from my box and some of the fancy buttons I have purchased  of the years.   It is much nicer to do little projects then to build a big beaded work.




Scrap HappyIMG_7982   Ethel’s scrap box was calling to me this week too.  So I got busy and spent time putting together the little  strips she had precut.   I can see this project will be a slow one- but sometimes I need to do “no mind” stuff  and this will go the trick.



Iced LeavesIce   Two days of cold rainy weather got me going again on this project.  All the white/snow  is free motion quilted  now and most of the leaves are attached as well.

Close up I do enjoy the process when I get going.










Scarves    ScarrvrsI have completed the stuffing of two more scarves.  I like the process but it is very slow.  I takes over half an hour to fill all the units for one row of the scarves.    I am ready to add the silk fabric in the centers of these works.  I have learned that the nylon net is to scratchie for the neck, so I add a unit of softer fancy fabric to the center that rests against the neck .  The good part is finding homes for all those little  stray objects that collect in the drawers.   I am including lots of jewelry bits from grandmother’s   button tin  too.


Label Block # 118 Label Block #118 I put a lot of hand work into other things this week so I only got one block done.    Only 27 to go now.

Keep Creating


Could be Spring


Snow DropsHello,

It has been so warm the last few days that  the plants are a bit confused.  These Snow Drops are proof of that.   I am enjoying it though.

IMG_6925_thumb.jpgThere is a class at QBL taught by Elizabeth Bush were one is encouraged to rework pieces that are one is not happy with.  I have been looking at  First Fall and feel it is not as successful as it could be.  So I took the plunge and re did the leaf by adding orange to it.   I feel that this rework helps the final piece.   The First Fallcenter of interest is stronger and draws the eye to one of Maureen’s “ Golden Points”. IMG_7538



Teasel Trouble 24x18Progress Report:Teasel Trouble  This work is 24” X 28” inside the frame.  The frame was a gift from my friend Patti.    These are the original  teasel heads that were too small that got lost on the first background.

close up  When I made this one I made the background simpler and in a rusty color to show off the  heads.  ( the color in this photo is awful! the color in the full shot is a lot closer to reality)

IMG_7532  The smaller heads in the background are made from silk paper.


Sharron's Challenge

Sharron’s Challenge  This top is all assembled.  I find it to be a little quiet  and not to interesting so I decided to add a cherry blossom limb on top of it. Limb I drew a limb on wash away in magic marker and then built a limb on top.   The white paper shapes and the pink/orange shape  represent the flowers.  I plan  to add more.

limb 2  Then I did a second look and decided that the limb  was too light in value so I started a second one yesterday.   It works with the background much better.   It is made from the sleeve of a tweed wool jacket that Tanya had given.   It does not take over the  background either.IMG_7516  I am about half done with the build up of the limb and then I will add pink blossoms.

IMG_7510_thumb.jpgWiggle Cut Being a frugal person, I decided  I would still use the first limb on a different background so I built this one for that purpose.   I will slice this vertically and shuffle the parts and then add the fist limb on top.



IMG_7522.jpgSummer Meadow I am reading  Layer, Paint, Stitch  by Wendy Dolan.  This is my attempt at the first exercise she suggests.   It is built up with layers of white and off white textured materials.  I need to add some more lace flower forms on this before I go onto the next step.


 Samurai Romance Samurai Romance  I am also still working through Stitch, Fiber, Metal and Mixed Media   by Alysn Midgelow-Morden too.  This is the first step of the second assignment in that book.  ( the pods were the first)   I still need to attach more cording to the surface of this section so I can go onto the next one.   I am enjoying thinking about how I can apply these different little ideas to my own work.










Bird Land 12" X12Bird Land




 This is  12” X 12” and it is my entry for the SAQA auction for 2017.   I only need to add a sleeve and label to the back and it will be ready to ship.  I enjoy the organization and I am glad to add to the fund raiser.



Xavier Wood Ice   Xavaier Wood IceI continue to do the free motion work on this piece.  The build up is slow as it is so large and I only work  for an hour at a time on this process.  I find that if I try to do more it  becomes very sloppy and I feel like I lose control.

Scarp Happy IMG_7525  All the rows of this quilt are done now.  I started cutting pieces for the back yesterday  so now the end is in sight.

Block # 108Label Block # 108  With the completion of this block I only have twelve more to finish this step.   I will do a recount this week to make sure that my numbers are correct.  I am getting excited.  The bad news is I still have lots of labels left over…….


Keep Creating


Wintery walks



I am so very fortunate to live where I can walk three blocks and be in a wild area.  This was the trial( made by deer) I took earlier this week after we had a 10 inch snow fall of lake effect snow.  It really loaded down the branches and out lined them as well.  IMG_7462I so enjoy looking at the way the snow shows off the liner structures of different types of trees.  It is fascinating to me.  It has also set me on a new approach for some new work I want to try.  That idea is not developed enough to share it yet but if and when it does I will inform you.

With all that snow I did two batches of snow dyeing.  And the new IMG_7491snow today will be the beginning of a third.  Only one  is completed and pressed.  These are a great combination of yellow, green and brown.

Teasel IProgress Report: Teasel I  This work is 24” X 18”.    It is stretched and has a wire in the back for hanging.   The pods are made from  a bit of Kimono silk with hat netting placed on top to give the feel of the many sections in the pods.IMG_7496 The spear’s are hand embroidered on top and along the sides.   The handwork step is done last.IMG_7499



Teasel IITeasel II  This work is now ready for the spear’s to be added to the work.   Again they will be done by hand.











Xavier Wood Ice Xavier Wood Ice   This work is just getting the start of the machine tack down.  I keep turning it different directions to decide what way is up.  Things will change a lot as I add in more and more texture.





PodsPods   I have finished all  of step three for the first pods.  Now I need to add a few beads to the bottoms and decide if I want to make more of them or move  onto the next project in the book.   I have lots of  created fabric leftover.  It could go into other things  too.  I need to consider.











Sharron’s Challenge  Cherry BlossemsAll the parts of the silk have been connected for this challenge.  I am thinking that I will build up a further surface on top of this work.   It is too mono chromatic at this point.


Scrap Happy








Scrap Happy   All thirty  17.5”  blocks are built for this project at this point.  The photo shows two blocks.   All the fabric is from Ethel’s scrap box.    I need to build more sashing and assemble it now.  It will be colorful.

Label Block # 107 

Label Block #107 The two big labels made this block go together quickly this week.

Enjoy the season and

Keep Creating


PS       One last snow covered tree.Tree




We are deep in the cold of winter here and that makes me stay in the studio and get a lot done.  But I do have the meetings that come at the first of each month.  QuEG’s meant.    Liz is busy doing hand work on her project that she dyed last fall at the  play/work retreat at the Schweinfurth.  That is her work at the top.

Sue Ellen'sSue Ellen is busy too and she made this colorful quilt for the Linus Project.  I always get  a lot more out of the group meetings.

Circle Challenge


















This time I showed them all the Circle Challenge pieces all together.  IMG_7436.jpg That lead to a whole lot of playing with how they could or should be presented.   I continued the whole idea when I got home.

IMG_7433.jpgThere are just so many ways to go with them.


circle placementThe Diva’s had a good time playing with them too.   There was a lot going on at that meeting as well.











Alice has finished her Bed Quilt and she made prints of the finished work to give to all the folks in the family who owned the bed so they have the history.   I think that is a good idea.


LiesaLiesa  is building a wonderful book on stamps.   She printed the stamps on fabric for this work and laments that she still has all the original  stamps left.


Donna's work









Donna just returned from a 10 day retreat where she did a lot of Gelli printing and pastel work. IMG_7409Maureen is doing lots of work with indigo so she can do more teaching of the techniques.   She shares her knowledge so very kindly.


Regina's work Regina went off to the  conference called “ Rocky Road to California” and took a class with the Tentmakers of Cairo.    She keeps exploring new techniques.
















Ruth is busy with her wonderful clam shells too.    It was a good meeting and I came home with new ideas of things to do with my own work.



Three JacksProgress report: Three Jacks This work is 28” X 40”.  Because I had to take it apart  to fix the nail at the bottom I took photos of the work without the glass.  No  problems with reflections that way.   I also did a major cleaning of the glass- something that I had not thought of before either.  IMG_7446The work is dramatic and I like it a lot.

cl up- three Jacks  The velvet jacks really convey the rich contrast of the two parts of the flower.

Snow Dying

IMG_7420It snowed this week and so I did a bit more snow dyeing.  It is snowing today too so I will do an orange batch next.

TeasilTease I   I did the hand stitching on this work this week.  It is almost ready to stretch.



Teasel II IMG_7386  I pulled this fabric for the background  of the green teasel heads I made the week before on Monday.  Then I worked hard on getting that section done.   I got all excited  and even moved on to pinning the heads in place.  They are not stitched down.  Teaseil II   No problem with contrast this time.















ScarfLeaf Scarf   I did a lot of free motion work on this piece and determined yesterday that it was complete.   It is based on a work I saw on Pintrest by  Amanda McCarvour.  close up os scarf I only work from what I remember not from any reading or recheck.  So when I did look a second time yesterday, I was surprised by how different they were.  I like the vanes of leaves mixed with the wool roving .IMG_7425  The places where I  tried to work in air collapsed so I think when I try it again I will put a layer of nylon net in the middle of the sandwich so there is a some stability to the whole thing.    That and more stitching lines will do the trick I think.  It will also help avoid the arching that happened with some of the gold leaves.

Xavier Wood IceXavier Wood Ice  I have been taking a lot of photos on my walks of ice and now I am ready to begin a new ice work.  This is the fabric lay out at about the middle of the process.

Pods IMG_7429 I have assembled two of the pods from the felted pieces that I made.  They are nor quite finished as I think I want to add some additional beads on the bottoms  of them.   But I am making progress.  It is like the circle challenge in the way that I can think  of more  variations for each side as I go along.   I will play until I tire of the process.IMG_7431

Scrap Happy  IMG_7432.jpgI have been assembling the strips and cut pieces from Ethel’s scrap box for a few weeks.  I cut them into five inch squares yesterday and made a block.  It is 17” on a side.  That is a little bigger then I usually use so I may need to make adjustments as I move forward.

Block #106Label Block # 106   I was in Jo Ann’s this week and I was tempted to purchase some additional embroidery  thread- but I resisted.  Then when I got home I did a little search and found a new bag full, so I am very happy I did not give into temptation.  Only fourteen more blocks to build.

Keep  Creating
