Category Archives: Scrap Happy Quilts

Snow Marks


Snow marksHello,

As I look more carefully for marks I see them every where.     These marks on the deck were the snow has fallen through caught me eye IMG_5081.jpgon my walk today.   I like the dark light contrast of these marks too.   I will be out of town for a few days starting tomorrow so that is why the post is early this week.

I continue to be part  of lots of shows. shot of wall This shot is of my work  and that of Mimi at the Associated  Artists of Central New York show that is hanging in the Manlius Library for Feb.   I also have work at the Turquoise Street Gallery until Feb 15.

IMG_5090.jpgProgress Report:   Blown Blossoms    This little work went together quickly when I got going.  I tried doing the free motion drawing on batting and   thick  upholstery  fabric.    It worked well, and I may try that technique again.   IMG_5095The red fabric is some I created in Pat Pauly’s class last fall.

IMG_5094 The brown and orange print I did a few summers ago in Independent studio at QBL.   I developed the quilting pattern from the floral print fabric.  That came from another friend.


IMG_5087.jpgCoastal Color III  I am ready to stretch this piece now.  This time I did the free motion work on top of the felted step with the addition of batting behind the whole thing.   It worked great and did not warp much at all.  Thank goodness I have lots of friends with lots of helpful ideas to help me solve the problems that I create for myself.


IMG_5098 New Scrap Happy   I finished the scarp happy piece from last week and started to assemble this new one.   This is just the first six rows of the top and only half of that is shown in this photo.   It will be my contribution to the local Public Television  Tel  Auc  in the spring.

 New Work    new workThis work is based on a collage that I did last week.  It has already taken on a mind of its own as it is twice the size I intended it to be.  I am having  fun with it non the less.


IMG_5096.jpgLabel   Block # 39     I got more labels from a friend through the mail this week.  It  is fun to get goodies that I really want to use .  She sent enough for a whole block  of just her contribution.

Keep Creating


Snow Bound



I was snow bound for three days this week as we got hit by lake effect snows.     I felt like hibernating- but spent time in the studio instead.   The snow  measured 18” on my deck and the shoveling was tiring even though it was light snow.  There was just so much of it and along with the wind, being out doors was cold work.

Before the snow I spent aIMG_5000

day with QuIGs gals doing screen printing at Angela’s house.  We had fun and I got a new batch of fabric to work with.

IMG_5005I was also invited to be a part of the Valentine sale and show at the Turquoise Street Gallery.  That sale and show will be  Feb 12 and 13  from 11:00 until 8 both days.   I created a few little images in fabric with bead trims for that show.   It was fun and it got me in the spirit of doing Valentine stuff.      Liz had a really cute pin she had created last year that was a Valentine Cookie in felt.    I was thinking about them and so I tried to create my own.

Here they are in a tin all set to be sent in a few weeks to  my gal pals.IMG_5007.jpg










IMG_4999.jpgProgress Report:  Moon Fall  I am to the quilting stage now and enjoying the free motion part of the process.  I decided to use three colors of thread.  A variegated red to rust, a blue and a burgundy to outline the shapes of the dyed areas.   I am about two thirds done with that now.


Parts   I am stitching down IMG_4993.jpgthe camera parts by hand.  I am also embellishing them with hand stitches to add interest.  The  process is slow and I only add about two pieces and evening, but I am enjoying it.

IMG_4994Coping   I pulled out  this top that I had started last summer and did a second look at it.  Then I decided to do the quilting in a block like fashion.  I am trying not to be too pridctable  with that step and so I over lapped the starting squares and now I am building in more lines and little squares to the surface.

Coastal Colors II   IMG_4989.jpgI continue to build on the top of the wool work here.  I just enjoy adding more texture to the surface.  The colors become so much richer I think.

IMG_5002Scrap Happy     I  had a whole box full of left over squares form all the scrap happy quilts I have been making, so I put them together in  random  rows and I am now sewing/quilting those rows together.   It will be a colorful one when it is done.

IMG_4997.jpg New Work   I pulled out these pieces of fabric and I will start a new work using some of them.  I have not chosen a focus fabric from this collection yet, but when I do I will know what the next steps will be.


Label Block # 36

IMG_4990  I got a letter from Judy this week full of labels and I am thrilled.  It is always good to have help form one’s friends.

Keep Creating





I was struck this morning by how much I depend on the low light of morning to help me see my work.  When the light is soft before I turn on the studio lights, I can really see the  grays of  light med and dark in my working pieces without the distractions of color.    Now I  am not saying I always pay attention to this- but I do know that when I take note-   look at the balance , note the movement of the eye  – the work is stronger.

IMG_4566Progress Report: Earthly Fissures   This photo is of a rock formation in the Adorancks that I took a few weeks ago when I was up to visit Cris at the Pink House Gallery.   I have selected a small section of theEathly Fissures photo to be my jumping off point for this new work.  I am building up the layers for the look  I want now.  This process always takes longer then I expect. But I love the final process so much it is well work the time.

Scrtap HappyScrap Happy  I have now finished this work.  I just keep playing at this process.  This one is very cheerful even though there is gray and black in the quilt.

15  I am doing the hand quilting IMG_4569on this little project in preparation of work on Ethel’s quilt.

New Work   I started a new pieceIMG_4564 this week based on a collage I did over the week end.  I did six collages and then picked out this one to be my challenge/ starting place.   I am really exploring with this new process.  That is both fun and scary at the same time.

IMG_4563.jpgThe quilt top does seem to take on a mind of its own and the enlarging of a small” sketch/collage( 3”X 5”) and going to a different color combo changes things.  I am enjoying the challenge however and feel I am growing with the process.

Label Block 22    The beat goes on for this project. IMG_4567   Enjoy the fall colors.



Ethel Whittamore's work
Ethel Whittamore’s work


We all have losses in our lives.  Some are small like losing a thimble and other are bigger like a death.  I suffered a big one with the death of my quilting buddy Ethel.  I am so very fortunate that her daughter, Elise,  has included me in her end of life events and in  doing  so, the loss, although deep, is becoming one of bitter sweetness.    I have been tasked with the completion of Ethel’s last top to become a quilt for the Quilting by the Lake raffle for the Scholarship fund.   What a gracious honor.    I plan to finish the assemblage and then hand quilt it in the style Ehtel her self would have done.    IMG_4383Elise has included me in the dismantling of Ethel’s studio and in the distribution of her many quilting treasures too.  We spent a lovely day last  Friday sorting and  boxing up her fabrics.   My studio is bursting with the boxes and I feel very comfortedIMG_4385 by there presents.   I will not keep most of the material, but pass a lot onto her many other quilting friends with the hope that it makes IMG_4388them feel her spirit around them as I do.     I did most of my dyeing with Ethel’s guidance and now I have all of her materials to continueIMG_4403_thumb.jpg the process.  I am thankful.     Ethel was also the person who got me interested in silk paper making.  That is something that I continue to explore and I even teach the process.    This week I did two sheets in preparation for  a work shop on that topic that I will be teaching next week.   There will be no post because I will be at the Pink House Art Gallery in Saranac Lake presenting at that time.

Nancy's workThere was a FAB meeting here this week too.   With lots of thought and with great care I am posting a quilt by one of the group members Okay.  Nancy is quit proud of this quilt and I think she should be.    She has a design sense that I so admire.  I have been a big part of this quilt too as the IMG_4391 thin dark  blue line near the outside boarder is one she and I  over dyed  earlier this summer.    She now has to decide how she wants to quilt this colorful work.

Progress Report: BlossomsBlossom and Butterflies and Butterflies    This work is moving along nicely now.  It is the second in the butterfly series.  The background is completed now and I will now build the butterflies to add on top.


















  Incisions   This work now has a title and  I feel good about it.    I have started the free motion quilting on this piece and think it will be finished soon.    The red is the felt/batting so this part of the image will not be part of the final work.

  IMG_4399Scrap Happy      I finished the second twin Scrap Happy quilt on Tuesday and it went with the first to its new home.  I can’t seem to leave well enough alone – so I made the rows from the left overs from this project and several others.  The shoe box that I keep leftover squares in, is still overflowing so there will be at least two more quilts of this style in the near future.  

Creative Assistants    Creative AssistantsAll these guys got arms, hair and backs this week.  Now they only need there final paint embellishments  and they will be done.   I am ready to switch back to making more faces on the next batch.    That is what I do during TV   football games.

Fifteen Challenge    The Diva group is fifteen years old  and we are IMG_4397having a big show next summer.    The group  challenge is to create a 15” square quit  that has fifteen in the work in some way.  I have designed a square that  has a  roman numeral –XV  in it.   I made the block and because there is lots of bias in the shapes it got greatly distorted when I assembled it on the machine.   So I am re doing it and making the blocks by hand.     This is one fourth of the final piece.

IMG_4395Label Blocks  This is # 20 in the label block line up.  I can see this process still has weeks to go as there are still lots of labels in my box.  I am glad to take contributions from any source for this project too.

Keep Creating


Line Types



I have been thinking a lot about lines.  That is my emphasis for this year.    I think lines in art at least can be put into five  categorize.   There are strait lines, curved lines, broken or dotted lines and a combination type line that puts two or more of these types together.    The last category is the outline or the edge line.  This type does not really exist in nature, but artist us it all the time.  The edge line is some times created when  two colors meet.  Another time you get the edge/out line is when an object meets space.     This air to earth line also helps us see and define up and down.  We tend to think of the sun as being up and light from that source is on top of objects while the line is dark on the underside that is away from the sun, there for it is down.    I am still pondering this effect of edge/outline and I am sure not that it is in my consciousness I will see it more often.
004.jpg Progress Report: Rifts

This is the newest member of the Foundations series.    I am enjoying doing all this rock work.  This piece is the third based on a photo that I took in Maine a few years ago.004.jpg  I really enjoyed all the deep cracks in the surface of the rock and tried to show the depth of that with these last two close up treatments of the image.009   I am enjoying using the silk papers as well as threads and various fabrics.


001.jpgNew work   This work is based on a collage from my class with David Hornung.   He suggested that we use collage as a way to work out design problems before doing all the fabric work.  because I liked the print on the light brown fabric I used it in this work.  It is a very loose weave and so it did not sew quite the way regular cotton does.   It took a lot of adjustment and re-seaming to get it to lie flat.   I still need to work on the bottom edge.

IMG_4379.jpgNew Butterfly work   At the Diva meeting a few weeks ago Noel challenged me to make a second butterfly that showed off the butterfly’s more.  This is my new background for that idea.






 Creative Assistants   Football014.jpg season has begun and so has my work on the Creative Assistants.    I have about 19 faces done now.  I do enjoy this process.




011.jpg  Scrap Happy Twin 1  I am building a set of quilts for some bunk beds for a friend.  This is the first of the two.  I am only to the step were I add boarders so there is still a ways to go.

Label Block #19003  I decided to number the label blocks so I can tell how many I have done.

Keep Creating


Summer Actions


Morning GloriesHello,

These beautiful Morning Glories are from Susan’s garden.      I had an unexpected invite to go to Quilt National last week and that happened on Thursday and Friday.  That was the reason there was no post.   It was a glorious experience and I have a ton of new thoughts and ideas about work.032

There were wonderful works  by many folks I have seen before as well as lots of new comers.  I purchased  the book,   and I treated myself to a poster with Elizabeth Bush’s quilt on it.    It was a good experience.

Susan  I did not get busy and write on Wed before we departed because I went to Susan’s with Noel and  we had a play day.  We did a mimic of the work form David’s class and I have a lot more paper to play with now.  It was a pleasant day and we all enjoyed ourselves.

I also spent a day  001both weeks making silk paper.  I have used some of it on quilts already.   But my main reason for making the paper is I want to teach a class were the we make the paper and then use some of it to make book jackets.

020Progress Report:Rifts 

This is the new rock piece that I am working on.  It too is another close up of the shore of Arcadia.   I am struggling with    direction on this one and keep pinning it up with different orientations.   Looking is the only answer for me.  It is also were I used some of the silk paper that I mentioned earlier. 027.jpg

  The process is still in it’s early stages so there will be lots more build up of the surface and changes.      

030Mill Site  Melody   I stared this piece at QBL and I am to the quilting stage now.  I have had a good time doing reflective quilting in this section and making additional  machine drawing in other areas.Wheat heads

These wheat like shapes are based on the  images I see in the discharged print image.

Forest Floor 033  I continue to  do hand work on this piece.   The stitches are beginning to build up with more remaining to be added.

023Scrap Happy     I finished this quilt this week.  It will be a gift to help comfort my friend Tanya who had to  have her horse put down.  She is quite sad about that and I hope this red and black quilt with give her warmth and comfort.

New Work   I took David’s suggestion and selected one of my collages as a starting point for a new work.034

The collage only has two pieces of paper in it- but I could not limit 021.jpgmyself to just two fabrics.   I have added more and as I build I can see I am making alternations in the design due mostly to scale I think.  It is a different approach and I like that.

There is no shot of a finished block this week either because I am not done with one.  I am off to spend tomorrow playing with another friend working on Gelli plates  so I am writing this a day ahead.  Summer is just a busy time.

Keep Creating


Good Old Summer Time


026.jpg Hello,

I am enjoying a bit of a slow down that one associates with summer.  I have done a lot of walking and enjoying all the colors of summer.    This shot is from Susan’s garden.    I have been  doing a bit of sorting too.  When I put things away from QBL it is always a good time to look at the collections of stuff I have and prepare some of it to pass along to others who can and will use it.    Most will go to the school that I once taught in as I know Margaret will use it with the kids.

005.jpgProgress Report:  Remote Recesses 

I started this work in Independent Studio at QBL.  It is  a selected section from the same photo graph that I used for Relinquished 008Regions.    I am enjoy the movement and action in this piece.   This work has lots of different textures and materials in it. 009_thumb.jpg There is silk fabric, silk paper, wool, velour, and  organza, and some  imitation leather that Susan gave me when I went to visit her in FL.    The  cream and white fabric with the orange speckles on it is from the studio sale that I went to two weeks before QBL.  I just find fabric 010every were that works for me.


011.jpgFree Flight   I had started this work before I went away to quilt camp.   It did not get quilted until this week.    The Butterflies are cut from ground015 cloth and painted.  I then stitched them down with silver thread and  did reflective quilting around the out side with little loops added every now and then to represent butterfly erratic flight patterns.016017

Scrap Happy   This quilt is will be a wedding gift for one of my 003friends sons.    I sure enjoy building these and I think this is  # 140 of this style.


New  Work    001.jpgThis quilt is also one I started in independent studio.  Some of the fabric is from Randy and the brown pieces with the leaf prints on them are from a long ago week end outing at Mill Sight Lake.    I have started the quilting by doing some stitch in the ditch so it is well anchored.   Now I need to decide what type of free motion decorative stitching I will add to fill in the rest of the spaces.

New Rock     I started a new rock based piece on Wenesday.  My friend Tanya gave me some fabric and it just had to be used in this manner.

019  This work  is only the pin up stage and it will change with time.   It too is a detailed section of my       Arcadia shore shot.   020A very small section that this shot shows.  It is  the basis of the quilt for what I have pinned down.


Label Block   I am back in the hand work pattern again.  021  Enjoy the slow days of summer.


More on Lines

Summer flowersHello-

I just had to post these flowers today.  I love both the color and the contrast in textures.        I have not been very good about

Street linesconcentrating on lines as I intended to be this year.  But I took a renewed look this week.     I was caught by the lines on the street and thought the are indeed one type of line- strait.  They are a lines of direction and ones of illusion.  They create a feeling of depth on a flat surface and lead the eye back in space.    Most art is an illusion and a  bit of magic.  I say magic  because  if one looks at the materials ( paint, pastels, fabrics and yarns) that an  artists starts with-it is nothing but magic when one looks at the end result.

Encounters 26" X 25"
26″ X 25″

Progress Report:  Encounters This is my newest completed hand embellished work.  I put a postage stamp on the lower left to help with scale.  It is a standard size- but I am not happy with it.  So I will keep looking for an item to add along the side to help give the viewer a clue as to the size of the piece.

104 - CopyThis work has more of the fabric form the discharge screen printing class in it.  The  dark fabric is a Judy Roberts piece form her monthly mailing.   It came in January and I just knew I had to use it with the white material.   I think they play well together. 105 - Copy106 - CopyI have enjoyed doing the various stitches on the surface of this piece.  I only did machine work as stitch in the ditch on some of the seams  to hold it together. 107 - Copy

  By the ShoreBy the shore








I am ready to start to build up the dark sections of this work.  I want it to feel deep – not just black so I am going slowly.     I like all the textures too

Name Game- Three Grand Sons    This is the next one in the series. Stage one here with Nick and Ben.  Both positive and negative shapes are shown here.

090091094 Gavin shows the second cut of the fabric.   It is already getting difficult to read the name.   I will slice all three  of the names into 4.5″ blocks and shuffle them next and put them all together for the top of this quilt.

New Work  New workThis top is all put together now.  It seems quite weak to me so I will have to do some wild machine work on top to  pull it into a work of some interest.










Scrap Happy 108  Sense I sold one more of my Scrap Happies to Beth  and there is a wedding for  Barb’s son coming up I started more work on these types of quilts.  The one with the red and black centers  is all setScrap II in rows. This shot is only three rows.

This second with three shades of blue as it’s centers   is not as far along When the rows are all assembled .  I will make scarp backs for the two of them.   They are always fun.



New Hand Work   Becausehand work I always want to have some hand work to do I laid out and pinned up this new start for my next hand challenge.  The white base has a bit of screen printing in pink on it.  I added some organza, yarn, silk paper and some of the felt slices  I made as a part of a play day with Cheri  had last fall.     I will be using mostly the same colors of yarn and floss as I did  for “ Encounters”. 






Spray paintedSpray Painted    I plunged in and started the quilting on this one this week.     I am outlining the reds and purples and then inventing the areas on the solid units on this top.   I am enjoying the process, but I am not sure about what I am doing.



092Label Block   I just keep working away on these little fellows.

I will be away next week so there will be no post again until July 2.

Keep Creating




Tree againt skyHello,

The trees are still bare, but the sun is shinning and I have spotted several Robins while I have been out of doors, and   I even ate my lunch out side today.   This shot not only shows the tree but is also shows an aspect of line.  A line can change its thickness as well as it’s direction.   The more I pay attention to lines the more I am aware of how vestal they are.   Lines can be used to express a wide array of emotions.    They can be sad, nervous , silly angry, graceful, calm, excited  and dancing to name a few.   Our culture  uses them  to communicate with words and images.      They are every were when one starts to look for them.

I made Easter Cards Easter cArdsone day this week.  I took a heavy card stock and on top of that I placed ribbons, yarn and plastic twist.  I kept the pallet limited to light spring like colors and  then stitched in many directions across the surface to attached the materials.  When I felt that the surface was  strong enough I cut out the egg shapes.  I added pipe cleaner ears and a pome-pome tail  to create little rabbits.  Then I glued them down to the cards were I had drawn some grass with a green marker.  I did leave some of the eggs as just eggs    and   glued them into nests so I had two different cards.  I had a good time and I hope  my friends enjoyed my spring fling.IMG_3414.jpg

Progress Report: Whip Shock Hill II   I am still working away on this piece.  I like adding all the texture to the surface of the work.  It makes for nice soft color changes is some areas.  I am sure I will complete this piece this week.


Scrap Happy  6 &7   Scarp Happy 6 The only thing I needed to do to complete this quilt this week was add the binding.  That takes me about an hour.  This one has center blocks that are all in grays and black and whites, with a few center blocks that have browns in them.

Scarp Happy 7


I also completed  Scarp Happy # 7.   This one  has deep red center blocks and gray center blocks.  The scale of the prints is much smaller than # 6 so it is not nearly as busy.


Vernal EquanoxVerna Equinox This is the newest piece using the Fabric Collage technique.    I am trying to add lots of different fabric textures along with the wrinkle and wad stuff that I have been working on.  This piece has cotton, valure, taffeta, silk, double knit,  organza,  grow grain ribbon,   and wide whale corduroy  in it.  The fabrics alone are lots of textures.   I hope I can make it work. Patti

Name Game  III – Patti   This shot shows the first  cut  from the brown and gray fabric.   The top image is the negative in brown and the bottom image is the positive in brown.   I have been very careful in my documentation of this process this time and I will put up a tutorial of the process this next week.  Hopefully I will be finished with the work too.






Ribbon Work      I stared this new piece trying to play with the same ribbon application technique that  was on a piece of  red fabric that  Susan gave me.   Susan's scrap The process is slow and I cannot seem to work  with the closeness the example has– but I do like the effect.    My ribbon is much  wider then the example.  I am still trying to stay true to my New Years resolution of not purchasing any thing new so I will continue to work with the ribbons I have here.

heart of gold



Flags:    Heart of Gold     I am continuing on the  Susan’s   Flag Challenge.  This week I tackled the purple stencils.  Susan did  the rib cage that is on this work.  I  added more color with various fabric markers. The heart is a small bit of gold fabric that was remaindered from some other project as it was just pinned to the wall.


DSC00693.jpg Flags:  Relaxed Energy    This is my purple stencil.  I selected this pose from Susan’s book because I was surprised that many of the exercises that the physical therapist gave me for my back are also Yoga poses.    I added a beautiful glittered nylon net that Susan had purchased in Mexico and given me as a part of this flag.    I was also thinking about negative space when I made the stencil and when I cut away some of the netting.



Label Blocks 1 &2    Blocks  I need to have a hand work project for my evenings.  So I stated doing these label blocks again.    I did my last label quilt in 1988.     Some of the labels I am using are left overs form those works.  But I will soon be using only current labels.  They are much harder to find now because many IMG_3411.jpglabels are printed on the fabric as apposed to added units.  If you have any you can send them my way.

Enjoy the days as they get longer and warmer.

Keep Creating ,


Sports Lines


I am still thinking about lines and although this is a shot of tire lines  I think it shows one way we see them and do not really realize they are a part of our lives.   When I made my list of line types I was surprised by how many were  related to sports.     Almost all sporting events have a starting line  or beginning line and finish line.   In Basketball there are center lines,  free throw lines,  foul lines, boarder lines, side lines.  Foot ball has some of these lines and adds yard lines, front lines, boundry lines  and line men.  In auto racing you add fuel lines, break lines and checkered lines.  Other lines in sports include kite lines, trap lines, bow lines  and in horse racing you blood lines.  I am sure there are lots of othersIMG_2501_thumb.jpg I have not though of too and perhaps I am getting to the point were the lines have different meanings- but line is a very useful tool in art and sport. I went and spent a day playing with Cheri last week.  She had some wonderful felted work to share with us.         Colleen worked on this IMG_2504_thumb.jpgbarclet for the day.  It is more than half done now and I like the colors.  Cheri worked on this wonderful spider. IMG_2505_thumb.jpg Look at the scissors near the top of the photo to get the scale of how large this project is . I spent my day working on my entries for 6X6 for the Rochester Contemporary Art Center fund raiser.       Check out the web sight and see the work for sale at  $20  for each one IMG_2506_thumb.jpgor even better send them one of your own little 6″ X ^” creations and join the fun. 




Progress Report: RusticIMG_2520_thumb.jpg Rambles IIMG_2518.jpg and Rustic Rambles II   This is the first of the works  new stretch series that I am doing.   I wanted to try my collage technique on a stretch surface so I an enter it in a art show that IMG_2527_thumb.jpgis specifically asking for stretched works.  I like the effect. There is no batting but I have not been using  batting in most of my foundations works for over a year.   This work also includes paper that I have done wax resits on.     I used the same machine drawing  work I have been developing for the last year. IMG_2522IMG_2523IMG_2524IMG_2525  These two works are a set and flow into one another when they are hung with that in mind. IMG_2526  

Circuits    This project is completed now and is 20″ X 30″IMG_2513.jpg







 This was a fun project to work on in the evenings while I did machine work onIMG_2515_thumb.jpg Scrap Happy’s during the day time.

I started this with the orange stamped shapes.  I used the errasor  end of a pencil for the stamp.   When the paint was dry I stated to connect the  rowsIMG_2517_thumb.jpg of dots together like the welds on a circuit board.     I added the orange beads as I tough they were needed to make the idea feel complete.  The stitching and beading became more and more complex  as I went along.   I am very happy with the final results.IMG_2516_thumb.jpg





Scrap Happy # 4   I am still working away on these scrap quilts and finishing them as time allows. IMG_2547 IMG_2546  Scrap Happy #5   I gave one away yesterday to the Prevention  Net Work.  It is an organizations that helps direct high school kids away from drugs.  I have starts for two more and then I will set this work aside for a while.

New works    I am still strugglingIMG_2550_thumb.jpg with how I want to finish this piece.  But yesterday I looked at it and though of my trip to Canyon De Chilly again and think I will try to push it in that direction. This is another experiment I am trying.  It really falls into my Graffiti  play stuff so I am  IMG_2548_thumb.jpgnot sure at all were it is going.  But when I give my self the Okay to play some good stuff can come out of that.

I will be away next week so there will be no post   March 5.

Keep Creating
