It has been a turbulent year with lots of disasters from fire, flood, illness and death. I am thankful that there are so many wonderful willing souls in the world who are willing to go forward and help. They really make the world a better place. We all do the little things that we hope will make the world a better place too.
This week I took two works to the Everson for their Festival of Trees. My tree is part of a series I did years ago exploring how I could use “glitz” in my work. In this case I added sequins to the tree and used a opalescent paint.
The flower basked is a stretched work that is a result of one of the challenges by Textile Artist Stitch Club.
This week the club’s teacher was Jennifer Collier. She taught us how to stitch with paper. I have admired her work in the past and enjoyed making these 3-D paper gloves. They are resting on top of my stitch sketchbook from the week before.
The Pixies were the only other group that meant this week. It is good to stay connected.
Progress Report: Burning This work is 41″ X 35″ and is all free motion quilted and appliqued. It is my tribute to the fire fighters of the west who bravely go on day after day fighting fires to save homes and landscapes.
I dyed lots fabric for this piece and I made silk paper with this project in mind. I used organza and nylon netting as well to promote the feeling of fire.
Wake Up Call This quilt is 36″w X 41″ l. I made the stencils form Robert’s photos of crows in flight. Then I created the trees from a photo I took on my walk. The crows are made with silk and velvet. I enjoyed this project.
Fall Gathering 3 X 3 Challenge This work is 40″ 40″. The Challenge was form the Sisterhood Of the Scissors. There was a size limitation and one had to use black and white somewhere in the work. I mixed two sizes of broken nine patch blocks plus some 3.5″ fillers to created 14″ squares that I then joined. This work
lead to another quilt as I though I should spark it up a bit with some metallic fabric. When I pinned the metallic triangles on the surface they just faded into the background. They were too close in value. The result is below as new work.
New Work This is the new base I built for the leftovers from Fall Gathering. I hand painted and dyed all the fabrics in this base.
Ethel’s Scraps I built four square blacks with the patterned squares mixed with the solids and then when all the units were connected into blocks I made rows for the quilt top. This is the first one and I think I can make at least one more top from the remaining squares.
Squares A Dancing I finished doing the hand work last week and so I worked at various ways to connect them. Found some more of Eric’s cast offs and thought I would try them. I hope there is enough fabric.
Fire Dancer- Mayan Series I just keep stitching down the parts of this piece. I think it is moving along nicely.
Water Dancer- Mayan Series I enlarged my sketch this week and just started cutting out the solid fabrics for the parts of the piece. I hope to get to the stitching stage by next week.
Tyvec Painting Enjoyed reading an article in Quilting Arts on the use of painted tyvec to create leaves so I painted a postal envelope form my friend Sharron. I will post the results of the process next time.
When we moved to Carroll Dad became the principal of a much bigger school than before. After he finished the building of the house, he didn’t have time to build any more furniture and his work with wood although an interest mostly died away. The new job demanded much more of his time. I found it a lot more exciting, as we went to football games, basketball games, baseball games as well as all the band and choral events. Most things took place in the gym that was attached to the high school. I remember one time when Dad lets us go with him into the basement under the gym. It was full of old school furniture and in one corner there was a collection of old trophies gathering dust. One was almost as tall as I was. The three big trophy cases in the gym lobby were full and since the school was built in the 20’s some had been retired.
> One of his more enjoyable activities was supervision of the Foreign Exchange program. One year the school hosted a young man from Denmark named Hans. He lived with the Annaburgs ,who were our neighbors,so I had a little contact with him too. Early in his visit both families went to the Drive-In to see “The Ten Commandments”. It was a powerful movie. At intermission we went to the refreshment stand. Hans was appalled when we ordered hot dogs and root beer. “How can you eat dogs and give beer to young children,” he asked? This was my first experience with the translation of the English language and how our use of words works. With careful explanations Hans realized that it was not as bad as he first thought. I am sure that sort of thing happened to him many times over the course of his year in the States. The Annaburg family enjoyed their time with Hans so much that they went to Denmark and visited him and the country. They purchased some Danish furniture and had it shipped home in big wooden containers. Those big boxes became forts for us . The following year the exchange student was from Austria. She did not adapt as well as Hans had and was very home sick. She ended up going home at Christmas time.
> Dad did all the normal stuff a principal does, like budgets, schedules, student supervision and he ran the teacher’s meetings. Dad was again in charge of discipline. I recall him telling a story about one of his delinquent students who was skipping lots of school in the spring. Dad said “ Well he is learning something- even if it is only how to avoid me… temporally.” He was also active out side of school. He was a member of the Iowa Teachers Association and went to their meetings and did some presenting there . He was active in the community as deacon in the First Presbyterian Church, a member of the Jaycees and the Rotary Club. There were lots of nights when he was away. I remember hearing the garage door going up under my room when he got home after I was in bed.
> At the end of my sixth grade year there was a big change. Dad and Mom decided that he would resign as principal so he could finish his education. He spent that year in Iowa City doing his Doctoral Dissertation and the last of his classes. It was a five and a half hour drive both ways from Carroll so he did not come home much. He did call every week end , though. Mom was a single parent that year and we all grew as a result.
Hope you are safe and had a quiet and safe holiday.