The cone flowers are fading and the Rose of Sharon’s and Black Eyed Susan’s are in their glory. But I did spot these few leaves that are pointing toward the fast approaching fall. I can’t believe we are in the middle of Aug already. It was a busy week for me with a Finger Lakes Fiber Artist meeting on Sat. It was very stimulating as usual. I am always amazed at the wide creative expressions in that group.
Liz showed us her wonderful hand work.
Joyce shared several baskets and a doll she had created.
Deb had a Cubist style set of portraits to share.
Susan has finished assembling the top she was working on at QBL. It is a cut up and rework of an old project.
Joan is doing wonderful painting mixed with great fabric collage quilting work here.
It was a great meeting.
I also had a Pixie meeting this week and we had a good talk.
Progress Report: Lap # 12 This is the first quilt in a long time that does not have any of the fabric that printed for the 100 Day Challenge in it.
I did use lots of stuff that I had altered though.
Reggie’s Quilt At QBL, Reggie specialized in assembling blocks that she had picked up over the years. She gave me this top all put together and I did the quilting. I am working on the binding now and plan to add it to my lap quilt stash. My granddaughter has agreed to take them to the nursing home were she worked for me to go to folks in the wheel chairs there.
Elizabeth’s paintings When Marty and I went to Maine to visit Elizabeth Bush she gave us both some of her little canvas paintings. “Use then as you please ,”she said. I finally decided to turn them into cards to mail to folks.
College Insect – Praying Mantis The pixie subject of Insects to Animals in still in effect so I continued my study. This collage is done with a ball point pen drawing on top.
Jeans The work goes on with this project. I thought I could use the machine drawn flowers that I had purchased from Amanda on the jeans, but their is not enough contrast.
So I saved a blouse that had a big black spot on the front with the flowers and continue to add stitches to the legs.
Handwork Napkin I worked on this while I listened to the SAQA lecture on Wed. It was a good talk and I am finished with the handwork on this project
New Work I was fascinated by the bark on one of the trees at QBL So I took a lot of photos. The bark pulled away and split as the tree grew. I though I could use that idea as a jumping off place for a quilt and so here goes. First I pulled the fabrics I want to use.
Then I started cutting and pinning. You will have to stay tuned to see were this goes.
Keep Creating