Category Archives: Tide Pools



It is a cold January, but many friend came to the short opening at La  Moyne  on Tue evening.   The director said it was one of the biggest turn outs he could remember. I was pleasantly surprised  by a friend from Associated Artists   and folks from several  quilt groups that I belong to.


Eric said he was proud of me.

When we hug it, I was impressed with how things went together like this shot of my Forest Fire and Victoria’s , Fires Within.

The guests  were varied and I talked with many folks I did not know at all.  Sharon even roped in some of the students that were in the library  who stopped mostly to eat the goodies.     It was a good time I think.

On Friday last week I went to Marcia’s for a work day.   Kathy shared her new eco printing work.  And she even gave me a book  with a cover made with one of them.   She did a good job getting lots more color than I usually do.






Joyce had a new doll  that she shared with us.   Her “Bringer of Light ”  has an electric candle .






Jeanne is going on a binge of making bags.   This leather one  is a strong piece I think.





I am working away in the Making Connections class.    I did the mark making with  some of the brushes I had made from another class.  For this class we were to work on tissue paper as well as old books.



I also make it to the Textile Talks  and the Pixie meeting this week.

 Progress Report:  Wash Up    This work is 18″ X 18″.     Sometimes it takes me a  long time to see what a work needs to be complete.  Such is the case with this piece.     It needed a focus.  When I came across the box of Mom’s  sea horse’s and star fish, I had my answer.     I attached them on  Tuesday.














Lap 1-25     I worked on this piece this week and it went together quickly.     I enjoy these little quick works  that are pure play for me.

Tide’s Out      I am adding buttons, beads, shells and other odd bits to the surface of this one now.   I like building up the surface with lots of additions.   Texture is the thing I love the most and this work really shows that love.




 California Burning- the Victorian   I am cutting and pinning away on this house structure now.  I can’t seem to help myself with the addition of the fire too.  It is made from painted lutador, dyed silks and scarves, as well as nylon netting.  There is some painted fusible too.

Collages/ Drawings  I am having a good time mixing drawing with the collage work.   Knowing I am going to draw on top of the collage, I am freed up to keep that step a bit cleaner and simpler..






I have also learned to stay a bit lighter with my  color choices .





This one is a little heavy on  the  dark blue  paint, but I am still learning.







With this one I can see now that I really need to out line the wings to make them show up



Purple Jacket 2   I am working away on this second attempt.  I used a zippered front sweatshirt this time and  that was a new problem.  It needs hand stitching  and I think that will solve that problem.


Handwork   I am not making any speed record with this project.  Too  many other things going on at the moment.    I did work on it a bit this week.





 Valentines   I added some yarn, ribbon, scraps, roving  red plastic fruit bags and some sequins to three different papers and then put some red nylon netting on top before I did machine stitching all over the place.  I’ll cut heart out of these papers  this week and make my Valentines with them.


I hope you are enjoying the  wonders of winter and keeping  the blues away.

Keep  Creating


Holiday Times


I like many others celebrated the holiday yesterday with my family.      We all ate too much , opened gifts and enjoyed each others company.     For our house we made some great new memories.   I hope you can say the same.     I did do a bit of work this week and the Pixies meant.      I have made a little resolution though, to try to act more quickly on items I read.   We will just have to see how long that lasts.

Progress Report: Collages      I did spend my Monday afternoon working on collage.  Setting a specific time for that seems to help me stay on track there.













Steampumk   Doll       This gal is the partner for the one from last week.   She has an old spice tin for a body. long springs for arms and old shoe horns for legs.       It was a fun diversion.





Autumn Tide Pool      I am making great progress on this project.   The handwork just takes time  and because I cannot do it in the TV room it is always slow to completion.  But I do enjoy the process.




My Year    I have started the quilting of this project now.







Scarp Happy      I laid out and assembled the rows for this project at the Sisterhood Fall retreat. This is the second of the three.    I gave the first to my daughter for Christmas. I am also doing work on assembling the  pieced back for the last one.



Altered    Jacket   In the newest  issue of” Quilting Arts Magazine” , I was untriaged by  Bethanne Nemesh’s article, Yarn Couching Couture.    So I purchased a jacket at the local  thrift store and this is my solution.




New Project     In the same issue of “Quilting Arts Magazine”, was a second story by Mary Schwarzenberger  called It all Began With a Sweatshirt.   So I also picked up a purple sweatshirt at the thrift store.   These are the fabrics I have pulled to try to use on that project.

I am having fun and that is an important part of why I do the work.

May the New Year bring your  goodness and joy.
