I have not had access to the computer for a while. The screen went black and we had to send it out to be repaired- twice to get everything back in running order. We still lost some stuff. Good thing it is on the back up hard drive. Now my second problem is I lost the program that I was using to perpear pictures for the this blog. It has been a real challenge for me to learn a new way of doing that step. The holidays also mean lots of travel and family activities for me so I do not have a lot of work to share. I feel like I am getting going again as I went to visit my friend Ethel yesterday and we made Fused Silk Paper. I have been working with moss, lichens and trees lately so I concentrated on playing with greens with the silk. I feel like I have a good selection of colors now.
I did finish all the Minions and gave most of them away. But I did stop in the process long enough to take photos with every step along the way so I will put up a tutorial on that in the next few days.
Progress Report: Memorie Map -Yellowstone
When I was seven my Father worked for the National Park Service in Yellowstone National Park. It was a glories time for a kid with lots of freedom and wonders to see and explore. Every weekend we went some were and had some sort of adventure or another.
One adventure was a fishing trip were all the ranges at the base took all the kids fishing. This close up shows Gene and I with our cut throat trout. We really feasted that night as there was no electricity and the fish had to be eaten that day.
One of my other memories of Yellowstone was the lupin. They were so beautiful and seemed to grow just every were. This last close up is of Dad’s shoulder patch that was on his uniform. He was a guard at the South Gate Ranger station that wonderful summer.

Sounds Like the Blues
This work go got a lot of attention when it comes to hand work. I had fun using lots of different types of threads and such to the surface of this pieces as well as the leftover silk pieces.
Circuit Board Now that I am done with one bit of hand work I had to start a new one. I hand stamped some orange circles on a white background and started connecting them together with hand stitches. I added the beads because it looked so simple. I am having fun doing all this chain stitching.
Dry Falls Lichens I am working on yet another Foundations piece. This one is based on a photo I took at Dry falls of the Lichens growing on one of the stone guard rail units. I liked all the variations in the colors on the plan gray stone,
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