The Weather is full of spring surprises. Tue is it was sunny and 54 degrees here. I enjoyed my walk noting all the bare ground and seeing may birds. Wednesday morning it stared raining early and continued until about 8 am and then started snowing. By 3 in the afternoon I only did a shot walk as the snow on top of ice was a foot deep, slippery and the slogging was difficult. Today it is beautiful with full sun and blue sky’s- but a chilly 16 degrees with wind. Tomorrow it is set to be 43. All this snow and cold will soon be a memory as we all enjoy the wonderful changes spring brings.
Progress Report:Foundations XI -Rust and Rifts

Rust and Rifts
30″ X 38″
I continue to truly enjoy this collage like process of assembling works. The chance to use so many fabrics combined with how one can twist and turn those fabrics as one works with them is so much fun. I like too the fact that I can just keep building on top of each section until I get the effect I want. This means that I can use yarns and threads to produce different types of lines across the surface. The free motion work adds so much freedom and direction to the surface.
This shots shows rusty velvet and the back side of one of the rusty colored fabrics. This second close up shows the several of the threads that I used on this piece as well as the tucked and folded fabric.
In this third close shot you can see the silk paper the frayed out heavy fabrics and threads that are attached.
Green Nebula. I finally got this felted piece framed. I think that is the best solution for felted works. I think I will work a bit smaller on the next one as so much of it is lost in the framing process. I did enjoy adding all the bead work to represent planets and stars among the green gasses.
The sequins on this piece are antique ones from my Aunt May’s sewing box. They are of a material that is not fractured or as highly reflective as most of the sequins that one can purchase today. I learned a little bit more about photography with this project. Both
closeups have flash reflections in the form of lines near the center and the full sized shot has a shadow across the glass. It seems there is always more to learn.
Foundations XI – Stream Bed I am doing the fun stage of this project now. I love the free motion work that all of the works in this series require. I like how the project leads me forward and how much time it takes, because the time means I put it up and look at the work in progress a lot. I am not real happy with the piece at the moment. I see that it is too dark- and the one tan area is far too square. All these problems can be changes and that is exciting to me.
Smoke This quilt sort of got away from me as I worked on it. I did not intend for it to become so large, but the gray silk units seemed to call for that action. I did fuse inner facing to the back of those same units as they were far too flexible and wandered around a bit with the seaming. I am now in the process of doing hand stitching on this one. In my typical style I am letting the surface tell me what to do next.
Striking Gold I am having lot of fun working on this piece. The base is one solid piece of fabric and then I added Lumier painted torn grown cloth on top. There is also a bit of orange nylon netting on the surface as well as fabric bits. I then did some hand work with some Taylor’s thread that my friend Judy had given me several years ago. I also have added some free motion bobbin work to the surface. (The zig –zag lines) I am enjoying working away on this project.
New Work All the snow covering the ground has brought my desire to work with spring colors back to the surface. Just pinning these up yesterday in the snow storm was cheering. I am going to really emphasis the green this time in the form of long lines to represent grass coming up.
Daily’s I think these little Daily’s are the reason I am doing so much more hand work then I have been doing past years. I just seem to get going on the square and the thing is done. So picking up another project is a very easy and natural progression.
Keep Creating