Our fall has been dry and crisp. I have enjoyed my walks and enjoyed natures bounty. It is raining today however and I will walk to the Dr with my eyes and umbrella open.
A week ago Saturday I went to a new group. Lots of old friends were there and we talked and shared ideas about going forward with a unified idea. There was show and tell of course. Anne talked about her work as did everyone else. I really like this work that she created for a challenge project. There was a lot of talent in that room.
I also spend a day at the Turquoise Street Studio last week. Barbara was working on a sign for a Black Friday event. Beth worked on two pastels. This one of cows and another of a barn landscape.
Both were from pictures she took last summer on the same day.
I went off to the Schweinfurt on Sunday to hear my good friend, Cheri do a trunk show and talk. She was very entertaining and I enjoyed seeing all her work together again.
This is also the beginning of a new month so I had group meetings to attend.
At Diva’s Regina had four Christmas banners she had completed to share with us.
They all used Christmas carols as the themes for the blocks. She said she will put one up and then replace it with another the next week. All the thread she uses makes my mind boggle.
Noel showed us a fun nine patch she had done years ago of her husband to demonstrate what she was working on. She has a cartoon of her grand daughter that she was cutting up in the same fashion to make for her a Christmas gift. It was cute but still all in pieces.
Tanya came to the studio yesterday and we made silk paper. I have more material for my rock quilts now.
Progress Report: Grounded I am to the fun part of this project now. I do enjoy the free motion work so very much. I am outlining the leaves- each in a different colored thread as my quilting on this one. I am about half way done with the process.
Christmas Cards I took time to make a batch of Christmas cards this week too. I am finally using the great printed papers that I got from the British Museum. Simple but enjoyable.
Williams Quilt I finally got the images transferred to fabric this week. I plan to really concentrate on this project now as I want it finished in two weeks if possible. The fabrics are all washed and ready for cutting. It was fun looking for the topic fabrics on the list. Nancy found the brownie print fabric for me.
Label Blocks Two more blocks numbers 28 ans 29. Soon I will be one forth done with this project. I do need and infusion of labels though as it seems I am getting near the bottom of my box. I will just have to ask for help with this.
Keep Creating