Category Archives: Hand work

Rainy Days


We are enjoying a series of rainy days here in central New York.     I am thankful as so may are in drought or in flooding conditions.    Here it is just gentle and soaking into the ground for the most part.   I like to walk in the rain too so I am taking advantage of it.

It’s the beginning of the month and I had several meetings.  The Creatinve Strength Training group meant.  The element of emphasis this month is Texture- my favorite so I will enjoy this one.    The Pixies meant and Quilt Divas too.

Barb had a  great little quilt based on a Slot Canyon that I really liked.





And Terri shared her news work too.







Progress Report:  Coy  Fish   This work is 34.5 ” X 35.5″.  I like how this project came out.  I still have not come across my inspiration work, but that is not necessary now.


I really like the fish forms and playing with them is fun for me.


The second piece with more Coy fish I have  set aside as I am feeling it is too busy. I am thinking on it now.
















Reaching  This work is 15.5″ X 26″.  The color here as well as the textures are what I really enjoy about this piece.








Hand Out  I am still building on this piece.  I want more hand work here than on Reaching.  I do like the complexity that the spider webs add too.


Lap quilt 2  With this quilt I am again using up Sue Elle’s blocks.

There is still lots of quilting to do on this one.







Lap Quilt 3   This is just the start of another lap work.







Three Witches  I am enjoying doing the hand work on these interesting faces.




Feather Dancer   I uncovered this work while looking for another project .  There is so little left to stitch that I decided to complete it.  Getting closer every day.

Fire Wall   With new fires in the west I felt I needed to create a new fire piece.  I got the base fabric from a fellow quilter at QBL this summer.  These layered quilts always take lots of time to build up to the level I feel is complete.

Ponder   I am done with the hand work on this piece now and only have the hand work to do on the last one in the tryptic  to complete the series.





I hope the fall is developing nicely for you.

Keep Creating



Beginning of Fall


It is September and I see that as the start of fall after so many years  of beginning the school year at this time.   This milkweed seems to be agreeing with me as it has started to change its summer color for the fade of fall.  The seed pods look good.

I had a mixed week with only the Pixie meeting this week, and a Dentist an Dr appointments.

The big event was a field trip with the Sisterhood of the Scissors yesterday.  We me meant at   the Memorial Art Gallery on the University of Rochester Campus.   The show was Ubuhale, and it was of seed bead work from seven women from an area in South Africa.     The works were all large mostly  8 Ft by 10 ft and all done with beads.    By the end of the show one could easily identify the work of each artist.



This gal did not mix her bead colors much, but I love the effects she got.




This woman liked trees and even in her work with the cattle she had a tree as part of the composition.



All the works took about a year to produce and they were specular!

We all went away  happily inspired.


Progress Report: Coy Fish    I finished the binding on this work yesterday evening  and I am now ready to begin the hand detailing.  I did the applique with a metallic thread and a gold colored thread both fed through a big eyed needle.



 Frenzy   I have built all the fish I want to use on this piece.   But in taking this photo I realize they really do not work for what I wanted to say.    Back to the drawing board…




Reaching    I added the spider web and have started on the leaf forms here.






Hand Out  I haves started to stitch down the leaf shapes on this one.






Three Witches   I keep filling in the hand stitching on this piece.   Again the photo helps me see were I need to add more shadows.





Drawing    This is the drawing for the third witch.  I think she strikes the correct note for the work.






Lap Quilt    I have done all the stitch in the ditch work here and I am now adding free motion work in the big areas.



Cut away blocks    I keep exploring with this technique.  I am doing two blocks every day so this is just a sample.

I hope everyone is enjoying the close of summer and ready for a new school year.   Stay safe.

Keep Creating




Rolling Along


This week was a good one for me.  I had lots of social stuff over the week end, and great studio time this week. The Pixies and Creative Strength Training went forward as well.  I am re reading the Creative Strength Training book that Jane wrote and I had too.  I am following the exercises she recommends and I started a little self challenge to do a bunch of Expanded Squares.    In keeping with the ideas of using what you have I cut my squares out of some dark gray paper that I had. 


Too  easy to  put  off   doing the exercise when one does not have exactly what is  required.



I also put in a day in the studio with my Grandson Nick on Sunday.   He designed and printed the shirt  for one of his friends.

We  spent the rest of the day designing and starting a back pack in the form of a fox.     Without  a pattern it took a lot of thought and we got about half done we ran out of gas on that project.  It was great fun though.

Progress Report:    Ponder   I  worked on all three of the pieces in this group.  This one is now done with the quilting and the binding has been completed.  I need to do some hand work in the solid colored areas to hold them down.   Contemplation is at that same point.  I need to finish the binding on  Consider and add a sleeve there too.

Lap Quilt  I stared and completed this top this week. I intend to send it to my Uncle in Iowa in the fall when it is done.






Golden Leaves   This work got its start at QBL this summer.  I am now ready to begin stitching the parts down.



Three Witches  – Samantha   I worked mostly on this second witch this week.    I am mixing the weight  of the thread just like I would do if I was drawing and adding more or less pressure.   I like how it is developing.




 Coy Pond    I started this project before I went off to QBL and it got buried.  I uncovered it this week and went to work . 











All the coy fish are made of at least three  parts and many have four. I think it needs about 10 more fish for me to be happy with the numbers.   But in looking at it  I realized that everything is of the same value .   That dose not make for a good work so I will build a new background this week  and hope I can fix the problem to my satisfaction.


Reaching ( hand project 3)   I was given a wonderful old  hand worked wool blanket that was falling to shreds.  My friend Ginny  said do what ever you want with it.  I am trying to save the good parts and make tributes to the hand work of women in the past.  I made two works using parts of the blanket  for Creative Stitch Club and I had  a few new ideas so I am moving forward with them now.



Hand Out( hand project 4)   This is the other idea.  I have only laid out the back ground at this point.     I sure have lots of hand work to do this week.

I hope you are enjoying the summer and keeping creative



Busy Summer Time


  As the title suggests I have had a full week.    I ran the Finger Lakes Fiber Artists meeting on Sat.  We had a lot to talk about and share.   I am  sharing  this  work of Bev’s because I think  she   took  a real  chance  here  when she burned the edges  of  this  work  with  a blow torch.   The  effect  really  works.

We had a lively and productive meeting.

There was also  a Creative Strength Training on line meeting , a Pixie meeting and a meeting of the Sisterhood of the Scissors.   I have spent a lot of time setting at the computer.    In addition to that I spent a day at the Schweinfurth helping take down the Fiber Arts show on Tue and I went with Sharon up to 1.000 Islands in Clayton on Wed to pick up her art work from the show there.     Its all been very stimulating,  but it sure eats into my studio time.

  Progress Report: Circling Circles   This work is 69″ w  X 64″ l.   I have stitched lots of circles in this piece and feel it is stable at this point.  It is most certainly a bed topper  piece.







Spider’s Weds  I am done with the hand work on this piece now.  I think I want to frame it  as it is so very fragile.






Contemplation    I am all done with the quilting step on this work now.  I started to square it for binding when I realized  that I wanted all the works in this series the same size and I did not know how they would all trim down yet.

Consider  I am almost done with the quilting on this work.   I think I have about one more hour and it will be done.



Ponder   I have taken a page form my class with Paula for the quilting on this piece.  She called these bump quilted l stitch lines fence posts.



New Work   I pulled these fabrics for the next lap quilt that I hope to start this week.






Three Witches    I did this drawing to prepare for the stitching of the second witch.    I have transferred the drawing to the surface and I have started the stitching.   I just keep adding stitches to this.  It is building slowly as hand work always does.




I am enjoying all the activity of summer and hope you are as well.


Keep Creating


Summer Days


I hope summer it treating you well.   I am enjoying my walks and savoring every moment of the sun, pleasant temperatures  and gentle winds of the season.   I have had several encounters with wild life this week.  On my way home in the city of Syracuse at about 2:00 in the afternoon, I turned a corner to find a doe crossing the street followed by a young spotted fawn.  It makes one slow down and really look at our wonderful world.  Then on Tue eve when we were setting out on our patio, listening to music and quietly talking, a skunk walked about a foot away from my husband on his nightly food search.  Then Eric had a face to face encounter with yet another Skunk last eve.   No doer either time.

I had my usual meetings with Creative Strength Training and Pixies this week.  There was a special class for  CST called Negative Painting that I enjoyed too.   I have not finished the work for that class yet so.  The Slow Stitch group meant last week and I have finished  two  6″ squares that were the challenge.    This one is the non objective square.


This one is the abstract one.







There are all sorts of extra positive effects from QBL.  For example, I got  a box full of ties to use a raw material from my friend, Diane.   All the ties are gutted now and ready for use.     Here are my new treasures and a new challenge too.





I also made a connection with a fellow post card creator,  Becky.   She sent me this wonderful work this week.



Progress Report: Twilight Crows    This work is 16″ w X 30.5″ l.   I made the work in Valerie Goodwin’s Light and Easy workshop at QBL and finished it this week.





I am enjoying the working with crows and the transparency stuff too.



Brown Study- rework    The work is 24.5″w X 8″ t.  This piece is another project from QBL that I completed this week.  Paula Kovark taught us how to insert quilted  pieces into existing quilts.   The four contrasting triangles show that effect.    She called the effect “suturing “.    It sure makes for lots of fun applications I think.





Cattails and Dragonflies   This work is 11″ square.  This project is also the result of Paula’s class. one of her many challenging assignments was to make a continuous line drawing the filled the page.  I was not quite successful with the continuous line part,  but most of it is.   Color and paint were added this week.

Circling Circles  I have been working on the quilting of this work for a while and I can now see the end.  I only need to quilt three more of these circles and I will completed the job.


Complementary Colors Tryptic 

 Paula’s emphasis on quilting lines and talk with my friend Sharon has lead to some great quilting with this series.  I am all done with the quilting on Contemplate ( yellow and purple).  Not only did I make the quilting reflective , but I also inserted little points into the lines sometimes.   Now I am quilting on Consider( red and green), and I am starting with the colors them selves and will build out from there.    I will begin to quilt on Ponder this  week with yet another quilting approach.




Handwork  With the addition of a few more beads and stitched I declared this  work done and I will move on.



Three Witches  I won a beautiful piece of linen as a door prize at QBL the first week.  So I stared a big project.  I am going to try to created a black on white hand  stitch  piece of the Three Witches from Macbeth.   I have drawn one an done some research on faces for the second and third.   I only started stitching yesterday.

Stay cool and keep Creating



July 2022


Summer is always a busy time and this week was no exception.   We had a big family Birthday party picnic on Sat to celebrate the July birthdays and it was wonderful.   Everyone ate great food, enjoyed the weather and laughed a lot. What more can you ask for.  Then I went off to a play day in Varna on Sunday.   Spent the day with seven other folks exploring printing.  I did work on my Pondering piece.  I am so glad events like that are  opening again.  Then on Tuesday, Liz and I got together and dyed again.  That is always lots of fun. 


The Creative Strength Training class meant yesterday and it was a good discussion.    I also had a session with the Pixies on Wed too.

My other big news is, my friend David B is now the proud owner of Against the Wind.

This will be the last entry for July as I am off to Quilting by the Lake on Sunday for two weeks.

Progress Report: Pondering   

This top is all put together now.  My goal is to have  the tops of all three of the pieces of this set before I go off to QBL.





Contemplating   This is the third top.  I have only made a few of the units for this work.  It is pinned to a dark background so I can see how I want the placement of those parts.



Daily Practice Quilt  I am now quilting circles on the  quilt.   It is calming work.



Handwork    I keep adding to this work every evening.  It is nearing completion.




Life Line Drawing  After giving it some thought I decided not to add color to this work and I consider it done.   It was a good way for me to think about my life beyond the childhood work.

Enjoy Summer  and I will write again after Quilting by the Lake with lots of new stories and ideas I am sure.

Keep Creating


Quiet Summer Days


I hope everyone is enjoying the after the holiday quiet.   Things did slow down a bit for me and I spent some time looking at the sky and enjoying all the greens.    I join a great Diva meeting in Trumansburg, NY. this week.   Our next group show is there and we went to see the space and get things limned up for Aug when we will hang the show.  Donna had some great new rust pieces to share with us.  She is getting really good at that I think.







Maureen showed off her latest work too.

There was a Pixie meeting and a Show Stitch Group Zoom meeting as well.  It is the season of lots of family and  out door activity for everyone  so I did not do much work.

Progress Report: Against the Wind     It is   54″ X 54″ .     I am all done with this work now.  I have learned a lot about free piecing and it remains a real challenge for me.  I will try it again, but not any time soon.   The quilting did not smooth it out enough for me to be real happy with it.






Stitched Top   I have done stitch in the ditch work on this piece.  Now I will do some hand work as it needs more quilting to be complete.





Goldfish   I started this work based on an old sketch and I am using  some of my hand dyed fabrics.






Pondering    This is the second in the complimentary color challenge from Jane.  I am still working through the Irene Roderick’s  book,  “Improv Quilting ” with its exercise and the units are based of her suggestions.   The black will disappear from the final top.




Handwork  This is the newest hand work piece using add-ons.  They are painted and heat treated Tyveck shapes.  I will continue the embellishment with beads.





Drawing   For Valerie  Goodwin’s class “Light and Lacy ” I drew up these birds to use as my first print.   I am looking forward to QBL in two weeks and seeing how we use them.

Enjoy the season and keep creating


Summer Season


I hope everyone is enjoying the season.  I am just home from my daily walk and I enjoyed the sun, sky and the green world.   Our  block party was on the week end and it was great to reconnect with the folks who live around me.  Several folks know us by seeing us walking by.  This week was the end of the month and there were fewer meetings.  I did meet with the Pixies and Textile Artists Stitch club had a new assignment so I was still busy.    I did work on  both of the pieces that I started using the hand as the beginning.

This work,  Reaching Up  is       2535443543o  X 23432439u .  I need to finish stitching on the sleeve but that is all that remains for completion here.

The second one,  Reaching Out, is all stitched together and now needs a boarder and the rest of the finish work. 

I have enjoyed using wool as the primary element in these two works.





Progress Report: Against the Wind

I have now layered and pin basted this work.  I hope to begin the “wind” quilting later today.


 Handwork Top     I have now assembled all the parts for this work and added boarders.  I need to do the pin basing and quilting on this one as well.


Consider  I started this work last week in response to Jane Dunnewold’s  challenge to do a work using complementary color combinations.  I mixed this idea with the exploration of the some of  suggested  piecing processes in Irene Roderick’s book “Improv Quilting. ”   I had fun and plan to to the other two complementary color combos and explore more of the suggested techniques.

New Daily Practice   I decided to challenge myself to do some hand work were I add unusual objects to the surface of some of the stained old family fabrics I have an abundance of .   This is painted and melted Tyveck with part of an old hat vail.


This is the last of my childhood series.  I think changing my name from Carol McElhinney, my birth name to Carol Boyer is a good marker for the end of childhood.  Susan challenged us to do this project in April of 2019 and all the other participants have long dropped away, but I am glad I did it.  There have been 162  entries.  It has been a good journey and I look forward to a new project that will engage me as much as this one has.

College Life – Wedding Day

June 7, 1969, finally arrived. I was more scared than excited. I was full of doubt, but Eric came up stairs and talked with me about my fears. I will admit I was ready to run away from the whole event, but he assured me that we would be fine and it would all work out. Then it was off to Brook Drive and my old home. The house was full of family all excitedly preparing for the church. The Dean boys seemed to be every where, helping with everything. It was my last time in my old bedroom as Carol McElhinney. That was my thought as I put on my gown. Carrying the veil, I got in the car with Mom, Dad, and Gene and we drove to the church. Kelly looked so cute in her white dress, with her new pixie hair cut and the little basket of flowers. Tracy, wearing a dress with a matching coat, was tending the wedding book at the door to the chapel. She was laughing as usual. I went into the prep room and Mom helped me with the veil and someone handed me the beautiful yellow flowers. Margaret and Ellie filed into the sanctuary followed by Kelly and Scott. Then I heard Larry’s beautiful voice singing “What is a Youth?” He was followed by the recorded entry music, Purcell’s Trumpet Voluntary, which Larry had selected. Dad took my arm and told me I looked beautiful as we walked down the aisle toward Eric, Dean, and Gene. I only had eyes for Eric and the beautiful green of the woods behind him.

It got quiet as Reverend O’Kelly started the service. Folks told me later that I was so quiet in my responses to his questions that they could not hear a thing. Eric did and that was the only thing that was important to me. It was time for the rings and Scott passed them to us. I jammed the ring on Eric’s finger when he presented it to me. “I pronounce you Husband and Wife.” We kissed each other, turned, the wedding march started, and we hurried down the isle out into the lobby. Eric dropped my hand and ran to the bathroom. I turned a little panicked to see Mom and Dad coming out and seeing me standing alone both had expressions of inquiry on their faces. That uncertainly did not last long as Eric re appeared. It seems he had stuck out his right hand and I had forced the ring onto the correct finger of the wrong. A little soap and things were fixed. “I hope its still official!” Eric said.

The rest of the reception, in the education hall of the church, was a blur of happy faces, hugs, and words of congratulation. Punch was served along with wedding cake, of course. Eric and I then opened some gifts. I don’t remember most of them, but I do recall being a little embarrassed by Eric’s joke about a cut silver waste basket and matching tissue box from Aunt Margaret. There were also red pots and pans that lasted years. Eric and I went off to the chapel for pictures and then we both changed for our trip north. Folks threw rice as we went to the car and drove away, heading to Holland, Michigan, for our weekend Honeymoon. I was excited, but I don’t recall too much except we went swimming in the hotel pool after dark one night. At one of the little shops in town, I did purchase a little pair of wooden shoes that I still have. Sunday and it was time to start for home. We took some back roads and had to make a stop just after crossing back into Indiana. There was a turtle crossing the road. We picked him up and took him to the side before continuing our journey home. Monday was the start of summer school for both of us, and the start of our life together. Reverend O’Kelly had told us to check with the court house to make sure the marriage licence got filed properly. We never did. “It’s our escape clause,” Eric said. The event must have been a good take, since fifty-three years, one child, two dogs, a bunch of cats, four moves, and several college degrees later, we’re still together.

I hope everyone continues to enjoy the season.

Keep playing



June 2022


We are really feeling the warmth of summer this week.   I am working away in my studio as usual. Creative Strength Training offered a nice little challenge this week.  Kathy G asked for folks to contribute 6″ squares of empty bowls for her Cry of the Poor project.   I did two little pieces for her.

I am feeling much better about my project for Textile Artist Stitch Club now that I have done some real building up of the surface.   This project really reinforced my feelings of building work based on how it is looking as apposed to drawing it all out before hand.



Progress Report: Bacteria Dreaming   This project is 21″w X 30″h.   I actually had a dream about the colors for this work.    The base is linen that I was given to me by my friend Susan.



I hand dyed and printed the lighter fabric and then did hand stitching for the rest of the project.














Against the Wind   I continue to build this work.  I love the process, but it is very slow.  All the birds are built now and I am only building the background.

College Life :Winter 1968-1969

On December 1, Eric proposed by asking me,“ When do you want to get married?” I was thrilled and we talked of several dates. He asked me to keep it a secret, since he could not afford a ring. He did have a plan, however. Grandmother Butter had made a deal with him that she would give him $1,000 if he did not smoke or drink until after he graduated from college. So he and Larry went to Indianapolis and persuaded her to give him the money early and then he went out and got a diamond for me. (The ring probably cost a tenth of that.) That was December 5, and I was so surprised and thrilled! We went directly to show off my “ Star of David,” as I called it, to my parents. Eric told me I floated to the front door. Mom and Dad were both pleased, too. Mom quickly went off to her desk where she pulled out a sealed envelope labeled “Prediction Letter.” It was dated August 25, 1967, and inside was a note in which she predicted that I would marry Eric in two years. My girl friends threw me a bridal shower with a white umbrella and pink flowers before the end of the month.

Eric was around for the first week of the winter term. Then he was off to South Bend and his student teaching. I worked hard on losing weight and was fairly successful that quarter. I did most of my social life with the gals in the house and put a lot of time in on my classes. One class was Ceramics II, in which learned to “throw” pots. To make a satisfactory pot and be able to fire any thing one had to throw a perfect ten-inch cylinder. When I thought I had achieved even walls and the ten inches, Dr. Reichel would test it by using a wire to cut the pot in half. If you passed, then you could throw pots to finish. I was not successful until the last week of the term. But I can still throw a perfect pot today. Art History III was my academic class, and I did the best that term as the art was more contemporary and I found that more to my liking. My physical education class was Judo. It was great fun. I still remember the teacher telling us to avoid physical action if possible and if one was attacked unexpectedly, that kicking your attacker in the shins always allowed one a chance to run away. Metal Sculpture was my last class. I enjoyed that class too. I got to be good friends with our model for the stretched lead project. Her boy friend purchased my work of her and that was my first art sale.

At the end of the term Eric and I went to our one and only live concert, a Glenn Yarbrough concert at Butler University in Indianapolis. I had most of his records and several of the poetry books that he read from, so I really enjoyed the evening.

Enjoy Summer and keep Creating


New Ideas


My good friend Robert sent me mushrooms to grow  and I am delighted with them.  They are editable and ready now to harvest.   Great fun.





It’s the beginning on the month and I had lots of meetings this week.  QuEG’s and Diva’s meant on Tuesday.  Noel did a great demo on how to take better photos  and I learned a few new tricks.




There was also a new approach presented for Textile Artist Stitch Club by artist Sabine Kamer.   I am enjoying her unique approach  so I have started two.




My friend Ginny also gave me an old textile of wool that is in such bad shape that it can not all be saved.   After applying fusible interfacing  to the back so the fabric would not fray any more I cut the  hands  from  it.   They both need lots more stitch work.



There was also work to do for Creative Strength Training.     One of our assignment was to make a color wheel and then right around it our responses to each color.


A second assignment was to do an abstract from a free thought line work.



Progress Report: Total Loss   This work is done now and it is 34.25″ w X 41.5″ t.    I enjoyed doing the work although the subject is a little grim.

I used  silk papers and the organza I had painted in this work.








Blue on Blue  This work also got completed this week.  It is 19″ w X 25″ t.    The circles are the liner caps from  peanuts and medicine bottles.





The background was preprinted fabric.






Bacteria Dreaming  This has become my daily practice piece for the time being.  I can’t seem to find a new thing at the moment.  The little circles are rubber washers that I collected at some point in the past.




Dancers   All the blocks are assembled and quilted now.  I need to think about what images I want to add on top and from what material they will be made.




College Life- Fall 1968

I am not sure how I came to the decision, but for the fall of 1968 I moved out of my family home into off campus student housing. The house was just a block away from campus and I loved it. It was a single family house that had been altered with an addition on the back. Two art friends, Ann and Susan, lived up stairs, along with Jeannie Priebe. Down stairs were a house parents’ section, a living room, and a shared kitchen. I was in the new wing on the back of the house, which had two baths and four rooms. My room had white walls and a red carpet. The other three rooms in my section changed occupants every quarter that year, so I did not get close to anyone, but it was still a good experience. The lesson I learned there was that I don’t like to eat alone, except for breakfast. Eric and Larry along with Eric Gerrard and Bill Bollinger lived across town in a house next door to the landlords, Mamma and Pappa Mayor. (That’s what we called them: he really was the mayor of Muncie!) While they lived there, Eric and I built two sets of pine bookshelves she–the first of our shared furniture. I still have one set in my studio today.

The quarter flew by. Eric and I continued our love of the movies and went to see Juliet of Spirits, The Fox and Henry the V, among other things. We cheered at lots of football games that fall as well. I did well with my grades that term and got A’s in Art Education and Educational Psychology. I got B’s in Sculpture, Art History 2 and Art in America class.

At the end of the quarter Eric went with the family to Iowa to meet the extended family. He was a big hit. Grandmother Esther like him and the Bright girls were all crazy about him. He did well with Mom’s family, too. I did suggest to him that Grandmother Rugh would likely ask him to choose the morning Bible reading. Forewarned, he had pre-selected a section from Ecclesiastes– “To every thing there is a season.” (Pete Seeger had turned that into a folk song, and currently a rock version was a big hit for the Byrds.) We think Grandmother was suspicious. He joined right in with the skeet shooting we did in Grandmother Ruth’s back yard that afternoon (though he couldn’t hit anything). That evening, he teased Tracy and me about our sore shoulders from the gun’s kickback, but the next day he was more sympathetic as he was a bit sore, too. Kelly started out thinking he was “weird,” but fell in love with him by the end of the visit.    I was glad that my family loved Eric as much as I did.

Keep Creating
