Category Archives: Hand work

Creative Power



This photo is an example of the marks of wear and tear on the local pavement that winter seems to inflict.  The pot wholes this year are big ones.

Why should we all use our creative power?  Because there is nothing that makes people so generous, joyful, lively, bold and compass ate , so indifferent to fighting and the accumulation of objects and money .                            Brenda Upland

I find this quote a very powerful one and I really believe it to be true.  Creating takes us out of ourselves in a way and makes one feel more alive.    I know I lose track of time when I am working and I have heard others say  similar things.  When one is building something the mind will not allow you to consider destruction.    What a different world we would be living in if everyone was  creating!IMG_5150

FAB meant this week and we all enjoyed each others company.   Patti showed off her die cutting press this time.  She gave me these three little fabric birds.    Judy was working on yet another sweater.  This one is red with great patterns on it.6X6

I finished my entries for the  6X6 show in Rochester and I mailed them out on Tuesday.  I always have such fun doing these little works that the gallery sells for $20.00 each as there fund raiser every spring.

IMG_5166 I tried ice dyeing with ice cubes out of the freezer this week.  I had heard about this and it means one can work all year long.   I will do   my own comparison study.

Coastal color IIIProgress Report:Coastal  Colors III     This work is  20” X 16” .I am enjoying the building process that goeson with these pieces.  In this case I felted to begin with and then I built up layers of yarn, silk paper  ribbon and fabric bits on top.   I added a layer of batting before I started the stitching on this one to help it stay flat before the stretching.

The stitching adds even more dimension to the surface.IMG_5157  The work seems to grow under the needle as I work on it.  I like the textures too.IMG_5160.jpg










TrickleTrickle    This work is also a felt built up piece.     It is only 12” X 12”.   I used a heavy wool for the base of this one and  built up the felting on top again.    There is no extra batting in this work and I think that because of the heavy wool.    It stretched out nice and flat. IMG_5170  I plan to do two more using this technique and  size.  Then I want to experiment with cotton fabric for the base of the felting and see how much distortion I get using that fabric as my base. IMG_5171

Circling CirclesIMG_5151  I am to the quilting stage of this project.    I have finished all the circle quilting and I am now working on the wavy part.  It is a nice contrast to the open circles.

IMG_5172.jpgParts    I can see the end of this project now too.   I have all of the camera parts stitched to the surface and I am now doing the embellishment part of this project.














New Work  This is not really new work  as it is the second half of a piece I cut up.  I thought I had an idea for how to finish it.    So after studying it for a while I started working by building up a  bit of Angelina to use with it. IMG_5153  The Angelina suggested black berries to me.  My mind went off on that direction.  I made some vines to put on top and then I would add the black berries……..   But it was too much of a good thing and  so I have dropped this top back to the unfinished pile and started  a new work.

Briare Patch  This is the result.  The vines are the arched units.  They are stitched to wash away now.    TBriare Patchhe new base is not completed yet and it is under the vine unit.  I have learned to go with the flow of the work , so this will grow from the idea.  Next week there will be more.




IMG_5132.jpgLabel Block 41  One more block is complete and I am just pushing forward on this project.

Keep Creating


Deep Winter


IMG_5116  Hello-

We are in the deep cold of winter here in central New York.  Ice storms and then snow on top.  I was fascinated by the ice marks on the tree yesterday when I went out for my walk.  There was melting water running down the trunk under the ice too so it added to the textures.  Alieen                My aunt Aileen gave me  a wonderful gift  this week.  She presented me with a quilt that my great Grandmother Todd had made for my grandmother Ester as a gift for the birth of her third child, Leonard McElhinney in 1928.  I IMG_5131was so very surprised and honored by the gift.    All the little hand stitches are wonderfully done.  As a child I remember sleeping under quilts made by this great grand mother and how I felt like I was protected by a layer of armor that no dream monsters could penetrate.

PartsProgress Report: Parts   This work is getting a lot of attention at the moment.  I have just about stitched down all the camera parts now and I am filling in all the hand stitches for interest.

IMG_5129Scrap Happy  This work is ready for binding and the quilting now.  Both of those steps take about an hour a piece on the machine.  That work will get tackled this week.    Then when the folks who want them for fundraisers come calling there will be at least two to choose from.

Circling Circles circling circles I did collages last week and so I was ready for a new project.  This one fills all three on my monthly  challenges.    The red shobori is Ethel’s fabric.  The blue with the purple print is some fabric I silk screened last year.  I also used (the pink) some of the fabric I snow dyed in this one.


New Work IMG_5120    I visited with my friend Beth this week and she was working in curvier cuts.  So I got inspired and started one using that technique  again too.  I put  a part of one of the bodices that Regina gave me in this one.     I am having fun.

New feltNew Felted Work   I have built up the base for another abstract work here.  This time I did not back the wool that I felted into and although this is much heavier wool than I used before when I tried this technique,  I do not seem to have and much warping as I had with the first ones.     Doing the machine build up on top will be the real test.

IMG_5121.jpgLabel Block 40  Hurray- this block makes me one third through this process.

Keep Creating


Winter workings


The week has been a full one with lots of activates.  This work is by a high school student and a part of the Scholastic Art show now going on at Onondaga Community Collage.  I was a judge a few weeks ago and I judged animation and film.  I  went to see the other works that made it into the show.  There is lots of  wonderful work, and it is well worth the effort to go and see it.Nancy's work      The FAB group also meant this week

.  Nancy  has added two more boarders on her quilt.  I love how she mixes so many different patterns in her work.  She is also so very good at making all her points.  A characteristic that I admire as I find that process so very frustrating.      I like a challenge so much more than a repeat activity.   IMG_5015So I decided to be a part of the Cancer Project.  This is the cancer mask that I will be altering in the next weeks.     I have not decided how or where I will go with this one yet,  but I really think it is fascinating.   Another thing I did this week was take four quilts off to be a part of the Cabin Fever Quilt show that hangs in Betts Branch Library  for the month of February.    I also hung a show of  15 pieces of my work at the Briar Patch in Ithaca  New York yesterday.    I am sorry that I did not take my camera so there are no pictures of that.     Because of all of our snow and the wonderful stash IMG_5011of dye that I inherited from Ethel, I  attempted some snow dyeing this week.  I had to call on the knowledge of my friend Angela to get myself going on this project .  The photo is a shot of the first batch under plastic starting to melt.  I learned from this   first one to cut way down on the amount of dye one adds to the snow as the navy blue took over and there is no yellow at all on the final piece.   The process takes a long time- about 24 hours for all the snow to melt because I am doing it in the basement were the heat is low and I may be packing too much snow in the bucket.  Anyway  the second batch looks like the yellow and green will remain a part of the color.  And I did not add any navy to it.   IMG_5036Everything is washing out now with a third bucket starting to melt.  Look for images next week.   Another thing I started this week was my 6X6 entries.  That is for the Rochester Art fundraiser.   I decided to use this paper as the base for a paper quilts for this project.

Progress Report:   Coastal Color ICoastal Color I

I really enjoyed working on these felted base works.  I ended up  adding  a fabric back and sleeve to this one to finish it.  Thanks again to the gals in QuIGs for there suggestions on this project.IMG_5031Mixing the machine work  and adding yarns and fabrics to the surface sure made the process a joy for me. IMG_5035   I have one more in the grouping to complete; I am excited  and I have not even started adding anything to the felted surface yet.

Coastal Color IICoastal Color II    This felted work is stretched over stretcher bars with a batting in  between.   Again the QuIGs  were the source for this solution to the finishing problem. This solution creates quite a different feel for the finished work.   IMG_5027  But again I got to do the thing I love the most with  the machine drawing and the fiber additions.   I just love to build up the surface.IMG_5026



Moon Fall   Moon FallI have enjoyed working on this project as the world  out side has become one of grays, white and black.     No thread  build up here but lots of fun free motion work.  I used some of the same thick thread techniques that I developed with the leaf and Autumn quilts I  did earlier this fall.   IMG_5049I mostly followed an edge when I could to make the quilting patterns.   I appliqued the moon on top without any quilting of its own so it would float above the surface a bit.  IMG_5050It seems to do that to me.

CopingCoping   Quilting away on this work was a nice contrast to all the free motion work I was doing this week.  All the quilting here is strait lines with stops and turns it it.    I   first made a series of rectangles in silver and  purples threads.IMG_5040  Then I used black to make more quilting that filled in the open ares and added a little interest to the surface.IMG_5043 It does the job I think although I do not find it overly exciting in the end.     I do like the colors and that is a good thing as I have the second half of the original  to deal with next.IMG_5021   This one  does have quite a different feel I think.  I need to look and think for a while on this one too.


New WorkIMG_5010   I am tying to mix some of my altered fabrics with commercial ones here.  The  some of commercial ones are Ethel’s and the flowers are from my friend Tanya.

IMG_5014Parts is Parts   I continue to stitch down the camera parts onto the surface  here.   What with the finishing of the first three quilts this week, I have not done a lot of hand work on this project.

Label Block # 37IMG_5045  The labels got their share of hand work though.    I am looking forward to my February closet clean out as I think I will be able to add some more labels to my collection when I do that project.

Keep Creating,


I could not resist adding one more Scholastic entry to this blog.


Snow Bound



I was snow bound for three days this week as we got hit by lake effect snows.     I felt like hibernating- but spent time in the studio instead.   The snow  measured 18” on my deck and the shoveling was tiring even though it was light snow.  There was just so much of it and along with the wind, being out doors was cold work.

Before the snow I spent aIMG_5000

day with QuIGs gals doing screen printing at Angela’s house.  We had fun and I got a new batch of fabric to work with.

IMG_5005I was also invited to be a part of the Valentine sale and show at the Turquoise Street Gallery.  That sale and show will be  Feb 12 and 13  from 11:00 until 8 both days.   I created a few little images in fabric with bead trims for that show.   It was fun and it got me in the spirit of doing Valentine stuff.      Liz had a really cute pin she had created last year that was a Valentine Cookie in felt.    I was thinking about them and so I tried to create my own.

Here they are in a tin all set to be sent in a few weeks to  my gal pals.IMG_5007.jpg










IMG_4999.jpgProgress Report:  Moon Fall  I am to the quilting stage now and enjoying the free motion part of the process.  I decided to use three colors of thread.  A variegated red to rust, a blue and a burgundy to outline the shapes of the dyed areas.   I am about two thirds done with that now.


Parts   I am stitching down IMG_4993.jpgthe camera parts by hand.  I am also embellishing them with hand stitches to add interest.  The  process is slow and I only add about two pieces and evening, but I am enjoying it.

IMG_4994Coping   I pulled out  this top that I had started last summer and did a second look at it.  Then I decided to do the quilting in a block like fashion.  I am trying not to be too pridctable  with that step and so I over lapped the starting squares and now I am building in more lines and little squares to the surface.

Coastal Colors II   IMG_4989.jpgI continue to build on the top of the wool work here.  I just enjoy adding more texture to the surface.  The colors become so much richer I think.

IMG_5002Scrap Happy     I  had a whole box full of left over squares form all the scrap happy quilts I have been making, so I put them together in  random  rows and I am now sewing/quilting those rows together.   It will be a colorful one when it is done.

IMG_4997.jpg New Work   I pulled out these pieces of fabric and I will start a new work using some of them.  I have not chosen a focus fabric from this collection yet, but when I do I will know what the next steps will be.


Label Block # 36

IMG_4990  I got a letter from Judy this week full of labels and I am thrilled.  It is always good to have help form one’s friends.

Keep Creating


Summer Actions


Morning GloriesHello,

These beautiful Morning Glories are from Susan’s garden.      I had an unexpected invite to go to Quilt National last week and that happened on Thursday and Friday.  That was the reason there was no post.   It was a glorious experience and I have a ton of new thoughts and ideas about work.032

There were wonderful works  by many folks I have seen before as well as lots of new comers.  I purchased  the book,   and I treated myself to a poster with Elizabeth Bush’s quilt on it.    It was a good experience.

Susan  I did not get busy and write on Wed before we departed because I went to Susan’s with Noel and  we had a play day.  We did a mimic of the work form David’s class and I have a lot more paper to play with now.  It was a pleasant day and we all enjoyed ourselves.

I also spent a day  001both weeks making silk paper.  I have used some of it on quilts already.   But my main reason for making the paper is I want to teach a class were the we make the paper and then use some of it to make book jackets.

020Progress Report:Rifts 

This is the new rock piece that I am working on.  It too is another close up of the shore of Arcadia.   I am struggling with    direction on this one and keep pinning it up with different orientations.   Looking is the only answer for me.  It is also were I used some of the silk paper that I mentioned earlier. 027.jpg

  The process is still in it’s early stages so there will be lots more build up of the surface and changes.      

030Mill Site  Melody   I stared this piece at QBL and I am to the quilting stage now.  I have had a good time doing reflective quilting in this section and making additional  machine drawing in other areas.Wheat heads

These wheat like shapes are based on the  images I see in the discharged print image.

Forest Floor 033  I continue to  do hand work on this piece.   The stitches are beginning to build up with more remaining to be added.

023Scrap Happy     I finished this quilt this week.  It will be a gift to help comfort my friend Tanya who had to  have her horse put down.  She is quite sad about that and I hope this red and black quilt with give her warmth and comfort.

New Work   I took David’s suggestion and selected one of my collages as a starting point for a new work.034

The collage only has two pieces of paper in it- but I could not limit 021.jpgmyself to just two fabrics.   I have added more and as I build I can see I am making alternations in the design due mostly to scale I think.  It is a different approach and I like that.

There is no shot of a finished block this week either because I am not done with one.  I am off to spend tomorrow playing with another friend working on Gelli plates  so I am writing this a day ahead.  Summer is just a busy time.

Keep Creating


Active Summer


Sharon workHello,

Summer seems to bring lots of movement for me.  I went to a studio sale on Friday last week.  What a bargain for me- fabric at $3.00 a yard- how could I go wrong?  I helped empty the tables.   Then stopped at Sharon’s studio before I went home.  These are two of her River Grasses series.  They are bot sold.   I am happy for her.     I also spent a day this week packing up four quilts to ship off to the opening show at the Pink House Gallery in Saranack Lake.     My friend Cris Winter kindly asked me to participate.   There will be a second opening in Aug and I will be sure to attend that one.

Then I Blue Notesmade a trip down to see my friend Ethel and pick up two of her quilts for the Quilting By the Lake show.  This quilt is titled ”Blue Notes”.      I always love the way Ethel builds such a complex surface with such a limited pallet.011  Fun too to have it in my studio for a few days for close and repeated study.   I will be helping hang the Quilting  By the Lake show tomorrow.

Something BigProgress Report:  Something Big     This work in nearly finished.   I used the felted jelly roll cuts from one of our play days at Blue Moon Studio  on this one.   I have put so much time into the hand work on this project that I did not finish a Label Block this week.


IrisesVan Goth’s Iris’s    This is the full finished panel that I purchased in Maine.     I know who will get this work in the fall.

015  This close up shows how my practice with the free motion work paid off.

Butterfly Days  This work has been pieced for a long time.  It has spent most of that time under other works.  Then one night last week just as I was falling asleep- I realized that I could add Butterfly Dayssomething on top to make the quilt work.  I had noticed several butterflies on my walk that day and so that is what I added.  They are cut from ground cloth( the  stuff one puts down under stones so weeds will not grow up from below).   I think now I will add some paint to the surface of the ground cloth before I stitch it down.

I am off to Quilting By the Lake for the next two weeks so there will not be any posts until  Aug 6th.

Enjoy the summer

Keep Crating


More on Lines

Summer flowersHello-

I just had to post these flowers today.  I love both the color and the contrast in textures.        I have not been very good about

Street linesconcentrating on lines as I intended to be this year.  But I took a renewed look this week.     I was caught by the lines on the street and thought the are indeed one type of line- strait.  They are a lines of direction and ones of illusion.  They create a feeling of depth on a flat surface and lead the eye back in space.    Most art is an illusion and a  bit of magic.  I say magic  because  if one looks at the materials ( paint, pastels, fabrics and yarns) that an  artists starts with-it is nothing but magic when one looks at the end result.

Encounters 26" X 25"
26″ X 25″

Progress Report:  Encounters This is my newest completed hand embellished work.  I put a postage stamp on the lower left to help with scale.  It is a standard size- but I am not happy with it.  So I will keep looking for an item to add along the side to help give the viewer a clue as to the size of the piece.

104 - CopyThis work has more of the fabric form the discharge screen printing class in it.  The  dark fabric is a Judy Roberts piece form her monthly mailing.   It came in January and I just knew I had to use it with the white material.   I think they play well together. 105 - Copy106 - CopyI have enjoyed doing the various stitches on the surface of this piece.  I only did machine work as stitch in the ditch on some of the seams  to hold it together. 107 - Copy

  By the ShoreBy the shore








I am ready to start to build up the dark sections of this work.  I want it to feel deep – not just black so I am going slowly.     I like all the textures too

Name Game- Three Grand Sons    This is the next one in the series. Stage one here with Nick and Ben.  Both positive and negative shapes are shown here.

090091094 Gavin shows the second cut of the fabric.   It is already getting difficult to read the name.   I will slice all three  of the names into 4.5″ blocks and shuffle them next and put them all together for the top of this quilt.

New Work  New workThis top is all put together now.  It seems quite weak to me so I will have to do some wild machine work on top to  pull it into a work of some interest.










Scrap Happy 108  Sense I sold one more of my Scrap Happies to Beth  and there is a wedding for  Barb’s son coming up I started more work on these types of quilts.  The one with the red and black centers  is all setScrap II in rows. This shot is only three rows.

This second with three shades of blue as it’s centers   is not as far along When the rows are all assembled .  I will make scarp backs for the two of them.   They are always fun.



New Hand Work   Becausehand work I always want to have some hand work to do I laid out and pinned up this new start for my next hand challenge.  The white base has a bit of screen printing in pink on it.  I added some organza, yarn, silk paper and some of the felt slices  I made as a part of a play day with Cheri  had last fall.     I will be using mostly the same colors of yarn and floss as I did  for “ Encounters”. 






Spray paintedSpray Painted    I plunged in and started the quilting on this one this week.     I am outlining the reds and purples and then inventing the areas on the solid units on this top.   I am enjoying the process, but I am not sure about what I am doing.



092Label Block   I just keep working away on these little fellows.

I will be away next week so there will be no post again until July 2.

Keep Creating


Natural Beauty



This moth was in my yard this week.   I have never seen a live one before and it is beautiful .  Marty and I IMG_3846came across it when we were out side painting on Friday.  We were so taken by Elizabeth’s  spray technique when we were in Maine that we had to try it our selves. It was a lotSpray Painted fabric of fun and we both have a new respect for what Elizabeth is doing.   It takes a lot of  skill to control the application and just folding the fabric is not all that is involved.   We altered lots of different types of surfaces with the paint.  From cotton,  satin to corduroy  and organza.    This play sent me off in a bit of a new direction.

Painted workProgress Report:  Painted Work I got all excited by the painted cloth and so I started and assembled a new top.  It is big simple blocks because I want to feature the painted surfaces.    Adding in IMG_3863sharp quilted lines will really extend and enhance the painted areas I hope.  I am really taken by the sometime crisp edges and sometime soft ones.

By the Shore By the Shore  Now I am to the fun stage with this work as I am building up the surface with colors and textures.  It is so much fun to add all the different types of fabric, paper and yarn to the surface.

IMG_3855Encounters     I am still doing hand work on this project.  The base  is a mix of fabric that I did deconstructed silk screen printing   work on and some of Judy Roberts wonderful  hand dyed material.    It seems to become lost for periods of time and when I come across it again I see it with new eyes.  I think I am nearing the end as I add different types of stitches to the surface.  They have helped me solidify the vision for the work.

New work I am still building this piece.New work  At the moment I am not real delighted with it and feel it is only a background for something more.  It needs a focus I think.


IMG_3856Label Block  These nightly practices are moving along.  I am finding it very hard to keep the labels square sense I can not stretch the fabric.  I will not do a  hand project  like this again.

Keep Creating


Warming up

IMG_2696.jpg  Hello,

We are starting to see the melting of the snow  around here.  It is beautiful in its own way.  But it can become very dirty and discolored before its gone.    With the longer days I find myself spending more time cleaning and sorting.  I seem to have the  clutter rule  of  “ One   thing in one thing out” well under control in my closet and dresser drawers.   But that is not the case in my studio.     I have piles of stuff all around and I need to do some serious culling.   I know that a clean and clear space helps one get going on the creative work and I do love to walk into that sort of setting.  But I have been traveling and working with IMG_2701_thumb.jpgothers so much of late, that I have let the materials pile as I rush from one play date to another.    I have done a good job a voiding going out and spending money on new supplies and materials however.   I have kept my spending sense January at less then $35.   Not bad for two and a half month I think.  But   it is the gifting of stuff from those friends that is getting me into trouble.      I did spent yesterday with my friend Ethel doing screen dye printing.   It was great to play with the rich colors.  Now I have all the rinsing andIMG_2699_thumb.jpg washing to do today.  She also gave me a couple of yards of white duck…… I am hopeless!

I did work a little on the  Challenge Project Susan and I started in   Florida.  I added a blue wash to this piece and think I have decided on the text that I want to add.  I can  already see that the word part of this challenge will be the most difficult for me.    I plan to add some beads tomorrow when I go to see my friends at Turquoise Street studio.

IMG_2706.jpgProgress Report:  Nail Castings   This project started as a  result of  finding the white  plastic units that hold nails in electronic nail guns.  I was fascinated by the shapesIMG_2710_thumb.jpg of the things.  I have enjoyed working away  with thread out of Grandmother Ruth’s needle  basket  and exploring differentIMG_2711types of stitches.

Name Game 1-Carol IMG_2713.jpg Now I know I say that words are not my strong suit- but I do love the shapes of letters and the spaces around them.    To build this top I first printedClose up of Name game out my name in very large letters.  22″ tall  and 22” wide in fact.  Then I stitched around the letters and cut away the negative space.  I stitched the negative spaces shapes to a second pieces of light blue that was also 22” X  22”.    I found that the letters them selves  created  units of the turquoise  that were too big. So I cut just inside the stitch lines close up 2and  then added those new shapes to the negative space piece on the second fabric.  Next I cut both pieces of fabric into 5.5”  squares and began playing with the blocks.  Some I turned side ways or even upside down, always paying attention to the relationships of one square to the ones next to it.   This play part took me a long time and several days.   When I was happy with it I sewed the blocks together.  This is such a fun and challenging design project I started a second as soon as I had the top  all assembled.


Name Game II – Lexi    This  second   top went a lot faster as I knew were I thought I was going.  I made this one more complex by using a plaid taffeta for the background fabric.     I also made more blocks and will not use all of them in this project.    I think this will create a stronger piece in the end.   In this shot some of the blocks are sewn to one  another.  

Memory Map- Canyon de Chilly  cose up of  spider woman I added the Spider Women’s Towers to this project.  I really enjoy working on these Memory Map projects, but they as all very slow in there development.    The ruins are  also attached now too.IMG_2705I am still trying to decide what other elements I want to add to the work.

Whip Shock Hill II      I wantclose up of Wip shock hill  to enter a show where one needs two quilts that relate to one another.    I have been thinking about how much I enjoyed the work on Whip Shock Hill.  The first project shows less then half of the hill so I though I would use this challenge to do the second half.    This is just the roughed out

Whipshock Hill Foundations XXI 44" X 35"
Whipshock Hill Foundations XXI
44″ X 35″

stage.   But I do not think I have shown this step before when it comes to these type of  collage projects that I do.   The base  fabric is only pinned to the buckrum at this point and no stitching has been applied.   This second shot is of the first piece.

I am keeping myself busy as the Spring season gets going.

Keep Creating,


Florida Holiday

the shoreHello,

I am home from a week in Gulfport Florida.  I really enjoyed the new sceanry .    There was so much to lookSplit pine at my eyes could hardly take it all in! From the shore with lots of bird forms to the sky and the plant life- I was a shooting fool when it came to taking pictures.    I just love how this split pine looks and I am  sure it will turn up in some work at some time. gorman  Then  there was all the art.   We went to a show of work by  Geoffrey Gorman.  He builds  wonderful found object sculptures of animals and birds that include wire and canvas that he has aged with rust.   His work was wonderful.

Susan took me to an opening at the Florida CraftArt IMG_2621Gallery, where both  Oiseau Sisters had pieces.  This shot shows Susan with her birds.  She and I played in the studio every day.    I did Gelli prints with Lora on Tuesday.  I used one as a base  when we went to drawing on Wed eve.    Susan and I designed and then startedmy stencils a flag project.    We each made six stencils and printed two of each.  These are my images. At the end of the week we traded one of each of our images for one of each of the other person’s works. IMG_2656 Now we will both work on the flags as we see fit and when we meet again at the June Diva meeting we will compare how each of us has altered all the images.   We designedOwl it to be an open exploration project- trying new materials and techniques.   It will be fun I think.

I worked away all week on this owl stitchery project.   It is nearly complete now.  I had intended to work on a piece that I brought form home, but I did not do a stitch on it.  The first day  Susan pulled out one of her bins  of fabric and I got inspired.  Something about some one else’s materials I suppose. Nancy and her project

Tuesday was a FAB meeting and after a month of not seeing folks we had a lot to talk about.  Nancy is making great progress on her bed quilt( this shot shows the center section folded up  as it is all the stripes. ) Now she will build  more images on top.

 Progress Report:  Boiling Point

Boiling Point 16" X 20"   $225.00
Boiling Point
16″ X 20″

This project went together quickly just before I left.  I am still using the fabric collage technique thatClose up 1- Boiling point I used with the Foundations Series, but it not based on any stone this time.    I also did all the work on canvas this time and then stretched it around to the back of the stretcher bars before tacking.  This first close up is near the center of the work.    I used  red, rust, gray and dark green velvet in this work as well as satin and silk fabrics.    The more I play with the layering and folding of the various fabrics the close up 2 of Boiling pointmore I enjoy the process. This second shot is near the middle on the right.   Boiling Point cl 3 A little copper paint adds fun.



Raw edges here add another texture to the mix,



Name Game close upName Game 1- Carol     I cut  the work  into 6″ square and then reassembled it.  I am only going to show this close up this week  because the only step that remains for completion is the facings and I will complete them for next week.

 Owl   I amIMG_2688.jpg showing the completed owl that I did in Florida as I am going to send it off to the framers this week and OWL close up 1shooting through glass is as strong as a strait shot.  I really enjoyed working on this.  I tried lots of varieations on the fly stitch on this work.    The vanes in the leaves are fly stitches all connected to one another. Owl close up 2  The tree bark is that same stitch on its side and interlocked with its neighbor.  The wing tip is shown here and it is made from a pair of textured panty hose.  The pin feathers on the chest are woven copper ribbon that has been tacked down with open fly stitches.   The claws are made from fake leather that was frapped.     The found Owl close up 3objects that started this whole work are the chroched  rings that are the whites of the eyes.  The orange is a bit of bias tape and the black is a sequin held in place with a french knot.  The beak is created from the same fake leather as the claws.


Memory Map- Canyon de Chelly Canyon de Chelly     I am still strugling with with were this project is going.   But I feel closer then before.  Adding Spider Women’s towers ( on the left) will help anchor the work I think.

Nail Casting cl 1Nail Castings

I am still fasinated  by the shapes of these plastic parts.  I enjoyed tacking them down with lots of different types of stitches.    the shapes just tickled me.

Keep Creating
