Well March did come in like a lion here, but the days are longer and Day Light Saving Time will begin here this week end, another sign of spring. This week was the first in the mouth so I had two of my group meetings on Tue. Quilt Exploration Group meant and we all had lots to share. Sally’s pocket bag says it for those of us who quilt- and we eve make our own scraps when necessary. She sure is exploiting her embroidery machine.
Barb added a note of warmth with this sun flower wall quilt. I really like her background quilting that uses the floral print on the back as a guide for creating the flower patterns.
Angela decided to take advantage of our snow pack to do some snow dyeing. The colors are so very vivid and rich. She also did an excellent job creating a family memory quilt for her
sister in law using many old bits and doing several transfers onto silk from paper labels. Three generations of family memories are displayed here.
Corinne has been working with metal and she has created these five pieces of jewelry . The broken unit shown here is yet to be fired. Sue Ellen is doing free motion drawing to fight off the winter blues. She has created four small quilts using winter trees as her theme.
She hand dyed the back grounds last summer. There is lots of creative action going on in this group of gals.
Then I went off to the Diva meeting . They too displayed lots of diverse creative activity. Sandi started us off with a small demonstration on the rug hooking process she is doing to create her little wool pile creations . She uses felted wool garments, yarns and roving in her process.
They all work together to create wonderful patterns and images. Liese has finished her accordian book. There were no instructions for this one and she says it was quite a challenge. She is going back to soft sculpture for a while.
Cindy is getting ready for a solo show and she put on one for us first. She used black velvet on this work. The texture is wonderful. What an inspiration. I will consider using velvet in my work in the furture too. I love her strong graphic style. Her edges are so crisp and strait. I love her use of line too- it really leads the eye around and through her work.
Progress Report: Foundations XIII-Mapping I streatched this

18″ X 24″
piece on stretcher bars. I like the way the treads still escape off the edge as they do on the bigger pieces. I am really developing this collage like fabric style and enjoying the process. The new material in this creation is paper in for form of a torn up map of Canada. It was about the second layer I put down on the wool that served as my base for this project. Then I went on to use the usual materials that I have been adding- the fabrics, organza, silk papers, yarns
and ribbons. I did more hand work on this piece than I have been doing in the past too. I did that because I was working on the wool and I though it added to the staybality of the process a bit. I was worried about ding free motion on top of hand work,but that proved to be an unnessary thing. I was conderned about the text on the map as well, but again that proved to be an unnessary thing as it blended into the final work quite nicely I think.
Lighting I am very unhappy with how this top turned out. All the slicing and inserting of the green strips has caused a lot of warping of the surface. I need technical advice before I put any more time into this work. At the moment I am not sure it can be saved. One does not grow unless one takes chances and fails every now and again.
New Work I have pinned up the fabric for my next start. This will force me forward I think as I will be using silks and organza’s along with cottons.
Capture Scarves I have finished ten new neck scarves. I always enjoy creating these colorful additions. I really like how the color one chooses to wear under them can be a contrast or if the color is the same as the nylon netting the objects appear to float on the wearer. The effect can be very dramatic and always invites curiosity from viewers. It sure makes for fun conversations at times too.
Daily’s I keep my hand work up with the Daily’s. The collection is getting large now, but I still find it fun.
Keep Creating