My world is headed toward spring. I heard and then saw geese flying north yesterday on my walk. Today it is raining and I am reminded of a line from an e e cummings poem were he described spring rain as creating a world that is “ mud puddle luscious and the goat footed balloon man wanders far and wee” . I will not be walking today for that reason- too much mud in every direction. This week has been as full Saturday I went to a play day were all sorts of things were going on. Noel and I worked on making puppet heads out of paper Mache’. Some folks painted like Annie while others sew on
quilt projects and dolls.
At noon we had a little show and tell were June showed off this fun doll. She was working on it the last time we got together. I like the use of the antique wood block as the front of the body. The hair is cool too.
This quilt is a group challenge project by the Modern Quilters. Each person go the same colors and the background fabric. They all made a row that they then assembled. Marie showed us what she has started last time too from the online class she is taking called 100 Sheets of Cheep Paper. This is one of the works she did.
The Social Art Club had a art show this week and the work was wonderful. This piece is a fiber work by Kathleen Simpson. I displayed my chickens as a part of the table decorations for that affair.
I gave two quilts to my local Public TV Station this morning. One was one of those Scrap Happy that I have been working on sense January and the second was Golden Weeds. I will be watching the auction and hoping to see the sales of both works.
This is also the time of year that
Quilt Surface Design Association calls for donations for their auction so I did a work for that too.
This work is a small 12″ X 12 “. Easy Flow is ready in the box for shipping and I will go to the post tomorrow and send it off.
Progress Report: Name Game II – Lexi, For this quilt I used my Grand Daughter’s nick name as my starting point. I used the same sew and cut method that I employed last week with Carol. The big change this time was that
background fabric was a plaid taffeta and that added a different design problem. I did the quilting on the background just like before with silver thread. This time I also made the work bigger before I cut it into blocks. As a result I have squares that I did not use for
this quilt so there may be a smaller one later. I want to try this type of construction one more time so I can try for a writing text instead of a printed letter form.
Whip Shock Hill II This work is to be a partner with the first Whip Shock Hill and is based on a second shot of the same rock face just further north. This images is a close up as I do not think the full work is very interesting at this point.
Susan’s Flag Challenge: Spring Onion Susan and I both have a dozen flags with the same images on them. How we choose to finish the works will be a fun comparison study when we get together again in June. There is crayon drawing on this work and some beads were added to represent soil under the plants. I learned that one can not add stamped letters over a seam and get a smooth image with this project. The word onion had to be stamped on a second cloth and added on top. Experimenting with new materials and methods is one of the goals of this challenge. The stamped letters on fabric is a new thing for me.
Flag Challenge- Magic This flag uses my stencil of hands . I added the crayon drawing of the swirls and stars then pressed the fabric. I then washed the whole thing in the blue. My test this time was done with magic marker.
New work This work is the next one in the fabric collage series . There is not a stitch on this one yet- just lots and lots of pins. It will morph and change as the stitching and addition of ribbon, yarn and paper goes forward. I look forward to working on this one.
Keep Creating