The longer warmer days seem to give me lots of energy. But I also seem to have my fingers in so many pots that it is a good thing I feel energized.
For me this week has been full of meetings and play. I finished my work on the Fiber Artists Stitch Club project and got it installed in the box as suggested.
The Finger Lakes Fiber Artists meant on Saturday and it was a lively meeting. Mary stated us off with this bed sized quilt that she is entering in the Genesee Valley quilt show next Month.
She was followed by Joan’s newest piece. She is doing direct dye painting for her faces. 
Susan has been doing lots of workshops and enjoying the play opportunities they provide. Almost everyone had work to share and I got so involved in the discussions that I did not take any more pictures.
The Associated Artists had and opening on Sunday I and work as did Liz.

This is Liz’z sunflower in tribute to Ukraine.
FAB meant on Wed and we had a good time talking about what was happening in our lives.
For Creative Strength Training I did some play with my hand made brushes and went to the meetings this week. This shot shows what I did with the nylon netting brush.
I also spent a day doing more Gelli Printing with Barbara. 
I will cut most of these up and make post cards out of them.
In addition I completed my Surface Design Association Auction piece this week. I am now searching for a box or envelope to ship it in.
I also got a box full of my Grandmother and aunt ‘s old linens and such form my cousin. So kind of him to send them my way. I will have to push forward on a new project to display them. My Grandmother’s Wedding Dress was in a show and it was just returned, so I passed it forward to my Aunt who wore it at my cousin’s wedding. I also shipped off two more quilts to the Ukrainian Relief Fund auction. I am trying to get control of my big stash of finished work.
Progress Report: Lap # 10 This work is all assembled at this point and I am ready to begin the quilting step.
100 days # 2 I am now to the free motion quilting step on this work. I have decided to use black in the bobbin now so I will have some work to take out.
Blue Wandering This is my new hand work piece. I am trying to play with texture in a limited color pallet at this point.
Creative assistants I am doing the faces on a new batch of Creative Assistants as I gave away some at the Spring retreat two weeks ago. I had forgotten how much fun making them can be for me.
Daily Practice I started a new bit of fabric for the daily stitching. I only have three more pieces of fabric prepared and so when they are done I think I will assemble what I have done so far.
College Memories- Spring 1968
The term was a good one with lots of work for me. I had four art classes and a class in Public Speaking. I got a B in the Public Speaking. My work in Art History and Lettering only received C’s, but Drawing and Photography both got A’s. I loved the Photography and spent hours in the dark room. Mom framed four of my prints, and they hung in the house for years. I still have many of my prints, too.
I changed my job within the art department to take attendance in Dr. Pum’s Art Appreciation class. It was held in the Art Building lecture hall and there were about 250 students. I often had to do the attendance in the dark while he lectured and showed slides. I helped with his grading too when the tests were multiple choice. I had done the same for Mom when she was teaching high school. Dr Pum was a jeweler, and he taught jewelry, but I never had him as a teacher.
Eric and I continued to see lots of plays and films. We started the quarter off with Hello Dolly as a part of the Famous Artist Series and we also attended the American Folk Ballet presentation. The drama department did several plays, but I only remember Odysseus the King. The movies that quarter were wonderful. We saw Love with a Proper Stranger, Cincinnati Kid, The Cabinet of Dr Caligari, Shane, Great Expectations, The Birds, and Shenandoah. We even went down town to see Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner that spring. Eric’s love of the movies even carried on into his college teaching at Cazenovia, years later.
I did participate in the Art Show and Sale for Kallista, as I had done the year before. I was never a good sales person, and I did not sell any thing. Eric Sevareid,, CBS journalist, gave a lecture early in the term, and there were lots of political events in preparation for the Presidential election in the fall. Paul Newman came to campus, as did Mc Carthy himself. Robert Kennedy came April 4 in the afternoon. Eric caught a glimpse of him, since he was setting up audio equipment in the gym for Kennedy’s speech. Martin Luther King was shot in Memphis that evening, and because Robert Kennedy was in Indianapolis and spoke to the growing crowd, Indy was one of the few big cities where there were no angry riots.
Early in the term Larry suggested that I join him as a camp counselor in the summer. He had such good stories, and I had meat Ellie, who also worked there, so I applied. I had the job interview in early April and I was soon awarded the job of Counselor and Director of Nature Crafts for the summer. I think Eric was a bit jealous, as his summer job was back at the foundry. Being a counselor at YMCA Camp Tecumseh is my next big adventure.