Category Archives: Felt Work

Summer has begun


Fox GloveHello-

I spent Monday, Summer Solstice, at Susan’s.  The wonderful Fox Glove is from her garden.  We were experimenting with adding  color to fabric.  Susan being more systematic  did a lot of different studies.  IMG_5897  I did rubbings with chalk and paint.  This example is of one of my  early works.   Susan’s daughter Rebecca worked up stairs and completed a quilt top.IMG_5900.jpg  Then she tried another color combo of the same block and this little work is a corner example of that. I like how the high contrast creates a glow effect here.  It was a good day and I enjoyed myself.















Dappled SunshineProgress Report: Dappled Sunshine  This three challenge quilt is done now.  It is 58” l X 45” w.   I have not worked this big in a long time.  There is pebble quilting in the orange areas and strait quilting in the tan and brown areas.   IMG_5911I used some very old altered  fabric like the cream with lines of paint at the top of this photo.  The area under the brown strip is ice dyed from this spring.   There is also some canvas in thisIMG_5912  and a print I did in paint using a doily as the resist.


Deep Jellies- close upDeep Jellies    I have started doing hand quilting in the areas of solid  blue in this quilt.    I like the contrast.   It will be a slow project too as there is lots of blue.



No Clue















No Clue    I keep trying this work with different orientations every time I work on it.  The machine quilting is going forward and I have quilted about half of the pink areas at this point.IMG_5919


Blue Iris  Blue IrisI have now completed the top assembly of this work.   Ethel had collected all the fabric in one bag.  I have put together  all  the squares and done the lay out.     Now on to the quilting step.  Great fun.








IMG_5908.jpgGenerational Whispers    I continue to work away on this project.  I re drew Alexis’s head because it was too small.  I decided I did not like my drawing of Gwen so I re did her too.  I took this work with me on Monday and got some help from Susan about how to move forward on this challenge.



wool workWool work The base is mostly down on this work.  I will start to add in fabric and yarn this week.





New work  IMG_5906This work got buried under the other stuff this week and did not get any attention.  That sort of thing happens when one has so many projects going on at the same time.



block # 66Label Block #66  I just keep plugging away on these.

Keep Creating




Ice Cycles


Long ice cycles are one of the sure signs of spring to me.  The weather keeps shifting from cold to warm  here and that means melt and thaw and melt again.

I had lots of meetings this week.  Sat was a meeting of the Mixed Group.  It is always very stimulation and enjoyable to see the work of other artists and get their feed back on one’s own work. IMG_5183Tuesday the first of March so  both QuIG’s and the Divas meant.  Liz  found a weekly offer by Moda on   Their web sight were they publish two new blocks ever week.  She has a note book already and four blocks are completed.IMG_5184.jpg

Corinne shared her print work from our last play day at Angle’s.

















At the DIva meeting Kristen shared her shop entry for the “Row by Row “ show at

quilters corner. IMG_5186Donna shared her Bernie Sanders doll.

IMG_5189.jpg Noel showed off her piece for the “ 15” show that the Divas will have this summer.   It was inspiration to see what everyone is doing.  I am so very lucky to have such wonderfully creative friends.



IMG_5202.jpgProgress Report: Trickle    This is the forth stretched quilt that  I felted first.  For this one I did not add any thing to the back of my woven wool fabric before I felted it.  IMG_5204 This meant that it all stretch at the same rate and so it ended up much flatter.    Now I need to get the corners of the work to be smooth and flat.  It seems there is always something to learn. IMG_5206

IMG_5193Foggy Dawn      I have taken the advice of my fellow quilters from Tuesday’s meetings  on how to quilt this work and did it all in swirling patterns.   It is now ready for the facings.   

IMG_5195Briar Patch    I am having fun doing free motion raw edge applique of the leaves on this work.  I will also do free motion to add the black berries .

IMG_5198.jpgSilver Growth  I started this work because of the gift of a beautiful top that my friend Regina gave me.    The deep purple with the silver work on it at the bottom.    Now I need to figure out how to ingrate this work.




New Work  I have enjoyed laying out the balance of this work.   Now IMG_5191.jpgI am ready to begin the sewing step.  I will fill in the white areas with narrow strips of fabric as I always do.

IMG_5199Scrap Happy  I am to the step in this quilt  where I have put the blocks in rows.  I need to stop now and make a back for this project before I can go forward.  It will make a good quilt to pass on.

Label Block # 42  I just keep working away on these little pieces.

Keep CreatingIMG_5192.jpg



Creative Power



This photo is an example of the marks of wear and tear on the local pavement that winter seems to inflict.  The pot wholes this year are big ones.

Why should we all use our creative power?  Because there is nothing that makes people so generous, joyful, lively, bold and compass ate , so indifferent to fighting and the accumulation of objects and money .                            Brenda Upland

I find this quote a very powerful one and I really believe it to be true.  Creating takes us out of ourselves in a way and makes one feel more alive.    I know I lose track of time when I am working and I have heard others say  similar things.  When one is building something the mind will not allow you to consider destruction.    What a different world we would be living in if everyone was  creating!IMG_5150

FAB meant this week and we all enjoyed each others company.   Patti showed off her die cutting press this time.  She gave me these three little fabric birds.    Judy was working on yet another sweater.  This one is red with great patterns on it.6X6

I finished my entries for the  6X6 show in Rochester and I mailed them out on Tuesday.  I always have such fun doing these little works that the gallery sells for $20.00 each as there fund raiser every spring.

IMG_5166 I tried ice dyeing with ice cubes out of the freezer this week.  I had heard about this and it means one can work all year long.   I will do   my own comparison study.

Coastal color IIIProgress Report:Coastal  Colors III     This work is  20” X 16” .I am enjoying the building process that goeson with these pieces.  In this case I felted to begin with and then I built up layers of yarn, silk paper  ribbon and fabric bits on top.   I added a layer of batting before I started the stitching on this one to help it stay flat before the stretching.

The stitching adds even more dimension to the surface.IMG_5157  The work seems to grow under the needle as I work on it.  I like the textures too.IMG_5160.jpg










TrickleTrickle    This work is also a felt built up piece.     It is only 12” X 12”.   I used a heavy wool for the base of this one and  built up the felting on top again.    There is no extra batting in this work and I think that because of the heavy wool.    It stretched out nice and flat. IMG_5170  I plan to do two more using this technique and  size.  Then I want to experiment with cotton fabric for the base of the felting and see how much distortion I get using that fabric as my base. IMG_5171

Circling CirclesIMG_5151  I am to the quilting stage of this project.    I have finished all the circle quilting and I am now working on the wavy part.  It is a nice contrast to the open circles.

IMG_5172.jpgParts    I can see the end of this project now too.   I have all of the camera parts stitched to the surface and I am now doing the embellishment part of this project.














New Work  This is not really new work  as it is the second half of a piece I cut up.  I thought I had an idea for how to finish it.    So after studying it for a while I started working by building up a  bit of Angelina to use with it. IMG_5153  The Angelina suggested black berries to me.  My mind went off on that direction.  I made some vines to put on top and then I would add the black berries……..   But it was too much of a good thing and  so I have dropped this top back to the unfinished pile and started  a new work.

Briare Patch  This is the result.  The vines are the arched units.  They are stitched to wash away now.    TBriare Patchhe new base is not completed yet and it is under the vine unit.  I have learned to go with the flow of the work , so this will grow from the idea.  Next week there will be more.




IMG_5132.jpgLabel Block 41  One more block is complete and I am just pushing forward on this project.

Keep Creating


Snow Marks


Snow marksHello,

As I look more carefully for marks I see them every where.     These marks on the deck were the snow has fallen through caught me eye IMG_5081.jpgon my walk today.   I like the dark light contrast of these marks too.   I will be out of town for a few days starting tomorrow so that is why the post is early this week.

I continue to be part  of lots of shows. shot of wall This shot is of my work  and that of Mimi at the Associated  Artists of Central New York show that is hanging in the Manlius Library for Feb.   I also have work at the Turquoise Street Gallery until Feb 15.

IMG_5090.jpgProgress Report:   Blown Blossoms    This little work went together quickly when I got going.  I tried doing the free motion drawing on batting and   thick  upholstery  fabric.    It worked well, and I may try that technique again.   IMG_5095The red fabric is some I created in Pat Pauly’s class last fall.

IMG_5094 The brown and orange print I did a few summers ago in Independent studio at QBL.   I developed the quilting pattern from the floral print fabric.  That came from another friend.


IMG_5087.jpgCoastal Color III  I am ready to stretch this piece now.  This time I did the free motion work on top of the felted step with the addition of batting behind the whole thing.   It worked great and did not warp much at all.  Thank goodness I have lots of friends with lots of helpful ideas to help me solve the problems that I create for myself.


IMG_5098 New Scrap Happy   I finished the scarp happy piece from last week and started to assemble this new one.   This is just the first six rows of the top and only half of that is shown in this photo.   It will be my contribution to the local Public Television  Tel  Auc  in the spring.

 New Work    new workThis work is based on a collage that I did last week.  It has already taken on a mind of its own as it is twice the size I intended it to be.  I am having  fun with it non the less.


IMG_5096.jpgLabel   Block # 39     I got more labels from a friend through the mail this week.  It  is fun to get goodies that I really want to use .  She sent enough for a whole block  of just her contribution.

Keep Creating




It has taken me a while to decide on my word of focus for this year and I have considered many and tossed several away.  But yesterday I  decided that the word would be MARKS.     I make marks f all sorts as do all humans.  Think of the margins of note books in high school.   Perhaps that is disappearing as kids spend more time on the computers , IPhones and pads, but I doubt it will ever disappear totally.  Animals leave marks of there passing in the mud , snow and dirt.  As do machines.  Like skid marks that many  of us created with our bikes.  As an artist it will be a focus that I feel I need to pursue.

I sure seem to have a lot on my plate as we move into February.   I did finish the Upstate Cancer Mask and returned it to the hospital before the dead line.   I chose to treat the whole thing as a big

IMG_5053 three  dimensional needle point project.   I can hardly wait to see how others treated this challenge.

This week being the first one of the month meant that both QuIG’s and Diva’s had meetings.   The turn IMG_5056

out for QuIG’s was small but full of exciting projects.  Sally is all ready for Valentine’s day with some wonderful cards for her grandkids.  She also created some wonderful heart shaped book marks and  bird candy holders.   IMG_5058

Liz had just finished a on line class and she enjoyed doing personal historic explorations as well as learning some new techniques.

IMG_5059.jpgThe Diva gals were busy too.  Regina is building on her doodles and adding color and bead work to them.    Noel is doing old fashion Paining work  with her wonderful silk kimono fabrics.IMG_5060I can hardly wait to see how this develops.

IMG_5063Lori and Kirsten both too a class at the Schweinfurt with Victoria Finley Wolf last month and did strong works with very different feels. IMG_5062It is the wonder of the old patterns, that different fabrics, prints, colors and sets can make such different solutions.

IMG_5069I am getting ready for the  “heART” sale at the Turquoise Street studio next week on Friday and Saturday with more images.   Please feel free to come between 11 and 8 both days.  The studio is through and behind Eureka Crafts in downtown Syracuse NY.

Progress Report:  PartsParts








I am still adding parts to the surface of this work.  I can see the bottom of the box that I collected all the little bits in, so I will need to add more hand work as I go forward.

Coastal Color IIICoastal Color III











I am ready to start building on this third felted base.    I am trying to  avoid the warp by adding a felted back unit to the work for this stage.   

collageNew Work   I made a bunch of collages this week and I selected this one to be the beginning of a new work.



I have pinned up these fabrics and I think they will be the start.  I do not know what color I will make the contrast pieces. IMG_5079_thumb.jpg





New  Work     I pulled out this big piece of print fabric and I feel ready to build on top of and add to it.  A lot of the base work is already done for me  I think.








IMG_5066Blown Blossoms    This piece got a lot of attention this week and  I am nearly ready to add the facings and finish it up.   It is a small so it too went together quickly.


IMG_50656X6  I was at a bit of a loose end this week so I started my entries for the Rochester 6X6 show.  I decided to do little paper quilts this year as I had not done any work in this style for a while.  I really like working this small as they come together very quickly.  Two done and two to go.   IMG_5064

Label Block #38     IMG_5078.jpgI just keep stitching away on these.

Keep Creating



Winter workings


The week has been a full one with lots of activates.  This work is by a high school student and a part of the Scholastic Art show now going on at Onondaga Community Collage.  I was a judge a few weeks ago and I judged animation and film.  I  went to see the other works that made it into the show.  There is lots of  wonderful work, and it is well worth the effort to go and see it.Nancy's work      The FAB group also meant this week

.  Nancy  has added two more boarders on her quilt.  I love how she mixes so many different patterns in her work.  She is also so very good at making all her points.  A characteristic that I admire as I find that process so very frustrating.      I like a challenge so much more than a repeat activity.   IMG_5015So I decided to be a part of the Cancer Project.  This is the cancer mask that I will be altering in the next weeks.     I have not decided how or where I will go with this one yet,  but I really think it is fascinating.   Another thing I did this week was take four quilts off to be a part of the Cabin Fever Quilt show that hangs in Betts Branch Library  for the month of February.    I also hung a show of  15 pieces of my work at the Briar Patch in Ithaca  New York yesterday.    I am sorry that I did not take my camera so there are no pictures of that.     Because of all of our snow and the wonderful stash IMG_5011of dye that I inherited from Ethel, I  attempted some snow dyeing this week.  I had to call on the knowledge of my friend Angela to get myself going on this project .  The photo is a shot of the first batch under plastic starting to melt.  I learned from this   first one to cut way down on the amount of dye one adds to the snow as the navy blue took over and there is no yellow at all on the final piece.   The process takes a long time- about 24 hours for all the snow to melt because I am doing it in the basement were the heat is low and I may be packing too much snow in the bucket.  Anyway  the second batch looks like the yellow and green will remain a part of the color.  And I did not add any navy to it.   IMG_5036Everything is washing out now with a third bucket starting to melt.  Look for images next week.   Another thing I started this week was my 6X6 entries.  That is for the Rochester Art fundraiser.   I decided to use this paper as the base for a paper quilts for this project.

Progress Report:   Coastal Color ICoastal Color I

I really enjoyed working on these felted base works.  I ended up  adding  a fabric back and sleeve to this one to finish it.  Thanks again to the gals in QuIGs for there suggestions on this project.IMG_5031Mixing the machine work  and adding yarns and fabrics to the surface sure made the process a joy for me. IMG_5035   I have one more in the grouping to complete; I am excited  and I have not even started adding anything to the felted surface yet.

Coastal Color IICoastal Color II    This felted work is stretched over stretcher bars with a batting in  between.   Again the QuIGs  were the source for this solution to the finishing problem. This solution creates quite a different feel for the finished work.   IMG_5027  But again I got to do the thing I love the most with  the machine drawing and the fiber additions.   I just love to build up the surface.IMG_5026



Moon Fall   Moon FallI have enjoyed working on this project as the world  out side has become one of grays, white and black.     No thread  build up here but lots of fun free motion work.  I used some of the same thick thread techniques that I developed with the leaf and Autumn quilts I  did earlier this fall.   IMG_5049I mostly followed an edge when I could to make the quilting patterns.   I appliqued the moon on top without any quilting of its own so it would float above the surface a bit.  IMG_5050It seems to do that to me.

CopingCoping   Quilting away on this work was a nice contrast to all the free motion work I was doing this week.  All the quilting here is strait lines with stops and turns it it.    I   first made a series of rectangles in silver and  purples threads.IMG_5040  Then I used black to make more quilting that filled in the open ares and added a little interest to the surface.IMG_5043 It does the job I think although I do not find it overly exciting in the end.     I do like the colors and that is a good thing as I have the second half of the original  to deal with next.IMG_5021   This one  does have quite a different feel I think.  I need to look and think for a while on this one too.


New WorkIMG_5010   I am tying to mix some of my altered fabrics with commercial ones here.  The  some of commercial ones are Ethel’s and the flowers are from my friend Tanya.

IMG_5014Parts is Parts   I continue to stitch down the camera parts onto the surface  here.   What with the finishing of the first three quilts this week, I have not done a lot of hand work on this project.

Label Block # 37IMG_5045  The labels got their share of hand work though.    I am looking forward to my February closet clean out as I think I will be able to add some more labels to my collection when I do that project.

Keep Creating,


I could not resist adding one more Scholastic entry to this blog.


Snow Bound



I was snow bound for three days this week as we got hit by lake effect snows.     I felt like hibernating- but spent time in the studio instead.   The snow  measured 18” on my deck and the shoveling was tiring even though it was light snow.  There was just so much of it and along with the wind, being out doors was cold work.

Before the snow I spent aIMG_5000

day with QuIGs gals doing screen printing at Angela’s house.  We had fun and I got a new batch of fabric to work with.

IMG_5005I was also invited to be a part of the Valentine sale and show at the Turquoise Street Gallery.  That sale and show will be  Feb 12 and 13  from 11:00 until 8 both days.   I created a few little images in fabric with bead trims for that show.   It was fun and it got me in the spirit of doing Valentine stuff.      Liz had a really cute pin she had created last year that was a Valentine Cookie in felt.    I was thinking about them and so I tried to create my own.

Here they are in a tin all set to be sent in a few weeks to  my gal pals.IMG_5007.jpg










IMG_4999.jpgProgress Report:  Moon Fall  I am to the quilting stage now and enjoying the free motion part of the process.  I decided to use three colors of thread.  A variegated red to rust, a blue and a burgundy to outline the shapes of the dyed areas.   I am about two thirds done with that now.


Parts   I am stitching down IMG_4993.jpgthe camera parts by hand.  I am also embellishing them with hand stitches to add interest.  The  process is slow and I only add about two pieces and evening, but I am enjoying it.

IMG_4994Coping   I pulled out  this top that I had started last summer and did a second look at it.  Then I decided to do the quilting in a block like fashion.  I am trying not to be too pridctable  with that step and so I over lapped the starting squares and now I am building in more lines and little squares to the surface.

Coastal Colors II   IMG_4989.jpgI continue to build on the top of the wool work here.  I just enjoy adding more texture to the surface.  The colors become so much richer I think.

IMG_5002Scrap Happy     I  had a whole box full of left over squares form all the scrap happy quilts I have been making, so I put them together in  random  rows and I am now sewing/quilting those rows together.   It will be a colorful one when it is done.

IMG_4997.jpg New Work   I pulled out these pieces of fabric and I will start a new work using some of them.  I have not chosen a focus fabric from this collection yet, but when I do I will know what the next steps will be.


Label Block # 36

IMG_4990  I got a letter from Judy this week full of labels and I am thrilled.  It is always good to have help form one’s friends.

Keep Creating


Winter Ice



I am paying special attention to ice as I slipped and fell last week.  I am fine.  This shot of ice along the street really shows how water shrinks as it freezes.  I love all the layers of air pockets in this shallow pool along with the leaves for extra texture.   I took lots of photos of ice this week so there may be another ice quilt in the future.

IMG_4958Angela is having a play day in her studio tomorrow and we will be printing with interfacing stencils.   I got carried away as usual with my preparation and made 4.  I will show the results next week.

Autumn LeavesProgress Report: Autumn Leaves This is the last  of my leaf series for the time being.  I had a good time doing bobbin work on this piece as well as the free motion quilting of the leaves on top.  IMG_4952  The out line of the leaves was done with cord that was so thick it could not go through the eye of any of my machine needles  so that is whyClose up of Autumn Leaves I put it in the bobbin and drew from the back.    I then changed the thread and did the vanes  from the front.    I also used this one last piece of printed fabric  from one of my trips up at Mill Site Lake .    The rest of the leaves are from trees in my yard.  There are two different types of Oaks  and Maples.IMG_4950


Coastal Color 2Coastal Color 2   I am having fun adding to this felted piece.  I really like the build up of the texture with stitches and yarns for color.


New work fuchsia   New work This is the third  top  developed from a collage.    I also meant all three of my personal monthly challenges with this piece.  The challenges are: 1. to use some of Ethel Fabric in a work.    2. to use some fabric I have altered in a work  3. to use a collage as a starting point.   Now I need to decide how I want to quilt this piece.




new workNew Work green This top is not quite finished yet,but close.  I have always been interested in how things work and seeing the insides of stuff.  So when I got a new IMG_4954_thumb.jpgcamera last year because I had dropped the old one, I did not throw it away.  I finally took it apart this week .    I love all the little plastic and electronic parts and so I decided to make a top to stitch them too.    It will be a stitching challenge of  sorts.

IMG_4955.jpgLittle Fox  I made this little fox pin this week too.  After receiving positive feed back and having two friends ask for pins of their own,  I  decided to make a tutorial on how to make this fellow.  It is started and I will finish it this week.


 Creative Assistants  Creative AssistantsI finished off 30 creative assistants this week.  This is a shot of the last ten.    It sure goes to show how easy it is for me to improvise.

Label Block #35IMG_4956  I just keep working away on these little guys.

Keep Creating





Winter has begun according to the calendar.  But I am not so sure about that as our mild weather sure makes me feel otherwise.      I have enjoyed my walks and the sun shine helps me feel calmer and much less stressed during this holiday season  of hurry and worry.   This shot of  the skyIMG_4840_thumb.jpg reflected in  a rain created pool is also a part of  this unique season.    If I ever had any doubts about how the weather effects my work a look at the colors of the stuff I am working on this week will sure confirm the fact that I am still feeling the influences of fall.

IMG_4856_thumb.jpgMy only out side activity this week was an afternoon when I sat in the gallery at the Schweinfurth to answer folks questions.  It was pleasant to talk with students and quilters  and  I did a lot of hand work.    More little faces for Creative Assistants.


Progress Report:  Buffalo Bluffs

IMG_4845.jpgI am now done with the assembly of this work.  This is the last photo of it as a total unit as I plan to cut it in half and make a diptych out of it.  That was the plan form the start and building it as one big unit first makes for unity I think.    I will slash it and stretch it before next week I hope.

  Autumns CollectionIMG_4843   This is a close up of this work as I am almost done with the building.  I even got the silk leaves on the piece this time.  I am adding the facings now so it will be done by next week.   I have a little bit of bobbling in two areas so I will need to go back in and quilt a bit more to flatten it.   I can always draw more leaves with my machine.


IMG_4852.jpgTurning Autumn   This quilt is ready for the quilting step now too.   I am doing stitch in the ditch at the moment to stabilize it for now and then I will begin to do the machine drawing step.  I will do some sketch book work before I begin that however.

IMG_4854 Williams Quilt   This is a shot of the back of this work.  I only need to add to the sides about 10 inches as it is a bit narrow .  Then I can begin to assemble the parts.   It sure is bright and colorful for  the grand child who will receive this gift.

  IMG_4851.jpgCoastal Color This series of three works is based on a photo of the Atlantic coast.    On one cliff the color of the rock went from green moss covered section to red rocks at the top. IMG_4850I tried to capture that feel with these three starts.  My  main machine had to go for a quick cleaning – I can not believe I have had it a year already.    So I pulled  the Felter out  for a little play in a different mode.  IMG_4849.jpg  They are starting places for machine and  hand work  now .

 IMG_4839Label Block 32    I just do the work.

Enjoy the wonders of the season.   Hugs


Happy Chinese New Year of the Goat/ Ram

IMG_2475_thumb.jpg Hello,

Here in upstate New York we are deep in snow.   The gate is 24″ off the ground and you can hardly see the top of it in this shot.

Today is the first day of the new year of the Goat/Ram if you  celebrate the Chinese system.  Lots of fire crackers, dragon dancing and paper money will be part of the goings on in many places today.   The Goat is the fifth in the symbol system.  Folks who are 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 this year are also part of the goat clan.   Goat people are said to be calm, gentle, creative , honest, thoughtful, persevering and frank.    This sounds like a good group to me.

IMG_2481   I spent one day this week visiting with my friend Cheri.  We took a little time to visit the Art Center where her piece had won a first place in the art show that is up  there now.   She also did someIMG_2479_thumb.jpgwork with stenciled pieces she did last summer.   I spent my morning doing IMG_2480_thumb.jpgcollage work and came out with about four pieces that I think I am finished with.

I spent a lot of time in the studio this week too.  It has been so snowy and cold it is hard to feel like moving around too much.

Progress Report:IMG_2492.jpgSpring Song    I started this work last week.   I feel like the free motion work adds more definition to the piece.  I like how the finished work looks.  I think I will not build my next piece onIMG_2494 - CopyIMG_2495 - CopyIMG_2496 - Copy wool felt as the felting process stretches the felt too much and I can not get this to be as flat as I want it to be.  I will work on woven wool or cotton next time.  I am sure I learn lots of stuff from my mistakes.

Pebble Pile    I was  finished with this work  from  last week too.  It is done now.

IMG_2498  IIMG_2499_thumb.jpg like how the three dimensional felted units work with the flat ones.  Both projects in felting were  a good growing experiences for me.  I will try it again sooner next time.

Nail CastingsIMG_2489  I am only showing a detail of this work this week. There are so very many hand stitches  I do not know !    But I sure like trying new ones.  How the stitches interact with one another is also  enjoyable.   Line  patters are a part of my self  challenge for this year and this project is filling that bill.

Circuits   I am nowIMG_2491_thumb.jpg now done with the machine quilting on this piece and I am adding the boarders.  I am sure I will complete it in a day or two as I only need to do the facings and the sleeve now.

IMG_2484_thumb.jpg Return   I think I know were want to go with this work  now.  I am going to build some ruins on top of the background that I started a few weeks ago.   It will come together this week I hope.

New work   I started a new piece yesterday in the collage style that the rocks wereIMG_2485_thumb.jpg constructed alone.  This time I stared with the  multi/red fabric  that is in the center.   It is only in the pin up stage now and will change a lot before I begin to sew.   I just wanted to try not basing a project on any special images this time.    It is a different kind of challenge for me.    I am trying our one more new thing.  This time I am building the project on canvas instead of buckram.   I will keep folks posted as to the success or failure of this.

Keep Creating
