Category Archives: FAD (Fiber Art Dames)

Fall Retreat


I took this photo of the sun setting over the St Laurence  on Sat.   The FAB group had a weekend retreat at   Judy’s Camp last weekend.   Saturday we went out to dinner.   It was so enjoyable  to eat along the river and watch the many boats as they slipped by.

Patti worked away on her pillow case project.IMG_9206   She finished all but six of them.    Both Nancy and Judy worked on “Disappearing Nine Patch” projects.IMG_9208  This shot shows Nancy ready to do the first cut of her four patch.     We enjoyed our work time and in the evening we launched two paper lanterns IMG_9203over the lake.  They rose strait up until they reached the top of the ridge where the wind caught them and then they sailed north on a fast wind.  We all watched open  mouthed, until they  disappeared in the night.     It was a wonderful weekend and we all felt the it jump started us all for quilt work this fall.

Progress Report: Glyph II   This quilt is all done now .  It   is  the second one and where I really started the use of the negative space units that were cut from the back of the project.( the brow squared fabric)IMG_9223IMG_9224  I am enjoying this series.


Glyph IV   I continue to bead for an hour every day on this project.  It is coming along, but the progress is a slow one.




Glyph V     IMG_9220I am doing two different types of quilting on this project.   inside the green areas I am doing pebble quilting with green metallic thread.  In the blue, green and purple areas,  I am doing reflective quilting in a variegated thread.

IMG_9216Glyph VI  This quilt is all pinned in place and I am ready to start to quilt it.  I am however not sure about what style/type of quilting I want to use here.  I am just studying it now too.

Glyph  VII This is the project that I worked on at camp.  The four smaller glyph  patterns where designed to go together to create a four patch quilt.  I am now auditioning different layouts for this project.   I am not sure  if this is the final at this point,  but I feel it is the strongest so far.    I try one layout and live/look at it for a while and then take a photo and try another layout and repeat the process.   nothing is stitched down yet so I can make all sorts of changes.

IMG_9214Wind – Water  card   I am still trying to deal with my feelings about the newest hurricane- Irma.  Mother Nature sure has used her power of wind and water to remind us that  she still has the final say.

Creative assistants   I have now completed all the little fellows that have completed faces at this time.  I will now move back to the face creation step  in the process to move forward.

Capture scarvesIMG_9230   In cleaning up the studio space I opened a box that was full of these scarves.  All with out the fabric neck units on them.  Deciding I needed to finish the process I have done these black ones and red ones.  There are still a few to go so there will be more next time.   IMG_9232

Label Blocks

Only two more blocks and this step of this project will be completed.

Next week I will be in New York City for three days.  So there will be no Blog post until  Sept 24.

Keep Creating


Spring Warmth


The north east has finally warmed up and we are enjoying the weather.  I have spent a lot of time pulling weeds and moving plants.  I do like playing in the mud almost as much as doing studio work.    I did spend and afternoon dyeing with Liz, but I have yet to wash out the dye so there is nothing to show for that yet.

IMG_8368FAB did meet on Tues and there was lots of activity.  Judy was tying  three baby quilts during the meeting.  She always uses such bright colors for them that it is a joy to the eye.  Nancy is finally finished with her Blue Bird quilt.  It is beautiful.  Unfortunately my photos of it are not- so take my word for it.

Spring Jacks 18X20Progress Report:  Spring Jacks  This work is 18” X 20”.  The background is all felted work  and the Jacks are appliqued on top.   IMG_8387 Sense the big Three Jacks piece has a new home I did this smaller one to remind me of that other project.  IMG_8389




Prayer Flag PinsPrayer Flag Pins  As the picture shows I am having too  much fun using little bits of projects and stuff that ends up on my desk making these little guys.  The freedom of no size or shape restrictions is wonderful.


  Rainbow Tree IMG_8383   I keep working away on this project in one hour units.  I love the effect so I am not at all unhappy that I am only about one third done with this project.   I am sure it will be well worth the time when it is complete.

JellyfishLittle Jellyfish    I am working by hand on this piece with a fly stitch.  The tentacles are  couched.   I do not want to use the machine to pull away from the movement  they produce.

Green Dragon IMG_8375 I am doing  machine drawing on this piece.  I did outline the print( its from Ethel)  and started to continue the body.  I took a lot of that stitching out yesterday as it was too big for the body.  I will try again this week.

IMG_8380Texture Project   I painted this background this week.  In doing a second look I think it needs another layer  of horizon so I will go back in and add some more paint   before I machine draw on top of it.

Label Blocks # 127 #128 #129Label Blocks  Do to the warmth I spent a lot of time out of doors in the evening this week and did a lot more  work on this project then usual.  I am having fun as I see the pile of black square diminish.

Keep Creating


PS   I made an error last week I   Label this  jewelry  as being created by Carrine and it is by Linda CIMG_8324_thumb.jpg.





This  beautiful work is by Carrine.  Please accept my apologies. IMG_8326

Keeping Active


These beautiful Alliums where blooming in my friends garden and they just captured  me when I drove up.  There are constant changes as the  weather grows warmer and the days are longer.  One needs to pay attention to the catch those  changes.  Keep Your eyes open.

IMG_8174I had two meetings this week.  The FAB group meant and it was an active meeting.  Nancy is making great strides on her Mother’s quilt.  I spent time helping her with the free motion work in the center section around the little sunflowers and the birds.    She is does not have enough experience with free motion work to make it work flow  for her yet.  But time and work will solve that problem.   IMG_8175Patti is taking painting classes in both acrylic and watercolor.  I think that takes courage.

Judy is working away on her “Disappearing  Nine Patch” and assembling it .  She has plans for a second alreadyJudy's Quilt







Marty was at the meeting too and she showed us the quilt she made for her great grandson.

Marty's quiltI really like how the longitude lines   curve just a bit to give the rounded feel to the piece.

The  Finger Lakes Fiber Artists also meant this week.   It is so stimulating and there is lots of interaction between the participants.   IMG_8182  This shot shows Regina and Sharon talking at lunch. ( the works on the floor are Sharon’s)

Pat Pauly's small quilt  This is one of Pat ‘s rare small works – it’s about 16″ square.    Her hand printed fabric  really lends its self to a big format so   this is a different challenge for her.

IMG_8199  This is Julia’s piece in response to a collage that she did in David Horning’s  class at QBL two summer’s ago.


Beverlys work   This work is by Bev.  I love how she breaks up a shape and re assembles it.   The colors work well together too.

IMG_8211   Then on Monday I went to Liz’s house we spent the day using thickened dye to alter the color of fabric.   We both did about three pieces and will meet aging in a few weeks to do  another batch. IMG_8244  These are mine and I am most delighted by finally getting some pure white in the front piece.

Nine Blue Iris





Progress Report: Nine Blue Iris This work is 15” X 31” .     Iris are one of my favorite flowers that bloom early in the spring.   IMG_8238  The old lace in the background here is from a pillow case that my Grandmother Ruth made .    I am continuing to challenge myself to work with organza and build up layers of color.  Flowers work especially well with this idea as they are so delicate.

close up of iresMost of these flowers are three layers thick,





Pods4 pods  I am continuing to build these little works.  I only have enough  altered felt to do two more and then I will move onto another project.
















Jellyfish     This project also is working with the layers of transparency.   The colors do not come through as well as I had hoped.  Not enough contrast here I think.   But that is part of what I am learning about this material.


Notebook- Harlequin Paper  

Notebook   I made this book cover from the Harlequin paper  I made last week.  I fused down candy wrappers to black felt and then layered  golden brown nylon netting on top.  The work was then free motion quilted over the surface to hold it all together and give it a strong  body.  Making it into the note book jacket was the final step.


Creative Assiatants












Creative Assistants    I finished up another 30 of these little fellows this week.   They will disappear that QBL  as I give them away.


New Work

Fabric Liz challenged me when we were dyeing to create something with some of the fabric we have created together over this last year.  I pulled all of these to do just that .



Label # 122Label Block # 122     I keep   working away on this project one little block at a time.

I will be away from home so there will not be any post for the next two weeks.  I will have holiday ones to share when I get back.

Keep Creating


Moving Forward


I am enjoying the unfolding of spring here.   There are lots of buds and birds.  I went to the Towpath Quilt Guild quilt show on Friday.


Noel's quiltMy friend Noel’s quilt looked great as did many others.  I enjoyed the show and saw many friends too.   It was inspired  to go home and work in the studio.

IMG_7862  FAB had a meeting on Monday and Nancy show us this label that she programed for her Mom’s Blue Bird quilt.     It looks good to me.

Cherry Blossom timeProgress Report: Cherry Blossom Time   This work is 39” X 35”.   I created it from the branch that was left over from the Blooming Branch project.  It was too dark for that work so this one was born.  IMG_7893 The branch was created from the sleeve of a wool jacket that I then built up with two different yarns.

IMG_7891 There area 61 blossoms on this quilt.  I made the centers from silk paper that I cut in circles and then stitched down with long French Knots.











Flag-Starfish   This is my newest flag from the Susan Challenge.    The text on this piece is machine writing in the section on the bottom.



Pods II










Pods   These are the newest completed pods.  I am enjoying the embellishing step as I get to use lots of beads sequins and pearls with this project.   I cut  six more felt embellished units this morning   so there will be more in the future.


Crow CallsCrow Calls   This project is a reworking of a completed quilt.  I built up the trees and stitched them to the quilt.  Now I am adding the crows.  They are cut  from suede that is then free motion stitched down.    I added  twenty five birds yesterday.



Samurai Romance Samurai Romance  I have been following the suggested techniques in Stitch, Fiber, Metal  and Mixed Media.     I have not purchased any new materials to do this project, but adapted what I have on hand to do the projects.   IMG_7876  This week I applied foil to thick interfacing and then did free motion machine drawing on top to create the flowers.  The centers are glass beads.





Still LifeStill Life   This work is an experiment.  I have been making silk paper for a  while and for this project I made the silk in the flower shapes instead of the sheet form.  Now I am stitching them down.







IceIce   I have started adding the leaves to this project.  This week I made leaves out of copper.   They are embossed with a blunt pencil.   This first one is trapped under a bit of “ice”  and I like the effect.  The other one isIMG_7896set to be in the water section of the work.  It may need netting too but I do not know at this time.   I also want to also add some fabric leaves too.


New WorkNew Works   This is a started build up for a new work.   There is a minimum of free motion machine  work on this piece at this time.    It is based on a photo of a rock face.   IMG_7872  This is a second pin up for another new work.  It is based on another section of the same rock face- with a different color base

YokeTop   I fell in love with this piece form Guatemala.    he hand work is beautiful.  But it is far too short for me and I wanted the sides closed.  So I have started altering it to work as a top for me.IMG_7887

Label Block #115 #116Label #115 #116

I got inspired  and did  two blocks this week.  I also cut  15 more black squares to complete the top.

Keep Creating,


Home again


I am home from my trip to Florida.  I had a good time and enjoyed my stay with Susan.  We got up with the sun and went to the shore to see it rise.  She and I worked on rust dyeing and I came home with a nice selection.IMG_7751  Jim took this great photo of me holding one of my rust creations.   We went to his home one night and drew  all evening too.    I will do a tutorial  of the process rust  and post it by next week.     Susan This shot is of Susan  across the table at  drawing on Tues.

IMG_7705Chris Winter visited on afternoon and  we did  image transfers with Citra Solv . IMG_7707.jpg

Through out the week we  cut stencils and made flags with them.IMG_7700 Now all I need to do is the finish up on all fifteen of them.   They all need text of some sort because  that was the main challenge to begin with.   Susan in the studio  I will put the two I have completed in the progress report section.     We  worked away  very day and the time flew bye.     I came home to  find   ice and snow still remaining from the storm that dumped 24”  before I left.IMG_7642  This shot is of the sky light in the airport.

Monday I went off to visit with my friend Angela.  She did a special demonstration for me of how to use pre felt.  AngelaI now feel I know a lot more about how to use my roving and felt more effectively.   She is a good teacher.   I am sure the processes will be a part of future  works.

IMG_7764.jpgThis morning the FAB gals meant at my house.   Nancy has finished the top of her quilt for her mom.  It is beautiful.  The colors make one feel so summery and warm.  We will get together and pin baste it in the near future.      Judy is still knitting away on her red sweater.   She is working on the arm wholes now , so the end is in sight. IMG_7766

Progress Report: Flags 1  Bee Happy  IMG_7760 This is the fist flag I finished.  I did most of it in Florida and only added the sleeve here at home.

Flag 2- Llegado IMG_7759 I added the tabs and the beaded fringe on the bottom of this one to make it long enough to fit the size we agreed upon.   Llegado is Spanish for  alight.

Blooming BranchBlooming Branch   All the blossoms are stitch down now.  I am working on the hand quilting step of this  project.   I did not add enough wind  lines with the machine for me to feel it is stable .   IMG_7779   So I am outlining  things in the background by hand.

Summer Meadow   SummerThis work is nearly done now.  I added the daises and little yellow flowers to the surface .  All the work was done from the back side of the work with  extra thick threads in the bobbin.  Another new machine process that I will add to my tool box of techniques for use in the future.

crow callsCrow Calls     I thought I was ready to add these trees to the surface of the quilt.  But when I started pinning them up,   it became apparent that the black trees are too dark.  The crows will be lost in them if I do not build up more browns and grays into the black trees.   So there is work ahead for this week on this project.   I think the wash away partly obscured this problem until this point.

Samurai Romance  IMG_7778   I am adding the beads around the outside of the leaf panels for this project.    That and the Turkey Work stitches take lots of time.    This panel  is done the other similar one does not have any hand work yet.  It is smaller then thisfist pannel.

iceNew Ice  I started a new ice piece this week.   I took a lot of photos of the ice forming in Xavier  wood and this one had leaves sticking up through the ice and snow.  I want to try to capture/show them with this piece.   I have some ideas, so stay tuned.





Label Blocks # 111, #112,#113

Label Bkocks  The one thing I have completed in the last three weeks is my label blocks.   But I did discover that when I laided them out that 120 blocks will not be enough to cover the bed without sashing.   I do not like that idea so I will cut  25 more black squares and add labels to them before I put the top together.

Keep Creating.


Winter Return



IMG_0222We are experiencing a snow storm today with cold blowing winds.  It’s a  bit of a shock after three days of wonderful warm temperatures near 60.    I do like the soft effect the snow creates on the the landscape however.    It is just early March so one should expect a bit  more  winter.    I   guess I will be doing another batch of snow dyeing today. Hand work


I had two meeting this week.    The first was the  Finger Lakes Fiber Artists meeting and they  meant on Sat.    Priscilla had been to Guatemala and she had purchased some wonderful  embroidery  works that she shared with us.      Bev and Mary had nice works to share too.  IMG_7558  I always get some  much out of meeting with fellow creative folks.  They helped me see a change I needed to make with one of my works too.  It was great.

The  “Both Ends of the Rainbow” show  was up in the main gallery at the Schweinfurth.   I checked it out after the meeting.    The kids and the adults  had grand works.  I was really taken by this altered book.IMG_7549

The  FAB group was my second meeting  this week.  Patti is weaving away with embroidery floss on this project.    IMG_7564  I like the way she is mixing her threads to avoid sharp color changes  that would create strips.     Nancy also brought some color from south of the border as she in now  home from her trip to  Peru.   Canin stitich  This work is from the natives who live on Lake Titikata.  Wonderful work with the chain stitch here.   The natives are working for the tourist’s dollar and  they are  using much brighter colors  then when I was in Peru  8 years ago.


CA- 34Progress Report:  Creative Assistants  I am working away on my little pins now.  This batch of 34 is now complete.  Or it will be when the Squeezie Paint is dry tomorrow morning.   I think I am  done   making these for this year.   I have over a hundred to give away and that it enough.

BranchBranch I am about half done with  this second branch.  It is built out of a tweed jacket sleeve that is  then   build up with layers of yarns on top to give it more texture and to add interest.  The water soluble is trimmed away from most of the left side at this time.    This close up shows a section that is almost done.  IMG_7594_thumb.jpg






Blooming BranchesBlossoming Branch    I am ready to add this first branch to the new background.   I’ll add flowers too as it is suppose to be a Cherry Blossom branch.   It almost appears too light so I may have to build up some darks in the limb as I put it on the surface.

Summer Meadow IMG_7578.jpg This is the first assignment from Layer, Paint, Stitch.   I am now doing the  bobbin grasses. That process means that the bobbin in this case is loaded with crochet thread – it is too thick to go through the machine needle and that is why it is in the bobbin.  Then one sews from the back side  and the thread is couched down on top.   IMG_7599  This little trick is wonderful and I can see many ways to use it in my work.   Learning new tricks and techniques is why I do these type of exercises.   Paint will be added to this surface later and the grasses will show up.

IMG_7585.jpgSamurai Romance   I have now finished the first panel of this project( on the left).  I couched by hand some think yarn and leather strips to the build up the vertical lines.  The two brown patches on the right are now ready for step two of there alteration for the project from the Stitch, Fiber, Metal and Mixed Media book.   They are small wet felted wool pads.   There will be lots of texture on this piece. IMG_7602

Xaverior IceXavier Ice   I just keep working on getting every thing free motion attached to the surface of this work.  IMG_7582  The build up is moving forward.

Birds   IMG_7586.jpgI thought I might make some little birds from the leftovers of the Pods Project.   These are Ok, But I think I can do better.  So I will keep thinking and make a second run at this idea with some of the other leftover felted  fabric I created.


IMG_7589.jpgLabel Block 109 Another one down and only 11 to go now.

Keep Creating


Working time


Four 6X6Hello,

I feel good about the confines of winter as I seem to get a lot done.  I am still feeling the energy of my show too.  I will take it down tomorrow however.  I have four works in the Cabin Fever Quilt show at Bette Branch Library here in town though.   These four little works  pictured here are my 6” X 6” pieces for the Rochester Art center.  I  mailed them off on Tuesday.   They are all part of the felted work I was doing last week.   I still have big chunks of the felting to use in the project when I get the final additional parts.

IMG_7349FAB meant this week and everyone had work to show and talk about.   This is Patti’s new weaving project.  The can at the bottom is full of her woof  threads.   IMG_7350 Judy put aside her red sweater for the summer and has not pulled it out again.  She is getting to the arm wholes near the top now.


Nancy'sNancy got busy and finished off six new placemats for her home.    They are spring like I think.

IMG_7381  We had another snow storm last night so I am doing more snow dyeing.  This is a shot of the top of the bucket shortly after I put the dye on top of the snow that is setting on top of the prepared fabric.   Now to await the melting/dyeing.

FlingProgress Report:  Fling This work is 50” X 34”.   It is based on a collage and  has Ethel’s Marbleized fabric( the orange) and my hand dyed yellow and the light green and blue stuff.  IMG_7366   The quilting is done in two styles.  For the orange and the white fabrics I followed the edges of the color changes.  For the purples I did a pebble style. IMG_7372


Circle Challenge VICircle Challenge VI   This work is 14” X 19” .   It has a lot of movement in it.  The quilting is reflective of the circles and done in quilting thread.  IMG_7377  I liked adding the beading at the end and I will do that again in number VII.

Circle Challenge VIICircle Challenge VII   I finished the  quilting last eve.   It is trimmed and ready for beads and facings so I will finish it quickly this week .   


IMG_7382 Three Jacks   I put this work under glass this week- and that makes  for awful reflections.   Then before I sealed the back with brown paper I checked it and noticed that I had some how gotten a nail on the outside  between the matt and the glass.   So I will need to take it all apart and do it again before it is complete. IMG_7383


Scrap Happy     IMG_7379.jpgI continue to work through Ethel’s scrap box.  I need to complete a scrap happy quilt for the Prevention Network so I have been putting in an hour a day putting the scarps together.   They are cheerful I think.

Scarf IMG_7353   I have always  enjoyed  looking at a project and trying to figure out how it was done.  So this week when I saw a wonderful image on Pinterest I thought- I will try to do something similar.   First I pulled out a lot of green roving.    After adding some leaves I cut from gold ribbon, I placed them  on some wash away and drizzle some yarn on top of the whole thing. IMG_7374   After placing a second bit of wash away on top to create a sandwich I started stitching everything together.   This will take me a while to complete, but I am looking forward to this little challenge.

TizelNew Work   I am all done with the assembly of the background for  this project.  But when I added the Tezel on top I did not quite  work as I though it would.    Then I looked at it in gray scale on my camera and realized the Tezel heads are too small and too close in value to the background.  The opposite of what I did with the Jack in a Pulpit project.    So I took the heads off and created new ones that are bigger and have a bit of orange in their color  to create a contrast with the background.  Brown TizelThey work a lot better.  Now I will need to create a new background for  the first heads.  I am going to test myself by creating it in the same  size as  the first and see if I can make it work with just a value changes.

Sharron’s ChallengeIMG_7380   Sharron  and I purchased the same kimono( the stuff in the center) last year and have a challenge to created something with it.  I pulled some fabrics that I think work well with this fabric and will start a project soon.

IMG_7344.jpg Creative Assistants  I finished off a new batch of these little fellows this week.  I need to really get going on them as I do not have much of a tribe yet this year.  I want to be able to give them away  at QBL this summer and not leave anyone out so I need to get going.

Label Block # 105 Block #105   I think that I only need to do fifteen more and I will be done with this step of this project.

Keep Creating


Golden Carpet


Hello,Fall tree

Mother Nature has now stripped the trees of all there  golden leaves and put  down a carpet of gold and cream on the lawn. I sure like the quiet colors.  But, I need to rake yet again.IMG_6901  This week was a retreat at the Schweinfurth.  I along with 11 other gals took advantages of the open wet studio to dye and print fabric.My work space

We all made messes and wonderful fabric too. IMG_6858The wash room  line  quickly filled with a colorful collection of fabrics that were batching.

Susan and Liz  Liz and Susan took advantage of the big sinks that are in the wet studio to wash out dyes before putting them in the washers.    Penny and I along with other  retreaters,  did visit the Quilts= Art = Quilts show up stairs at lunch time and enjoyed it.  Penny

IMG_6880Not everyone worked with dye.   Cheri painted this wonderful piece for her circle challenge.   It was all very exciting and I am still washing out the dye from the stuff that I tried.  But here are some of the final pieces.   I have a lot of  raw material for some future work.IMG_6898.jpg

There was a FAB meeting this week too.  Judy has made great progress on the quilt she started in Augest when we were up at  her camp.   I really love the colors she is using on this piece.Judy
















Wool 1Progress  Report:   Wool Works 1  This work has the felted part done and a bit of fabric pinned to the surface.  Last week it was only a line drawing on the black felt.   This is  just a beginning.

Lonely Leaf













Wool 2   I put in  a lot of time on this work this week.   I added the yellow leaf to the top of the rock yesterday as I though it needed  a more focused  point of interest.   It is not stitched down yet and I keep moving it about as I am not sure about were I want it to “fall”.  When  it is just right I will stitch it down.



wool 3Wool work 3 This wool work is now ready for lots of machine work.  I have started  that process- but just in small areas.     






Self Challenge    I did not do much on this work as I was away.  I  am IMG_6894also unsure about  what I want to do with it so it sets were I can look up and see it  very now and then.  I hope that will lead to inspiration.

Felted Landscape  Regina and I  shared a room at the retreat.  We were awakened on Sat morning at 5 am by the call  of crows.  Our room was on the third floor so when we looked out we were in the tree tops along with the crows.    There were so many in the predawn IMG_6861that it looked like the trees had leaves on them.  As the sun came up the birds  flew  away a few at a time.  It was a wonderful experience.   We watched until most of them had left for their foraging for the day.   It was amazing.  I am going to use my felted landscape from last week as  a place to add this memory to  a new work.  IMG_6896 So far I have only gotten the tree to add to the top.

Label Block #94Label Block # 94  Being away I only got one block completed this week.

Keep Creating


A Bit about process


IMG_6471  Hello-

I am getting back into my usual grove this week.  I went to a FAB meeting where Judy showed us  more of the blocks she created after the Mill Sight weekend.   I think the colors work well together well and it will result in a grand quilt.       I have finished several pieces this week so it is time to begin new work.   I though I might talk about one of my processes. Rock wall First I select an image.  This is a photo that I took in Washington state of a cut in the road.   Then I make a little windows and run them around the photo to find an area I think is a good jumping off point.     When I choose one and  I then do a little sketch of it using dark, medium and light.   IMG_6498IMG_6502  At this point I need to decided on a size and select a fabric for a base.     Because of the great amount of shrinkage and IMG_6503warping that occures with all the felting and  the stitching I apply I make the background fabric  10 inches bigger then the  final projected finished size.   The next step is to lay out roving in  the areas that are light med and dark and felt it down.    I then build up the surface with yarn,  silk paper and fabric strips.

Progress Report:   Small Cleft  IMG_6478.jpgThis work is 24” long and 20”  wide.  It is based on a photo I took four years ago.    I used the same process I described above for this work.    IMG_6479  I incorporated silk yarn in this work as well as silk paper.   IMG_6480  There is also some fabric bits and yarns here too.

Beach FrontBeach Front  This quilt is another in the three challenges process.  My hand dyed fabric is the white with colored spots and Ethel’s is the  blue and dark batiks.     It is based on a collage.IMG_6496   The top half is quilted in parallel lines while the bottom section is done in a wavy pattern to suggest water.IMG_6497


Generational WhispersGenerational  Whispers  This work is 43” long and  38” high.     I shows five generations of women in my family with my grand daughter at the center in the bottom.IMG_6490  I  did free  motion drawing on organza to create the portraits and then sewed them to the background.  Mom   The last step was to add  the names of the women represented then quilt.  There was not enough space  below all the heads to  add their dates of birth and death on the top so I have added a panel on the back with that information.IMG_6489


BuitterflyButterfly   I am just about done with the thread painting on this butterfly.  The black sections on the body and the left wing  remain.  Then I will add it to the top and do the final quilting on that piece.



Ethel's Nine PatchesEthel’s Nine Patch   I am enjoying building these squares.  I have completed 25  at this point.  To make it a queen sized quilt it will take 43 blocks so I am a little beyond half way done at this point.  Looking at the scrap box I know there will be a second one of these too.

Label blocksLabel Block # 81  I feel back into my old pattern and only finished on block this week.  I have started making Creative Assistants in the evening  so I did not put in any extra time on this project.

Keep Creating.


Summer’s Ending


Mill SightHello,

As the nights get shorter and a few bits of color are starting to appear in trees one is reminded that summer is fast coming to an end.    I went off to Mill Sight Lake along with  other FAB gals for a weekend of talk and quilt work.   We did swim in the lake too, but due to a much needed rain on Sunday we did not get any boat work in.      We talked and discussed all sorts of things including the projects we where working on.  Patti made Pillow cases and Judy and  Nancy worked on Disappearing Squares- a block with lots of possibilities. IMG_6261 The food was great and we had  a good time.

Progress Report: Deep JelliesDeep Jellies   This work is 37” long and 41.5 “ wide.    I did stay true  to my vow to do hand work on it every day for and hour and it got done this week.   I sure enjoy the mixing of the orange and blue.IMG_6279 The dyed blue green lace and the deep blue ribbons  represent the  parts of the jellyfish that capture the food and pull it into  IMG_6281the center so digestion can begin.    IMG_6282  I still find the idea that these colorful fellows live in total darkness.

Tall TextTall Text  This quilt is 49” long and  32.5” wide.    started this project in Rosalie Dace’s class at  QBL.      I did reflective quilting in the negative spaces  around the text in this work.   IMG_6269IMG_6273It has been a good week to finish things up as I  prepare for my  travels.    I like to come back with a clean studio as I am sure I will get lots of new ideas on this trip.


Far Off Forests  Far Off ForestsI am now done with the free motion work on this piece.  I need to get new stretcher bars to finish it as the machine work has so distorted it that it will  not stretch to fit the ones I have.






Ethel’s Scrap Nine PatchIMG_6290  I inherited this box full of leftovers from Ethel.   I took it on the camping  weekend.  I had one idea about how to use these colorful pieces but the other gals have convinced me to make a nine patch quilt with them.

IMG_6274.jpg   This is a shot of all of the parts I put together  over the weekend that I am now ready to cut into 5” squares and mix with solids for this project.     I know I would not have done it in this fashion without the influence of the other gals.






Label Block # 75  Label Block #75 I only got one block done this week.  I have several near completion though so I will keep my numbers correct.

I will be traveling with Marty for the next  few weeks so the next post will be Sept 15.

Happy Trails to you as well.
