Category Archives: FAD (Fiber Art Dames)

New Growth

Spring continues to explode around me. It is so beautiful ! Over the long winter one tends to forget  how powerful green can be. I had two Zoom meetings this week. The QuEG’s meant and the Pixies  did too. I also had two meetings face to face. FAD meant in Judy’s garden and enjoyed ourselves greatly. Today I meant with my fellow quilters in the Sisterhood of the Sisters group as we viewed the Members Show at the Schweinfurth.  This shot is of Sharon her work.    As it turned out there were only seven of us- but it was still great. 


This is a shot of Ann at the show.



The only other member of the Sisterhood   who had a piece in the show was  Noel.



But I have lots of other friends who were in the show too.   This diptic is by Barbara Vural , a gal that I taught with for over 20 years.



This sculpture is by Carol Adamack,  another Art  Teacher that I taught with.






This shot shows a quilt by Mary( the Haron) who is  Quilt Diva’s and a work by Cindy,  another art teacher /quilter I know.


 This is a work by Anne another active Quilt Diva  member.      It is a great show and will be up until  May 30.   I found it very stimulating.






The Fiber Artists Stitch Club got a new assignment from Saima Kaur. I am enjoying working on my project.


Progress Report: Bonsai This work is . I challenged myself to not use any cottons in this work and it did prove to be a challenge. The silks and synthetics do slip around a lot. I am working hard to get it to be flat and I will make another attempt at the pressing.








Saturday Afternoon I am in the process of zig zag appliqueing yarn down to out line the shapes.





Poppy Field After talking with Liz I decide that this piece needed a center of interest. As my friend Ethel said” you make good backgrounds”. So I took the information that I learned in Amanda Mc Carver’s class a few weeks ago and stared some bigger Poppies in wool and thread. I have these two about ready to put together and I want to make three more and hope they do the trick.  I plan to place the three petal piece on top of the twin petals and add a center to create the blossoms.

Drawing I did four more drawings this week.


























Lap Quilt       This new work is make from all fabrics that I have altered .   I am still enjoying building with my own stuff.





Childhood Memories :  Portland OR
The school play my senior year was “Girl Crazy.” I worked backstage and enjoyed the process. In the spring we did a variety show called “Musical Moods” For that production I was on stage as a dancer in the piece about the south pacific. The Tiki that Mom had carried home on her lap from Hawaii was on stage too.   It is now residing in the corner by the bookshelf in our east bed room. The National Thespian Convention that year was in Portland Oregon. Mr Fee took seven of us to that event. I sold lots of candy to raise money for the trip that year. I was the only senior , with two Junior girls and four Junior boys. We boarded the train in Muncie at 4:00 am and headed for Chicago. There, we joined a train that was exclusively for Thespians going to the convention. Kids from further east were already on board. Our group was seated together at the end of a car in the last four seats. It was long ride of two nights and three days with new car loads of kids being added as we went along. Sitting in front of us was a group from PA. One of the boys just in front of me had a guitar. He played beautifully and we all sang folk songs all the way across the country. Songs like “If I had a Hammer” and “ This Land is Your Land, This land is My Land.” It was very enjoyable.
Mr Fee challenged each of us to come up with a personal bit of acting to do some time over the week we were at the conference. I decided that with the help of the others I would try to play the part of some one who was deaf and could read lips. I did a good job fooling the gals on my floor in the dorm. Only once in the shower room did I almost blow it. My back was turned to a gal in the shower and she asked me to hand her a bar of soap on the bench. As I turned I realized I could not have herd that request, so I quickly said in my flat voice, “ Good Night” and left the bathroom. We had a dance one evening and I went of course. One of my boys from Central had to explain to one of the gals on my floor that I could feel the beat of the music through the floor so I could dance. I could not have pulled the week off without their help.
The Conference was at Lewis and Clark college in a remote beautiful hilly setting. When we got our room assignment I was a solo so the other girls helped me with my acting by waking me up each morning by coming into my room. I had a great view of a beautiful gully like the one in Columbus Junction. The conference went on for five days with workshops in the mornings a play preformed by our peers in the afternoons and a second each evening. We really covered a lot of ground. Again I did two workshops on costuming. I learned some nice tricks. As to the plays, I really only remember “Waiting For Godot”. The group discussion after that was very lively. The memorable evening performance was of “Peter Pan.” It was great to talk with the stage hands after that one and have them explain how they built the equipment to do the flying. That was also the last event of the conference. The train ride home was not as exciting as we were in a different car then the PA folks, and we were tired . Mr Fee did ask us about our” acting “ experience. I admitted that I was tired of playing that part by the end of the week. It did make me more sensitive towards others with that impairment.

Stay safe and Keep Creating



New Siding – Step one

It has been a busy week for me. Yesterday the workmen came and started on the next step of the house renovation. They pulled all the old siding off in less than an hour and then spent the rest of the morning adding a new layer of insolation. My studio is on the end of the house and has three out side walls so it sounded like I was trapped in a wood peckers den with them pounding on three sides of me as they attached the new covering. I had to remove my thread rack as the pounding knocked the spools off the wall.  We do not have a date for the new siding yet, but I am sure it will be soon and I will have a second day of nailing.
I did have four Zoom Meetings this week- QuEGs, The Diva group, FAB and the Pixies. I enjoy the meetings, but I do miss seeing folks in person.   That is changing I think. The Diva group is working hard on getting shows going and that is a positive thing. FAB is considering meeting in one of the gals gardens next time too. Susan of the Pixies is pushing us to draw more and I did some work on dictionary pages.
I am working from old photos from “The Secret Museum of Mankind.”






A book  was  published in 1935 with only little lines about the location of the image and a few words about the subject. I am working on the section about the Americas now.












Progress Report: Poppy Field. This work is 34.5″ w X 43″ l. I did stamp on top of the first batch of quilting of the poppies and leaves. It did help I think. There is still a limited contrast here.   I will try to pay special attention to that factor as I go forward.





Horsetails All the polar fleece is stitched down now and I am starting to quilt it . I can see a challenge   for this piece and that is   getting this project  to be flat.



Lap #11 I just keep playing at fabric combinations.







Bonsai This project has a  challenge of its own and that is  using all silks and synthetics as the base.    Those types of fabrics  do shift around a bit. I did the trunk  of the tree  out of several yarns wrapped in nylon netting.   Now I am adding the leaves in metallics and silks. It take me about an hour to add fifteen leaves so this step is slow.

Cubists Project.     I built this base for my second run at a cubist study   for the Sisterhood of the Scissors Challenge. I am using my collage construction approach on this work.   I hand dyed al the fabric in this base.



Daily Practice I am still working on filling in the background areas on this piece.




Dyed Mayan I am now quilting in this old Mayan piece. The pale colors of the dyes are a lot closer to the colors of the real walls at this time them the applique ones are.   I do need to push for a little contrast here too I  think.


Childhood Memories- Kennedy Assignation
Band was the first class after lunch. We got our uniforms the first day as well as band lockers. The uniforms were black pants with a purple strip and black suit jacket type coat with a purple strip on the cuff. Add a white military type hat with a brim, spats and white scolder caps with purple ” M”s  on them and the uniform was complete.   We did not wear the hats when we play concerts.   All Sophomores were seated at the end of the rows of the other like instruments. One could challenge another student to move up at any time and there were “ play offs” during study halls or at the end of the day. I held   first chair of third   clarinets for all three years of high school. By having this  class after lunch we could start a little early and practice routines and formations on the football field. Mr Mc Daniels would let us go early so we could hassle the eight blocks back to the High School building in time for our next class. We preformed on Football field for   the first Friday at the first football game of the school year.  We  learned new routines for all the  home football games for all three years. We did pep rallies and also play at all the home Basketball games too. The band gave me a social network and identity as well as assuring that I had a social life that involved me in lots of active events. I am sure that I came in contact with students that I would not have know other wise. There was no incentive to got to competitions like there had been in Jr High and I really did not miss that much. Mr Mc Daniels did keep it interesting and fun by having special events. One time we did a clown band and all dressed up in silly clothing. Another time we went patriotic and all wore red white and blue clothing.and a third time I remember, we all dress as colonial  Americans.   I made a special red check dress, bonnet and pantaloons with ruffles on the bottom.  My best friend, Margaret played the Sax a phone,  and  her sister, Ceicle was a part of the band too. She was two  years older and played the Oboe. Cecil got a black ford Mustang conveyable for her birthday in 1963 and she included me in her transpiration circuit when we went to band events. The gang that I did hang out with all grew from band. Bobby Cornell played the Trumpet and he lived near Margaret and Ceile. Mike Ritter also played the clarinet, he was a first chair and he and Cecil were an item so he was part of the group. Susy Bright, was a Band Aid, and lived in the same area as did Jim Freshwater who played drums that made two car loads of us and we did lots together. Sometimes it was a simple as going for a coke or a drive to Burkie’s a local restraint for fries. We did have a Mc Donald’s but it was across town and off the highway so we did not frequent it much.
After Band I had Physics class. I enjoyed it and had a better student teacher for that class then the regular guy. That class was followed by English  with Miss Meehan. I hated diagramming sentences, but enjoyed the literature section of that year. We were silently reading Silas Marner on Friday Nov 22, when the class was interrupted by the intercom with a radio broadcast. We all sat silently stunned and listened to learn that John F Kennedy had been shot in a motorcade in Houston. My last class of the day was Drama and it was a bit chaotic and three of the other older girls in the class were sobbing the whole period. At the end of the day we were told that all after-school activities were cancelled. The ride home  on the bus  was very crowded with many of us standing in the isle and no one was talking. The TV news with Walter Cronkite was very sad.  We had a Basket Ball game on Sat and it too was very subdued.    At the end of the game, Mr Mc Donald told us to appear at the field house at 1:00 on Sunday to march in a memorial parade to the cemetery. When we got there we all had black ribbons attached to our marching helmets and black arm bands. The white arm caps, spats and feathered topper for our helmets were removed. The drums all were draped in black too and sounded extra solemn . I am sure we played something somber but I do not recall what. When I got home, I to learn the Jack Ruby had been shot too. There was no school on Monday and it rained all day.

Stay safe


Earth Day

Happy Earth Day 2021. I got up to a fresh dollop of snow this morning. The Hosta were just coming up outside my window and now they are covered in white. Mother Nature and Old Man Winter are at odds I guess.   It is a good time to consider how important this planet is to our existence.     We do need to care for it as there are no alternatives.

QuEG’s, FAD, and Pixies all got together via Zoom. I am happy to be saving the fuel it takes to go to meetings, but I do miss seeing folks face to face. I did use my paint brushes that I had created for Pixies. Here are a few of the more successful ones.






Progress Report- Lap Quilt #9 This work is 37″ X 63″. I used mostly my altered fabrics on this piece. There are only two commercials. I am enjoying making these little works as there is no pressure from anyone to do them.








Twilight Crows I finally got this top all assembled.   I used several pieces of my hand dyed along with commercial fabrics here.   There are also several types of silks and syntheticts in this top.   I will layer and quilt it in the next few days.




Coral Reef II This hand work piece is nearing completion too. I enjoyed adding the fish as they give it an extra feel of life.  The fish ar cut from metallic ribbon so they do not fray and need lots of stitching.

Poppy Field I did the grass the other day. Then I felt defeated. There is not enough contrast and from a few feet away it looks like nothing is going on. I was ready to toss it. But after talking with Liz, I have a few things to try to see if I can save the work. Only time will tell.

Daily Practice This work continues to grow each evening. I have learned that I do not want to do another piece for this project that is this large. If I have another base this big I will tear it in half before I begin working. It is too difficult to see all of the surface at once in ones lap.

New Work     I started a new lap quilt today.  This is the first step were I lay out colored blocks in places I think they might work in for the piece.   I will add strips in 2.5″ and 4.5″ around these blocks to unite them and build the top.




Childhood Memories- Sophomore Year

 In the fall of 1963, I started attending Muncie Central High School in downtown Muncie, Indiana.   That change presented me with lots of changes.    For the first time I caught the bus at the end of our driveway and went for a 20 minute ride to school.     To my mind, the building was huge- it took up a whole city block.   It was crowded as it was the only high school in town.  A new high school called South Side opened the following fall and cut way down on the crowding.    I was the last stop on the bus route and the first one off in the evening.     My best friend Margaret Dunn however was the first one on and last off in the evening.  She often saved me a seat near the front of the bus.  Her ride was an hour and a half and she often was done with homework when she got there.    She calculated that by the time she ended high school she had ridden the bus 12 days going to and from school.    The first day started by going to a home room of fellow Sophomores and we remained together for all three years.  We were selected and seated in alphabetical order.   I was seated between Mike Merl and Marla Miller.   Marla and I became friends and  we were initiated into  Honor Society together.   As it turned out she and I were both commuters at Ball State and in the same class of 350 freshman there in the fall.  We agreed to  sit  in the front row to make sure we stayed awake as the class was at 7:00 am  three days a week.  When class was over at 8 we went together to the  Music Library to study and hang out until our next class.    There is more story there, but I will hold that until later.     In the first home room meeting we filled out lots color coded cards.  Name, add, phone number, date of birth etc…….   Then the teacher collected them ; the white card, the blue card, the canary card, the violet card and the salmon card .    We got locker cards and we were given our class order assignment after she went over the  rule handbook   with us.   We also returned to the same room for  standard tests and to  get class assignments and fill out the same cards in our Jr and Senior years.     There were few changes over the three years, but a few folks disappeared.  I did not have class with any of the folks in the home room or any of the friends from Middle School.  I wrote in my diary that I was not happy about that.

   The Geometry class that Dad had insisted that I take was my first one every day.  I remember the yellow paper back book that we used.     It was complex, but logical.  I do not recall needing help from Dad either.     I think I got mostly A’s and B’s in that class.     My second   period class was  World History.    There was lots of geography in that class too.    Period three was Art class.     I recall that there was much more Art History in this version of art class.    We studied Cubism and did paintings in that style.  Later in the year we studied Alexander Calder.    We made big mobiles out of the big metal cans from the Calfeteria. I remember making a Mandolin  out of one of the cans and punching holes  with a nail to outline the hole  and the edges of the instrument.   I used wire to show the strings.     I also make a bunch of flowers out of wire and balanced those elements with others to make my mobile.  It was huge.  When the teacher hung them from the lights , mine was quite low and some one attached a note to one of the flower stems  that said “ Take me down!”

Fourth period I had Nursing class with Mrs Webster.    The only thing I recall from  that class was learning about Syphilis.   The images of its effects were so gross, that I swore I would never kiss any body in my life.   She did scare us  straight- for a while at least.

Stay safe,.



I feel so very fortunate to have such kind  and generous friends. Last week I got a surprise package in the mail from my friend Patti. It was a paint brush organizer. So very handy and I put my brushed in strait away. I feel so flattered that she would share her time and effort to make and send me such a nice gift. People can be so very kind and it is doubly wonderful when it comes for no reason. It touches the heart. Such a small act can really lift the soul and raise one’s sprites.   I will try to do the same in the future.
I had four Zoom meetings this week. The QuEG’s meant on Tue with the FAB and Pixies meeting yesterday. It so good to stay connected. The Textile Artists Stitch Club started a new project with Jude Kilgshott. I am still not done with the handwork on my leaf print, but I went a head with the new assignment anyway. Jude asked us to collage a bit with fabric pieces and then stitch them down. I am half done with that as there are suppose to be 8 pages. She was trying to help us see the beauty of the back of the stitch work as well as the front and the transparency of Organdy really does allow that. I will keep working and hopefully get back to the old project too.

Progress Report: Murder  II This work is 36″ X 46″.   I discovered that I had on older piece named Murder of Crows   so I had to rename this work.





I did stitch in the ditch  in the seams and around the crows. But I felt that was not enough so I added what I call “ wind lines”  of quilting that run horizontally across the quilt in a wavy pattern. It works and the piece is stable now.







Scrap Happy I made  a trip to the Dr on Monday and he said I was healing nicely and could go back to normal activity.  That meant that I could lift things without fear of breaking the stitches on the back of my hand. So the first thing I did was quilt this queen sized quilt. It was hard to rustle about under the machine but I did it. Then I did the binding and it is done now.


Quiet- Daily Practice One of the other things I could not do with the hand , was stretch this piece. So I did that this week  now  that I have full use of my hands.


Black Roses      The work is 38″ X 36″ .    This is a rescue piece. The base was the original  background for Three Sisters.  I removed the figures  and had the old background  piece on the table.  Next to it was   black and white rose fabric .    It was a  gift from my friend Tanya. She often passes me interesting fabrics to play with. It just seemed to go together. And I had a chance to use my cording foot tht I had purchased for the machine.


I enjoyed this project.





Three Sisters So this piece got a new base and some additional build up. I think I am now ready to stitch the parts down.






After the Fall This work too had to be put on hold until I got the OK form the Dr. It takes about 10 min to stitch down each  leaf and I find that I can only work  for about half and hour before I begin to tire. All the stopping and truing the whole quilt to sew half and quarter inch sections  is slow work.

Felted Backs I built these backgrounds for the machine drawn birds. I will get out the Felter and do the  felt work this week so I can put it all together.



Daily Practice I am working away on the daily practice too. This is the new one with a week’s work of effort on it.


Childhood Memories- Dr Kunkel and Sailing
Moving to Muncie changed the lives of all of the family in different ways. Gene seemed to have  had  the most difficulty adjusting to a new bigger school. Dad said a new place was a great chance for a fresh start and I took it that way.   One of the changes Dad did was he started using his real first name. When Dad was born  one of his cousin’s  was born across the county   a day after  Dad.   Both boys were named James McElhinney. To keep them strait in the community, Dad went by his middle name of Howard. When we moved to Muncie and his diploma said “James” , he decided to go by that name. In October, I was really  feeling my oats and that nearly lead to disaster. I was comfortably reading away in my room one afternoon when the phone rang. I go up and went down the hall to our only phone and answered.
“Is Jim there?” asked the voice. I said “No” and hung up the phone. I had just gotten settled  when the phone rang again. This time it was the same question and same answer. I returned to my room and the phone rang yet again. As I walked down the hall I though, “ I ‘ll play a joke on this guy.”
“Is Jim there ? ” the caller asked for a third time.
“Yes,” I said. “But he is too drunk to come to the phone.”
“Is this Jim McElhinney’s home?” the caller asked.
I was not smart enough to just hang up, but said. “ Oh! I am so sorry. He is here and I will got to the garden and get him for you.”
After Dad got off the phone he gave me a bit of a dress down for being such a smart-allic.
“What if that had been one of my bosses?” he asked. I never did anything like that again.  As it turned out the man thought the whole thing was quit funny.    He was Dad’s office partner, Dr Kunkle. He and Dad got to be great friends and traveled all over Indiana working with teachers to develop curriculum programs. The two of them also went to Alaska to do the same thing with the Klincket Native American tribes off the coast.   I also developed a connection with Dr Kunkle when I went to Ball State. He was the sponsor of the sailing club there. That is were I learned to sail and I became proficient enough to be a Captain. My friend Margaret and I went out in one of  the club’s Windmill lots of times. On one trip with her I even swamped the boat and had to haul it back to the dock myself. It was a cold event. I only had one more  experience with sailing when I was much older. I spent afternoon trying to learn to sail surf on Cazenovia Lake. I could not “come about”  so I could “tack” north.     I kept   losing control and falling off the board.   So I was slowly “sailing”  farther and farther down the lake. Finally the owner came with his son and rescued me . The son sailed the board home and I rode in the cab back to the house.   Gene got to be good friend with Dr Kunkle too and also learned to sail with him. Gene was a good sailor and the two of them went to lots of sail boat races on weekends.   They eve won some cups.

Stay safe



I hope everyone is doing well.  My big excitement for the week was a little operation on my the back on my left hand on Monday morning to remove a growth. That has really slowed me down as I can not lift much. I can do hand work sense I am right handed and can work on a few things – but lots of work will need to wait two weeks until I see the Dr again. It is good to slow down and take stak every now and then.     I survived the big snow that hit our area by just staying put, Zooming and working.   I did go for a walk in the cemetarty today inthe sun shine though  and enjoyed it throughly. I had lots of meetings this week. The QuEGs, FAD and Pixies meant and it was all stimulating. There was also a RATs ( Retired Art Teachers) meeting too. It is good to stay connected with folks in this time of isolation. The Textile Artists Stitch Club ‘s new teacher is Caroline Nixon. She had us do a bit of bio printing before we started stitching this week. I have only done a little of the stitch work so far.


Progress Report: After the Fall I had started stitching down the leaves on this project before Mon so there is a little progress.  I will not be working on it until later now as it requires lots of handling and with the stitches in my hand I can not pull the fabric around as I need to for the outlining of the leaves.

Lap Quilt – Glyph I layered this quilt yesterday. I think I can stitch in the ditch quilt this work because it is all strait runs and not much else.







6X6 The Rochester Cultural Arts Center has made it annual call for little six inch by six inch works so I got busy and finished off these three during some of my meetings this week.




Old Project I found this piece while hunting for bases for the 6X6 projects. I will finish it up quickly I think.





Daily Handwork I finished the hand work on this big piece this week. I want to stretch it so again that will be put on hold .





But I did begin a new Daily series after talking with my friend Barbara. I am going to use a lot of my paint and hand dyed fabrics as a base and use the left over pre fuzed solid fabrics from the Mayan series to stitch into. It should make for a complex and interesting surface to work on.


Collage Crows  I did a few more crows in the collage techniqie this week .  I used an old fabric that Marty and I had made after a visit to Elizabeth Bush where she showed us how she was using spray paint on fabrics to create some wonderul images.  The backgound is fine for this strong contrast in the pieces of black.

















Childhood -Mr Carr
A teacher that had a profound effect on my development was Mr Peter Carr. Mr Carr wasmy  summer school art teacher the summer between my Junior and Senior years in high school.  His classes were  structured, his lessons specific. The first day of class he gave all the students  a sketch book and said we would have three  pen drawings due very week . One would be assigned and the other two were our choice. The first assignment was to draw what was under the kitchen sink and  I remember having the most difficulity  drawing the gallon glass vinegar bottle.  Then with  the intention of impressing him, I drew a portrait of a Viking with a helmet with fur and horns.   Using a ball point pen made one slow down and look carefully before putting down the lines- there was no erasing. The Viking looked great- but some how I had given him a very crooked nose. Mr Carr gave me high marks for the work , but on the nose of the Viking he had corrected the line  of the nose in red pencil.  I never made an error in the nose alignment again as every time I look at the sketch I see the correction. Other assigments included a trip to  the cemetery, what was under our beds, and our reflection in a shiny object. I  still love to draw with  a Bic ball point pens. We did ceramics, his art form of choice, painting and collages  that summer. Then the  last few weeks of class we had choices. I decided to try doing a punch needle rug for the choices offered. This was my first real use of fibers as a art material. I did my designs in colored pencil keeping in mind that rugs had no up or down and needed to look good from all points of view. I selected the strongest design  with his help.   I built a wooden frame and stretched the burlap over the frame and  begin the work.  I drew a design of FIRE in magic marker on the burlap and began punching in the colored yarns. The rug was successful as the shapes were good, the colors strong and the stitches were of varying heights. I spent many happy hours working on the project, but I  did not complete it before the end of the class.  I got an A none the less. Mom hung  my  “Fire” in the front hall so you could see it when you came into the house. “You could not put it on the floor,”she said. “One does not walk on fire.”  The rug won a blue ribbon in the Art Fair my senior year at school.

The rug hung in the hall until Mom moved to AZ in 1979 when it came back into my possession. I went on to do a “Water” rug and one all in greens that I called “Fields.”  That  work was like looking at the earth from an airplane- some thing I had not done at the time.
Mr Carr came back into my life when I was a senior in college.  At Ball State all folks on the path to becoming teachers took a class called “Practium”.

The class was a chance to teach a few lessons with the supervision of a master teacher in the lab school. Before we ment the kids to beging that experience, we had a meeting with Mr Carr were he  prepared us for the experience. He told us all to come to class the first day dressed as an Artist. “ Look the part, act the part, and you will be the part,”he said. I went out and purchased myself a pair of blue bell bottom throusers that covered my shoes, a white highly  textured blouse and a navy blue wool Nehru jacket. It passed the text. Mr Carr  was as good at teaching us how to teach, as he was at teaching art.   One great pointer was to limit the scope of the assignment so kids don’t flounder around and waste time.  Another was to break  complex projects into small units that kids can build on to create good work.  He reminded  us to reward the students  efforts along the way as much as theie final projects. That is where the real growth happens. I credit him with setting  on a great path to becoming a successful teacher.

Stay safe,  and keep Creating


Technical Difficulties


For me it has been a strange week. We suffered a technical miss hap.   Two trips to the store,  playing with cable connections and a bit of crawling around on the floor and now we are back in working order.    One forgets how much we have come to depend on this machine for so many things. I was able to make my Zoom meetings through my phone- but I am sure I used lots of Data to do that and I will pay later. There were four Zoom meetings this week. The QuEG’s group meant before the modem failure so it went well although there were not a lot of folks in attendance. FAB meant on Wed and they were my first challenge with doing the zoom on my phone. Wed eve was the Pixies and it took 20 min for us all to get in aliment and able to talk. Susan suggested that we try a create a While Voodoo character to push positive energy into the world. This is my start.


of the Scissors meeting went well because I was at Liz’s and we just tacked it on the end of our class with Rosalie Dace from Stitching Post. It was the last class and I am feeling a bit let down about that.

I also had a new assignment with Textile Artist Stitch Club this week. The new teacher is Valerie Goodwin. I have had classes with her at QBL so that was quiet enjoyable. I can not do the assignment because that had to do  with printing out a map, and the printer is wireless. I did finish my piece from last week however.

My other big event was to hang my solo show at the Life Force Studio. It consisted of the 13 Mayan pieces. I will add them at the bottom of this blog. We also did a video but it was too long so I do not know were that stands. Learning lots of things every day as far as technology is concerned.

Progress Report: Captured This piece is 32″ w X 42″ l. It came out stronger then I expected and I think I will try some more work in this vain.










Bone Dancer – Mayan Series This is the last of the series and it is 20″ w X 24″ l. I only had to add the binding, sleeve and label to complete this quilt this week. I will not show it in the lineup at the end of the post, but it is there too.













Gold Lap Quilt This is the newest finished lap quilt for the nursing home. I am using these as a chance to put together different fabrics and play a bit.





Orange Lap Quilt This is a second lap quilt that only needs the binding and it will be complete.   This quilt is also made up of mostly hand dyed and altered fabrics.





Twin Scrap Quilt This quilt is the commission I have been working on and it only needs to have its binding attached and it too will be complete. I am all excited about doing some more scarp quilts in the near future.




New work – Big Leaves This is the beginning of my use of the big Labrador that did not work on the pieces that became High Anxiety.





Raven I got busy and drew in crayon and colored pencil on a bit of fabric this week. He is a bit menacing, but I like him. Not sure were I am going here, but I like a challenge





Daily Handwork I continue to applique down old lace and stitch with wool on this piece.




Childhood Memories- Muncie Neighborhood

The Neighborhood in Muncie was like all the other neighborhoods in some respects. My parents seemed to always select locations on the out skirts of town with farmland near bye. In this case it was just across Petty road at the north side of the house and across the creek to the west. Dad did dig a garden in the back south corner of the yard as usual. He had a nice strawberry bed and corn every year along with tomatoes and other vegetables. The creek that ran along the back of our lot was a steep five foot drop to the water from our yard. Although the water did get high in spring it never flooded over those banks. I can’t say I ever climbed down to the water even under the bridge over Petty Road. I did explore the lands on those two farm though. The area directly behind the house across the creek was a field  that was going back to nature. There were lots of adolescent trees and brambles in that area. There was also a pond that I visited many time to watch birds and dragon flies as well as listen to frogs. Beyond the that field was a field stone house . The farm widow lived there. I only saw her once . The rest of her farm was across the road and it too was going back to nature as well. There was a great old gray barn that I looked at a time or two. One day it caught fire and the arrival of the fire trucks alerted everyone to the event. We were held at bay and that was a good thing as the metal sheets exploded off the roof of the barn in the middle of the fire and flew in many directions. That was also the day I saw the widow on the stone poach as she watched along with many others as the barn burned to the ground. Across the road on the east side of the creek was another active farm. That property had five different wind breaks/ wooded areas with plowed and planted areas in between. The wooded strips were all about seventy feet wide and supported a mixture of pines and hard woods . I explored them all of course. Two had little interest for me but the other three had elements that I returned to many times. One had a section of white pines that I would visit when I want to be calm. I would lie down on the many years of pin needles and enjoy the smells and look up through the branches at the sky and just day dream. Another section closer our house had two wonderful trees for climbing and I visited that area the most. The third are was on the far east side of the land and there was a great old willow tree there . I went there several times and tried to weave willow baskets. I was not real successful with those attempts, but that did not stop me from trying.
Dad had discourages me from playing football with the boys and although Gene would let he help his when no one else was available, but Steven would not tolerate my participation at all. It was lonely. In early October walking home form school I did meet another older girl in the neighborhood. Ann Pazel was in seventh grade and she lived six blocks from my house. Her parents owned the fanciest Jewelry store downtown. Her parents tightly structured Ann’s live with lessons and such  the only day of the week that we could play together was Tuesday. She had a Parakeet and I was fascinated. Mom disliked birds because a rooster had flown into her face when she was young. So having birds around was out of the question for me. Ann was a avid stamp collector and we all spent hours sorting, examining and sharing those wonderful little images. I still have my original stamp album and continue to save every different stamp that arrives on mail sent to me. Someone will have a treasure trove to sort and enjoy some time in the future.

I will add a separate post of all of the pieces in the show.

Stay safe and keep Creating,

Lots of Meetings


This week has been  a time for lots of meetings for me. I have found my walks to be a bit brisk as the temp has been low. We even have snow on the ground.    The high number of  Zoom meetings meant I d I did lots of handwork. There  was also the  second class from Textile Artist Stitch Club with Ali Ferguson. She gave us ideas on how to further embellish our pages and books.
The QuEGs meant and the population was low with only 4 of us. The FAD group was busy will all of us in attendance. I also did a class with Rosilie Dace on  Thur and enjoyed hearing her voice and found the lecture to be stimulating.   Then There was a meeting of the Sisterhood of the Scissors too.    I am pumped up by all the outside stimulation.

Progress Report: Mexican Blossoms I did the free motion work on this piece this week and added the sides It is the same size as the first one and I will pass them on as a set.10″ X 19″ in size.





Lap Quilt      I finished this work this week.     It is 40″ w X 45″ L. I intend to take all of them to the Nursing home this next week .









Burning I did a lot of free motion work on this project his week. I am now ready to face it and do the pressing to make it flat. I am sure it will be done soon.


Kathy’s Quilt I have the key board all laid out and fused down. I will do the zig zag work on this and this section of the quilt will be complete. I did order photo transfer paper to do the posters for the shows she did this week and it will show up some time soon.







Squares a Dancing  This is the end of the squares plus the two extras. Now I need to plan the assembly of all of the units.





3 X 3 challenge This project is for the Sisterhood of the Scissors challenge. I made two sizes of broken nine patch blocks and joined them with additional fabric to create the finished 14″ blocks. I made and extra and so I could shuffle them in many configurations. This is the  row I was most pleased with.  Part of the challenge was to create units that could fit together in many ways and that proved to be the most difficult when I decided to unite my blocks.

Ethel Scrap Happy I am now adding solid blocks to the 5″ squares. I seem to be able to created about 70+ units and press them in an hour. I am on day nine of that process and it looks like there is just one  or two  more days worth of scrap blocks in the box. Then I will begin to add these units together  to make blocks of four units that I will use to create my rows for this quilt.

Black Rocks   This project is 20″ w X 15.5″ t.      It got a lot of attention due to all the meetings.











Fire Dancer-Mayan Series      I am working away on this project and I am as excited about it.    The hand work is slow and calming.



  Wake Up Call    I did the wind motion quilting on this piece this week and I have pinned the trees in place.  I want to cut the crows that will be in the trees and place them before I stitch  both the trees and the birds to the surface.
















Childhood Memories- Bikes and Such
Memory is a strange beast. It comes to the surface like bubbles rising from deep water and at other times is just flows out. I try to write down the little bits as they come to me and then organize them into units that belong together. This week I am writing about bits and pieces that don’t really hang together, but I know they all happened before I passed into seventh grade.
When one moves things get lost and left behind. Such was the case of my big red tricycle when we moved to Carroll. I had really out grow it by third grade, but I missed having wheels. I brought up the idea that I was older and bigger, so perhaps a bicycle was in order. Mom got Aunt Shirley old one for me. It was a big heavy washed out pale blue bike, with a big tank on the bar the swooped done to the peddles. I would grow to see that as “cool” when I was older – but not at this time. It seemed a disappointment. Mom assured me that she could remove the tank, add a new seat and give the whole thing a new coat of paint and she did. It got painted black with a long triangle on the front and back bumpers. There was also a gold strip on both sides. It was heavy for me and I did fall down and get many scraped knees but, I did learn how to ride on it with out any training wheels. Later we use close pins to add Gene’s old baseball cards to the cross pieces so they would flap against the spokes. They made a great sound. Gene had a red wagon and we tried to tie it to the back so I could pull him along. That was not a good idea and we had one spectacular crashed before we abandoned that idea. One could not turn or stop the wagon from the bike- something that was not good.
Gene and I also had roller skates with steel wheels that one clipped to  the toes of ones shoes.      Keeping track of key one skates used to tighten them to ones shoes was always a challenge. I remember that my saddle shoes worked best because they had such good solid soles. I we only skated on the long cement driveway.
Aunt Shirley, my Mom’s youngest sister, was a great one for providing me with fun. I remember her sending me a package that contained a small red painted wooden apple about the size of a plum. It could be twisted open and inside were three little wooden pink pigs. I still have it in my memory box in the attic. I also recall one day in summer when Aunt Shirley showed up at Grandmother Ruth’s house with her new sewing machine. It had lots of cool automatic stitches and we spent a lot of time trying them out. Then she pulled out a piece of apple green cotton fabric selected one of the stitches and stitched two rows of stitching on all four sided of the square of material. She did the same thing with a second pattern of a second color of thread. Then we fringed the edges by pulling out about an inch of thread on all sides to create a  fringed  table cloth. I smiled with the memory of helping make it every time I saw it for  many years  after that day. On special occasions I got to play with Aunt Shirley’s paper doll collection. It was very extensive with a few repeats and most of the figures were Ice Skaters.  I think that they came from ice cream containers.   The costumes were beautiful and to positions  of the skaters were so graceful. I don’t remember changes of clothing, but I do remember spending hours arranging finalizes after swirling them around the floor.

Keep Creating


Wild Temperatures


This week has been one of wild temperature swings here. We where in the low 20 one day and had snow.    It was light and I liked how it stayed on the fallen leaves and pine needles.  Then the weather turned up and yesterday and today temperatures are set for nearly 70.       Our Indian Summer is set to last through Saturday. I sure enjoy it.
I spent a lot of time in Zoom meetings this week. There was a great meeting of Sisterhood of the Scissors. We are revising the 3X3 challenge of 2019. We were to make nine little quilts that could be put together or work independently.   I was the only person who followed through and did it last time.  I ended up uniting mine. I decided to challenge myself to doing this a second time. I will put that image in the Progress section.
The Pixies, FAB and QuEG’s meant too. I am bowed up by all the talk and support that they provide.

Progress Report:   Fish Bones  This quilt is 37″ X 29″.   I did free motion drawing for all the fish images on nylon netting that was trapped between two layers of wash away.


The curvy cut background adds a great feeling of movement I think.




Rabbit Dancer Mayan Series I finished the quilting of this work yesterday. I will add the binding and sleeve and it will be complete for next week.

Fire Dancer Mayan Series As I am nearly done with Rabbit Dancer I got busy and started the Fire Dancer this week.   I did the enlargement and the face base  is pinned in place at this point.


3 X 3 challenge II I built these nine patches and then realized that the smallest size of the units for the challenge is 12″ squares. These will only be 9″ when they are trimmed so I need to get creative and add to them to fit the challenge.



Ethel Scraps I keep adding the strips and leftovers together to created these big   unit pieces. I will cut them into 5″ squares today before I make any more units. I still do not see much of a dent in the box of per cut strips of Ethel’s that    I started with.  I am enjoying using them however.  I made a little personal rule to not begin assembling any blocks until I had made the 5″ squares for 21 days. Today is day 16 so I am getting close to moving onto the next step in this project.

Burn I got a little frustrated while I was working on this project because the machine kept freezing up on me while I was doing free motion work. I could sew for about a min and then it would stop and tell me to remove thread from under the bobbin. I did take the machine apart and use the bush in that area even though I could not see any threads. After the fifth time I just set the project aside and put the machine away. I will go to the Phaff dealer before I go forward with that machine. I got out the Bernia and have been using it for  work most of this week.

Squares A Dancing This is the latest group of seven. I only have enough squares for two full weeks at this point. I have 231 squares done. I may cheat a bit and cut some additional squares from some old jeans to make a third week for a total of 35 weeks. I will make decisions as I near the end.



Black Rocks I already mentioned all the Zoom time I had this  week. Well when the meetings are going on,  I stitch away .





Childhood Memories- Neighborhood Kids 2
Another Catholic family lived in the house just south of ours. I remember that they had a wonderful lilac hedge all around the back yard. It smelled heavenly in the spring. There were only two children in that family, Bill, who was older, and Jane who was a year younger then I.  Bill was a bit of a bully and I recall him throwing Walnuts at me in the fall. He was also the only person who teased me with a nickname. He called me “Carol Kay Cumber Cackle Hanney. ” Mom often said that she  gave  both Gene and I names that could not become nick names. Her name was Margaret and she got called Maggy, Peggy, Margo and even Liz. She did not like it at all. Bill’s nick name did not last too long as they moved away. Jane, Mickey and I often played in the Honeysuckle in the empty lot behind Jane’s house. The old bushes grew close together and arched creating a tunnel-like place that we could get into. One day Jane provided us with a thrill by bringing out one of her Dad’s Playboy Magazines. We felt safe viewing that under the bushes and got an eye full. One time I sort of stood up under there and disturbed a bees nest. I got 5 stings- two on my head and three on my hands before we got out from under the plants. Needless to say we did not go back there again. There was also a rusted swing set frame in the empty lot and we spent lots of time hanging upside down and swinging from our arms on it. There were lots of sticker bushes there as well , so we mostly had the lot to ourselves. I remember pulling those round stickers off my socks before I put them in the clothes hamper, because if one didn’t, they were still there when the socks came back from the laundry and much harder to remove.
Two older women lived in the house directly behind ours. They had a beautiful flower garden and a few vegetables.  A huge rhubarb plant was on the boarder between their house and ours. I had permission to pick and eat as much rhubarb as I wanted whenever I wanted. What a privilege. I did eat quite a bit. We would use the big leaves as hats and pretend to do fairy dances with them on. That part of eating the rhubarb  and dancing  disappeared as I grew older. but I still enjoy  raw  rhubarb  .
Behind the Lightning’s  house,  was a house with only one little girl in that family. Her father adored her. He took a pair of his wife’s cast off heels and cut them down to fit her feet. All the rest of us   girls envied her. We tried to trade some of our treasures for the shoes, but she was not having any of it. The next lot was also a basement home. A family with three little girls lived there. I got to babysit for them when I was in the sixth and seventh grades. I got an amazing 35 cents an  hour. They did not have a TV, but had a great radio instead. I would stay up after the girls were asleep and listen as I did not want to fall asleep on the job. I remember late one  night when I got a Spanish speaking station from Mexico. Dad explained about how radio signals could “ skip” so you could hear stations from far away, but he didn’t really think it was Mexico. I never heard it again even though I did try.

Keep Creating



Busy Season

We continue our journey into fall seeing more and more color every day. It was rainy today so the oranges showed up nicely against the gray sky.
This week was full of Zoom meetings. The QuEGs had a nice talk on Tue as did the Fiber Art Dames on Wed. For the Pixies I did a work loosely based on Janet Fish’s paintings. She uses beautiful cut glass and shows all the color and light reflections. Mine is -“Oh so much simpler!”.I can see ways go forward though. I also dyed with Liz  this week, and the fabrics are ready to wash out today.

The Textile Artists Stitch Club continued with Sonbine Kaner. She had about six different ways to move forward with similar ideas  from last week  and I noted them and may try some at a later date. What I did do was use the cut ways from last week for the base of my work this week.



Progress Report: Deer Dancer – Mayan Series This work is 20.5 w X 24.5″ l. I am quite happy with this series and working with the ideas. Each one is more and more my effort and less copying of the images presented.




I did all the quilt work this week.




Rabbit Dancer- Mayan Series. This work is really a composite character. The head dress is from one character and the body from another. I wanted this character facing the opposite  direction from the Deer Dancer. I also added the plant in the upper hand like some of the earlier works. . I am ready to  fuse it down and  start the stitching.



Burning I finished doing the free motion work on the trees and the got  them washed out this week . I then layered the back ground to batting and backing and pinned the trees in place.    The machine work and adding the flames are in the near future.  I plan to work hard on this work this week.

Squares a Dancing This is the work for this week. I now have 210 squares done. The pile of bases is getting smaller with each block.




Fish Bones is an experiment. I wanted to see if I could use tear away instead of wash away to do the machine drawing. I am not happy with the results and will go back to something that I am confident with. I think it is good  to try new things every now and then.

Black Rocks This work came about due to the failure of the discharge from two weeks ago. I was looking at the beautiful black fabric and though what can I do. So I picked up some of the embroidery wool that Nancy had passed my way earlier this year and started stitching. I had a photo of rocks at a jetty from Sandpoint that I really liked so I used it to build the idea. The green tape is going to serve as a boarder for different types of stitches and as a spacer between the rocks. This too is and experiment and may not work well. But I don’t know until I try.

Coral Reef This bit of hand work got lost in a heap of projects and only got unearthed this week.





Ethel’s Scraps This box is full of scraps that Ethel had cut.   It too  was at the bottom of that heap I mentioned.     I opened it and put in a couple of hours putting together strips. I have sense put it aside and will take it to the fall retreat and do more work on it there.





Childhood Memories- Doll Tales
I continued with my musical studies and played more of the clarinet. I got a new instrument that I played through high school. I went to several solo competitions in the early years. It was a great way to build a social network and my best friends grew out of my playing in the band and orchestra.
I also continued with my struggles with reading, but I got lots of support from my parents. For our last book report in sixth grade Miss Eaton asked up to make a puppet or doll of the main character of our book. Dad had gotten me a record set of the reading of” Alice In Wonderland” with an accompanying book. Miss Eaton allowed that I could count that as my book since I had read along with the oral reading. My character of Alice was built on an empty toilet paper roll tube. The head was made of an old nylon of Mom’s that was stuffed with cotton. I drew the features on in pen. Mom did gather some beautiful turquoise fabric for the skirt and I wrapped the top half of the tube with the same fabric for the top. I cut an apron from one of Dad’s old handkerchiefs and pinned it on. Mom allowed me to run the sewing machine over some orange yarn that was captured between two pieces of scotch tape to create the hair. I was very proud of my puppet /doll. I was getting a little old for dolls, but I still liked them. That year Mom took me to the Doll Hospital because the elastic in my favorite doll- Tony, had broken elastic bands inside so the arms and legs had come off. The hospital was in the doll Doctor’s basement. We went down the stairs and hanging from the walls were  groups of body parts.  There were  collections  of arms, legs, heads and torsos. I was fascinated by the display. He took my doll and assured me he could repair her in two weeks. When we went back she looked like new and all the appendages worked beautifully. Mom was inspired and make a visit to Grandmother Ruth’s attic to get her original Shirley Temple doll and have her refurbished. She was in awful shape as the paint had pulled away from the sawdust head around the eyes and mouth and cracked. It had fallen away in some places too. Her arms and legs were separate from the body too. The hair was matted and snarled as well. She was a real mess. The Doll Dr took her and when we picked her up it was amazing how nice she looked. The face was smooth with a wonderful new paint job and beautiful new wig. Mom promptly made her a new blue taffeta dress with pink rick rack trim. She sat in a place of honor on my chest of drawers next to my black lacquer musical jewelry box. Tony joined them there. I did get one more doll for Christmas that year. She was a 20″ Model doll, dressed in a high fashion red taffeta dress with removable red high heels. That meant her feet were not flat on the bottom. She had removable nylons and silk panties as well as pearl earrings that dangled. She just joined the others and looked glamorous. I still had my Betsy Mc Calls too and I did play a bit with them. I still have all of those dolls and the doll furniture in my attic. The beautiful doll house that Grandfather Howard built for me made its way back to Grandview when we moved were it lived on its side in the basement as storage shelves until Grandfather turned the basement room into display space for his rock collection. At about this time I also got a figure/doll that had wire inside so you could post it. The clothing was not removable but I still enjoyed hanging her from the lamp and bed post. Again I went into my “ How does one make this type of thing?” Dad gave me some wire and allowed me to use the needle nose pliers, providing I always returned them to the tool box. So I built a wire body- and armature I learned later, and wrapped it with strips of rags to fill it out. I also used a bit of masking tape and then covered the whole thing with an old white tea towel. Then I added features with a pen as I had done with the Alice figure.   I glued down yarn hair and made clothing that I attached to the fabric body.   I did about seven of these – my first doll sculptures.

Stay safe and keep creating





Smoky Fall

It is a gray and cloudy day here with the smoke from western fires mixed in our air.     I am not complaining – I am just surprised at how far the smoke has traveled.    My sympathy goes out to the folks in the fire area .    The  burning   wildfires continue to bather me.   I want to make a third quilt noting these destructive events .     I tried to dye, reds, oranges, yellows and blacks  last Friday with that in mind. I was not successful! I am not sure exactly why, but Liz did mix lots of new dye last time. Hopefully tomorrow when we dye again I will get what I want and can start the work.





Textile Artists Stitch Club started a new assignment on Saturday with Clarissa Calksen. She showed us how she creates potatoes and puffs and how she suggests we assemble them. I am still building my forms and I have yet to embellish them. I seem to be working slowly on this new project, but I really like the challenge.

The Pixies had a meeting this week and we are going to continue to work with crows. My flags were a success.
FAB also had a Zoom meeting and it was stimulating.

Progress Report: Monkey Dancer- Mayan Series This piece is 21.5″ X 23.5″. This series continues to fascinate me

Golden Garden    This work is 38″ X 49″.       It is made completely from fabrics   I have altered in some way.   Some I did with Liz an some in the QBL class in the summer of 2019.  There is silk folded dyeing, silk screen, direct painting and a bit of shobori in this one.




I am enjoying using my fabrics.







Turtle Dancer- Mayan Series I finished cutting and placing all the parts for this work yesterday. Now I need to begin the outlining in black.





Green on Green I finished assembling  and quilting on this work  this week . I am ready to do the hand work of stitching down the binding now.


Squares a Dancing. I finished seven more of these fellows this week I now have 168 done. I also cut into 5 inch squares the last pair of Eric’s pants.   With these last squares, I   thinks I am nearing the end of this project.



Wool Rug     The work is 29″ X 36″ . This project is now on the floor in the entry to the studio.   It is made from wool scraps form shirts and extra’s from a jacket.    Lots of fun.






Thoth  Pillow       I finished this pillow this week too.  I like to make a form and stuff it with the extra batting that I cut away from projects.   That is what this one is full of.   I made the stencil  of Thoth  for a quilt that I did for my husbands  office   years ago.   The quilt is hanging in the living room now.



Childhood Memories: Grandpa Merritt’s Domain

    Grandfather Merritt was a farmer who used diversity to make himself successful.    He was a short  round man, who wore a straw hat in summer and a felt hat in winter.  The only time one did not see him in a hat was indoors or on Sundays at church.   He had the perfect farmer  tan.   For work days he wore a blue shirt and blue and white striped  Oshkosh Bygosh bib overalls.   Sunday was a brown suit, white shirt and tie.      We went to church on Sunday morning and came home for  lunch and a quiet afternoon, that often included a nap with an occasional Bible story  from   Grandmother’s  Bible story book for  Children. The “Blue laws”meant that nothing was open any way.  We then went back  to Church for the evening service .   Grandpa raised a variety of live stock and the land beyond the door yard, with the exception of the chicken yard was his kingdom.    He did visit the chicken yard when, he cleaned the manure  out  of the chicken house and when he chopped off the heads of chickens for our chicken  dinners .      The barn  yard surrounded the house on three sides and the  forth side was the road.   Next to the house on the south was the two bay garage.    A turquoise blue ford occupied the first bay and Grandpa’s green ford pickup occupied the other.  There were windows along the back of the garage with a work bench under them. There was also a set of stairs that lead up to the top of the garage were lumber was stored.   Farmers have to be able to repair machinery so he often had odd stuff on that work bench.   Grandfather used lots of bailing wire to “fix” stuff too.

    Beyond the garage and across a gated lane was the sheep shed and a small pasture. I remember one spring job for Dad and Grandpa, was to sheered the sheep. Gene and I had a job too and that, with the help of Snookie- a white maxed breed dog, was to separate the lambs and move them to the barn yard. Snookie could also cut out one ewe at a time and herd it into the pen for shearing. Dad and Grandpa would select a ewe and after turning it over would tuck it’s head  under and between their legs  to hold it still. They then would begin shearing  at the throat,   and cut the wool as close to the body as they could down to the flank of the ewe. They slowly turned the animal as they worked from top to bottom until they reached the other side. Keeping the fleece in one big piece was the goal. When they were done shearing they released the ewe into the farm  yard to find their lamb again. There was lots of bleating. Grandfather put a tight rubber band on all the lambs tails when they were born. That rubber band cut off the blood circulation and the tails would eventually fall off. This was done for sanitary reasons. As the shed and pasture emptied. Gene and I would collect all the lambs tails. After shearing 75 ewes, both Dad and Grandpa always had blisters at the end of the day even though they traded the electrical shears and hand powered ones back and forth. Snookie, Gene and I heard all the sheep back into their pasture and barn when the shearing was done. It was a full days job.

Stay safe

Keep Creating
