All my efforts at the moment are to prepare for my solo show that gets hung on Sat. This is a shot of the post card. I addressed and mailed out 30 on Monday. I am excited even though it seems to have taken over my life of late. I have 18 pieces that I have prepared labels and polls for at this point. I will spend most of Friday doing one last press of them so they hang as flat as I can make them. I have a nice mix of new things that have never been shown any were and a bit of a review of older work. I will polish up the artist statement and be all set I think. I also pulled work for the Cabin Fever Quilt show at the Betts Library that opens in early Feb.
I only have three pieces in that show and I have very little work to do except turn in my art for that show. Koi Joy( at the right) is one of my entries for that one.
The Pixies were the only group that I meant with this week so there was not a lot of outside in put. I am glad however as I had plenty to keep me busy.
Progress Report: Forbiddin Fruit This work is 35.5″ X 55.5 “. It is the first in the mono chromatic works although it is also my entry for the Red competition for Quilt Surface Design Isolation that is due at the end of the month.
I did a lot more hand work on this then I intended at the beginning, but the work called for it so I pushed forward.
Blue Horizon This is the second in the mono chromatic series that is a sub set of the Meandering Mind series that I started in the Creative Strength Training class. I am doing free motion work and hand work on this piece too .
Presume The green work in the mono chromatic series is all assembled now and pin based. I am learning a lot about color with these challenges.
Envision I started working away on this piece on Tue. Still playing with curves and the mono chromatic thing and having fun.
Creative Assistants I pushed myself to get hair- my third step in the construction of the tribe done this week. Each of these bags holds about 35 bodies so I have lots of faces to do now.
Handwork Its time for the Rochester 6X6 show stuff so most of my efforts in the hand department are going in that direction at the moment. Two are done and two to square and bind.
Finish up I added the binding to this work so it is done now and I can go on to other things.
Drawing I enjoyed the on line drawing class this week. This is my response to the Bird- House” challenge.
Keep Creating