Category Archives: Drawing

Moving Along


Summer is moving along and the world here continues to stay green and lively.  While I was trimming the hedge on the west side of our house I spotted these tiny mushrooms.    The are like little beads.

This week I had two meetings.   The Quilt Diva’s meant on Tue.  It was a lively meeting with lots of great work.

Alice shared more of her bottom line works.



Tis is her thirteenth piece in this on going series.   


Cheri has now finished her piece for the “Together We Move Forward ” challenge.     I like her solution.




The Pixies also meant this week.  Our challenge for this month is to do work with letters.  This is my solution  for the first week.






Progress Report: Prepared  I have now started to quilt this project.  All the purple areas are done and I and now doing meander quilting on the yellow orange and yellow green areas.

Scrap Happy   I am now building the scrappy back for this quilt.    I am really using up my leftovers.





Blue Beach    This work is now complete. It is very heavy  with all those buttons.






Handwork   I am now doing a new handwork project as Blue Beach is done.






Felting   I only put in a mi mum amount of time on this project this week.







New work     Well, I have good intentions here.   Hopefully I will get  going soon.  It will be another lap quilt.   Only a few more pieces from the  SAQA 100 Day Challenge left.



I will be going off to Quilting by the Lake this week so there will not be any posts for two week.  I am looking forward to seeing old friends and getting some new ideas.

Stay safe



Crazy Weather


Mother Nature sure has put us through our paces this week.    We had these ice balls one morning and   then we had a 70 degree day.     The warmth  sure has pushed the buds to open on the trees  and the flowers as well.     There is a bit of a cozy feel as the trees become more and more solid with leaves.   One can only dress in layers to remove as the day goes forward.   The sun is around longer too and not setting until after 8 in the evening.  It is a time of change!







Associated Arts meat on Saturday and  we had a workshop on Artist Trading Cards.    I had a good time and did not want to stop when we got to the  end of the  meeting. My only other meeting this week  was with the Pixies  and that was good as well.

Progress Report: Analyze   This work is 34″ w X 44.5″ t.  It is the first in the Split Complement series.      I did all the quilting in a  blue metallic thread with a zig zag stitch. 








Circulating ( formerly Fractured)   This is the second in the Split Complement series.   Liz kindly gave me a lot of solids that she had left over from  her bulls eye quilts.  That means there are lots of curved pieces.   I find it fun to sue them as a starting place.      Therefor I have changed the title as I am concentrating on curves and I really can’t thing of anything that fractures in curves at all.    Red is the primary and yellow green and blue green are the other  colors.  I seem to have lost my emphasis on red with this one.

Circus Grounds   The 100 Day SAQA challenge ended on Monday.  This it the last work that I started as a part of that challenge.  The top got completed Monday.  It got pin based  and I have done a lot of the stitch in the ditch work at this point.   Now I  need to fill in with some fun quilting.




Take Off  This is a curve cut project.     I am just about ready to add the birds.   I am using Inktense  colored pencils to add the detail colors here.


Blue Beach     I just steadily add more buttons to this project.  It is getting a bit heavy and I need to pay attention so it hangs strait.





Scrap   After discovering another box of units, I am finishing up the  cutting of the strips.     I am sewing the strips together now and making what I call wheels of 2.5″  strips .





= Voice  The Quilt Diva’s have a new group project.   We are building series of units that will hang together for Together Women Rise.   We will build our independent sections with lots of limits so they work together and can be auctioned as sections or independently.    I  have started and made one of my sections.    I plan to cut this up.


Drawing    I did a little drawing this week.   I admired one of the gals work in the SAQA challenge and I tried some similar stuff this week.  She started her work with a bit of paper, then did some paint on top and drew on top of that.   I did have fun with this formula, but mine do not look at all as strong as her work was.

I hope you are enjoying the change of season and being a bit creative too.


April 2023


There were lots of meetings this week as it is the first week of the month.  The QuEGs  had a Zoom meeting and although the attendance was low we had a good time.  The Diva’s had a real productive meeting too.

This is Ann’s  piece based on her trip to Yellowstone last summer.



This is Cheri’s work for the up coming show at the Unitarian Church in Ithaca.








Noel is honoring her grandmother with this piece as the gloves were created by that lady.




Next is the work of  Terri






I love this felted work that was then cut up and put back together again.   The artists is Denise.






The Pixies had there usual meeting yesterday as well.  This fun painting is by  Laura.






I continue to do the SAQA challenge and I am now working on a piece I call  Circus Parade.    I also listened to the SAQA Lecture yesterday.






Sketchbook Revival is over as far as presenting new material, but I am still playing catch up.  This portrait was directed by Irene Ruby.





This water color fox  was directed by Tamora Laporte.   This is the second year she has been a part of this program.






Progress Report: Imagine Purple    This work is 37″ w X 44″ t.   It is the last of the monochromatic series.   I  have learned a lot about color doing this group of pieces and they do look good together.

The metallic inserts were a fun addition as well.







Tigers in the Ring  I am quilting circles on this project.   It is one of the SAQA 100 day works .   I place the paper circles on the surface were I think they are needed and then machine quilt around them.  I am using the for different sizes as you can see to add interest.

Blue Beach    I just keep stitching away at this project.   I got lots of positive feed back on it at the Pixie meeting  as I was stitching on it during our Zoom meeting.


New Work   Sense I finished the monochromatic series, I have decided to try some Split Compliments.   This is the first one using primary blue and yellow orange and red orange.   I am using the shades and tints of the all of the colors too.




Stay Safe and Keep Creating


Longer Sun Filled Days


The natural world is responding to the longer sun lit days.  It is wonderful to hear so many birds and see so much green on our walks.     I do not mind it being light until after dinner time either.

There was an Associated  Artists meeting this week and we had a  demonstration.  Her trick is to use that fiber” spider wed” stuff that one can purchase at Halloween to attract the paint on the surface.  She then rubs the fiber off the surface and the lines of paint remain.   I asked for and she gave me the fibers and they were the start of a new felted piece for me.

 I think it will be a new nebula thing of some sort.






There was also a Pixie meeting and the Sisterhood of the  had a great zoom meeting even though there were only four of us.  Scissors.

I keep working away on the 100 Day SAQA challenge stuff too.  I started a new top yesterday using the Tiger print as my jumping of point.



My wonderful and  generous  friend, Liz, passed forward lots of beautiful solids to me too.   They were in storage, so now I have a lot of laundry to do.  I see that as a chance to really get to know what treasures she has given me and I can  sort of plan my next projects.



The spring Sketchbook Revival started on Monday.  I love the little challenges it provides- but that is usually about 2 hours a day to complete the drawings.    I like the starch  it provides me.

As a result I did not spend as much time in the studio as usual, but I am still working.

Progress Report: Collection Greens   This is the total top for this next 100 Day Project.   I did start the quilting using free motion yesterday.





This step will go quickly I think  and I hope to finish it this week.






Blue Beach   I am still adding buttons to the surface here.  I also did finish all the work on all 20  Creative Assistants as my second hand work this week.   No photo of that project as it is all put away for the next QBL already.




Imagine Purple    I finally finished all the hand work on this project on Monday.  I started the machine quilting to fill in all the spaces between the running stitch lines.  There is lots of stop and go on this step so the going is slow.

I hope you are enjoying spring and staying safe.

Keep Creating



Into the New Year


I hope the new year is treating you well.   I am moving forward with my many projects and working hard to prepare for my solo show that I will hang on the 14 of Jan.      I spent Tuesday judging for the Scholastic Art competition.  I helped judge Film and Animation this year.    There are lots of great  programs going on and the work was strong.

The Pixies meant on Wed.  I am playing with the new markers that Laura sent me  and shared my image’s with that group. 

The FAD group also meant this week.   Sharon generously gave all of us one of her hand made scarves.   She also shared her newest work in progress.   We had a good time.











I am doing a five day drawing challenge as well and enjoying that too.   It is good to stretch out those mussels some times.   The assailment for this one was ” Bunny,  Flower”.





I stopped at my friend, Barbara’s to drop off a lap quilt for her and she surprised me with a gift too.  She gave me two boxed of her fabric to use or pass on.  What fun.

Progress Report: Forbidden Fruit    I keep stitching away on the extension of the curves that I built into the work.   I am moving along , but it is slow.





Blue Horizons    This work is all layered and pin basted.  I did stitch in the ditch quilt in  a few places, but it has not gotten any attention beyond that this week.




Presume   I got going on the mono chromatic color scheme thing with greens this week.  Most of the units are built now and I only need to put them together  so I can move to the next step.




Creative Assistants  I did lots of faces this week and added the backs and arms to those little dolls.  They are turned and stuffed now too so I can add the squeezie paint to them today and  then the pin backs.   All the body bases now have their trim so I can move onto the hair step with them now.

Scrape assembly   I just keep putting in the hour a day on this step of this project.  I can see that there is less in the basket- but it still seems very slow work to me.


Handwork   I did a little handwork during a Zoom meeting this week and this is the result.  I think it will go off to the Rochester 6″ X6″ show later this year.



I hope that the new year is only presenting the types of challenges you want to deal with.

Keep Creating


Beginning of Fall


It is September and I see that as the start of fall after so many years  of beginning the school year at this time.   This milkweed seems to be agreeing with me as it has started to change its summer color for the fade of fall.  The seed pods look good.

I had a mixed week with only the Pixie meeting this week, and a Dentist an Dr appointments.

The big event was a field trip with the Sisterhood of the Scissors yesterday.  We me meant at   the Memorial Art Gallery on the University of Rochester Campus.   The show was Ubuhale, and it was of seed bead work from seven women from an area in South Africa.     The works were all large mostly  8 Ft by 10 ft and all done with beads.    By the end of the show one could easily identify the work of each artist.



This gal did not mix her bead colors much, but I love the effects she got.




This woman liked trees and even in her work with the cattle she had a tree as part of the composition.



All the works took about a year to produce and they were specular!

We all went away  happily inspired.


Progress Report: Coy Fish    I finished the binding on this work yesterday evening  and I am now ready to begin the hand detailing.  I did the applique with a metallic thread and a gold colored thread both fed through a big eyed needle.



 Frenzy   I have built all the fish I want to use on this piece.   But in taking this photo I realize they really do not work for what I wanted to say.    Back to the drawing board…




Reaching    I added the spider web and have started on the leaf forms here.






Hand Out  I haves started to stitch down the leaf shapes on this one.






Three Witches   I keep filling in the hand stitching on this piece.   Again the photo helps me see were I need to add more shadows.





Drawing    This is the drawing for the third witch.  I think she strikes the correct note for the work.






Lap Quilt    I have done all the stitch in the ditch work here and I am now adding free motion work in the big areas.



Cut away blocks    I keep exploring with this technique.  I am doing two blocks every day so this is just a sample.

I hope everyone is enjoying the close of summer and ready for a new school year.   Stay safe.

Keep Creating




Busy Summer Time


  As the title suggests I have had a full week.    I ran the Finger Lakes Fiber Artists meeting on Sat.  We had a lot to talk about and share.   I am  sharing  this  work of Bev’s because I think  she   took  a real  chance  here  when she burned the edges  of  this  work  with  a blow torch.   The  effect  really  works.

We had a lively and productive meeting.

There was also  a Creative Strength Training on line meeting , a Pixie meeting and a meeting of the Sisterhood of the Scissors.   I have spent a lot of time setting at the computer.    In addition to that I spent a day at the Schweinfurth helping take down the Fiber Arts show on Tue and I went with Sharon up to 1.000 Islands in Clayton on Wed to pick up her art work from the show there.     Its all been very stimulating,  but it sure eats into my studio time.

  Progress Report: Circling Circles   This work is 69″ w  X 64″ l.   I have stitched lots of circles in this piece and feel it is stable at this point.  It is most certainly a bed topper  piece.







Spider’s Weds  I am done with the hand work on this piece now.  I think I want to frame it  as it is so very fragile.






Contemplation    I am all done with the quilting step on this work now.  I started to square it for binding when I realized  that I wanted all the works in this series the same size and I did not know how they would all trim down yet.

Consider  I am almost done with the quilting on this work.   I think I have about one more hour and it will be done.



Ponder   I have taken a page form my class with Paula for the quilting on this piece.  She called these bump quilted l stitch lines fence posts.



New Work   I pulled these fabrics for the next lap quilt that I hope to start this week.






Three Witches    I did this drawing to prepare for the stitching of the second witch.    I have transferred the drawing to the surface and I have started the stitching.   I just keep adding stitches to this.  It is building slowly as hand work always does.




I am enjoying all the activity of summer and hope you are as well.


Keep Creating


July 2022


Summer is always a busy time and this week was no exception.   We had a big family Birthday party picnic on Sat to celebrate the July birthdays and it was wonderful.   Everyone ate great food, enjoyed the weather and laughed a lot. What more can you ask for.  Then I went off to a play day in Varna on Sunday.   Spent the day with seven other folks exploring printing.  I did work on my Pondering piece.  I am so glad events like that are  opening again.  Then on Tuesday, Liz and I got together and dyed again.  That is always lots of fun. 


The Creative Strength Training class meant yesterday and it was a good discussion.    I also had a session with the Pixies on Wed too.

My other big news is, my friend David B is now the proud owner of Against the Wind.

This will be the last entry for July as I am off to Quilting by the Lake on Sunday for two weeks.

Progress Report: Pondering   

This top is all put together now.  My goal is to have  the tops of all three of the pieces of this set before I go off to QBL.





Contemplating   This is the third top.  I have only made a few of the units for this work.  It is pinned to a dark background so I can see how I want the placement of those parts.



Daily Practice Quilt  I am now quilting circles on the  quilt.   It is calming work.



Handwork    I keep adding to this work every evening.  It is nearing completion.




Life Line Drawing  After giving it some thought I decided not to add color to this work and I consider it done.   It was a good way for me to think about my life beyond the childhood work.

Enjoy Summer  and I will write again after Quilting by the Lake with lots of new stories and ideas I am sure.

Keep Creating


Quiet Summer Days


I hope everyone is enjoying the after the holiday quiet.   Things did slow down a bit for me and I spent some time looking at the sky and enjoying all the greens.    I join a great Diva meeting in Trumansburg, NY. this week.   Our next group show is there and we went to see the space and get things limned up for Aug when we will hang the show.  Donna had some great new rust pieces to share with us.  She is getting really good at that I think.







Maureen showed off her latest work too.

There was a Pixie meeting and a Show Stitch Group Zoom meeting as well.  It is the season of lots of family and  out door activity for everyone  so I did not do much work.

Progress Report: Against the Wind     It is   54″ X 54″ .     I am all done with this work now.  I have learned a lot about free piecing and it remains a real challenge for me.  I will try it again, but not any time soon.   The quilting did not smooth it out enough for me to be real happy with it.






Stitched Top   I have done stitch in the ditch work on this piece.  Now I will do some hand work as it needs more quilting to be complete.





Goldfish   I started this work based on an old sketch and I am using  some of my hand dyed fabrics.






Pondering    This is the second in the complimentary color challenge from Jane.  I am still working through the Irene Roderick’s  book,  “Improv Quilting ” with its exercise and the units are based of her suggestions.   The black will disappear from the final top.




Handwork  This is the newest hand work piece using add-ons.  They are painted and heat treated Tyveck shapes.  I will continue the embellishment with beads.





Drawing   For Valerie  Goodwin’s class “Light and Lacy ” I drew up these birds to use as my first print.   I am looking forward to QBL in two weeks and seeing how we use them.

Enjoy the season and keep creating


New Ideas


My good friend Robert sent me mushrooms to grow  and I am delighted with them.  They are editable and ready now to harvest.   Great fun.





It’s the beginning on the month and I had lots of meetings this week.  QuEG’s and Diva’s meant on Tuesday.  Noel did a great demo on how to take better photos  and I learned a few new tricks.




There was also a new approach presented for Textile Artist Stitch Club by artist Sabine Kamer.   I am enjoying her unique approach  so I have started two.




My friend Ginny also gave me an old textile of wool that is in such bad shape that it can not all be saved.   After applying fusible interfacing  to the back so the fabric would not fray any more I cut the  hands  from  it.   They both need lots more stitch work.



There was also work to do for Creative Strength Training.     One of our assignment was to make a color wheel and then right around it our responses to each color.


A second assignment was to do an abstract from a free thought line work.



Progress Report: Total Loss   This work is done now and it is 34.25″ w X 41.5″ t.    I enjoyed doing the work although the subject is a little grim.

I used  silk papers and the organza I had painted in this work.








Blue on Blue  This work also got completed this week.  It is 19″ w X 25″ t.    The circles are the liner caps from  peanuts and medicine bottles.





The background was preprinted fabric.






Bacteria Dreaming  This has become my daily practice piece for the time being.  I can’t seem to find a new thing at the moment.  The little circles are rubber washers that I collected at some point in the past.




Dancers   All the blocks are assembled and quilted now.  I need to think about what images I want to add on top and from what material they will be made.




College Life- Fall 1968

I am not sure how I came to the decision, but for the fall of 1968 I moved out of my family home into off campus student housing. The house was just a block away from campus and I loved it. It was a single family house that had been altered with an addition on the back. Two art friends, Ann and Susan, lived up stairs, along with Jeannie Priebe. Down stairs were a house parents’ section, a living room, and a shared kitchen. I was in the new wing on the back of the house, which had two baths and four rooms. My room had white walls and a red carpet. The other three rooms in my section changed occupants every quarter that year, so I did not get close to anyone, but it was still a good experience. The lesson I learned there was that I don’t like to eat alone, except for breakfast. Eric and Larry along with Eric Gerrard and Bill Bollinger lived across town in a house next door to the landlords, Mamma and Pappa Mayor. (That’s what we called them: he really was the mayor of Muncie!) While they lived there, Eric and I built two sets of pine bookshelves she–the first of our shared furniture. I still have one set in my studio today.

The quarter flew by. Eric and I continued our love of the movies and went to see Juliet of Spirits, The Fox and Henry the V, among other things. We cheered at lots of football games that fall as well. I did well with my grades that term and got A’s in Art Education and Educational Psychology. I got B’s in Sculpture, Art History 2 and Art in America class.

At the end of the quarter Eric went with the family to Iowa to meet the extended family. He was a big hit. Grandmother Esther like him and the Bright girls were all crazy about him. He did well with Mom’s family, too. I did suggest to him that Grandmother Rugh would likely ask him to choose the morning Bible reading. Forewarned, he had pre-selected a section from Ecclesiastes– “To every thing there is a season.” (Pete Seeger had turned that into a folk song, and currently a rock version was a big hit for the Byrds.) We think Grandmother was suspicious. He joined right in with the skeet shooting we did in Grandmother Ruth’s back yard that afternoon (though he couldn’t hit anything). That evening, he teased Tracy and me about our sore shoulders from the gun’s kickback, but the next day he was more sympathetic as he was a bit sore, too. Kelly started out thinking he was “weird,” but fell in love with him by the end of the visit.    I was glad that my family loved Eric as much as I did.

Keep Creating
