Category Archives: Daily Practice

Summer Solstice


We have reached the longest light day of the  year.   I enjoy setting out of doors in the evening at this time of year to witness the fading light.   I will continue to pursue this even though I do really notice the  time differences  for quite  a while.    I just like how the color and crisp edges of the world fade as the light diminishes.

I also went to the Munson Williams Proctor Arts Institute with a couple of friends this week.     The show we went to see was the Kimono show of  Itichiku Kubota’s work.   It was a  beautiful presentation of the  rich  Komona’s  in  five rooms.  Many works were presented as a continuous flow of a scean or idea.  The Komona’s were all hand dye painted with great detail and many subtle color changes.

One room was full of works that move through the seasons in one continuous flow of landscape.    I loved the single hair bush painted trees on one of the Kominas.  Those trees were only about two inches tall.      Some of the works took over  a year to complete.  He did lots of shibori in his work too.











There was a s room that had Mt Fuji as its theme and all the works related to that idea.  The skies on some of those fascinated me.








One room was a creation story and it was so long that I could not capture it all it one shot.   The color was amazing and there was a wealth of texture and pattern in the works.

I just could not look enough.

I did go to Liz’s this week and we mixed new dye to begin our summer dyeing.  It has been too cold to begin before this point.

Progress Report:  Persuasion  

This work is 34.75” w X  74.5” l.   It is another one of the Text series.   I also did a wiggle cut background for this work.IMG_1398  I pebble quilted the words and reflective quilted the background.IMG_1399









I am done with the quilting on this work now and only need to do the facings.   I like how flat it is.




Dad’s Barn    I am doing the hand work on this piece now.  I have added a bit of shadow to the barn.  I also hand stitched in some more weeds to make it feel unified.








Ravens In doing some re evaluating  I thought this work needed some additional quilting.  So I am stitching in all the blocks and doing reflective quilting in the raven squares.

IMG_1386Collections 1    This work got a bit of a rework too.  I am adding a ribbon edge to both of the collections pieces.  It will make them look more finished I think.














Daily Practice IV   I continue to add to this work with hand applique of ribbons and such.


Baby Quilt    A friends daughter just had a child and I have done a sketch for the baby quilt.   The fabric is pulled now to  get it together.


IMG_1385New Work   I am ready to begin a next Text piece and I am auditioning fabric there.   This picture makes be realize there is not enough contrast at this point.

Label Cards: Under the Sun   We live on the blue marble and as it is solstice it is a good time to celebrate the sun and our universe.

Card 2  This work is pure play.  IMG_1384Sometimes one does’t  need a reason  to play.

Keep Creating


June Day trip



I love to do little short day trips in the summer.  This last week end I went with my daughter  to Sonnenburg Gardens  and to the Out Door Expo.  We had a good time an enjoyed the our excursion.There was a little animal show at the Expo and  this tortious  was one of the animals there.     His  textures are wonderful to my eye.     One needs to follow  ones interests as  you never know where they may lead.

IMG_1317Progress Report:  Ravens   I am redoing this piece with reflective quilting now.   The process is slow but the end results make for a better work.

Linda’s Luck    Working away on line quilting on this piece.   The  Progress is  time consuming.

Dad’s Barn   Being unsure of just what I want to do with this piece I am doing a lot of studying  at this point.

Persuasion IMG_1315 I am to the reflective step in quilting on this piece.












Daily Practice   I am just starting this new work.     I am stitching down little brass flowers that my friend Carol gave to me as my first step.

Collage   I am doing collage again and this is my work for this week.     I could not resist playing with these strong graphic patterns.

Cards: TrinketIMG_1309 It seems like my drawers fill with little trinkets of so many items from various sources.   One dose like to keep these tiny memory  things.


Dreams    Everyone is unique and all our dreams are too.    One has got to love the diversity!

Keep Creating


One  last picture of one of the orkids from the gardens.

Taking stock



We are beginning to enjoy the wonders of summer.   These poppies are in Susan’s garden and look wonderful.    This was the first full week of June and I had three meetings.   QuEG’s meant on Tuesday morning.  It was a small group but folks had lots to share.IMG_1191Linda  C  is working on a baby quilt for her niece.   Elephants are the nursery theme.  Liz is working on her transparency piece and it is looking good.   IMG_1199Sue Ellen is playing with her collection on non cotton fabrics. IMG_1192 And there is a row by row project in the works too.

I went from the meeting to Moravia and spent a wonderful afternoon working with Susan.  We then went off to the Diva meeting where more things were cooking. IMG_1207Donna has a new batch of mirrors that she has completed.  She sure knows how to use Fimo effectively.     IMG_1209Lori is creating portraits with her needle now.     Noel is doing portraits too- but with quilt a different bent.   Her fabric faces are stretch and very whimsical.

IMG_1216Yesterday I went off to the FAB meeting.  Judy and Patti are knitting like crazy and Sharon has finished her Relative quilt now.

Because of all these meetings I spent a lot of time in the car alone.   This plus sorting through work looking for a specific piece brought up some issues.     Susan wisely said of reworking pieces one is “playing with your younger self.”   What a grand way to look at the process of redoing works that do not quite make the grade.       Time away from work allows one to look with new eyes at the pieces and I often see things I wish I had done differently.    I can spot the problems in some cases too.   In my sorting and musing I have decided I will return to some works in the hope of making them stronger.

Progress Report: Perception Daily    This work is 30” w X 46” l.   It is a part of the text series .     One of the challenges that Liz and I made for our selves this year was to use some of the fabric that we hand dyed.   All the material except the dark turquoise fabric in the background is something that I altered.    IMG_1255   I did reflective quilting around all the words after I had raw edge appliqued down the words. IMG_1258

Daily Practice I   I finally stretched all the finished Daily Practice work  this week.   This piece is 18″ w X 24″ l. IMG_1238   The base of this one is a piece of fabric that was a wipe  up cloth at one of my print sessions last summer.   The lace is from grandmothers collection and I hand dyed it last summer as well.IMG_1239



Daily  Practice II       This piece is 16″ w X 18″ l.      The base for this work is several  trimmed tans that  looked good together.    IMG_1232  This piece has lots of buttons on it for textural contrast.IMG_1233


Daily Practice III      This work is 18″ w X 24″ l.   The purple background is a commercial fabric and all the other material added on top is some I have altered.   They are also scraps left over from other projects.    IMG_1247  I have always been fascinated by negative space and in using those negatives this way they become positive spaces.   Stitches and pompoms are the textural elements of this piece. IMG_1246

Daily Practice IV 














The  orange part  base of the  background isone of the  shibori projects Liz and I tried last summer.   The metal flowers are from Carol.

Rocky Shore I worked forward on Water – the class assignments this week.   The hand painted   sky and  water have been stitched down and the three different types of foam have also been applied.IMG_1227    One foam is made from Angelina, a second is florist plastic that was painted with opalescent paint and the third was a textured plastic ribbon that I ironed.     I will move on to the next element next week and finish all the elements at the end of the class.


IMG_1261Mulberry Memories    This work has become a problem for me.  I tried to put too much into the top for the size of the piece.     It has become impossible for the viewer to “read”.     Therefore I have decided to scarp this  particular  work and start again using the same ideas plus a few others and create two or perhaps  a  three units  to represent this time and geography  of my life.     We lived in this location for 5 years and there are lots of memories.

Ravens  I thought that this work was finished last week and I presented it as such.  But a  second study this week as convinced me that it needs more quilting.   The gals at QuEGs pushed this idea too.   So I am taking the time to make these additions.

IMG_1251Persuasion I have been busy doing pebble quilting on this  text piece.   I am ready to start reflective quilting on it now.

Dad’s Barn  I came across the orange and yellow base in one of my boxes from  Ethel.  I pinned it to the pin wall and it hung there for several weeks.  In thumbing through a sketchbook I came across of the old barn on Dad’s Farm and though I would like to do a work about that.  The two came together.  I also wanted to do some more thread painting  so I drew our some swallows on wash away and started them.IMG_1185   After the backs were done I added the chest and beaks.IMG_1187   I have learned that I do not need to do the legs as they are so slender that they do not hold up well after washing and they seldom are in the position I want so I add them when I put the work together.     The birds are washed and dried and ready for mounting on the image.  I need to decide how I am going to add one of them to the work now.




New Work IMG_1225I am trying to pay attention to shape and contrast with this work.  It is made up of mostly the cut-away’s  of several  older pieces.    Again my love of the negative spaces.

Label Cards Modern    I became weary of the word Modern when I was about 10.  I was helping Mom and Aunt Marci clean grandfather’s cabin.  We were taking  The books off the shelf sorting and dusting them.     I came a pone  one called “ Modern Science” and I flipped it open.  It revealed a drawing of  all of the parts of atom with the Neutrons, Protons and Electrons labeled.   Knowing there were more I decided to always  be wary of things labeled as “Modern”.

Self Knowledge     One develops an understanding that they are unique entities separate from others at a  young age.    But the real development of self acceptance takes years and for some never occurs.

Keep Crating Friends


Post 300



We have a house guest, our daughter’s dog Riley.  He is a good husky, but requires three walks a day.  That sure is eating into my work time.    I am enjoying myself .

I discovered this is my 300th post.    I never envisioned that I would still be writing and creating this work   this far into the future when I started it.   The first one was Sept. 1, 2011 and I have come a long way.   That first blog only had three pictures.   Now I see photos as one of the strongest parts of my posts. I was so tentative about   what to write in the beginning.  Now I am surprised and proud  of this work.  I look forward to the  postings and think about what I want to cover over the week.  It makes me pay more attention to my peers, what I am doing  and my environment.     I look forward to noting things every week.   I do not plan to end any time soon as I just renewed my domain name for the next three years.

Progress Report: Collection 2- Grandmother Mc    This work is 18” w X 31” l.  I started out with some lace that grandmother Ester had created and built up the surface with more items that where hers and represented her.

IMG_1181  She had button tin and I spent many hours stringing them for her.  Three  different ones from the collection are shown here.  IMG_1180

Perception IMG_1174  I am done adding the text  to the background with metallic threads  on this work.    Now I am doing reflective quilting around all the words.

IMG_1177Persuasion   I am still doing pebble quilting of the words for this quilt.   I seem to only  be able to quilt three words in an hour.      I have seven words remaining.


Rocky Shores    I am doing a Quilt University  class by Linda Schmidt.   The first lesson is on water.  I painted the sky and water and them I followed the instructions on how to make the  rocks and foam.   I am making up my own shore line.    It is all  pinned in place now and I will begin stitching next.









Mulberry Memories  This week I worked on the winter memories for this quilt.    Ice skating, and sledding were two of the things we did lots of those years.  Gene had a flexible  flyer and it was a wonderful sled.  We even built snow jumps for it.

 Old Barn    I just started this work based on a photo of the old barn on Dad’s farm.  It fell down before he moved from there and the lumber was burnt in the stove in that house.



Daily PracticeIMG_1184  I am now adding some lace flowers to the surface of this project.   I hand dyed the lace last summer with Liz.     This project continues my effort to use materials that I have altered with dye this year.


Card  It is hard some times to keep things balanced.  I often go to excess on some things.  I am trying to pay attention to this as I get older and think about the need to keep my many interests in line.

IMG_1167  I just could not seem to stop working on collage this week.   Collection,  sifting, placing  and creating a new image from scraps- it is a wonderful process in my eyes.

Keep Creating


Great Weather



After several days of spring rains, we are enjoying wonderful weather.   I now need to do some yard jobs.    But any excuse to be out doors will due.    It is so wonderful with pleasant temperatures  and   almost daily changes in the environment.   There was only one meeting this week and it was of the FAB group.  I forgot my camera so there are no new images.

 Progress Report:   Ravens   This work is  38”w X 49” l.    It really came together with ease.  I made a drawing and then  added a Raven’s head to the big white areas.

IMG_1153  I enjoyed working with the limited palet.


Summer Family- Cardinals Texture is one of my main interests, and this work has a lot of them.  IMG_1146   This mother Cardinal has the most variation in thread colors of the three.   Her position is more animated then the males.

  I do seem to be in a bird phase at the moment.


Persuasion I was all ready to add the words on top of this work and then I realized that the value of the text was too close to the background.  So I took them off and made some darker words( navy blue ) and brighter greens.

IMG_1142I am raw edge appliqueing them down with silver and pale blue metallic threads.    There are two threads in one needle of the sewing machine.

Perception   I could not bring myself to toss the pale purple words so I made a new background for them.   The fuchsia and pink really high lights the words that were lost on the first work..   Then I added some of the leftover navy words too.   I think that  they add interest.










New  Collection II  Grandmother Mc    This work is moving along.   I am enjoying going through the  old button collections and adding them to the surface.


Daily Practice IMG_1130  This work just keeps building.

New      I seem to be fascinated by the purple and apple green colors of late.   This is a  new combination for me and I guess I am not done exploring it.












Mulberry Memories- Carroll   This work is moving slowly.     IMG_1149I am adding the images I painted last week on the surface.    As a child, I  lived in this house five years and there are so many memories  that I am having a hard time deciding what to use.IMG_1150

Card- Spin    Spring seems bring on a dramatic change in the outside world and  those changes  push me in a new directions.   I find that my mind is full of a wide variety of ideas.


Keep Creating


Spring flowers


We are still here in Central New York due to the fact that Eric has been very sick with a bad cold.    He is mending now.   I have been walking and enjoying all the wonderful flowers that have burst into bloom  this week.     The May Apples look like they will bloom in the next few days.  The red buds on the tree down the street look beautiful too. The tree leaves  are filling in the sky line and soon one will feel all surrounded by them and the views will be limited again.    I enjoy the changes.


Progress Report: Riotous  Romp This work is 38”w X 34”l.     It is built with a curvy cut background and four copies of a cursive  word- New.     I am glad this  IMG_1109spring like work is finally finished and I am glad I re did the facings when I discovered it was now square.  I do not feel so joyous about the work as I did before I had to re do it, but feel the positive feelings will return with time.


Mulberry Memories I keep working on  this project.  IMG_1117This week I free motion drew the  around the house and the street layout .  I also did sketchbook work of the other items and scenes  I want to use.   It is starting to come together I think.

Collection II   I am doing the add on and detail IMG_1125work on this piece now.  I like how I can mix old little bits of memorabilia with old bits of lace and ribbon from my mom and grandmothers collections.  A nice remembrance sort of work.

IMG_1111Cardinals    In working on this piece I made a tree.  But after I placed it on the background I discovered it was far to powerful in its self to work on this project.   Even lots of stitching would not diminish it enough.  So I went for simpler and added the tulip leaves to the surface.   The leaves are made from silk paper.   I will add the birds and trim next.   This is one time when my little rule about only working for  about and hour on a project helped me see a problem.  If I just pushed forward I would be taking out the first tree now.

  Two Ravens  IMG_1101  Several years ago I went to Canada with Marty.  We visited the Native Peoples Museum  in Montreal.   There I purchased a beautiful hand printed towel.  Due to the fact that Eric and I  did not travel this week,  I had more time in the studio then normal and I pulled towel( the birds) out and cut it in two.   Now I am building a top.

New WordIMG_1122  This background has now been quilted with a stitch in the ditch technique.   I will  add text on top next.     This is the cursive version of  the word “WIP” .   The letters are overlaid and graffiti like.     I do not like what the word means and the connotations that go with it, but the shape is wonderful.  I will not mention the word again as I present the work.

New Water Sky and Rocks   I painted out doors yesterday and created these fabrics.  I want to do a piece on the shore line.  I did sky, water and rocks.

Daily PracticeIMG_1120I just keep  putting in the stitches here.  I am not happy yet as seems to have no center of interest.

Label Card   On Sunday we celebrated Mother’s day.  I  do my cards on Sunday afternoon and I was thinking about my  Mom at the time.  I realized that not all women are Moms, but all women were once little girls and that is what this card celebrates.

Keep Creating


Active time


It is great to be able to really get out of doors and enjoy our wonderful area.  Nick and Wendy took me for my Birthday outing to Buttermilk Falls state park.  We had a great time and I took  lots of pictures.   We walked up to the top falls past Pinnacle  Rock along the George trail.   Thn back north on the Rim trail.  I  found myself a little disgusted with my fellow man as I picked up tossed take out cups and other trash along the trail.    We all need to be responsible       for our world.










I made a trip to the Schweinfurth  to check out the Made in New York show.  I loved this work by Pat Pauly.   She really used her  own hand made fabric to her advantage.


IMG_1003There was a Flinger Lakes Fiber  Artists meeting this last week too.  We had a good discussion and folks showed there work as usual.   This piece is by Ruth.

Lori keeps working away too.  She told us this in not complete.  I sure like all the layers she has built up.

IMG_1006Joyce is painting on fabirc and then stitching over the work with her sewing machine.   There is lots of movement here.

Regina is building up this Blue Loon pieces with lots of hand stitches.

IMG_1011Noel showed off her “Painted Ladies.”   They all have so much personality.

Yesterday I went to the art show at St David’s Celebration of the Arts.   I have so many friends who are in this show and I had a good time.   This is Sharon’s newest work.   I find it very peaceful.   IMG_1052  Angela’s silk painted piece fit in with the feeling of spring for the day too.  This pastel by Barbara was one I had never seen before.   It is so joyous!      And lastly my friend Carol’s piece sold!IMG_1055I’m so happy for her.   It is a good art show and I enjoyed it.     I have had busy week.

Progress Report:Two New This work is 22.5” w X 37.5” long.   It is the second work using the word NEW.   The words are  done as strait lines and turned on the work was  turned on its  side.  I like the final look that way better.IMG_1062One word is made for the blue and the other ( upside down ) in rick rack.   IMG_1063It is all raw edged appliqued.


Riotous Romp    I am nearly done with this work as I am to the reflective quilting step now.  I only need to square it and add the facings and sleeve.

newIMG_1068This work is all assembled and now I am working out what I want to build on top.   I will do some stitch in the ditch quilting while I play with different ideas.   All most all the fabric in this work is hand painted and stamped by me.

Collection II I had such an enjoyable time with the first collection piece that I decided to do another using some of the lace that did not make it into the altered jacket project.   I only started pinning on parts yesterday so I know it will change a lot .







Carroll- Mulberry Memories This work has been in incubation for a while and only this week did I get the  inspiration to move forward on it.  I remember climbing the mulberry tree so many times that I now see it as the  unifying element in this piece.  We lived in Carroll from the time I was in third grade until  when I was in seventh.   A time of great change in a child’s life  so my memories  seem a bit disjointed.     I hope the tree will give me the  base to hold all the thoughts together.

 IMG_1065Landscape    I built this landscape as a background for the three cardinals.   I am free motion quilting down the parts.  The plan is to build a tree this week and add it on top and then add the birds into the composition.

Daily Practice The hand work goes forward here and the textures are building up.










Card  I like to think of my life as a single thread that ties together all my learning and experiences.   The fabric of my life as you will.

Keep Creating


PS – Eric and I are suppose to go traveling next week- so  there will not be a posting.

Warming up



We are starting to see evidence of spring.  I am happy with the few changes that are appearing as the temperature rises.

I went to the Associated Artist Meeting on Saturday where we had a little show and tell.  This is a pastel by my friend Barbara.  I really like the m,movement she created.

Progress Report:    SAQA entry -Layers of Life    12” X 12” .   I did some additions on this piece this week and then shipped it off to the folks at SAQA for their auction.


NEW IMG_0911 The \blue paper pattern is my  next word work.    The word is NEW.  I am auditioning fabrics for this project here on my pin wall.

IMG_0914Altered Jacket   I am adding lace and such to doll up this black jacket.IMG_0915I stole the idea from Chico’s- the idea of embellishing a jacket in this fashion  I mean.   I need to get some of the lace and such out of the suit case where I have is stored and out into the world.

Collection   I keep adding more and more items and layers to this work.     I like where it is going .   It’s like existence- made up of may small moments.


IMG_0912Thread Painting   I finished the last two Titmice that  I started at the spring retreat.   I have learned that a nice balck bead eye really helps them come to life.


   New ScarfIMG_0920Along the same line as the ones I  made at the retreat  this   new scarf uses  wash away  and free motion stitching.   I always get nice compliments on the others when I wear them.


Felt Backgrounds   Now that I have all the birds done I need to build backgrounds to put them on.  So I  spent a day with Liz teaching her   how to use her felting machine and I worked on backgrounds.   I will add the branch and birds on this one.

IMG_0924   This second one is just play and I do not have a plan for it.  I was just having fun.

IMG_0926This one is the least developed.  It too will be used for the birds I think as it is also a landscape.

Daily Practice   I keep stitching away on this project.    It has a long way to go.

Card   Clutter.  It seems that more and more stuff gets thrown at us each day  and it is hard to keep the clutter under control.   Perhaps accepting that will help a bit.

Keep Creating


Still winter



The weather here continues to be cold and filled with snow flurries.  I dream of spring and hope next week will find us warmer.  Done a bit more drawing this week too.   I have been watching a video , “Interpertations ”  by  Jan Beaney  and  Jean Littlejohn, that Angela lent me and hope by following some of their suggestions I will build some better compositions and avoid the struggle I am still feeling with my Frozen piece. IMG_0863 I have been reworking the ice lines.

IMG_0860  I went  south  with Liz  to visit Regina yesterday to do some printing.  Regina always has beautiful treasures that this shot shows.  I like the patterns of these two beaded add  onus.    Regina is also doing finishing hand work on this big print she made of the Tree of Life.

IMG_0872  These are the prints that I made.

Progress Report:  Fiddlehead Ferns     This stretched work is 24” X 18”.    I built up the forest floor with bits and pieces of fabric and yarn  before adding the ferns on top.IMG_0871I used silk paper, fused backed hand dyed cotton for the leaves and frapped chenille cleaners for the steams of the fiddleheads. IMG_0870

Layers  This is my entry for the  SAQA auction.  It is 12” X 12”  and is a work built to show how one just keeps adding more and more experiences   layers on top of one another as we age.




Parts   I   have been building little units to work together for the last few weeks.  Now I am beginning to add them together as a whole. Another example of how I feel we are many small things added together.

Asters  I am building the flowers on the surface of this piece now.   The petals are raw edge applique and the centers are hand stitched on top. IMG_0882

FeltingIMG_0876   This is just the start of the background for one of the Black Capped Chickadees  that I did in tread painting  at the spring retreat two weeks ago.

 IMG_0887Daily Practice    This   work just keeps steadily building up  with stitches.

Cards: Relax   Time just keeps rushing forward in this day and age.  I find I often feel a bit overwhelmed so I need to remind myself to slow down and  breath.













Discover    One is forever changing, but unlike butterflies that graduate from a caterpillar to a butterfly  our changes are often much less dramatic and slower.


Keep Creating


Spring Retreat 2018

IMG_0797 Hello,

The big event for last week was  the Schweinfurth Spring Retreat.  This time I was in the dry studio as I seem to have a lot to catch up on and I did not feel I needed to work wet again.     As is the point of these little retreats we all worked away on our own challenges.  This first shot is of Linda quilting a piece for her self.  She finished it and pin basted seven more baby quilts that she had waiting.  Liz spent the time doing a mystery quilt that the guild is doing.  She was weeks behind and did accomplish a lot. IMG_0814   Nancy spent the week end building a quilt for one of grandkids.  Linda S. worked  thread painting/quilting on this owl and a hand painted sea shell.  She does such beautiful work.    And so detailed!IMG_0824Kitsy  worked away on these two projects.

One of our usual participants  is fighting cancer so we all make blocks to put into a quilt to encourage her to wellness.   Each block is to have a W on it.   Liz went a bit crazy  and did five.   I brought mine block all finished.IMG_0795


Maureen was  in the wet studio and she did some beautiful shobori work.









I worked on more thread painting and use of wash away techniques that I learned  from the class I had  last fall.IMG_0823he branch is  from the class and made thread painted  birds to be a part of that project.       The intensity of doing the tight work  with the  sewing machine , made me tense.  So I did two scarves as a

a way to relieve that tension.IMG_0812This green one has silk paper along with yarn ribbon and sequins on itIMG_0844  The brown one has lots of ribbons and yarns only.   IMG_0849I also did drawings for several other birds. 

Monday I went back to the Schweinfurth to help take down the “Both Ends of the Rainbow” show.      I picked up and returned several of Sharon’s pieces tooIMG_0798  It has been a busy week.

Progress Report: Dill   This work is  12 “ X 12 “.   The seed heads are beads that were IMG_0842stitched on top of the thread painted dill plants, that were stitched onto a wool and fabric background.IMG_0840      Then I stretched the piece  to finish it.    I enjoyed the process.

Asters  I am to the stage where I am ready to add the flowers on to this work.  I am doing the petal’s now  and will add the faced flower centers on top of the 1/2” petals next.  All is done with raw edge applique.

Fiddle Head Ferns   The fiddle heads are all done and the background is ready for the addition of actual open fern leaves now I think.

IMG_085212” X 12”    I am starting work on my entry for the SAQA  12X12 auction.     At this time it is only tacked up.

Altered garment    After purchasing a great jacket in Florida  with lace applied to it –  I wanted to alter a jacket of my own.  I am auditioning lace on this coat now.     I  have a great collection of old lace and tatting that my    grandmother and aunts did.   I will give these works a new life with this project.    Again things are just pinned down and nothing is stitched.

IMG_0854Daily Practice   I just keep adding stitch work to this top.   They are adding up but not to the degree that I want yet.   But that is to be expected as this is only the second week. 

NecklacesIMG_0831  I stopped at Jo Ann’s this week and because I was tempted and the beads were 50% off I purchased some.   I told myself I would make at least one necklace with them using beads from my stash.IMG_0833   These two necklaces are  the result.

IMG_0850Parts     I did make two more patches for the parts project.   It is growing slowly too.

Cards:  Talk   One of the best things about friendship is talking and sharing fun, problems and pain.






Layers   As I age I feel like  I keep adding layers and layers of experience on top of one  another.   I wonder how much gets buried this way?

Keep Creating
