Fall is really in the air as we continue to have cool nights and crisp days. I went off to see the Thompkin’s County Quilt Show on Saturday this week. It was fun and full of old friends.
Tracy had a wonderful solo show within the quilt show of some of her thread painted birds. She did the work from photos she took on her many adventures. They were wonderful.
Kirsten finished her her project form the Rock class this summer. I think it came out great.
Donna had this fun little quilt as a part of the auction that was held. I got excited about the work and came home all revived.
Progress Report: Autumn Leaves-Past My Window
This work is 35″w X 29.5″ t. I got rolling and this piece went together quickly. I used leaves from my class with Betty Busby and made more in that same style.
Then I found a bag full of silk leaves someone had passed my way and they were added. The quilting is all free motion in a leaf pattern too.
Topographical This work is 39.5″w X 27″t. I enjoyed working on this project and learned a lot about how to couch yarns.
I think there is potential for more exploration along these lines.
This quilt is queen sized and will go off to the Ronald Mc Donald House some time soon. The centers for the Roman Strip blocks came from fabric that Angela gave to me. It has a fun feel.
I pulled all these blues and even started cutting some for that base of Nick’s owl quilt. It is early.
Jumping Off Place I just keep doing hand work on this piece. I am trying to use yarns and threads that are atypical for me as part of this exploration.
I just added fish and starfish to the surface this week and started to stitch stuff down. It is colorful and fun too.
Mountain study I stared this in the Rock class this summer. Pulled it out and did a little work. I am unsure as to where to go with this point, so it may need some down time for me to think on this one.
Wool Rounds I just keep stitching away with this project. I finished up 5 rounds this week and continue to button whole stitch down the last sheet of cut wool circles.
Childhood Memories- Chickens
This will be the last piece dedicated to Ainsworth as we moved in the spring just after I turned 5. I have one more” Storied Memory ” to tell here. My brother Gene was born in Feb before I became four in April. It seems that I was in Grandmother Ester’s care while Mom was in the hospital for 5 days. She says she was anxious to see me and according to her I disappointed her by being more interested in chasing chickens in the chicken yard then seeing her and the new baby.
I do remember her giving me a Toni perm though. It stunk and burned my head a bit. I also remember helping her clean chickens in the sink standing on a stool. I was plucking feathers and I soon tired of the task. Many days Mom would ask me what I wanted to eat for lunch. My response for many times was “ Spinach again today.” I still love it.
Dad was going to school working on his Masters Degree at this time. He took a class in early childhood literature. I benefited by having lots of books read to me. Two that seems to have nestled in the back of in my young mind were Lois Linsky’s “Strawberry Girl” and “Cotton in My Sack.” At Least the illustrations did because when I came across them later and asked Mom why they seemed so familiar she told me of Dad’s readings. Dad spent lots of special time with me because Gene demanded so much of Mom’s attention. I remember his taking me up to the high school one sunny day. The librarian was culling the book connection. I was allowed to select one book to have as my own. I chose one book full of black and white photos of Japan. I spent hours looking and later drawing women in komons. I can still bring some of those images up in my mind as an adult.
I am off to a week quilting retreat in Chicago with my friend Sharron on Friday so there well be no posting next week.
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