As these flowers show Spring is trying to make an impact here I New York, it is getting warmer too. The walks we take daily really help break the feelings of confinement and lighten my spirit. Everyone’s life has and is facing a major shift in thinking and existing. Being out and seeing spring reviving its self helps me. Working in the studio has become even more important to me as well. I have no destination for the work I am doing, but is it does help me feel sane. I hope everyone is doing what is best for their sanity too.
I was a part of a Video chat this morning and that was a real positive event. Just one example of how I am practicing ” Social Distancing” and one of the changes my life is going through. As my Dad said “ It is not what happens to you- but what you think about what happens to you that counts.” Please keep looking for the positive view.
Progress Report:Exploring Blue This work is 33.5″ w X 18.5″ t. It all started with me finally deciding to put the machine lace I had done over a year ago into a piece.
I added stuff from the packet that Angela had give me too. It is the biggest piece of hand work with add on’s that I have done.
Talisman Pouches These two little pouches are based on the instructions in Quilting Arts Magazine. I had fun building up the textures and stitching down the ribbons and beads.
This is a shot of the bags open showing the back and the flap.
Felt Dry Balls I have created these four new balls this week. I have the cores started for six more so there will me more in the future. It is a fun way to use some of my roving. I plan to give them as gifts. My laundry is nice and fluffy as I have run them in the dryer once to make sure they did not comp apart.
Scrap Happy– I stated cutting 4.5″ strips and sewing them together and adding the scrap pieces I did last fall to the sides . ( on the left) I think I have enough for three quilts here. This is a project that I know I can rely on to get me going when I am in a bit of a dry time. It pulls me into the studio and gets me sewing.
Place Matts These are a commission that I am working on. I have two quilts from Joyce. ( the stay in the right) Both quilts have some places that have bad wear places so she wants me to make them into place matts so they can continue to “live” in the world as apposed to setting in a drawer. It took me a long time to get past the emotional discomfort of cutting into them. They are cut to size and I will begin to fuse the parts together and move forward on this project.
New work- Regina Challenge I finally got an idea of where I want to go with this project. I was cleaning off a shelf and came across the rust, brown and blue fabric and though that they could work together and I am rolling now.
Cowls The News is so very stressful that I find if I keep my hands busy with these projects I do not get so upset. Some one will benefit in the future I am sure.
My collection of wild yarns is greatly diminished and I like that part too.
Childhood Memories – Creative Mom
Mom was always very resourceful. I remember her spending hours in the sewing closet in the hall. She made clothing of course and lots of curtains for the new house. Gene’s room had a nautical theme. The fabric had big three masted boats in a large directional print on it. I think it was really designed for skirts that were popular around that time. Mom added a green boarder on the bottom to make them long enough. She made the curtains for the basement in a diamond print that used red, orange, pink and black diamonds alternating with white. She also made a doll dress with the leftovers for my Mexican doll, Rosalia. She made a silk screen of big leaves that she printed in dark green on white. From this printed fabric she made kitchen curtains. She painted two murals in that house. One was in the bathroom in the basement. It was a picture with a lake in the foreground, pines and aspens in the middle ground and then mountains in the far background. The second mural was behind the kitchen sink. The double sink was set at an angle to the corner and a piece of bent Masonite was the paint surface. This painting was also a work featuring mountains with a tree in the foreground.
Mom stayed at home the year I was in third grade and Gene was in half day Kindergarten. One day in the spring I came home and came in the front door to see one orange leg hanging down from the ceiling over the piano. Mom had accidentally stepped off the pallet at the top of the attic stairs and come though the ceiling. She was in a position that she could not pull herself up to get out. She yelled for me to help. I could not do the job either , so she sent me to the Annaberg’s house to get David( who was 18) and Mrs Annaberg . They all came running back with me and quickly helped her get the leverage she needed to puller her leg out from between the rafters. The only thing broken was the Sheetrock . After assuring them she was mostly embarrassed and a little bruised they went home. No one ever mentioned it again. Mom did make a fancy cake and took it to them as a thank you. Dad got lumber the following weekend and put flooring down over the whole attic space over the next few weekends. The ceiling got patched and the front hall got a new coat of paint. When ever Mom wore those orange wrangles I always thought of that leg in the ceiling.
Stay Safe