We continue to get snow here in New York. The wind is not blowing however as the snow laden windmill shows. Its just the light fluffy wet lake effect stuff. The snow is piling up however. It was much nicer earlier this week and I went to the QuEGs and Diva meetings.
At QuEGs there were only three of us so we meant at Liz’s home and did a bit of Gelly Plate printing. Liz says she will use some of hers to make Valentines. As a part of the season Judy Sent me a cheerful water color Valentine to celebrate too.
The Diva group meeting had lots of folks with lots to share. Mary did this delightful piece of her grandson.
Regina shared her new work where she used some
of her hand dyed fabric. ( the orange) I am glad she too is doing that with her stash.
Alice is getting ready for her show at the Women’s Museum and this is her most recent work.

Noel made this pillow using her fabric form her Mothers old clothing.
Progress Report: Joy II This work is 34.5” w X 39.5” t. I am so fortunate to have a group of folks to bounce ideas off of. I took this work to the QuEG’s meeting and they gave me some valuable suggestions. I went home and applied them and then took the work to the Diva meeting that eve. The gals in that group pounced it completed.
This close up shows where I did some of the altering. Before I reworked this area the orange in the letters and the orange in the background where too close to the same color. I used a colored pencil to darken the background.
The high contrast is what it needed.
Double Joy
This work is 28” w X 40.5”t. I used the cutaways from Joy II to create this work. I like the vertical movement of this piece.
I feel the color gets a bit washed out in the full photo.
New Work I seem to be in a rework mode at the moment so I redesigned the Joy to use as a radial design for the next piece in this series.
New ZAP This word also a rework and I am playing again with. This is a close up of the word.
The letters are cut from some hand dyed fabric I did at a QuEGs play day a few years ago.
Glyph IV
I keep beading away on this project. This side of the O is almost complete.
Indian Pipe This felted project is at the build stage. I am struggling along with the integration of the plants into the setting. I think I have just about completed the bracken on the forest floor. Now to work on the pipes themselves.
Frozen This work is also proving to be a bit of a challenge at the moment. The organza ice is on now and I need to decide where to let the stones poke through so I can build the flow patterns around them. I am just unsure about how to start.
Daily Practice-Orange Essence I have decide this daily practice work is done. I do not know how I want to finish the series so I am setting this work aside for now . I will begin the next one this week.
Daily Practice
This is the second work in the series, it is base before any stitching has been applied. Again I will try to limit the number of stitches I use on this work.
Scarp Happy When I do not know what I want to do next I keep myself in the working mood by doing a project that requires little or no thinking on my part. I am doing that with this project as I have done many of these scrap happys. I pulled out the box of left over blocks from previous Scrap Happys and started a new project. I know I can always find a home for these quilts.
Collage This is collage #5. I am please I have kept up this series and feel I have a routine now. I know this summy work is in response to the snow and cold too. The environment really does affect my work.
Susan challenged me to do a collage where I used the sewing machine and this project is the result.
Tarot- The Sun
I did this tarot card the same day I did the collage.
Spirit This piece was also an avoidance project. But I feel staying in the working spirit helps me move forward.
Happy Valentines day and Keep Creating