Category Archives: Collage

Snow Fall


After several warms days with warm temperatures and lots of melting we back to winter again  this morning.  Beautiful big fat flakes are falling now.    It looks like a crayon  drawing out there.   This week has been busy.   Liz and I taught a collage card workshop for Associated Artists on Sat.Workshop 2 Everyone had a good time and asked us to do it again in the furture.   FAB meant yesterday and  Nancy had three projects to share.   I think she did a great job with movement with her interpretation of  Aerobic  Twist.











Progress Report: Zapped  This work is 35” w X 34 “ l.   I think this new form  of the word Zap works better then the old version as it is crisper and sharper.  IMG_0434 I used fabric that I hand dyed for the letters this time and I even used some in the background too.   Liz and I are doing a personal challenge to use our hand dyed fabric in our work this winter.   I am having fun doing so.IMG_0433

IMG_0425Radiating Joy  I am to the point where I am doing the zig-zag applique step on this work now.   It is backed with tear away paper so it is stable with all the turns and changes in direction I should be able to avoid bubbling and have a flat final piece .

Winter Apples All the satin apples are hand stitched appliqued now.  It took several trials before I found a way to show the crisp crystalline snow  on the fruit.   It has layer of white satin with  silver ribbon on top to get the effect I am after.  I am stitching it down by hand too as each apple  has a different type of snow cap on it.

IMG_0427Frozen  The  operation has hampered my progress on this project and others as I can not yet work for a long time at the machine.  I also need to look a lot before I add  new lines to the surface of the ice here.

New Work    This new project  is full filling two challenges.  The Associated Artists next show  theme is Rebirth.   Spring certainly is a time of new things and that is what this project is designed to do.  This piece also fits with the Liz challenge .    I designed the stencil and l printed it  at one of the open   studio weekends at the Schweinfurth a while back.  I am free motion quilting with two different colored threads in the top of my machine to  draw in the limbs of the trees here.

Daily Practice IMG_0440   A personal challenge for this project is to try to use as many variations on the strait stitch as I can on this work.  I continue to work on this project during the news every night.

IMG_0437New Daily Practice    Sometimes chance play a part in what I do.  This is and example of that  happening.  When I was cutting up the fabric for Zapped it happened to be piled on top of this piece of  purple  hand dyed.  I liked how it looked and realized I had never tried orange and purple together before.  So I decided to go with that thought for my next base  in this series.

Collage- Blue on Blue After watching my friends have a good time on Saturday at the workshop, I sat down at home and created this bit of collage myself.  It is too big to be a part of the series but I sure had fun.

IMG_0413Collage- Fading Memories  This is 8.5” X 11” and is # 7 in the collage series.   It has a little stitching in it too.

Card Sharman  This is my high priest card.

Keep Creating





I had my operation for carpel tunnel on my left hand yesterday.   It went well and because I had the right wrist done 14 years ago I felt no fear.  The world of medical has  improved sense that first one  and it all seems to be smoother.   I can already do a few things that I know took a week to do last time.    Simple things like touch index finger to thumb.     The Doctor anticipated a smaller opening this time too- but because it is all wrapped up under the soft bandage I can not see that yet.   One Hopes for the best.

Progress Report :  Glyph IV
I did a lot of beading on this project this week and I am at the intersection of the O and L at this point.   I am pleased with how it is going.

.Frozen   I have started to applique the cording down to represent theIMG_0398frozen edges of the ice on this work.   Because I want the organza to only be connected to the base were the stones stick up through the ice, it is still free floating on top.

ZAP   I layered this work and started by stitching down all the text.   I have even begun the reflective quilting around the forms.   I am unsure about what way is up, so every time I hang it between work sessions, I try a different orientation.














New Joy I used the pattern that I showed in last weeks blog to create the shapes for this radial design.  It is based on the word JOY.  It is easiest to decipher when you look at the fourth of the pattern on the left.

Winter Apples This new work is based on a photo that I took last winter of snow on a crab apple tree.  IMG_0402

This is the shot.  I made a paper window and focused in on a smaller section.

IMG_0401This small section is what I decided to build the new work on.   I have selected a printed fabric that goes along with the theme and I have free motion quilted down the limbs I cut in wool.   I have made about twenty Satan apples  to hand applique down on top.   I used the double fabric method  to create the apples .   After I turn all the apples  I will applique them  and add steams.  I am still thinking about how to create the snow.     IMG_0403

Daily Practice  I have started with the second of my hand work daily pieces.    The fabric shapes are all cut-aways from other projects and all of them except the orange ones are fused to the background.

Collage 6

I am continuing to do the collage work.   Perhaps I need to start to think about adding titles to these pieces.














Amber Empress  This is my newest card for Susan’s challenge.

Happy Chinese New year.    It is the year of the Dog.

Keep Creating


Snow days

IMG_0348  Hello

We continue to get snow here in New York.  The wind is not blowing however as the snow laden  windmill shows.   Its just the light fluffy  wet  lake effect stuff.   The snow is piling up however.  It was much nicer earlier this week and I went to the QuEGs and Diva meetings.IMG_0324   At QuEGs there were only three of us so we meant at Liz’s home and did a bit of Gelly Plate printing.      Liz says she will use some of hers to make Valentines. As a part of the season Judy Sent me a cheerful water color Valentine to celebrate too.

The Diva group  meeting   had lots of folks with lots to share.  Mary did this delightful piece of her grandson.














Regina  shared her new work where she used some of her hand dyed fabric. ( the orange)  I am glad she too is doing that with her stash.














Alice is getting ready for her show at the Women’s Museum and this is her most recent work.

IMG_0332Noel made this pillow using her fabric form her Mothers old clothing.

Progress Report: Joy II This work is 34.5” w X 39.5” t.  I am so fortunate to have a group of folks to bounce ideas off of.  I took this work to the QuEG’s meeting and they gave me some valuable suggestions.  I went home and applied them and then took the work to the Diva meeting that eve.  The gals in that group pounced it completed.   IMG_0364This close up shows where I did some of the altering.  Before I reworked this area the orange in the letters and the orange in the background where too close to the same color.  I used a colored pencil to darken the background. IMG_0366  The high contrast is  what it needed.

Double Joy   This work is 28” w X 40.5”t.    I used the cutaways from  Joy II to create this work.  I  like the vertical movement of this piece.  IMG_0367I feel the color gets a bit washed out in the full photo.IMG_0368

IMG_0356New Work I seem to be in a rework mode at the moment so I redesigned the Joy to use as a radial design for the next piece in this series.

New ZAP This word also a rework and I am playing again with.    This is a close up of the word. IMG_0352The letters are cut from some hand dyed fabric I did at a QuEGs play day a few years ago.

Glyph  IV I keep beading away on this project.  This side of the O is almost complete.


Indian Pipe This felted project  is at the build stage.  I am struggling along with the  integration of  the plants into the setting.   I think I have just about completed the bracken on the forest floor.   Now to work on the pipes themselves.

Frozen  This work is also proving to be a bit of a challenge at the moment.   The organza ice is on now and I need to decide where to let the stones poke through so I can build the flow patterns  around them.  I am just unsure about how to start.

 Daily Practice-Orange Essence  I have decide this daily practice work is done.  I do not know how I want to finish the series so I am setting this work aside for now .  I will begin the next one this week.

Daily Practice  This is the second work in the series, it is base before any stitching has been applied.     Again I will try to limit the number of stitches I use on this work.

IMG_0361 Scarp Happy    When I do not know what I  want to do next I keep myself in the working mood by doing a project that requires little or no thinking on my part.  I am doing that with this project as I have done many  of these scrap happys.  I pulled out the box of left over  blocks from previous  Scrap Happys and started  a new project.   I know I can always find a home for these quilts.

Collage    This is collage #5.  I am please I have kept up  this series and feel I have a routine now.   I know this   summy work is in response to the snow and cold too.   The environment really does affect my work.








Susan challenged me to do a collage where I used the sewing machine and this project is the result.




Tarot- The SunIMG_0341  I did this tarot card the same day I did the  collage.

Spirit   This piece was also an avoidance project.  But I feel staying in the working spirit  helps me move forward.

Happy Valentines day and Keep Creating




IMG_0277 Hello,

I am enjoying the sun of this January day and the rich smell of these blossoms that were a gift from Judy.      As I was looking at my grandson’s camouflage pants the other day I was wondering if the goal of was to mislead or conceal.  Here in central NY in doors in the winter the patterns  doen’t do either job- but out in the woods in the summer they must do a bit of both.   Many animals and plants use camouflage to trap and stalk their pray as well as hide from predators.   I know my grandson purchased  the pants  so he could lie in wait with his camera to take photos so I guess his goal was to conceal.     It is not a fashion statement in his case so I guess that means his major intent is  not to mislead his peers- just the animals.   A strange bit of both in the end.

Progress Report: Aces and Spaces   This work is 37.5” w X 27” t.     It is built from the cutaways  of ACE plus a few transparent fabrics.   IMG_0257I did free motion quilting in the patters of aces- mostly using the ace of spades  for my pattern as that is the one most folks think of when they picture aces  in their heads. IMG_0259I enjoyed playing with this project.

Collage 2 The Song Bird    I am staying true to my goal of trying to do a collage every week.  This is my second piece.  I was listening to a recording where there were bird calls as a part of the intro and this work came form that joyful sound.













Ribwort Plantain   This work is 14”w X 18” l.   I used felting for the background and did the Plantain on wash away  before I applied it to the surface. The heads are made from yarn and the steams are robin.  IMG_0264 The leaves are fabric with sewn lines on top for the vain patterns.   A fabric boarder was added before binding.

  Hand work   This daily practice is moving along nicely.   IMG_0253  I am trying to limit the number of types of stitches I  use here so it holds together and one can see how different yarns look with the same stitches.

Joy II   As the shot shows I finished the building of the second base for the joy cut.  I tried several backgrounds before settling on this one and then tried several layouts too.   I finally decided that I liked the diagonal layout with the words not being read from the same direction.  This work is ready for stitching now.

Double Joy    With this project  it take a lot of trial and error before I settle on the background and placement of the parts for the work.   This time the two tops of the words are pointed toward one another.  The centers are not even pinned in at this point as I need to make a curvy cut to unite the yellow unit to the orange one.

 Glyph IV   The beads just keep being added to the work.   I am inching up the right side of the O now.

Ice The stones are all  stitched down to the stream bed now.   I plan to go back and do a bit more to anker them and start to build a water flow pattern across the surface.     IMG_0271This is the photo  I am working from.   I did a little test piece to see if I could get the line effect with my stitching  for the ice that will go on top of the rocks.  IMG_0272The best one was when I zig-zagged  and appliqued down a bit of cording.

Wool 1 I felted down some roving to begin a new work based on a part of a photo I took last fall.  I only did the hand “basting” part so the roving would stay put before I get out the machine to do the final work here.

Wool 2 IMG_0248This is a second piece of wool with the same treatment as the first.

6X6 The call came out for the next 6X6 works for the Rochester Contemporary Art Center show  and so I responded.  I have been a part of this for the last six years I think.   They are all done now and I will mail them off next week.


High Priestess  Card  Susan has suggested that we try to do the Major Arcana for our Tarot cards so this is the  third in the series.   I am enjoying doing these collages.

I hope everyone is warm and working at  there creative activates




We are deep in winter now so the sight of my Christmas Cactus  blooming is  a nice bright sight.  I have had a good week.    I went to the opening of the New Members Show at the Manlius Library on Sunday.   There are six of us who are showing about six pieces apiece.     It was great fun to talk with the other artists and the public too.  I had great support from several of my friends and that added to my positive feelings.    Before the day was over, much to my delight, I sold two of my works.    Fox Tails and White Iris both have new homes now.   It is a great feeling of confirmation when a stranger likes your work.











Progress Report: Joy I   This work is 24”w  X 23” l.   It is also a rework.  The curvy cut quilt was made in 2012 and was set to be donated to the  Helping Hounds shelter.  But I pulled it aside and added the JOY  graffiti on top instead.   This   second shot shows the word pattern in paper.  The blue was cut following this pattern then stitched down on top.   IMG_0212 I am exploring the use of my stylized lettering with this work. IMG_0214This last shot is of the “O” in the center of the word.

Glyph IV   This shot is of the lower right side of the “O” in the Owl Glyph   quilt series.  This work is number 4 as the number indicates.   I am glad to be working on the biggest letter in the grouping now.






New Ice   The work goes slowly forward on  this piece.  I am rough cutting out the stones now.  The upper right corner is my  test run of various fabrics for the ice overlay  part of this work.

Plantain    Selling Fox Tails got me going on doing another wash out plant piece. IMG_0189   I did the machine drawing on the wash away just as Amanda taught us in Oct.  Then I pinned the work to the Styrofoam and washed  away the “plastic”.    The   dry work is now ready to be stitched down to the felted background.

6X6   The call for six by six came this week so I pulled some pieces to work on.  It was so easy to excess them now that the studio is in order.

Collage 1    One of my resolutions when I was cleaning was that I would do a collage every week too.    This work is 8.5” X 11” a size that I think I can work with easily.     I did find someone to pass a lot of the paper stash on to so I will use making the collages as a way to sort and share the materials as the year goes forward  and I make pieces..

IMG_0191  Joy  II   This is the base for my next JOY quilt.    I pieced it and then added a bit of inner  facing to the back to stabilize it.   The same pattern is used as in JOY I .    Because I am working from the backIMG_0197the word is turned upside down for  marking the edge and then it will be  cut out.   The result will be a positive and negative from this same fabric.  The interfacing will  cut down on the distortion  when I stitch it down to the contrasting base.


Hand work   I am doing my daily studies of stitches on this work.   It is beginning to feel very solid to me.










Magic Card  This card represents how I feel about myself and my fellow artists.  We all are really Magicians.  In our processes of taking raw materials- with  paint, clay, pencils and fibers we work magic with them.  Just looking at the elements, one never knows   what they could and do or  become  in artistic hands .   With sparks of creativity and the magic of  our hands, we bring into the world things that without us would not exist.   That is true Magic.

Keep Creating
