I was looking at how the light shown off this tree against the gray sky and liked the sheen there. That lead me to think of all the different words we have in the English Language to talk about light. Objects can have gloss, glint, sparkle, luster, shimmer, flicker and glow. Light as a concept expands our language to make it more colorful too. We can see the light. Things can dawn on one or we can have a flash of inspiration. There are bright folks as well as dim wits. One can have a brilliant idea. There are many more examples of words related to light that are a part of our language that we use to describe a lustrous world and I am enjoying that.
I went to an opening at Onondaga Community College yesterday were Jill Doscher talked about her fiber work.
She talked of her process and how she grew from a printer to a fiber artist who dyes her own fabric and prints on it too. It was great.
I also checked out the Scholastic Art show that is also on display there. The teachers are doing a fine job with their students.
Progress Report: Small Spill This work is 12” X 12”. It is my usual construction but I did not use any wool roving on this work.
I did use parts of a silk scarf I hand dye painted about fifteen years ago when Barbara anduse to get together and play with art ideas one a week .
There are also some yarns that were free motion stitched down to add texture.
Blue Too This stretched work is also 12” X 12”. I played with taffeta, metallic fabric and organza on this one.
I also stitched down purple candy wrappers because the color was what I wanted. The candy was from the bed and breakfast were I stayed with Marty and Rosalie last summer.
It’s a fun way to add a personal memory to this work.
Three Jacks This work is ready for the frame now. Judy gave a big frame and glass that I will try to add this work to. I enjoyed doing all the machine embellishing on the Jacks this week.
Lots of wide satin stitching.
Color Challenge VI This work is 15.5” x19”. I am enjoying the exploration this challenge is giving me.
This is the last piece in this series were I will have three of the light colored circles on its surface. But change is suppose to be a part of the process.
Color Challenge V I only need to tack the last two facing ( brown at the top and bottom ) and add the sleeve to this work to complete it.
Color Challenge VI I am doing the quilting on this one before I add the bead work. I am not sure how this will effect that aspect. This is suppose to be a challenge and a place to explore……
Felt Studies I did three more studies in felting this week. The pink uses organza ribbons as well as the wool roving. The orange used silk and organza scarves and roving, plus a bit of candy foil. The green got it sheen from Angelina and a bit of taffeta. These ideas are all from the book Stitch, Fabric, Metal and Mixed Media.
New Collage work I needed to do a bit of piecing this week so I went back to the collage based working idea and found an old collage( from Sept) to build a work around. The orange marbleized sections are Ethel’s work. The yellow and pale blue are mine altered fabrics.
New Work I started another stacked fabric work this week. I enjoy the process so much I can not seem to stop doing it. Building the surface it time consuming and so transformative.
Ice Dying I did yellow ice dyeing this week . I like the softer colors here. There is also a bucket full of the next batch that I need to wash out today.
I used yellow and turquoise- and learned that the turquoise takes over. I will try again after the next snowfall to see if I can mix these two colors and keep some yellow in the final fabric.
Label Block # 104 I keep stitching away.
Happy CHinese New Year Sat.
Keep Creating
My friend Judy gave this to me last week. It smells heavenly.