Category Archives: Birds

Vernal Equinox

I hope everyone is doing their best to stay safe in these trying times.
The days are in deed getting longer and the nights shorter with today being the real start of that effect in a way we can really mark as the equinox is the time when the day and night are the same leanth .     Enjoy the awakening of spring.
I did go and visit with Liz and Angela last Friday. We all sat across the room from one another, talked and shared our work and worries. Liz is doing lots of hand work in preparation for a class in Ohio later this spring.



Angela is working on a piece where she is using quotes from folks about memories where they wish they were invisible or felt that way.

Progress Report: China Exchange This work is 15″w X 21.5″ l. It is the first of the challenges that Regina and I are doing. We traded three works we had started but did not know how to finish. Regina sent me this one with only the background done. I added the glove and gold work, plus the Chinese coins.




Beyond This work is 39″w X 35″ t. It too is part of the exchange with Regina too. She sent me the printed pink  dyed fabric with the lace pattern. I added the curvy cut fabrics to create the background. Then I embellished with the pink circles that were added with free motion work in a metallic thread.














Talisman Pouch: This work is going well and I am almost done adding handwork on the outside. I will add a lining and close the sides and then  be done.

The stone button is the closure.





Cowls I just seem to keep creating these guys. I think I am done and then I find I have pulled out a new mixture of yarns to try. I did send two off to some friends this week as well.   I am enjoying the process .









Exploring Blue This project is nearly done. I have been adding buttons to break up the surface a bit. I am at the “look carefully” stage  toi see if I am done.  Then I will  I do the final work.


Thread Painted birds. I have added the birds to a background now and I am just about ready to stretch the work. I do not have the correct size stretchers so I will put it on hold until I get them.





Felt Dryer Balls I saw an article on line about how to build these guys. I have three of my own and I love how they work so I am trying to see if I can use up some of my roving to create some for my friends. These still need a lot of rolling and “water shocking ” to get to the stage of completion.


Painting  Fabric    This is the last piece of fabric from the Regina exchange.   It was too plane for me so I added paint yesterday.    Now to use it as a jumping off place for the last piece.






Childhood Memories-  My Bed Room  in Carroll

The House in Carroll was designed by Mom and Dad. They did research in the form of visiting lots of open houses and collecting lots of house plans from magazines. They then drew up their own plans based on what they liked and what they wanted.    It was a great house for us.
To approach the house,  you would climb the stairs on the north end of the lot and follow the cement path to the small  poach and front door. The house was sided in cedar shake shingles. I loved the smell and even though they were stained red they faded to a beautiful rusty gray color with time. Upon entering the front door one would see a door to the left that opened onto a cloths closet for coats. The next opening  was an entry  to the den where Dad had a built in desk and we kept the new stereo. The third opening on the left lead to the kitchen. If you continued froward past the piano you would enter the living room. Opposite the piano was the door to the basement stairs followed by a hall that lead to the back of the house and the bed rooms. Gene’s room was the first room on the right. The next door was to Mom’s sewing closet and that was followed by the door to my room on the front north corner of the house. If you continued to walk forward you entered the bath room. Across the hall from the bathroom door was the door to the attic stairs. Lastly  and on teh right,  was the door to my parents room. They included a small bathroom with a shower in there plans and it was rather cool I thought.
My bed room was above the garage so I always heard Dad come home late at night when the electric door went up and down. My room had light yellow walls with a coral red ceiling. I loved it. I had a corner room and had corner windows looks east and north . The east window look out a cross the front yard and across Adams Street to an apple orchard. The north window looked out across our dive, the ceder trees and the picket fence to the Lightings house. They continued to live in the finished basement for many years and I had an unrestricted view down the street past two houses and onto an open field.   Mom made curtains with ruffles for the windows in a pink and whited stripped fabric. The bed spread was made with the same fabric. She also make pillow shams with a solid pink center and the ruffles there were in the pink stripe. That bed was long the left wall as you entered the room. Next was the book case, under the north window. My chest of drawers was along the east wall. Dolls had a place of honor on top as well as a black lacquer musical  jewelry box that I had gotten for Christmas. The closet was around  the corner followed by Dads old desk. It got a coat of yellow Emanuel for my room. I loved the desk and did my homework there. I stored lots of paper doll in one of the four   file drawers. The desk had a center compartment where Dad’s typewriter had been stored.   I used that secret compartment to hid my candy from Easter and Halloween there. It was a room where I did a lot of day dreaming too.

Stay healthy and keep creating


Spring Forward

I keep seeing and hearing signs of spring. There are lots of Robins around now. It is great to walk and hear all the songs.   I am not adjusting to time change very well.  Having trouble getting to sleep at night and over sleeping in the morning.  I hope this settles soon.
This week has been quiet as the Diva meeting got canceled due to the fact that Kendell, where we meet was closed to visitors. This pandemic is having an impact.

Progress Report: Bags This project is done now. I made 19 grocery bags for Elizabeth for her project. I am sure folks with use and enjoy them, They all took about 25 min a piece to finish.





Beyond This is my second work where I am completing Regina’s start. She really made it easy as she just gave me the fabric with the circular print on it. I did the wavy cut insertions and I am now adding the pink circles on top with free motion stitching to hold them in place. It is a fun project for me.

Talisman Pouches I saw an article in Quilting Arts that suggested this technique. I have done most of them before so I saved some felt- the base and went to work. They both need lots of embellishment.

Cowls I just keep working away on these. I have pulled yarn for two more and then I will stop. I will pass them forward to my friends.



I”m in  real blue themed thing at the moment.





Drawing  I am challenging myself to do a bit of non objective drawing due to Barbara’s influence.  It is fun and colorful



New Work This too is one of the pieces of fabric that Regina gave me. I think it was to be used with the first one- but I am not going that way. I have fused down a lot of cut ways from my class with Betty Busby from last summer for this project. I will do hand work on this too. I seem to have piled up a lot of that sort of thing lately.


Birds    I am all set now to do two Warblers for my next bird piece.


Childhood Memories – Carroll Yard
The yard played a role in my life in the house in Carroll. Out front and to far south of the lot was a large triple trunk-ed Mulberry Tree. Gene and I had great fun climbing experiences in that tree . We enjoyed the fruit when it was ripe too. Dad teased us about our climbing by saying” If you fall out, be sure to land on your head- then you will not do any permanent damage.”
Along the southern boarder between our yard and the Feltons’s was a wonderful hedge of Lilac bushes. One could walk out the kitchen door and onto a little poach and smell them in spring. They remain one of my favorite flowers and we have lilac bushes in our yard today.
The back yard had three terraces. It also supported 5 black walnut trees in that part of the yard . On the second terrace was a log cabin/play house we inherited from the Annabergs. The logs were small about 4″ wide and cut in half nailed to a frame. It was about 5 feet square with a door opening on the north side and big open windows on the other three. One could climb to the roof using the window openings. We defended it form “invisible “ invaders in the form of Indians, Pirates and Spanish Conquistadors.
On the next terrace level was the one that surrounded the patio outside the basement door. One climbed four steps from the patio to the ground level and there was the T close lines. My assignment was to take the clothing out of the washer and hang them on the lines before I waked to school. I recall taking frozen clothes down from the lines after I got home too. I knew about freeze dried long before I herd the term in advertising.
On the last terrace layer was Dad’s vegetable garden with as strawberry bed running along the back. The house behind us was owned by two sisters, Edith and Helen. Their huge Rhubarb patch was along the boarder line between our lot and theirs. I was given free rain to eat as much rhubarb as I wanted. It was a great “bitter” treat in the spring.
All along the north side of the property was a white picket fence that Dad built. I remember helping Mom paint it. At Thanksgiving the first year we lived there when we went to Grandmother Esters’s house for the feast. In the morning before we ate Dad, Mom , Gene and I went out into the big pasture and Dad dug up about 75 small cedar trees. Gene and I held open grain bags that Mom placed the trees inside. We took them back to Carroll and planted them along the picket fence on our side . It made a great hedge by the time we move away. I did the same type of thing for our home in Muncie, Indiana. Grandpa did not miss the trees at all.
The only other bit of landscaping I recall was the planting of a Blue Spruce outside my window on the north corner of the house. For several years Robins built a nest just a my window level and I could watch the eggs hatch and see them feed the young. Beyond the tree was a light post and steps that descended to the drive. The face of each step had a row of bricks placed vortically along the front edge.
Keep Creating

Thread Painting

This has been a busy week. I went to Judy Hand’s opening on Sunday. She is an amazing painter. Tue was the Diva meeting. There were only three of us so it was a bit disappointing. Regina gave me this wonderful little stitch piece.







She and I also made our UFO exchange. I think I got the good end of this as two of the three are only fabric .      The ones I passed to her are farther along.

The FAB group meant today and it was good too. Always lively discussions.


Thread Painting.   I have been doing this and I thought I should explain   my process.   After I have selected  subject, I sketch it   in  my sketchbook.  That way I can trace it on the wash away.   I then make a sandwich that is one layer of wash away, a layer of  nylon netting as I tend to tear the wash away if I do not reinforce it.    In this case with the Kill Deer I have added a bit of brown roving too.   Then a second layer of wash away with the traced images on it.  This all goes into a hoop where I then do the thread work.    I outline the   one colored area I want to fill in first.  Then I fill in small sections until I am happy with the solid feel of the area.


  I change color when I need to and often times run  two different colors of thread through the same needle to get a richer color.   I continue until the total figure is filled in.  I tear away as much of the wash away as I can before I  pin it to foam where it is flat and I use hot water to remove the rest of the  wash away. ( Check out the Robins)   I let the project dry over night and then trim away the nylon netting that remains .( The Cardinals are trimmed and pinned to a background)   I hope this makes it clear enough for folks to follow.

Progress Report: Snow Dye

Here is the result of the was out that I showed last week. It is unique I think





Cardinals The Thread painting is going well. Now I need to build a limb for them to rest on.






Robins I finished this family yesterday and did the washout. I need to unpin them and trim away the  nylon netting next.







Leaves I tried the machine drawing on roving with these leaves too. They worked well and are just pinned down here.   I’ll adds some birds and until I get that done I do not want to make the final decision about the leaf locations.



Collections- Memoirs of the Women  The women on this piece are  Grandma Butterworth, and Mom.   The pictures are from when both were about 20.   The bits and pieces are all from their lives. I only have a few more things to attach and this will be complete.

Creative Assistants I added the arms, hair and backs to these assistants this week. Then I turned and stuffed them. They were sewn shut and the pin backs added. Yesterday I added the squeezie paint embellishments.



Scrap Happy     I finished this work this week too.   It has been waiting for the return of the  sewing machine.    I  have been work with  one that only does strait stitches and zig- zag  so I could not apply the binding with the button whole stitch that I like to use.





Drawing –   

I was trying to work with reflection this week.







Childhood Memories- Junction Bed Room

My bed room in Columbus Junction was also the den. It was just to the left inside the front door. Along that south wall was a window and below it was a small book shelf that Dad built. Grandma Ruth had seven grand children by then and she gave us all magazine subscriptions for Christmas. Gene and I had subscriptions to Humpty Dumpty and Child Digest. They were stored in the book shelf and Mom or Dad would often pull one out to read to us at night. That was where I was first introduced to “Mike Mulligan the Steam Shovel and wonderful Dr Suess stories like “ It happened on Mulberry Street” and “ Mac Elliot’s Pool. “ On top of the book shelf was a lamp that Grandpa Howard made from wool that was cut and milled from the timber near the cabin he owned. The lamp was made of five blocks of walnut there were 4″X 4″ X 2″ stacked on alternating with 1 “ thick circles of a lighter wood. There were several other lamps like this in the house too. Next to the book shelf was a single bed. Mom made a cover that was gray on top with a long slightly gathered ruffle of 1″ strips of cream and black that hung to the floor. Along the back were two bolsters in red that Mom made and stuffed with rolled woolen blankets. There were two pictures above the bed but I don’t remember what were the subjects. I was sick with chicken pox in that bed. On the north wall was a door to the hall and the piano. Many times my Paper dolls were dressed up and lined up on top of the closed key board for a parade on that piano. On the east wall was a closet. I had a little dressing table with a bench and mirror in the closet. Sometimes I hid in the closet with the door slightly ajar and studied the shadows cast on my face in the mirror. Next to the closet was that chest of drawers that Dad and Grandpa built, and on top of that was a record player I had gotten for Christmas. It played 33.3s, 45s and 78s. I had a set of children’s records in red and yellow plastic that played such tunes as Poor Little Robin, Take Me Out to the Ball Park, The Rolly Poly Man in the Moon and Oh Susanna. I played them until I knew them by heart and can still sing them all.

I will be away for two weeks to help my friend. I know we will make art, but I will not be posting until I return so the next Bolg will be Feb 6.

Keep Creating



As summer fades there seem to be an abundance of events.   These flowers are form Mim’s garden and they added to the setting for the the opening of the Associated Artist Show  this week.

This is a shot of three of the winners of awards.







Then I went with several quilting friends to the Cornell Full Circle Concept Fashion Show. It is always full of wild clothing. I was taken buy this dress called Earth Angle.   In talking with the artist I learned she used many melting techniques that I have used to get the moss like texture in the bodices  of this gown.



I marveled at this work with its use of broken mirrors and clock works.  the creator admitted to getting lots of glass cuts from the mirrors when she put this together. The clothing is not meant to be worn, but to explore ides for the young fashion gals who will be a part of the wearable fashion show in the spring. It’s a good program.


















Progress Report: Apples and Chickadees This work is 12″w X 19″l. I did the silk painting in a class with Michelle de Groot in Rochester earlier this fall. All the machine drawing came later.








Topographical I started this project in class with Cynthia Corbin at QBL this summer.    This is a close up.     The couching adds color and texture to the surface.


Wool Rounds This is my handwork project for the time being.    This shot is close to life size.   I am trying to finish a circle before I start  a new one  while I watch the news.

Night Fires This project is going well. I have finished the trees now and only need to free motion quilt in the underbrush to finish that step.





Collaring Aunt May I will be going to Chicago to visit with Sharron in Oct and I want a hand project to work on. So I am going to applique down some of my Great Aunt Mays’s collars and lace work as my project.




Coral Sea

I only created the crochet plants this week. They are not tacked down yet as I want to add fish swimming through some of the branches.



Autumn Leaves I made the leaves in Betty Busby’s class at QBL this summer and plan to make additional ones. The base is simple and will support the idea.



Childhood Memories- Jackson Hole
When ever Dad had time off as a ranger, Mom had a travel plan of some sort. One week end we went down to Jackson Hole to view the ski lift and see what was there. We climbed to the top of the lift with Gene and myself in the lead as usual. Gene and I ran full speed down the wooden surface much to Mom horror. We both stopped before the end- but she did not know that.
We explored the town and went to a restaurant to have a late lunch. It was memorable for two reasons. One we rarely ate out. Two, because we had buffalo burgers. I do not remember them tasting all that different from beef- but I was a kid and do not nor do I know have a very good pallet. The then went to the Native American Dances up on a Masa like area. It was not commercialized and there were no seats. I remember tiring and setting on the ground at Mom’s feet and leaning against her legs as we were in the front I could still see the women dancing in one direction and the men in the opposite, around a fire. Drums and singer/chanters were the music.
It was late when we started back toward Colter Bay but we stopped at a fruit stand on the edge of town and got Bing -Cherries among other fruit. They were our dinner and we spit the pits out the windows as we drove home in the dark. They tasted great and I still think of that time every time I eat them. What we did not discover until morning was the streak stains on the white car. They did not wash off well. Years later when we sold the car one could still see a faint hint of the stains if one looked for them.

Keep Creating


Summer Calm

The squirrels in upstate New York are in full harvest mode. It has been a bumper year for acorns as we have had lots of rain. Our new driveway  is covered with their discards. This week has been a quiet one and I have enjoyed lots of time in the studio.

Progress Report: Falcon This work is 23″ w X 40.5″ l. I started this in the Rock On class at QBL. It too needed a center of interest so I drew on the new techniques I learned in Betty Busby’s class and produced the falcon. The use of Intense pencils to do the  shading really is wonderful.




I made the branch out of yarn, nylon net and fabric scraps. Then did a thick layer of free motion stitching on top.











Wool Rounds This is my new handwork project. I have not done any planning as to how I will use these or how many there will be. I am just enjoying the doing at this point.


Tee Shirt 2 It has finally been long enough that I feel I could tackle this second tee shirt quilt. It took three hours to fuse the inner facing to the back of the tees so they would not stretch when I stitched them to the cottons. The assembly strips are cut and the small ones are sewn together. I will be laying it out and putting it together next week.

Topographical I started this quilt in the Rock On class too. I am couching down the yarn at this point.



Mountain This is a work that grew out of the scraps from the Rock On class too. I had created the clouds at the play day where I was teaching silk paper and I wanted to use then. It needs a focus.




Feathers      I fused down the cut feathers from Betty Busby’s class 

and assembled this top this week.    It is layered and pinned now so I will begin tho quilt this week.






Childhood Memories- Heart Lake
The summer Dad was a Forest Ranger in Yellowstone we did a lot of exploration of the park. We quickly discovered that we had not brought along enough warm clothing so the first time we went to West Thumb(   a shop area that no longer exists in the park) we all got new coats. Mine was a red polished cotton. I was proud. One day we did a hike to Heart Lake. It was eight miles into the lake mostly down hill. I was looking for rocks along the way and discovered a piece of flint about the size of a soft ball in a stream bed we crossed. I picked it and carried it for a while then put it in the pocket of the new coat. It was heavy so when we came across a  tall  tree stump that was along the trail I reasoned that I would put the rock there and retrieve it on the way home. The day warmed and we soon shed our coats.   Dad put them in the back pack. We arrived at the beautiful quiet lake. Ate the lunch Mom had packed and Dad started fishing. Gene and I play in the shallow water of the lake building rock towers and throwing rocks.    Dad caught one 12 “ Cut Throat Trout. Gene and I unintendedly caught leaches on our ankles. Time to go eight miles back out up out of the valley to the car and home. It was a long and difficult walk for the end of an active day. I remember Dad holding the handle of the fishing poll and my brother holding onto the poll to keep up the pace. When we got home to the trailer it was dark and we were all famished. The trout was soon sizzling in the pan and we had a great feast. Unpacking the back pack I remembered that I had forgotten to pick up the flint- and when I saw how the pocket of my new jacked was shredded by its sharp edges,  I was sure Mom would be angry with me. I don’t remember if she said anything- but I do remember every time I put hand in the pocket I recalled my foolishness.

Keep Creating


The Bachelor Buttons are in full bloom around here now.

Winter Whites



After three days of wet snow, I have  been thinking a lot about white.   In this  photo the door that is painted white and that is different then the white siding and the snow created a third white.      Snow quickly becomes a dirty white with age and light can also effect snow  making it appear blue at times.   This is a good time of year to look closely at this color.

This is the second snow with more than 4 “ so I snow dyed again this morning.IMG_2335   This shot of the pot makes it look like it is red and black- but the dark color is labeled navy blue……. only time will tell what I get.   IMG_2322This shot is of the first snow dye that I did two weeks ago with yellow and blue.       I have been home a lot between events the last two weeks  and I have worked away in the studio.    There is a lot  to show for that effort.

Progress Report: Rain Puddle  This work is 18” X 24”  stretched.    It is a rework piece.   Rock 19I started with this Mossy Rock  that I created in my   Foundations   series.  I did  27 of those and very few are of any interest to anyone but me.   So in recalling what my good friend Ethel said “Carol,  you make good backgrounds”  I thought what a better background then  a rock for a puddle.     So I looked at puddles on my walks and noted how they appeared to darken the leaves and thought I could use organza and nylon net to create that depth.   IMG_2357I also noticed how the oak leaves were all so uniformly cream and brown so I used them as my  subjects for this work.IMG_2358


Daily Practice V  This work is also  18” X 24” .       It takes about 7 weeks for me to complete one of these works.   IMG_2353   I enjoy all the hand work that is a part of the process.IMG_2351   This one also used  a great hand dyed that I did last year with a piece of upholstery  fabric that Regina gave me.      This is the last one this series as I have a new challenge to do for my daily work that involves a lot of hand work.


Scrap Happy   This is a queen sized quilt that I  created for my granddaughter Alexis for Christmas.    It is made from the box of scraps from Ethel. This is the fifth one using up her scraps.Many of the little units were created by her.

 IMG_2362Southern Crows    I am to the quilting stage on this work now .      I am doing reflective work  around the bird square and   just building around the squares out side of that.

Butterfly Wing   This work is nearly done and I really like some parts of this experiment.   Others – not so much.   I may just cut this up and use sections separately as it is a bit much all together.IMG_2347    Little areas work so much better.



Earth – Waterfall   This work is building up.   IMG_2323I built this tree( on the left)  and then added foliage to create the crown.       I am ready to build up the stones and add the water now.

Noogoora Pods I just finished quilting stitch in the ditch on this piece.   I am now ready to build the steams and add the pods to the surface.    Hopefully it will not need additional quilting after that point.

Felts 1   I am building backgrounds for the machine drawn birds that I have been creating.       This is an early stage  but a start

Felt- 2 IMG_2338  Because I have to give up part of my desk when I use the felting machine I like to build more than one background at a time.   This is the second and it is even rougher than  the first.

IMG_2340Felt-3   This one is hardly tacked at all.  I have only layer in the base and will build color over the top before I do much felting on this one.

Creative Assistants  IMG_2364  I have watched some sports on TV lately so I am creating little faces on my assistants.   I just packed away 30 of them that were totally done on Tue  and did not pull them out for a photo.

IMG_2336Totem – Fox   The Sisterhood of the Scissors has a challenge.   It is to create ones totem and this is my enlarged sketch for that project.   I plan not to use the traditional color scheme, but  limit it  none the less.

Label Cards: Marriage  As a part of my thinking about what I  was thankful for over the last holiday I realized how very important my marriage is to me.    So I made this card.

Saving.   At the other end of what is happening is all the pressure to Shop!   Black Friday , Small  Business Saturdays,   Cyber Monday…….. and for what?   Do we really need more things?    I going to give experiences, Theater tickets, and trips to the Zoo.   That way I can save MEMORIEs instead of spend money of things that really do not matter.

Keep Creating,


Fall Retreat 2018


The Schweinfurth Fall Retreat was last week end.   I had a good time and got a bit of work done  along with lots of old friends. IMG_2260Janice, a friend I made at the  fall retreat two years ago, made and appearance and worked on this baby quilts.     Her child is due in April.   IMG_2252Sally finished up this top.   One of her children gave it to her.

IMG_2265Victoria returned to work on this piece that has some hand dyed stuff in it that she created in the wet studio last fall.

IMG_2261Susan made three Christmas stockings( yes, that is an opossum on the one above her head )  and quilted on a piece that she started at QBL two summers ago.

IMG_2262Sally F worked on this wonderful soft colored piece that is a jump off from a Kay Facet design.

IMG_2250  Randy quilted with the quilting machine in the front of the class room and made progress on this quilt.

IMG_2251Janet worked on creating these diamonds in Cherry wood  strips and she got all the blocks done this weekend.

IMG_2248Liz worked away on this piece using some of her hand dyed fabric.

IMG_2230I started playing with some trapped cut yarns just to see what would happen.       Then I also started to assemble a top using the crows I printed at Susan’s in Florida in March.   IMG_2229   Everyone had fun and made progress.   There was so much going on it was rather exciting.


  Sisterhood of the Scissors meant at the Schweinfurth today and looked at the the Q=A=Q show.   We  decided to use this  nine patch  quilt as the basis for our next challenge.   The wild piecing and applique work  appealed to us.   Not sure about he rules- but I think it will push folks to some unique work.




After checking out the Q=A=Q show the group went upstairs to view the Members  Show.   This is my piece, Deep Jellies  that is in the show.

Lots of my friends are in this one too.     There is work by Victoria .   I know she dyed  this in a workshop with Pat Pauly.


IMG_2301Lori’s piece from Danalia was displayed.

IMG_2303Angela’s felt work was shown too.  I  regret to say that my shot of The Crows Of Auburn, by Regina ,  is too fuzzy to post- but it was there as well.     NOel had a ceramic piece too.    It is a strong show with lots of variety and very enjoyable.


Progress Report: Purple Study  I enjoyed building this little  11” X 11” piece.    The hand work class is still resonating with me.




JacketIMG_2274As   further proof of that the  handwork  classes  influence, I started altering this linen jacket this week.   I took out the shoulder pads and added a few patches of color.   I have even done a little hand stitching here as well.   I can see this is a long term project.

Black Capped Chickadee  I did some tread painting of Chickadees this week as I want to keep building  the free motion skills.




Earth –  WaterfallIMG_2271  I have not touched this piece in awhile but I got back to it this week.   I am building in the trees at this point.  The water over the rocks will come later.

IMG_2321Scrap Happy   I am assembling the rows through the backing and batting in a sew and flip fashion.   I will quilt over all of it later to add strength.

Rework FOX IMG_2317   I thought I was finished with this work a few weeks ago.   When I took it to the QuEGs meeting folks like the colors and the layout- but said it needed more quilting.   This is a case where  in my rush to finish I did not really look at the work to see it’s flaws.   It is easy to repair this one- I merely took off the sleeve and labels and pealed back the facings so I could add more machine quilting.   I am building up the new quilting in a diagonal pattern.



Daily Practice      The hand work continuers to fill in on this work.   I need to finish that step and then live with it a while to see if it needs any additional embellishment.   I am trying to allow for the looking stage.


IMG_2278 Southern Crows    The top I stared at the the retreat is all assembled now.   Pressing and basting need to come next so I can begin to quilt it.

Shredded  Color This is a close up  of the other piece that I started at the retreat.      I have plastic bags of  shredded yarn in color groups that I capture between the felted background and various colors of nylon net with free motions stitching.IMG_2318  It is an experiment and I am leaning lots.   I may or may not keep the piece as a whole unit.      Got to do the careful looking and living with it – but first I need to finish the work.


Label Card:   Beyond     In this crazy fast pasted world, it is difficult to look beyond our  next step or the next day.   I fear we are losing lots of joy and wisdom by not looking a little bit beyond the immediate  events.    So this card is to remind me to slow down and think about the future as well as the past.

Next Thursday is Thanksgiving so there will not be a post next week.    Enjoy your blessings.

Keep Creating,


Good News

Calling Crows 49″wX 34″h


This work is in the Quilts unlimited Show in Old Forge NY.  I got a letter in the mail this week that told me this work won a Judges Choice award.   I am delighted.

Other events happened this week as well.   Tanya came to visit and we talked of dyeing.  She is working with silk and experimentally dyeing with different materials.   I love the colors she   The big event was yesterday and it was my first meeting with the Sisterhood of the  Scissors.  It was a play day at Regina’s house.    Everyone just did their own thing. 





Wendy spent her time at the meeting working on shome stitchery.  Several gals worked on their weaving.

They both had handmade looms.   








one can see the image of her dog under this weaving.   It will be great.








Regina is mixing her indigo dyed doily and a rust dyed one.I dyed with shaving cream and put a few items into Regina’s Dye pot.  We had a good time and d to the next meeting.


Progress Report:   FOX  This work is 25.5” w X 4hhh.   I am finally finished with this work.    I used some of my hand dyed.

IMG_2051The modeled orange red here is that fabric.   The background with the greens is one of the fabrics I inherited from Ethel.   Her influence just keeps going in my life.IMG_2052

Wildfire-  I am now done with the free motion quilting on this piece.  It sure seems to give the work more of a flow  pattern across the surface.

IMG_2046Friends   I am done with the hand applique  and directive stitch work on this piece now.    The glasses are from my friend Mary and the copper belt buckle is  from my mom.   I now need  to purchase some additional stretcher bars as I did not mark the outer edge of the size and I filled the space allotted.    So I will purchase some 16” bars and finish this work.The wool is from Tanya and  the leaves from  Pam.   I got the buttons from a big tin from my friend Sally.    Folks are so very generous.






Daily Practice  IMG_2045  All  the fabric pieces are attached now and I am working on stitching to pull them together.

IMG_2054Felting    I went a little crazy when I got the felting machine out and did four bases.IMG_2056    IMG_2057Then I ordered more roving as I did not have as much blue as I wanted.IMG_2058

Birds   The felting lead me to do some machine drawing and the Blue Jay and the Killdeer are the result.   I will build a few more birds to

apply to the backgrounds.






New  Work   I started a new background using lots of my hand dyed stuff .

Creative Assistants    I watched a little football this week and built a few faces along the way.

IMG_2064Label Cards Thousand Words    I think this is a true and powerful statement. IMG_2066Feed Your Soul    For each and everyone of us that idea is unique.   Color, texture and exercise are some of the things that feed my soul- but I am sure that is not true of everyone.

Keep Creating


June Day trip



I love to do little short day trips in the summer.  This last week end I went with my daughter  to Sonnenburg Gardens  and to the Out Door Expo.  We had a good time an enjoyed the our excursion.There was a little animal show at the Expo and  this tortious  was one of the animals there.     His  textures are wonderful to my eye.     One needs to follow  ones interests as  you never know where they may lead.

IMG_1317Progress Report:  Ravens   I am redoing this piece with reflective quilting now.   The process is slow but the end results make for a better work.

Linda’s Luck    Working away on line quilting on this piece.   The  Progress is  time consuming.

Dad’s Barn   Being unsure of just what I want to do with this piece I am doing a lot of studying  at this point.

Persuasion IMG_1315 I am to the reflective step in quilting on this piece.












Daily Practice   I am just starting this new work.     I am stitching down little brass flowers that my friend Carol gave to me as my first step.

Collage   I am doing collage again and this is my work for this week.     I could not resist playing with these strong graphic patterns.

Cards: TrinketIMG_1309 It seems like my drawers fill with little trinkets of so many items from various sources.   One dose like to keep these tiny memory  things.


Dreams    Everyone is unique and all our dreams are too.    One has got to love the diversity!

Keep Creating


One  last picture of one of the orkids from the gardens.

Taking stock



We are beginning to enjoy the wonders of summer.   These poppies are in Susan’s garden and look wonderful.    This was the first full week of June and I had three meetings.   QuEG’s meant on Tuesday morning.  It was a small group but folks had lots to share.IMG_1191Linda  C  is working on a baby quilt for her niece.   Elephants are the nursery theme.  Liz is working on her transparency piece and it is looking good.   IMG_1199Sue Ellen is playing with her collection on non cotton fabrics. IMG_1192 And there is a row by row project in the works too.

I went from the meeting to Moravia and spent a wonderful afternoon working with Susan.  We then went off to the Diva meeting where more things were cooking. IMG_1207Donna has a new batch of mirrors that she has completed.  She sure knows how to use Fimo effectively.     IMG_1209Lori is creating portraits with her needle now.     Noel is doing portraits too- but with quilt a different bent.   Her fabric faces are stretch and very whimsical.

IMG_1216Yesterday I went off to the FAB meeting.  Judy and Patti are knitting like crazy and Sharon has finished her Relative quilt now.

Because of all these meetings I spent a lot of time in the car alone.   This plus sorting through work looking for a specific piece brought up some issues.     Susan wisely said of reworking pieces one is “playing with your younger self.”   What a grand way to look at the process of redoing works that do not quite make the grade.       Time away from work allows one to look with new eyes at the pieces and I often see things I wish I had done differently.    I can spot the problems in some cases too.   In my sorting and musing I have decided I will return to some works in the hope of making them stronger.

Progress Report: Perception Daily    This work is 30” w X 46” l.   It is a part of the text series .     One of the challenges that Liz and I made for our selves this year was to use some of the fabric that we hand dyed.   All the material except the dark turquoise fabric in the background is something that I altered.    IMG_1255   I did reflective quilting around all the words after I had raw edge appliqued down the words. IMG_1258

Daily Practice I   I finally stretched all the finished Daily Practice work  this week.   This piece is 18″ w X 24″ l. IMG_1238   The base of this one is a piece of fabric that was a wipe  up cloth at one of my print sessions last summer.   The lace is from grandmothers collection and I hand dyed it last summer as well.IMG_1239



Daily  Practice II       This piece is 16″ w X 18″ l.      The base for this work is several  trimmed tans that  looked good together.    IMG_1232  This piece has lots of buttons on it for textural contrast.IMG_1233


Daily Practice III      This work is 18″ w X 24″ l.   The purple background is a commercial fabric and all the other material added on top is some I have altered.   They are also scraps left over from other projects.    IMG_1247  I have always been fascinated by negative space and in using those negatives this way they become positive spaces.   Stitches and pompoms are the textural elements of this piece. IMG_1246

Daily Practice IV 














The  orange part  base of the  background isone of the  shibori projects Liz and I tried last summer.   The metal flowers are from Carol.

Rocky Shore I worked forward on Water – the class assignments this week.   The hand painted   sky and  water have been stitched down and the three different types of foam have also been applied.IMG_1227    One foam is made from Angelina, a second is florist plastic that was painted with opalescent paint and the third was a textured plastic ribbon that I ironed.     I will move on to the next element next week and finish all the elements at the end of the class.


IMG_1261Mulberry Memories    This work has become a problem for me.  I tried to put too much into the top for the size of the piece.     It has become impossible for the viewer to “read”.     Therefore I have decided to scarp this  particular  work and start again using the same ideas plus a few others and create two or perhaps  a  three units  to represent this time and geography  of my life.     We lived in this location for 5 years and there are lots of memories.

Ravens  I thought that this work was finished last week and I presented it as such.  But a  second study this week as convinced me that it needs more quilting.   The gals at QuEGs pushed this idea too.   So I am taking the time to make these additions.

IMG_1251Persuasion I have been busy doing pebble quilting on this  text piece.   I am ready to start reflective quilting on it now.

Dad’s Barn  I came across the orange and yellow base in one of my boxes from  Ethel.  I pinned it to the pin wall and it hung there for several weeks.  In thumbing through a sketchbook I came across of the old barn on Dad’s Farm and though I would like to do a work about that.  The two came together.  I also wanted to do some more thread painting  so I drew our some swallows on wash away and started them.IMG_1185   After the backs were done I added the chest and beaks.IMG_1187   I have learned that I do not need to do the legs as they are so slender that they do not hold up well after washing and they seldom are in the position I want so I add them when I put the work together.     The birds are washed and dried and ready for mounting on the image.  I need to decide how I am going to add one of them to the work now.




New Work IMG_1225I am trying to pay attention to shape and contrast with this work.  It is made up of mostly the cut-away’s  of several  older pieces.    Again my love of the negative spaces.

Label Cards Modern    I became weary of the word Modern when I was about 10.  I was helping Mom and Aunt Marci clean grandfather’s cabin.  We were taking  The books off the shelf sorting and dusting them.     I came a pone  one called “ Modern Science” and I flipped it open.  It revealed a drawing of  all of the parts of atom with the Neutrons, Protons and Electrons labeled.   Knowing there were more I decided to always  be wary of things labeled as “Modern”.

Self Knowledge     One develops an understanding that they are unique entities separate from others at a  young age.    But the real development of self acceptance takes years and for some never occurs.

Keep Crating Friends
