This week I seem to have finished up lots of things. Clearing the decks is always a good
thing in my mind. It is like the raking I have done this week to clear out the gardens for new growth. One needs to move on.
Yesterday Liz ands I went to “Sew What”, a recycle sewing supplies shop in Auburn NY . It felt great spending my money to up cycle materials that other sewers no longer needed. I know that as a society we are generating far too much material that can easily end up on land fills or polluting the water. That is really only a poor solution for our planet. This resel/recycle shop is so much better! Liz purchase two quilting hoops as they were so inexpensive and she did not know what would work best for her. She also sorted through there button bin to find some 50’s buttons to make a bracelet for herself. As you can see I made a bigger purchase- but it is all stuff that I can and will use. I used the pre wrapped bobbin thread today in my machine when I did the illustration for Childhood. They had a wide selection of sewing related materials, yarns and books. It is a good resource and I will donate to it as I sort through my studio and support it by stopping and purchasing materials that I will use in my work. We all need to take care of this world and recycling is one of the best ways we can all do our small part.
Pixies was the only group that meant this week. Susan challenged us to draw last week and these two are my answer to that.
The Woman is my Mom.
These are my favorite red shoes.
Progress Report: Coral Sea II This work is 16 X 18. I enjoyed embellishing this work. The fish are made from fancy ribbons so they will not fray.
Twilight Crows This work is 40″ X 48″. I cut all the stencils in the past and just used them together in a different arrangement this time. Most of the other fabric are altered as well.
Lap Quilt # 10 This work is 37″ X 51″. I so enjoy just putting fabrics together to create a new unit. I always seem to make extra filler and I am challenging myself to use that as the starting off point for then next one.

Scrap Happy. I finished this scrap happy this week. I plan to pass it on to my granddaughter.
Poppy Fields I was frustrated by this work and Liz suggested that I stamp on it to build up the contrast. I am much happier with it now. I plan to push forward now.
New base I built this base of all silks. It proved to be a challenge to get them all strait. I plan to use it for a base for my next leaf exploration piece.
Horsetails This quilt is a result of a dream I had this week. I have no idea where it came from, but I am enjoying the process. I have not tried couching poplr fleece before.
Daily Practice I am done stitching all the units down now and moving on to the background. I am about one forth done with that step on this section.
Stencils I cut and printed some new and stencils that I mixed with some other ones. A fun way to build more complexity in my work.

Childhood Memories – Sophomore Year II
I was always good at sports and loved the gym class that meant alternate days with the Health class. Indiana is a big basketball state and Muncie Central was a real sports power house .They had won the state Basketball championship several times and for two years in a row before I attended. I was looking forward to playing basketball in high school, so when the school morning announcement made no mention of girls basketball try-outs, Iwas baffled. After the second day announcement of boys try-outs, I went to the Principal’S office and asked. The Vice Principal told me that” We don’t do that, because its not “ Lady-Like”. When I asked Dad about this, because I knew he had coached girls ball, he just laughed. “ Carol,” Dad said, “ There is only one gym and if there is a girls team, that would cut the practice time for boys in half.” That realization made me quite angry. I also realized that the cards were stacked against me and there was little I could do. I sort of worked on the issue of girls sports with Miss Anderson and by the time I was a senior there was a girls Track team and I was on it. No threat to the boys with that sport. We had the hand me down uniforms from the boys team. I was the base for the relay team and we won several races. I do have one ribbon from that activity. I took synchronized S swimming at the YMCA as my fall Junior year physical ed class and joined that team. I was glad that having straight hair was popular as the class was just before lunch and my hair was dry by the time my first class started. There was no travel for the swimming team and we did only two performances . Despite the lack of outside support, I did have fun. I can still do all the fun moves we learned like the clam shell and star fish.
> Lunch was a full hour and I often at in the Cafeteria . Sometimes I spent some of my lunch hours playing Chess with the Chess Club that met in one corner of the big room. We were also allowed to leave campus at noon to eat in the community. I got in trouble financially with that in October . I went with a couple of other gals to the Woolworths counter and where we ate lunch. The cost of one Woolwoth lunch was more then a whole weeks work of lunch from the school lunch room. I should have realized early on – but the social aspect of it captured me. The last week of Oct I had only 15 cents in my pocket. Just enough to purchase milk at school at three cents a box for the week. So I stopped going to lunch with the “in crowd” and carried peanut butter sandwiches that week. I needed to learn that lesson. Being downtown also presented other temptations. There were three bookstores in the downtown area and I used them to purchase many paper back books. I know I spent money on every copy of an Edger Rice Burrows book I could find. Charm bracelets were all the rage at this time and I often checked out jewelry stores for charms for my self and gifts for friends Birthdays. My friend Ann’s parents owned a jewelry store there too. I did go several times and looked at charms there, but found they were just a little bit more expensive than the other stores, so they did not get much business from me. I still have my three bracelets that include charms from all the states I had lived in and some of my interests, another bracelet that is all gifts , and a third , witch was the last one I built and it is very eclectic with a small Opal, a cowboy, a part of scissors and a graduation hat , among other things.
Please take good care of yourselves
> Carol