Category Archives: Rough Cut

Working Away


Mother Nature is starting to paint our trees with color around where.      I love  the daily changes even though I know that raking will soon be a big part of my days.

It has been a very quiet week  for me  with only the Textile Talk yesterday and the Pixie meeting.

Tomorrow I depart for a five day quilt retreat so I have put a lot of time into preparing for that event.

Progress Report: Rough Cut     This work is 40″ w X 37.5″ t.     All the scissors are cut form wool this time.

  Some have frayed out  more than others.  And several just felted when I washed them.







Tropical Floor    This work is 27.5″w X 21″t.   I sure had a good time building this  project.   The fish are all free motion thread drawings on roving done with neon threads.



I am sure I will do even more of this work in the future.




Lap # 4        I now have four of these done.   I want to do a couple more before I drop them off at a nursing home.   These are always play events for me.






Lap #5   Yesterday I pinned out  out these blocks as starting points for the next lap project.



 Drawing   Now that Susan has reminded me how much I like to draw I am   trying to put that idea back into my routine.






Line Shirt      I saw a shirt for $179.0 in a catalogue this week and I love it.    But not the price. So I decided to try something similar myself.  I had also come across a new technique were on stitched across a squire to give the stitch some texture. So I am trying that on this project too.



Cut and Print       I took the Gelli Prints form last week and printed  scissors on top .  Angela suggested that one could make stencils with Tyvek, so I tried that too.   I was trying to work out a new Scissors project -but the print that is pinned to the left just dose not work for me.     At m\least not with the prints.   So I will try to work the piece out at the retreat.

Roundies     I realized I had not done any hand applique in a while , so got busy and tried my hand at a little of it.  I am pleased with these little guys.   I will keep playing until I run out of gas on this  one.



Enjoy the changing season and keep Creating


Cooler Days


I am experiencing the cooler days and nights that come with fall.   It is raining here today too, so all I want to do is cruel up with a book.

It has been a quiet week.   Victoria, Liz and I did go to Angelia’s house a play in her studio one day.    We were doing a second day of Gelli Plate printing fun.  She showed us how she printed these  colorful cards. 


I spent the time printing on fabric for a new Scissors quilt.


I did the Textile Talk this  week and  Zoomed with the Pixies too.

Progress Report:  Scrap Happy   I finished this queen sized quilt for my daughter this week.   I still have enough squares to make a second so I did the row line up work for that  and I am working on a new backing.

Rough Cut  I am quilting away on this scissors piece now .  The wool is fraying out like I had hoped too.   I m sure I will finish it soon.






Tropical Floor   I can see the end of this project too.  I sure enjoyed doing the bead work here.   The piece has lots of textures  that I love.






Lap #4 series 2   I cut the 2.5″ and 4.5″ filler strips yesterday .  I will sew them together and then begin the building of this  project.





Drawings    I did a drawing of my last  Geranium blossoms this week .   I hope I can keep it going over the winter tis year.




Sometimes it is difficult to stop drawing when I get started.

Keep Creating


Sky Light


We have a sky light in our bathroom  and this morning when I was there , I saw a squirrel  on  top of  the space.  He stopped to check his front paw and I admired at his soft white fur in contrast with his black feet.   He did not stay long and my eye then moved to the branches of the oak above.  It has grown from a small finger sized twig that we planted over thirty years ago to a wonderful tall full tree that nearly crossed that sky light that in near the center of the back of the house.    That thought lead me to think of the many trees that we have planted in our yard  over our long lives here.  We have so many now that a vegetable garden is impossible.  I did have one in the back for many years and the tomatoes were so plentiful, I had  to give them away to the neighbors.   Over time I have traded that for hours of shade and lots of raking.   I love the trees so I would not trade any of them and the squirrel that they attract.

Last Saturday was the Flinger Lakes Fiber Artist meeting and although we were a small group, folks had lots to share.

Victoria has finished her box project and it is wonderful.







Anne is still   working with her challenge piece, and  making progress.




Maureen dusted off her  watercolor paintings shills .




And because it was there I had to take a third look at the wonderful show at the Schweinfurth.    It is so powerful!

There was the opening of the Assiated Artist show on Sunday and I was handed a nice prized along with the promise  of s solo show in June.



 Sharon, Victoria and I meant to do some planning for the La Moyne show  in Jan .      Sharon is working on this piece to be a part of that event.





The Sisterhood of the Scissors and  the Pixies had on line meetings as well.

Progress Report: Stream Bed     This piece is 24″ wild X 20″ t.  I finally decided what way was up  on this piece and added the wire to the back.     I sure enjoy ding these  hand pieces and  I pulled out the stuff to start another this morning.



These works really play to my strong interest in textures.




Rough Cut    I have moved on to the next scissors project.  I sure hope the wool frays a lot when I wash it so there is even more texture here.



Tropical Floor     I did the free motion drawing on the roving and Angelina to create the fish and stitched them down.   The sea weed is made from some of the dyed wipes I did earlier this year.



Scrap Happy    I am doing the hand stitching on the binding of this work now.  I am sure I will finish it  this week.





Lap quilt   I got this work all assembled this week and  I am working on the quilting here.






 Drawing     I did this  with ball point pen, my favorite  tool.     Susan of the Pixies challenged  us to draw plants.     Not sure what I will try next.





Take good care of yourself.
