This is the time of year when it seems like I am just inching forward. I keep being pulled in so many directions, I’ll just load the dishwasher, and then go to the studio. Or I open a drawer and decide it needs to be cleaned out, and then I’ll go to the studio. So when I get to the studio I see I need to put away the remainders from the last project and I need to write that Thank you note… on and on it goes and the day it done and I have not done any real studio work. I will admit that I did a trunk show for The Thumbstall Quilt Guild on Tuesday night and that did take a lot of prep time. I related quilting like learning how to read. You learn the letters( how to cut the shapes) then how to make words( making blocks). The next step is reading books( like putting the quilt together). Hopefully the Librarian shows one that there are many different categories of books: Like mysteries, romances, plays, comedies, poetry and nature text to mention a few. I related the different types of books to the many different techniques one can use to create quilts. I think they enjoyed the narrative as well as the work. I still need to put the quilts away in there proper groupings so I can find them the next time I am called upon to do a quilt talk. I also went to the Associated Artists Group this week and made it to both FAD and Pixies. In between that the battery in my car died so when I feel like I have done little or nothing this week, I need to remind myself that there were lots of distortions along with the laundry, shoveling and …
One other little note, the purple sweatshirt jacket that was too small for me fit Judy perfectly, so I set it home with her.
Progress Report: Scarp Happy I got this piece all put together this week. The machine step of the binding is in process now too. I’m working on the hand step of that process. Then I will need to do additional quilting to complete the job.
Tide Pool I attached the punch needle work and I am in the middle of adding the yarn puffs now. Still lots to do here, but I am enjoying the process.
Lap quilt I started this new lap quilt this week. When I look at this I realized the California fires are effecting me subconsciously
New fire I did indeed start a new fire piece with one of my last pieces of Judy Roberts fabrics for my base. It is basted now and I will start the fabric collage work on top this week.
Collage/Drawing In my on line class, Cass challenged us to mix drawing with our collage work. I can see it is a lot more challenging than I expected . In my own analogous, I think I need to keep the collage a bit simpler. But making mistakes is a part of the learning process.
Keep Moving