Category Archives: Aplique

Spring is Here


Spring has arrived according to the calendar as well as the longer sun filled days.   I saw more geese migrating north this week as well as these Snowdrops.   The temperature around here is still doing crazy things, but the longer days really helps one’s mood.

I have only had one day at home this week.

I helped take down the Both Ends of the Rainbow show at the Schweinfurth on Monday.    We worked hard and cleared and packed all three west galleries.







The yesterday I help Noel do more  packing of her studio space.  She generously gave me  lots of beads.   I will not need to shop for beads anywhere except my closet for a long time .

I also went to the  zoom meetings for Sisterhood of the Scissors and Pixies this week.   There was also a FAD meeting were I got so great  feedback and suggestions on some of my work.

Progress Report: Judy’s Banquet  This work is 40″w X 55″ t.   I made it all from the silk dress of Judy’s mom.     It was a pleasant  to work with the silk and it did not slide around much when I zig zagged it down.








Lap 6-25  I got busy and this is a new top that is pin basted an ready to quilt.  I took seven lap quilts to the nursing home this week as well.




Stencils- Robins and Black Capped Chickadees

The chickadees are  done with oil sticks .   The robins are  stenciled with acrylic paint.   I did another print day this week and  there are now enough robins for a quilt.

Oxymorons Challenge-  Plastic Silverware.   The fabric is all  stitched down now.   I am ready to add highlights.  I also drilled wholes in the plastic silverware  I want to add on top.





Red Tide    I am finally ready to start a new handwork tide piece.  I will be using some of the red beads beads that Noel gave me in this one.




Pillows    My friend Marilyn gave me the handwoven fabrics for these two pillows last fall.   I finally finished them this week.


My life is full and I have many friends that make it more joyful and rich.

Keep Creating



December is Here


Time seems to be flying and I am busy with events of the season.   This week I had three  of Zoom  meetings.   The QuEG’s and Diva’s meant on Tue and Wed the Pixies had there weekly meeting.  It is good to stay connected.

Progress Report: Hands Off   I put in a bit of time on this work this week and now all the hand work has been done.   I will now quilt in the hands themselves and complete the project.

Lap #20 and 21      I started Lap # 21 this week.  I did not have any polar fleece to use as the middle layer for Lap # 20, so that top is waiting for attention.  I did get the fleece yesterday and I will start the completion  process soon on Lap#20.




Split   I started this work at the Sisterhood retreat.   It was intended to be my response to the workshop that I could not attend.   I cut and applied the top layer this week.      I have sense learned that this was not the direction that the teacher was trying to teach and I will soon be ready to try her approach.   Now I need to decide if there should be a layer on top of the textured brown one.       I have learned a bit doing things my own way none the less.

Rocky Tide Pool    I finished my hand work on this project this week and it is now off at the framers to be completed.



Wreath  We had a bumper crop of beautiful pine cones from our White Pines this year.  Eric and I collected three big shopping  bags full of cones.  I passed one onto Sharon and I am now making my own wreath for the front door.

 Ethel Scrap blocks   I have been making 9.5″ blocks from groups of four for a while.  When I finished using all the Ethel scraps , pulse some of my own, and had made the all into the big squares I put them into rows of 10.  It takes a dozen rows to make a quilt top.   Pictured here you see five packs of 12 rows each.   So now I will begin to make backs for these last five quilts I will make to honor my friend Ethel Whittemore!

Food Story: Eating Out

When I was 10, Dad was the High School principal in Carroll, Iowa. One of the things did then and for all the years he was a principal was attend the state Principal’s Convention. It was held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving in Des Moines. The city was only a little bit of a detour on our way back from spending the holiday in Morning Sun so the whole family went. While Dad was off at this meetings, Mom, Gene and I would spend the day shopping. One of the big events of that day was picking out a special new ornament for the Christmas tree. The one I recall the most was an orange Santa with a white fur beard and a lot of glitter. His other special feature was the fact that he could be split apart just above the belt and Mom always filled the open space with a special foil rapped candy. Gene, selected an air plane that opened up too.
At the end of Dad’s meetings and before we headed for home, we went to Bishop’s Buffett for dinner. It was a real special event as we did not go out for meals. I remember sliding my tray along on the metal bars and Mom helping me select what I wanted to have for dinner. There was always a special dessert island too were Gene and I loaded up on the sugar treats there too. It was wonderful. But the part I looked forward too was when the waitress came around with Balloons at the end. The balloons had Bishops’ Buffett printed on them and then had cardboard feet so they would stand up. Gene and I would bounce them on our hands. It was perfect ending to a tiring day.

These food related stories are a part of a challenge that Susan suggested.

I hope the days a head are full of joy for everyone.

Keep Creating


What I See


I just had cataract surgery on my left eye yesterday and that has alerted me to how our eyes effect what I see.   Through the eye with the new lens things seem clearer and more blue that the yellow brown that I now see through the right one.  It makes for a bit of a fuzzy mix at the moment.    I have not has the reaction that one of my fellow artists talked about.  She found that she hated the color combinations for some of her past work.  So far that has not been the case with me.   The body seems to be adapting.  It is an amazing machine!

This week I made it to the Sisterhood of the Scissors and the Pixie’s Zoom meetings.  Both were enjoyable .  I also made a trip to the Cabin Fever Quilt show were I had three pieces.    This is an old work that is hand appliqued  that I did for my Dad.   It is double bet sized  and I had pulled it for my solo show to start with,  but found it was far too big.


Sharon was demonstrating on the day I went to visit.


It was fun to watch her cut each branch and then place it before fuzzing it down.     She then machine stitches over the work too.





This is an example of a finished work.




I am following the SAQA  Materials Matter series and this week it was on Wool.  That got me fired up to do a little felting.

It is always good to have places to do handwork.




The  SAQA  100 Day Challenge got attention too.   I cut new stamps  and printed one set.




I realized I was  getting tired of printing on white so I pulled some different old work and printed on top of it  for some of  these.





Then I selected two from this purple/yellow group to be the jumping off place for the next little project.






I even got some of them cut yesterday.







Progress Report: Understanding  Orange   I am  only putting in about an hour a day on the  hand stitching so it is slow going.


Purple Imaginings   I finished assembling the top of this work  and it is pin based now.  I have not decided how I will quilt this yet so it is just waiting.





Creative Assistants    I finished off  16 more of these little guys this week.  There are only 15 in the shot because the last one would not fit on the box top.   There are lots of others in various stages too.

 Rework Project     In my fooling around this week  I decided to add some new surface design to this quilted piece. I had removed the old stuff a few weeks ago.   It is started, but as many things I am not sure were to go from this point, so I will let it set for a while.


Keep your eyes open and stay safe




Hurricane Ian


The hurricanes that have hit the country the last few weeks have raised my concern for my fellow Americans.   So many of my friends live there  and there is  family too.   It is hard to face such destruction from nature .  The water and wind sure makes one humble.   I did talk yesterday with the Pixies who live in Gulfport Florida. Robert was staying in the area and the other two had both evacuated.  My sincere wished go out to all who suffered any loss and I hope you are all back to balance as fast as possible.

For me here in central New York, I am still feeling very positive as I received my award from the Art show on Sunday.   I was delighted by the support I received from my quilting friends too.

The Schweinfurth asked that artists contribute a small work to be raffled to help support the institution, so I started a new piece called “A Little Action.”    I now remember why I only did one work a day and it is a bit tedious.



FAD meant at Nancy’s on Wed.  It was good to see all of them  and Nancy shared her wonderful new piece.   I think it looks great!





Progress Report: Wall of Fire    I built up the fire portion of this work this week.  I  think I am nearing completion.


Lap 4 This work is all ready to be quilting now.    I am always surprised at how fast the pin basting goes.






Lap 5   I had extra time in the studio on Monday so I started a new lap quilt.






Hand out  This work is done now.  I will give Ginny first choice on the one of the four that she wants  sense she gave me the wool coverlet that the hand units were cut from.




Consider   I finished the hand work on this piece this week.   Now all three works are complete.








The other two works in the series are




.and Consider.    They are all the same size  and use complementary colors.   I am going to put them in the Associated Artist show at May Memorial for the month of Oct.



Blue Water   I have now placed and zig- zagged down the top half of all of the fish in this work.   It is building nicely I think.


Koi in the Kelp After consulting with Jane Durawall, I changed the orientation of this  piece and added kelp.   I like the feel of the action much more  and the extra layers of depth it now has too.

Rework -Coy Pond    Again after feeling a bit unhappy with this work I got some critique from Jane.  She had several suggestion that I liked and I finally decided to cut away the brown background and mount the whole interlocking fish unit on a new background of blue and yellow.    I am about half way done cutting away the background now  and think it will be a lot stronger when it is complete.

Three Witches   I had to wait on a friend in the parking lot while she had an in office procedure done today.  So I worked on the right side of the face this morning.  I think it beginning to feel solid.

New Handwork for Slow Stitch    I finished this work early in the week .





Then I had an idea for a second  textural piece so I did this work this week too. Texture is my real love so I guess this is natural for me.






Handwork     This work is part of the leftover fused fabric pieces that I started a few weeks ago. Sense I finished the “hand series”, I  pulled up this work and started it late last evening.

Again my thoughts are for the Hurricane victims.






Rolling Along


This week was a good one for me.  I had lots of social stuff over the week end, and great studio time this week. The Pixies and Creative Strength Training went forward as well.  I am re reading the Creative Strength Training book that Jane wrote and I had too.  I am following the exercises she recommends and I started a little self challenge to do a bunch of Expanded Squares.    In keeping with the ideas of using what you have I cut my squares out of some dark gray paper that I had. 


Too  easy to  put  off   doing the exercise when one does not have exactly what is  required.



I also put in a day in the studio with my Grandson Nick on Sunday.   He designed and printed the shirt  for one of his friends.

We  spent the rest of the day designing and starting a back pack in the form of a fox.     Without  a pattern it took a lot of thought and we got about half done we ran out of gas on that project.  It was great fun though.

Progress Report:    Ponder   I  worked on all three of the pieces in this group.  This one is now done with the quilting and the binding has been completed.  I need to do some hand work in the solid colored areas to hold them down.   Contemplation is at that same point.  I need to finish the binding on  Consider and add a sleeve there too.

Lap Quilt  I stared and completed this top this week. I intend to send it to my Uncle in Iowa in the fall when it is done.






Golden Leaves   This work got its start at QBL this summer.  I am now ready to begin stitching the parts down.



Three Witches  – Samantha   I worked mostly on this second witch this week.    I am mixing the weight  of the thread just like I would do if I was drawing and adding more or less pressure.   I like how it is developing.




 Coy Pond    I started this project before I went off to QBL and it got buried.  I uncovered it this week and went to work . 











All the coy fish are made of at least three  parts and many have four. I think it needs about 10 more fish for me to be happy with the numbers.   But in looking at it  I realized that everything is of the same value .   That dose not make for a good work so I will build a new background this week  and hope I can fix the problem to my satisfaction.


Reaching ( hand project 3)   I was given a wonderful old  hand worked wool blanket that was falling to shreds.  My friend Ginny  said do what ever you want with it.  I am trying to save the good parts and make tributes to the hand work of women in the past.  I made two works using parts of the blanket  for Creative Stitch Club and I had  a few new ideas so I am moving forward with them now.



Hand Out( hand project 4)   This is the other idea.  I have only laid out the back ground at this point.     I sure have lots of hand work to do this week.

I hope you are enjoying the summer and keeping creative



Summer is Here


  Summer solstice was Tue and now we are officially into the  summer season.   That also seems to mean more and more out side activates.    I found I did not have much time in the studio this week and next week looks the same.  The yard gets more attention for one thing and I love it.  I have lots of flowers blooming and the world is full  of greens.    I have also been to lots of picknicks lately.  We had a big Birthday party on Sat and we will have a second family event in two weeks to celebrate the July birthdays.

I did attend a FAD meeting this week and got some help with a few works that I had questions about as well as enjoying the socialization.   The Pixies had a video meeting on Wed and we had a good time sharing our works.  The project for the Textile Artist Stich club is coming along.   I am starting to really fill in the spaces now.

I also put in some time on the second hand piece.   I tried to create a totally different feel for the hand surround.



My other activity this week was to start summer dyeing with Liz.   We spent one day checking and cleaning out old dyes  and one day dyeing.   I am in the wash out step now.

Progress Report:  Dancing This work is  31.5″ w X 39.5″ h.    I started this work at my friend Sharron’s a few weeks ago.   All the figures are hand drawn from photos of ballet dancers.



This close up is of the big figures hands on the  right side of the quilt.

I enjoyed the process, but at this time I do not  have any ideas of new directions to follow.

Against the Wind   I am now in the process of building a  free piecing background for the birds of this project.   It takes a lot of looking and thinking to do  this, almost more then doing the birds.

New Work   I got a new book last week  that  is  authored  by  an  artist  I have  long  admired.   Irene Roderick has had many works in Quilts =Art=Quilts so I have had the opportunity to study her work, but the book sure makes it easier to follow her thinking.    I  now  in the process of doing some of  the exercises she suggests.    They are techniques I am familiar with, but my goal is different this time. 










College Memories Spring 1969

March was the beginning of spring term and Eric and I decided to get married at the end of the quarter. So it was a whirl wind of activity for both of us. He would be graduating at the end of summer school, and I would take classes and then only have my student teaching to complete my degree. My most rigorous class that term was Comparative Religions. I did not know a thing about Hinduism, Buddhism or Islam, so I learned a lot. The class I enjoyed the most was Sound and Light, a class designed especially for Art and Music majors. There were lots of experiments and the teacher explained things well. I got an A in that one. My three art classes were Sculpture II and two night classes. Tuesday was Nude Drawing. We started out each evening with short two- and three-minute drawings. The posing time expanded gradually ending with and hour and a half at the end of the evening. I filled several big news print pads and they are still in my portfolio. My other night class was Ceramics III, on Thursday. That class was lots of exploring of mixing glazes, so I did lots of throwing that term to have work to experiment on. It was fun. With Eric around it was back to lots of movies. I remember seeing Flower Drum Song and really liking it as I had listened to Mom’s record for years. Among the other movies we watched on campus were Chalk Garden , Gypsy, East of Eden and Friendly Persuasion. We went downtown to see the big his of that spring, Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet. Bill Cosby also entertained us that spring in Emens Auditorium. We had seats in the second row and enjoyed ourselves very much.

I spent a lot of time at home that term sewing. First I made my wedding dress. It was white full length silk with woven diamond pattern in organza on top. I then made two bride’s maid’s dresses, a blue and white stripe with little flowers woven into the blue. They were for Ellie and Margaret. Last I made a little white dress in the same weave pattern for Kelly, who was to be my flower girl. Eric’s youngest brother, Scott, was the ring barer and he wore a suit like Eric. Dean would be the best man accompanied by Gene. Larry spent the spring transcribing “What is a Youth” from the Romeo and Juliet record album, as there was no sheet music available yet. Later, Larry would it at the ceremony while a fellow music major accompanied him on the piano. There were so many preparations and details to attend to I felt like I was always moving. We tried to keep the costs down and I do remember thinking that $70.00 for flowers see like a huge sum. I did have a wedding portrait taken and it appeared in the paper. We wanted to have the wedding ceremony in the Unitarian-Universalist Church–it had such a glorious setting with a glass wall that looked out into a green wood behind the front of the sanctuary. Eric and I had to attend several marriage counseling sessions with Dr. Kelly, too. It must have taken, as we celebrated anniversary number 53 on June 7 this year (2022). Finals arrived and were taken, the last being June 4–three days before the wedding. All the family was there, of course. Dad had set up for all of my extended family to stay at one of the conference centers that Ball State owned near by. Eric’s father opted for the local Holiday Inn for his half of the family. Eric and I had decided to rent the upstairs apartment from Mom and Pappa Mayor for the summer and I moved in after the final exam. We had our rehearsal and it went well. Afterward, Bob, Eric’s dad took us all to dinner.

Keep Creating ,


February Fun


I enjoyed Valentines day and my husband gave me this beautiful bunch of flowers.     I hope yours had some color too.

This week has been a week with lots of events.  On Friday I went to The SUNY Campus at Oswego with Sharon and Liz and we went to two art shows.  One was student work  and this sculpture was on that I found very intriguing.





I had  Three  Zoom Meeting s this week  Saturday was with the Finger Lakes Fiber Artists Group. Wednesday was the Pixie Meeting and then Thursday was the Sisterhood of the Scissors meeting.  It is good to see and talk my fellow creators.    There was one meeting in person and the was the FAD group.   Sharon shared a new work she is exploring.


After the meeting Sharon and I went up the hill to Onondaga Community College to look at the Scholastic Art winners.  She and I had both  been judges for this competition in early January.  It was very stimulating as the Jr High and High School students work was wonderful.





Progress Report:  Child Dancing   This work is now done and it is W3543 X 294.       It is my tribute to Paul Klee.





Lap Quilt # 6    I am now ready to layer and quilt this piece.







Lap Quilt #7   I have pulled the fabrics for the next lap quilt too.




Cowl # 23   I just keep playing with the yarn from Joyce and making these fun pieces.  I will pass them out at the retreat in the fall.






 Handwork  I am finished with this work now and it is stretched.   This is my work for the Textile Artists Stitch Club work were one made  sequins  by ironing the lining of a cereal box with objects trapped between the layers.  I need to complete the addition of the black fabric to the back  now.

Daily Practice   I got back to doing my daily practice this week.   This is my 12th piece of stitched fabric.



Action   I am adding the contrasting hand work to this project   every evening during the news.



I got a little confused and there are two illustrations for  this memory.

 Memories: College Life-Ending of Spring Quarter 1967

Things were going well with Eric during spring term too. We went canoeing several times and although it was a new sport for Eric he was quickly sitting in the back and controlling our movements. We both enjoyed the theater and went to several Drama Department events. We saw Playboy of the Western World, The Odd Couple and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf. We also went to The Mexican Folklore Ballet at Emens Auditorium where we came across Steve Coomer again for the first time. He just stop dead, looked us over, turned in the opposite direction, and walked away. We just exchanged smiles. Our next big event was a trip to South Bend one Sunday for lunch with his family. Larry and Fred Zamparelli, from Long Island, and one of their other house mates went along with us. I got to meet two of Eric’s three brothers, Mark and Scott, and his folks. I was nervous but it is was a very pleasant time. Eric’s dad cooked the meal and it was very good. So the fact that Eric now cooks most of our meals should be no surprise. Eric told me on the way home his Dad really liked me. “Why” I asked ? “ Dad wanted a girl when I was born and I am the oldest,” he said.

Eric helped me though my struggles with my term paper that quarter too. In the end he even typed the paper for me. He quickly learned I could not spell at all. His typing of the paper was one of the best presents I got on my nineteenth birthday. The paper was due that day. Eric took me to dinner for my Birthday, too, and then to the a movie. We made an excursion to Indianapolis one Saturday so I could meet Eric’s Grandmother Butterworth. She was a thin, beautiful, white-haired lady with lots of energy and style. I really liked her and we hit it off. She was an bookkeeper for United Van Lines and very independent.

Being nineteen is still a very emotional time and in early May I learned of the death of my friend John in Viet Nam. He was the only person I knew who had gone from high school into the Army. He was the second son and knew his older brother would inherit the farm, so he knew that serving in the armed services, was really his only option. I know he was planning on going to school when service was over. I wrote three very long emotional pages in my journal about him and his death. Even now thinking about it makes me a bit sad.

As the quarter ended, I was worried about how summer would affect my relationship with Eric. I was sad when he had to go home at the end of finals. There was a bit of good news to look forward to, however, as Grandmother Butterworth had invited both Eric and me to go to the Indianapolis 500 with her. In 1967 Memorial Day was still celebrated on May 30 and that fell on a Tuesday that year. Before I caught and I rode the bus to Indianapolis on Monday, my grades came in the mail. I got four Bs. One in Introduction to Teaching, one in Ceramics, one in Swimming, and one in Literature and Composition. I know I would not have done so well in the English class with our Eric’s help. I also got an A in Design class and I was thrilled.

Stay Safe and Keep Creating


January Joys



This work Sun Skies 24” X 35”,  along with thirty of my other experimental pieces was hung in the gallery at May Memorial on Genesee St yesterday.   That is why I did not do the post.   I spent all day on Wed preparing for that hanging by pressing, making labels and  fixing my hanging units to work in that space.   I really like more than a week to prepare for a show and that was all I had this time.   IMG_2551  One does need to take the opportunities when they arise .      This work is Ice Crystal Forming.

Progress Report: Totem Fox This work is 20” X 27”.   It is my solution to the Totem Challenge by the Sisterhood of the Scissors.   I tried to keep the color range limited like the native Americans do with their totems and at  the same time make the work my own. IMG_2582I feel like I did so with this machine appliqued work.    I found all the hand quilting to be very calming during all the rush of the holidays too. IMG_2583


Rocky Shore- Elements Series I This work is 15.5” X 19” and the first in the Elements Series.    I was following the online class instructions and although the body of the work was done long ago I did not get to the finishing section until last week.   I faced the first one that I finished Gathering Storm  as she suggested.  This one I used the small binding method but could not do the sheer ribbon technique that she suggested because I did not have the materials. IMG_2561 I will apply the technique to a later work. IMG_2562




 Forest Fire- Elements Series 3  This work is 17”X 21”.   With this one the finishing was to be done with a binding that changes color as it went around the quilt.  I  think in this case that was a strong idea as having an orange strip at the top of this work surely would have limited it. IMG_2565I enjoyed using Angelina for the spark in the fire and  the painted organza too.IMG_2566 There is a little silk paper in this work as well.


Waterfall- Elements Series 4  This work is 18.5” X 22”.  It too has Angelina and silk paper in it.    The big tree on the left is made with yarn, bits of fabric and nylon netting.   Some of the smaller stones where made with squeeze paint on fabric- one of the lesson’s from the class.IMG_2570 The  finishing   of this work includes a  binding with  a beaded element for a bit more sparkle .IMG_2571  I learned some new tricks to apply to my collections of effects and I am glad I did all the projects.

Jeanne’s Quilt IMG_2552 I just keep adding to this work and it keeps growing.  I hope to get to the  side this week and then only the flaps will remain

Forest Flock    All the little red and gray birds are finished for this project.  I have drawing and started the blue and gray ones as well.  ( they are at the bottom)

IMG_25583X3 Challenge   Now that I have finished the Totem project I am ready to move onto this challenge.   The rules include making nine little quilts that go together into a bigger piece that is 3X3.   All the blocks need to contain some black and white as well.   I have decided to make my blocks 20”X20” and use this black and white print.    This will change with time but I think those elements are set.

IMG_2554Knitting  Because I have not gotten far enough along on the 3X3 challenge and I have no other hand work I knitted as my hand project this week.


Label Cards: Dream   I had to use this Fortune  Cookie  as it made me laugh.  Dreams do not need to be big ones, but they can grow.  It is most important that one dream.






 Hope , like laugher and honey is a comedy that we need more of  in this world.

Keep Creating


End of year


I had to add this photo of my grandson’s creation for his mother for Christmas.   I am so very proud of his creative welded  work.

We are reaching the end of 2018 and reflection on all that has transpired over the course of the year seems to be apart of that ending.   I have had a wonderful year with lots of shows and lots of creative work.  I continue to be healthy and the ideas keep flowing out of my brain while the fingers do the work.      My New Years wish for you is that you too will find new beginnings and joy at every turn.

Progress Report:   Gathering Storm This work is part of the elements series from Corrine’s online class book.   I have done all the palmary work and I am now doing the finishing up of the four works  as the instructor suggests. IMG_2498I have learned a lot as I have follow the instructions.  It has revived my interest in Angelina too.IMG_2499

Cockleburs/Noogooras  I thought that this work was done last week, but upon further reflection I realized that it was not quilted enough with just stitch in the ditch work.  So I added more steams in machine drawing.  They add the quilting to make itIMG_2515avoid sagging and a quiet interest.   Do that however meant I had to re-square the work so it has become a bit smaller as well.   IMG_2514I am happier with it now.


Meadowlark  This work is 12” X 12” and it too has a felted base with machine drawing on top.    I really like this process and can see more works in this style down the road. IMG_2506  There is a bit of recycling in this piece too.    The fence post is made from some of the leftovers of the rock piece that became   Rain Puddle.  I added brown nylon netting on top to quiet it down a little too.   IMG_2507  I made the barb wire from yarn as it frayed like the little spikes on the wire does.

Waterfall  After adding batting  and backing I am now stitching down the parts and quilting at the same time.   I’ll finish this like Gathering Storm as it too is from the Elements class.

Forest FlockIMG_2455  I built this quiet background this week.  I am making thread painted birds to add in on the top.    I will create  felted  trees to add yet another layer of depth to the work.   This will be the biggest work that I have done using the thread drawing as a part of the process.

IMG_2508  These are some of the birds.  There are two shades of gray and red threads on them.  They need black beaks, eyes and feet to be complete.   That will be my next action.

SandpipersIMG_2519 I also did the research and some palimony drawings for the next machine drawing  bird piece this week.   After doing all the solo birds I want to do groups for a piece or two

Jeanne’s quilt   This work got about an hour’s worth of work every day that I went to the studio this week.   Some rows even got connected to the ones next to them as they got completed.












Totem Fox   I am done with the quilting and I am adding the facings to this work now.  I think I will have it finished by tomorrow.  I have enjoyed this project.


IMG_2510 Collections V  This piece did not get much attention this week.   I am still collecting things that I think go together  here.   But now that Totem Fox is done I will need some hand work.

Label Cards: Rework    The new beginnings of the season  even became a part of this challenge this week.    At the same time I do not think one can leave the past behind so using some parts of an old project to build upon was a natural way to move forward for me.

The  Thing IMG_2484The future is like opening a door when you do not know what you will find.    What is” the thing “that is in your future  that will change everything that follows.   We can only move forward doing the best with what lies a head.

IMG_2486Another Thing  At the same time I can not think that good things are out there too.

Enjoy the holidays and ay your heart be full of joy.

Keep Creating


Everson Show


The big event in my life this week was the opening of the Everson show: (Re)Generate.   It is a show of women’s work from  gals all over 60 years old.  I was invited to participate and this is my Wildfire piece that is there.   The show is up until Jan 15.   I am very happy to be a part of this show along with so many friends.     The other event this week was a FAB meeting.  We went to Nancy’s new home.  It is wonderful with great views and splendid rooms.   In the basement there is a wonderful old pool table and some very old billiard   balls.BillardsI could not resist this colorful shot.

Progress Report: Noogoora/Cockleburs   All the parts are attached now and I have even done additional quilting in the form of more branches to fill in.  I will add the facing and finish it this week I hope.

Totem Fox IMG_2452I continue to do the quilting on this piece.   I am just about half way done with that step now.

Waterfall   I added the painted dryer sheet for the water fall yesterday and a bit of silk paper.   I will now free motions quilt it all down.











Meadowlark IMG_2444 All the base machine drawing is done now and I am ready to wash out the stabilizer.   Then on to the  felted  base.

Jeanne’s Project    I keep building away on this project.   It is slow because,  I audition a piece of fabric, look and then decide if it should be stitched on.     The if it works I stitch and move on to the next row.   I think she will be happy when it is complete.

IMG_2451Collection VI    I started a new work in this series this week.   There is not a lot on the surface yet but the building is part of the fun of these projects.

Cards: Inspire Be aware and open to the world around you.

IMG_2438 We never Know      One never knows what will spark a new direction or work.

I hope the holidays bring you joy and delight.

Keep Crating
