I enjoyed Valentines day and my husband gave me this beautiful bunch of flowers. I hope yours had some color too.
This week has been a week with lots of events. On Friday I went to The SUNY Campus at Oswego with Sharon and Liz and we went to two art shows.
One was student work and this sculpture was on that I found very intriguing.
I had Three Zoom Meeting s this week Saturday was with the Finger Lakes Fiber Artists Group. Wednesday was the Pixie Meeting and then Thursday was the Sisterhood of the Scissors meeting. It is good to see and talk my fellow creators.
There was one meeting in person and the was the FAD group. Sharon shared a new work she is exploring.
After the meeting Sharon and I went up the hill to Onondaga Community College to look at the Scholastic Art winners. She and I had both been judges for this competition in early January. It was very stimulating as the Jr High and High School students work was wonderful.
Progress Report: Child Dancing This work is now done and it is W3543 X 294. It is my tribute to Paul Klee.
Lap Quilt # 6 I am now ready to layer and quilt this piece.
Lap Quilt #7 I have pulled the fabrics for the next lap quilt too.
Cowl # 23 I just keep playing with the yarn from Joyce and making these fun pieces. I will pass them out at the retreat in the fall.
Handwork I am finished with this work now and it is stretched. This is my work for the Textile Artists Stitch Club work were one made sequins by ironing the lining of a cereal box with objects trapped between the layers. I need to complete the addition of the black fabric to the back now.
Daily Practice I got back to doing my daily practice this week. This is my 12th piece of stitched fabric.

Action I am adding the contrasting hand work to this project every evening during the news.
I got a little confused and there are two illustrations for this memory.
Memories: College Life-Ending of Spring Quarter 1967
Things were going well with Eric during spring term too. We went canoeing several times and although it was a new sport for Eric he was quickly sitting in the back and controlling our movements. We both enjoyed the theater and went to several Drama Department events. We saw Playboy of the Western World, The Odd Couple and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf. We also went to The Mexican Folklore Ballet at Emens Auditorium where we came across Steve Coomer again for the first time. He just stop dead, looked us over, turned in the opposite direction, and walked away. We just exchanged smiles. Our next big event was a trip to South Bend one Sunday for lunch with his family. Larry and Fred Zamparelli, from Long Island, and one of their other house mates went along with us. I got to meet two of Eric’s three brothers, Mark and Scott, and his folks. I was nervous but it is was a very pleasant time. Eric’s dad cooked the meal and it was very good. So the fact that Eric now cooks most of our meals should be no surprise. Eric told me on the way home his Dad really liked me. “Why” I asked ? “ Dad wanted a girl when I was born and I am the oldest,” he said.
Eric helped me though my struggles with my term paper that quarter too. In the end he even typed the paper for me. He quickly learned I could not spell at all. His typing of the paper was one of the best presents I got on my nineteenth birthday. The paper was due that day. Eric took me to dinner for my Birthday, too, and then to the a movie. We made an excursion to Indianapolis one Saturday so I could meet Eric’s Grandmother Butterworth. She was a thin, beautiful, white-haired lady with lots of energy and style. I really liked her and we hit it off. She was an bookkeeper for United Van Lines and very independent.
Being nineteen is still a very emotional time and in early May I learned of the death of my friend John in Viet Nam. He was the only person I knew who had gone from high school into the Army. He was the second son and knew his older brother would inherit the farm, so he knew that serving in the armed services, was really his only option. I know he was planning on going to school when service was over. I wrote three very long emotional pages in my journal about him and his death. Even now thinking about it makes me a bit sad.
As the quarter ended, I was worried about how summer would affect my relationship with Eric. I was sad when he had to go home at the end of finals. There was a bit of good news to look forward to, however, as Grandmother Butterworth had invited both Eric and me to go to the Indianapolis 500 with her. In 1967 Memorial Day was still celebrated on May 30 and that fell on a Tuesday that year. Before I caught and I rode the bus to Indianapolis on Monday, my grades came in the mail. I got four Bs. One in Introduction to Teaching, one in Ceramics, one in Swimming, and one in Literature and Composition. I know I would not have done so well in the English class with our Eric’s help. I also got an A in Design class and I was thrilled.

Stay Safe and Keep Creating