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Iron Quilter/Idaho

   Thursday Oct 27, 2011

Oct 1 was the day that I participated in Iron quilter.   This is a challenge were you work for six hours and go from nothing to a finished quilt with selected theme, a sleeve and binding the allotted time.

This is the set up before the six hours of work began.

My sewing table with fabric all over the place

This is how it looked after two hours when I came back from lunch.  I started to work assembling at a fever pace at this time.     I felt a little rude to the folks who came along and talked to me as I could/ did not look up and see their faces as I stitched along.   I had all the parts put together with an two hours to go.  Then I stared quilt drawing.  I heard the announcement that I was the first to start that step.  Keep your head ti the grind stone!




close up of machine drawn bare tree

I hurried to the end of the process and felt like the quilt really needed more quilting- but the time was up.   So I pinned it to the board and breathed.  I was impressed with the wide range of work that was created in such a short time by my fellow quilters.  Then as I tided up my space the judges made their decisions.




Much to my surprise I won the Viewer’s Choice Award!  What an honor! Close up of the finished quilt for the Iron Quilter competition









The major reason there has been no entries for the early part of this mouth is the fact that I have been traveling for the last  two weeks.  I had a wonderful trip to Idaho and enjoyed the time I spent with my friend Marty.   In two week a couple of gals like us can really get into trouble.       We visited the mountains and I took tons of photos.  Our visit to the big Cedar area was amazing.  I get so inspired by the textures and colors of it all.   The size and age of the trees made me stop and think about time in a long slow flow process as opposed to the frantic rush our time seems to demand.

Close up of textured limbI loved all the textures!





It was so peaceful an enjoyable.Moss and leaf on the forest floor

Photo of painted shoes toes upThen we painted tennis shoe. .  It took two days to create all the texture that finally






painted shoes- toes left


When I wear these I really feel lighter in my step.  So joyful!


We went to visit one on Marty’s friends and had a great time.  Getting three creative minds like ours together and we created a bit of a challenge for our each other.  There are only five “rules”.

  1. Three colors- crimson, dark turquoise  and blue green
  2. You cannot change the geography of the color( we will each arrange the colors as we see fit and pin them down before shipping- Nov 6)
  3. One side needs to be irregular
  4. The final size of the three quilts will be 18”X24”
  5.  If you want to  try something -“Do It”


The process now has a title- DMC project.    So now I need to get my fabrics.   They are Crimson, Dark Turquoise and Blue Green.     We all selected one.  I have done a bit of shopping – but I am not happy with the color choices yet.   It is exciting to be on this new path for me.

Then getting home after being away always means lots of catch up to do.

Class this week with Leslie was on Creative Block.  The creation of work has never been a problem for me.  I love the process and look for every opportunity to keep at the creating process.  It is the “Championing of the work” has been and continues to be the challenge.   So I will work away on that part of the equation.

Progress Report:  Curling Coils is done now.   I like the flow of the work.


 full shot of the finished quiltX’s and O’s will be the first thing that I work on when I get the Blog done this morning.

I did put pin backs on five of the Spirit Dolls this week.

They are so much fun to make even though they do take a long time.

  Blue and green tyvek beads with glossThe Tyveck beads got hit with the heat gun. I have mixed feeling about them.  I tried heating the felt too- but that really did not do much at all.  So I sprinkled the 1inch felt squares with sequins and Angelina.  I love the glitz but I do not see where I will use them.


Talking Totems

I finished the quilting on this work this week and I got the facing done as well.  It is all ready for the world.  I enjoyed using the rubbing plate that I had created two summers ago.  Susan’s encouragement really helped me with that project.   The machine drawing of similar heads was also a fun thing for me.   I like to make the lines come to life!

I worked on one more piece this week- Wampum. 

white quilt with bead work on topIt has lots of hand quilting and I have been slowly doing that part of it over several mouths.   It is good to have it completed.  I do happily have a home for that work.  I will give the finished quilt back to the gal who gave me the beaded sections.  They mean so much more to her than me.  I see them only as texture and she has memories of wearing them.  It will be a good match.

The Egyptians is now finished.   I like how it came out and feel that it needs a second unit to complete the idea.   I will have to work on that idea…

Keep Creating




Fall Beginnings Thus Sept 22, 2011

It is a bit gray out of doors today with a gentle rain falling. Real good sleeping weather- but I am not going to do that today. My plate is full of run around stuff including the first fall meeting of Thus Morning Tea Cups- a little group of quilting gals getting together to work and talk. Most of us were off at Mill Site Lake for the week end. Judy a member was so very kind to invite us all up to her cabin for the weekend. It is wonderful to get away and work with” like minded”, folks for two and a half days. We ate, laughed, shared stories and all worked on our various projects. We walked a lot both in and out of the woods and went out on the water. It was so inspiring and calming at the same time. I do love going up for this event. This almost yearly event is one I associate with the real beginning of fall because we usually do it the first weekend after school begins. We were a little late this year but the association remains in my mind.

The class with Leslie was as inspiring this week as last. I am still working away on the home work. I am finding it hard to decide what I really want and being specific about that. Dreaming is good- but I need to focus in and be totally directed to get to the goal and deciding on what goal to pursue first is proving to be a challenge for me. I will try to make a choice and visualize the idea totally today when I take me walk. I am finding that if I put a specific time on something I seem to get it done.

I am going to need to do follow up today on things. I have not herd back for the Drama folks about the show and I have not received my post cards yet. Both are things I was hoping to have in place by this time.

I have also learned that even though I know that I want to have more pictures for this blog- It is a new habit and I am not real good at it yet. I need to be more aware of my processes so I can take pictures as I go along and have them to post. I did not do so hot in that area this week so I will put a renewed effort into paying attention to that detail. And I will go back this morning and shoot additional stuff to supplement.


Progress Report:

Oranges and pinks, circles and quartered circles on the background

The quilt X’s&O’s is coming along. I am enjoying doing the hand applique- but it is slow. I took it along on the Mill Site trip and discovered that I could only add three circles in about an hour. I also discovered that I did not like the fabric that I used on the back showing. (It’s white) So I am using permeate markers on the back edges of each shape before I put in on the top. Sometimes I get to have two colors on the backs too so I am enjoying the process. I have one of the X’s appliqued and I am working on the second. It is slow but the effect is so worth it.

Turquoise, blue, purple velour coiling image on pale turquoise gray

Curling Coils got attention this week. I have finished the quilting and added the facings to all four sides. I started to stitch down the smaller of the two coils last evening. This will just take time.

For the trip up to Mill Site I pulled out other hand work too and carried along the bag full of odds and ends that I am using for faces for my Spirit Dolls. My mini goal is to do ten of the little doll pins every mouth. I had a lot of prepared body units to begin with.

Three fabric stripped dolls with found object faces

Nancy really was fascinated by the process and she laid out several faces for me while I stitch then together. Yesterday I did the machine work were I added hair and arms to the body when I stitched on the backs. Now to turn, stuff, and stitch the pin back on them and they will be complete. I will take that project to Tea Cups this morning and work on that project as it is all packed.

There is one other project that I worked on too. It is also a part of the Orange Challenge. This one stretches the idea with the addition of both green and black in the field. It is mostly a reflection of the colors of the trees as they head toward fall. I used leaves as the subject the free motion drawings for the bigger blocks. I really like how that looks too. By using variegated thread sometimes the edges disappear and that makes me think of how the leaves decompose.

Machine drawn leaf with varigated thread on black

I used the trees from the yard- Oak, Maple and Dogwood. The machine step of the facings is complete and now I need to move onto the hand step. I need to also come up with a title for this work.


Keep Creating

