All posts by admin

Sports Lines


I am still thinking about lines and although this is a shot of tire lines  I think it shows one way we see them and do not really realize they are a part of our lives.   When I made my list of line types I was surprised by how many were  related to sports.     Almost all sporting events have a starting line  or beginning line and finish line.   In Basketball there are center lines,  free throw lines,  foul lines, boarder lines, side lines.  Foot ball has some of these lines and adds yard lines, front lines, boundry lines  and line men.  In auto racing you add fuel lines, break lines and checkered lines.  Other lines in sports include kite lines, trap lines, bow lines  and in horse racing you blood lines.  I am sure there are lots of othersIMG_2501_thumb.jpg I have not though of too and perhaps I am getting to the point were the lines have different meanings- but line is a very useful tool in art and sport. I went and spent a day playing with Cheri last week.  She had some wonderful felted work to share with us.         Colleen worked on this IMG_2504_thumb.jpgbarclet for the day.  It is more than half done now and I like the colors.  Cheri worked on this wonderful spider. IMG_2505_thumb.jpg Look at the scissors near the top of the photo to get the scale of how large this project is . I spent my day working on my entries for 6X6 for the Rochester Contemporary Art Center fund raiser.       Check out the web sight and see the work for sale at  $20  for each one IMG_2506_thumb.jpgor even better send them one of your own little 6″ X ^” creations and join the fun. 




Progress Report: RusticIMG_2520_thumb.jpg Rambles IIMG_2518.jpg and Rustic Rambles II   This is the first of the works  new stretch series that I am doing.   I wanted to try my collage technique on a stretch surface so I an enter it in a art show that IMG_2527_thumb.jpgis specifically asking for stretched works.  I like the effect. There is no batting but I have not been using  batting in most of my foundations works for over a year.   This work also includes paper that I have done wax resits on.     I used the same machine drawing  work I have been developing for the last year. IMG_2522IMG_2523IMG_2524IMG_2525  These two works are a set and flow into one another when they are hung with that in mind. IMG_2526  

Circuits    This project is completed now and is 20″ X 30″IMG_2513.jpg







 This was a fun project to work on in the evenings while I did machine work onIMG_2515_thumb.jpg Scrap Happy’s during the day time.

I started this with the orange stamped shapes.  I used the errasor  end of a pencil for the stamp.   When the paint was dry I stated to connect the  rowsIMG_2517_thumb.jpg of dots together like the welds on a circuit board.     I added the orange beads as I tough they were needed to make the idea feel complete.  The stitching and beading became more and more complex  as I went along.   I am very happy with the final results.IMG_2516_thumb.jpg





Scrap Happy # 4   I am still working away on these scrap quilts and finishing them as time allows. IMG_2547 IMG_2546  Scrap Happy #5   I gave one away yesterday to the Prevention  Net Work.  It is an organizations that helps direct high school kids away from drugs.  I have starts for two more and then I will set this work aside for a while.

New works    I am still strugglingIMG_2550_thumb.jpg with how I want to finish this piece.  But yesterday I looked at it and though of my trip to Canyon De Chilly again and think I will try to push it in that direction. This is another experiment I am trying.  It really falls into my Graffiti  play stuff so I am  IMG_2548_thumb.jpgnot sure at all were it is going.  But when I give my self the Okay to play some good stuff can come out of that.

I will be away next week so there will be no post   March 5.

Keep Creating


Happy Chinese New Year of the Goat/ Ram

IMG_2475_thumb.jpg Hello,

Here in upstate New York we are deep in snow.   The gate is 24″ off the ground and you can hardly see the top of it in this shot.

Today is the first day of the new year of the Goat/Ram if you  celebrate the Chinese system.  Lots of fire crackers, dragon dancing and paper money will be part of the goings on in many places today.   The Goat is the fifth in the symbol system.  Folks who are 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 this year are also part of the goat clan.   Goat people are said to be calm, gentle, creative , honest, thoughtful, persevering and frank.    This sounds like a good group to me.

IMG_2481   I spent one day this week visiting with my friend Cheri.  We took a little time to visit the Art Center where her piece had won a first place in the art show that is up  there now.   She also did someIMG_2479_thumb.jpgwork with stenciled pieces she did last summer.   I spent my morning doing IMG_2480_thumb.jpgcollage work and came out with about four pieces that I think I am finished with.

I spent a lot of time in the studio this week too.  It has been so snowy and cold it is hard to feel like moving around too much.

Progress Report:IMG_2492.jpgSpring Song    I started this work last week.   I feel like the free motion work adds more definition to the piece.  I like how the finished work looks.  I think I will not build my next piece onIMG_2494 - CopyIMG_2495 - CopyIMG_2496 - Copy wool felt as the felting process stretches the felt too much and I can not get this to be as flat as I want it to be.  I will work on woven wool or cotton next time.  I am sure I learn lots of stuff from my mistakes.

Pebble Pile    I was  finished with this work  from  last week too.  It is done now.

IMG_2498  IIMG_2499_thumb.jpg like how the three dimensional felted units work with the flat ones.  Both projects in felting were  a good growing experiences for me.  I will try it again sooner next time.

Nail CastingsIMG_2489  I am only showing a detail of this work this week. There are so very many hand stitches  I do not know !    But I sure like trying new ones.  How the stitches interact with one another is also  enjoyable.   Line  patters are a part of my self  challenge for this year and this project is filling that bill.

Circuits   I am nowIMG_2491_thumb.jpg now done with the machine quilting on this piece and I am adding the boarders.  I am sure I will complete it in a day or two as I only need to do the facings and the sleeve now.

IMG_2484_thumb.jpg Return   I think I know were want to go with this work  now.  I am going to build some ruins on top of the background that I started a few weeks ago.   It will come together this week I hope.

New work   I started a new piece yesterday in the collage style that the rocks wereIMG_2485_thumb.jpg constructed alone.  This time I stared with the  multi/red fabric  that is in the center.   It is only in the pin up stage now and will change a lot before I begin to sew.   I just wanted to try not basing a project on any special images this time.    It is a different kind of challenge for me.    I am trying our one more new thing.  This time I am building the project on canvas instead of buckram.   I will keep folks posted as to the success or failure of this.

Keep Creating


Valentines Day


IMG_2436 Hello,

I have finished and sent my Valentines Day Cards.  The making is the best part of the whole event from my point of view.   It is always a fun excuse to get out the paper and play with it.   I do not care if I get any response from doing these- the joy of making is all I really want anyway.

This week has been a full one for me as they all seem to be.IMG_2439I went to visit my friend Ethel and we spent a fine day playing with felting.  I do enjoy the process and do not take time to do that very often.  I started out making a background for the pebble like  felted units that I made  on the  play day at the Blue Moon in the fall. IMG_2471   Ethel suggested that I slice the units in half to add to the surface.  I really like that idea and would not have even thought of doing that without IMG_2465_thumb.jpgmy play time with her.    Another point of view is always a good thing.       After lunch I tried a whole new picture like image in felt.  What fun.  I ran out of energy and time before I completed it, but I am sure I will finish the bird and flowers later.

IMG_2441  Ethel created this wonderful felted bag.  I love the soft colors and the button she found is just perfect for its job here.   It was a fun and productive day.   We have set a date to do something similar next month.

IMG_2456.jpgProgress Report:   Rustic Rampaging I  & II  I wanted to enter a art completion were all the work had to be mounted and framed so I did a set of pieces that would fit into that format.  I thought why not try stretching my work on a frame like one does canvas for a painting.    The first piece show here is Rustic Rampaging II – and it is not stretched.    It is ready for that step as I did the two works at the same time, but I did not have a canvas so I could not do that step until I went out and got the materials.  IMG_2470 This is Rustic Rampaging I. The process is  is all experimenting  so I am learning things.   For example -the next time I will make the piece just  a bit bigger as I like how the side were I could rap the project all the way around to the back much better then  were I just had to attached it to the side.

IMG_2464Circuits   I am finally finished with the  hand stitching on this project.   It was enjoyable,, but a slow process.  Now I need to add it to the quilt top.  That portion  will be a piecing project for this week.

Paint Play   When Cris WinterIMG_2463_thumb.jpg came to visit a few weeks ago she gave me a little gift that was work on canvas and I really liked the look.  So I did a little playing in a similar style this week.  It too will get stretched around a frame when I am done with some hand work on the surface.

IMG_2461Old work Revisited   I finally looked again at this work I had started last spring.   This time I saw a way to go forward with it.  The red on the side is added and now I will work on the embellishment to pull the work together.   Sometimes one has to just set work aside for a while and look at it again later with fresh eyes.

Keep Creating


How to create your own Minion


New 2015 093

I enjoyed creating these little fellows and I want to share how  I did it.   New-2015-018.jpg

Here is the pattern on quarter inch paper so you can see the size of the pattern parts.   I will add the size of the units as  I use them.

1. Cut four  yellow body parts.  ( that is two and a half inches on the bottom and at 3 inches from the bottom edge begin a gradual taper to a point  5 and 1/4” from the bottom – try to keep it rounded.  If you want a taller minion add to the strait sides of the minion.

New 2015 0352.  Leave one part plain( this will be the back.    Stitch hair on two of the units if you want the Minion to have hair.   Cut the goggles( see the pattern- they look like an eight on its side)   On the last side  glue the  goggle eyes behind the goggles and then stitch around the eyes.   Follow this with a mouth.

3.  Now carefully stich New 2015 037he units together doing one side to the back and one side to the front and then stitching the  two units together.  If you want stick up hair add it when you do the seaming.   Turn

New 2015 0384. Lightly stuff the top of the body.  Now take a narrow strip of gray felt and stitch it around the head to create the goggle band.

5. Take two of the pipe cleanersNew 2015 039  and fold the first in half cut in the center.  Fold this pipe cleaner in half. This will become the center finger of the hand.   Then fold the second piece of  pipe cleaner in half- then fold up about a 1/2” and then down again  This creates a “M”  shape  that needs  to  wrap  around the remaining section of the pipe cleaner toward the cut  end.  Take one of the yellow felt rectangles that is  1” X  1 3/4” and rap it around the pipe cleaners and stitch it closed with yellow thread. ( repeat step 5 to do a second arm)

New 2015 0406.  Position one arm in the center of the left side of the body  about 1/2” below the goggle band and stitch it to the body.     Repeat for the right side of the minion.

7. Take the pocket andNew 2015 066 stich  a “G” in the center of the black diamond that will then be stitched to the center of the pocket.   The pocket with the “G” then gets stitched to the  pants unit.   I  trim away about 1/3” New 2015 065 from the pants unit to create the “bib”  and begin to attach the pocket.    Using a running stitch I work around the pocket and start across the bib stitching the pans to the body as I go.

New 2015 0678.  At the corner I stop and add the suspenders with a small button on top.  I continue stitching the pants to the body  around  to the back.

9.  The suspender needsNew 2015 071New 2015 072 to be pinned in place if you want them to cross.  The second suspender needs to be pinned on the front and on the back and stitched down when it is reached.   I overlap the front and back and then trim.   Continue to the running stitch around to the front of the minion and bury the thread on the inside when the circuit is complete.

10.   Stitch closed the backNew 2015 074 of the pants  with blue thread and star to add the blue base circle to the minion.    Do  not stitch too far around the circle.

New 2015 04211.  Legs  are made with  a the pipe cleaner each.     Fold in   half  and make a small foot at the end.    Using one of the two black rectangles that is 1”  X 2” warp the unit around the leg above the fold and stitch to the  pipe cleaner and end.   Do the same to New-2015-043.jpgthe second leg.   Then stitch the blue unit to the top of the leg in the same manner.

New-2015-079.jpg12.  The toe of the boot is made form the arched black felt .  One side of the bottom of the arch is tacked to the heel and then wrapped around the pipe cleaner toe.   stich the unit togetherNew 2015 080 tucking the top in over the toe and back.

New 2015 08213.    Add a bit more stuffing and start to stitch around the bottom of the Minion.    The legs are then stitched to the front of the body unit below the suspenders as one reaches that point on the circle.   Keep stuffing as you work forward so that it is full enough to set flat and hold its shape.

The materials list:

1.  one sheet of yellow, blue, black and gray  felt( about .29 cents each  at Michaels)

2.  Three black pipe cleansers

3. goggle eyes

4. small buttons

5. embroidery thread  black and blue

6 Batting to stuff the minion with

Equipment: scissors,  needles and a sewing machine is nice- but the parts can all be connected by hand




I mentioned at the last post that I had selected my word for this year and it was line.  I have been thinking about that on my walks this week and I have compiled a list of over ninety ideas that are connected with that word.    IMG_2401 Then I sub divided the line types into categories and I will write about the different types for a few weeks.   I will start with line in relationship to  art.

When I was teaching I would have my sixth graders do a line exercise where they would first draw one line from the left side to the right that changed direction somewhat but did not cross itself.  Then they were asked to change the color they were using and add a IMG_2402second line parallel to the first that was of a different type.  It could be  a wavy line , or a loopy line  or a thick line,  or a thin line,  or a dotted line, or a broken line, or a sharp line, or a zig-zag line, or a blurred line, or one that expanded and contracted.   I am sure I gave them lots of choices and they would keep building until the page was full.  The results  were always successful and beautiful.  IMG_2403    It was a good way to introduce the concept to them.    But there are more ways that line is apart of art then just types.    There are all the lines that are a special part of perspective  for example.    Like sight lines, ruled lines, horizon lines, vanishing lines, diverging lines,  and vertical lines.  There are also lines that are just part of the IMG_2404objects in the pictures like roof lines, and tree lines and power lines.      Lines are so powerful in art.  They are everywhere.   Lines can be found  in the art  and are created  with  the materials that we use : like drawn lines,  sketched lines,  paint lines, drip lines, scratched lines, texture lines , shading lines, connecting lines, out lines, shadow lines, crease lines  and edge lines.    This topic will require more study.

IMG_2413 This week QuEG’s meant and everyone had stuff to show.  Sally has been busy  with embroidery machine and she made these lovely place matts using a patriotic theme.  She also did a bit of Valentine work for her grand daughters.IMG_2414

This card has a thread constructed heart that can be removed and worn as a necklace.  I think it is wonderful and so delicate.  I have learned to really appreciate  her great work – it is always so very lovely.IMG_2415

IMG_2420Barb is working away on her cut away project.  She is also doing free motion machine work for the quilting portion of this one.

Liz had two Valentine related projects for us to look at. The first is this wonderful “cookie” pin.  I may just have to keep this idea in mind for next year.   IMG_2418

Her second work is a combination of red work embroidery and  piecing.IMG_2421   The embroidery was done by Jean Tracy and Liz did the boarders.  A great bit of team work.   It just makes me smile!

IMG_2429Progress Report:   Dry Falls Lichens     This quilt is based on a portion of a photo I took on a trip with Marty to see the Dry Falls National Monument in Washington State.         I just  loved the high contrast between the lichens and the rock. IMG_2432

IMG_2433   Some of the lichens were dead and they had returned to a gray color,  but retained there textures.   There were bright orangeIMG_2435 lichens on this same rock- but they were too much for this piece.    There were some dark blue gray lichens too .  It was fascinating to me.

IMG_2427 No title for this work yet.  I thought I was creating a background for a stump that I created last week with Cris- but I do not think this works to support that idea any more.  It will just need to be studied  for a bit.

Nail Casings   I picked up the white plastic cast off holders from a nail gun while I was out on a walk earlier this fall.   They have been pinned to the bulletin IMG_2426board for a while and finally I started to embroider them down.     ( the very light areas on this image are from the sun shine coming into the studio  this morning)

IMG_2425 Circuits  I have been adding chain stitches and  beads to this work for a while.   It is developing in a nice fashion.  I am enjoying the way  it is growing without having a real strong plan in mind.

New Work  I am reallyIMG_2423 playing with this piece.  I  started pulling fabric that I though worked together and just started laying in down and stitching it together.   It is fun and I may just cut it up when it is done, because I need some small works for the 6″x 6″ challenge.   Time will tell.

Keep Creating


My word for 2015


??????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????   Hello,

I try to choose a word to concentrate on every year and in doing that I find I pay more attention to my actions.  Last year I selected EXPLOIT.  I tried to make the most of  every experience and situation I encountered.   I do not know how one measures the success or failure of such a venture- but it did make me try to use each day/event to its fullest.  It has almost become second nature with me now.  It is time to focus on a new  word/concept.   I have been thinking about the idea for the better part of January and I have decided to think/concentrate on an art concept this year.    I have selected LINE as my focus word/idea for  2015.  I will now make a sign for myself to help keep it in sight and focus on it.    Look for some thoughts on this topic next week.

I have had a good week.  Cris Winter came and we had a great Nancy's mountiansplay day.  We made  Fused Silk Papers.  It was fun to play with her as she had lots of different ideas about how to use the silk  paper.   I would not have inserted the plastic ribbon into the surface without her suggestion.  ( the red building has the plastic ribbon in it)   I also played a bit more with the shape due to her influence.  It is good to explore and try new  stuff I think.

Nancy has made great progress  on her quilt .  I really love how she has developed  the mountains.  I am so proud of her.

Gallery ShotThis shot is of the Inside Out show at the Manillus  public library.    By friend Barbara belongs to the group- that is her work on the left and she invited me- my work on the right.  It is a fun show with lots of different types of work in it.


FAB meant thisPatti's  Card  Weaving week too.  Patti is doing card weaving and creating a great tree pattern with the cards.  ( the figures are the back of her project)    I never learned how to do this process, but I remember my mother doing it when I was a child.





Progress Report: Scrap Happy # 3   Now the third one in this groupingNew Scrap Happy #3 is complete.  I have parts set for three more so these will keep popping up for a while.  As I said before I sure love the new open space on my shelves because of doing this project.




Creative Assistants  Creative Assistants   I finished a new batch of these little pin fellows this week.    They are just fun and I enjoy the process.  About 30 more have faces and will need to be completed this week.

New work


New  Work This work is not getting much attention while I am working on the Creative Assistants because it is ready for the hand work and I have been putting all my efforts into the pins.   I can see the end of that project so this one will get my efforts soon.  I am trying to decide what color I want the thread work to be at the moment.

I hope you are keeping warm.

Keep Creating



Machine and clutterHello,

This week as been a full one.  I went to play day /work shops sort of things two day this week.  I printed with shaving cream at Turquoise street studio and now have a new pile of fabric to play with.  Then I went off to Marla a Figerative Art event were we all worked for the day on our own projects.  This shot is of the clutter on my table were I worked on my Creative Assistants all day long.    Marla showed these wonderful doll heads at lunch that day.  She will be  teaching her water color painting  techniques at Artist Doll and Teddy Bear Convention in Philly   at the end of April.   Check our her blog at :      Its wonderful!     I am still struggling with the  new program so I do not have all the images I want to share but I have some.    I thought I

Caramelized  26" X 33" $300.00
26″ X 33″

had it conquered yesterday- but the new things I wanted to add this morning are not going anywhere.   I will keep at it.

Progress Report:  Caramelized    I enjoyed working on this project.  I really used lots of different materializes on this one.  There is fused silk paper of course. Some fabric that I printed last year.  Close up #2   The light  orange pattern on the rust fabric shown here  with the gold silk on top.    I like the silk screen I used here so much I used it again this week in blues on a turquoise  background.



Close up # 1??? The last technique  is   some painted tyveck that I placed between two sheets of parchment paper and melted with a hot iron.    I like how one   is never sure how it will melt and bubble.     There is also a little of silk Komona  that I got from Ginny in this work.


Scarp Happy 1???????????????????????????????

Way back in early  December  my big  sewing machine was out for repair.  So I got out Grandmother  Butter’s Feather weight.  With that I sewed up all my scarps and now I am  putting them together.   I use a sort of Roman strip for my block ( look in the tutorials to see the full process)  This one with the blue centers if the first.

 Scrap Happy 2 Scrap Happy #2 for  2015

This one with black and white patterned centers alternating with yellow and cream is the second.  I am working on the  next three using different colored centers and they will appear as I finish them.


Dry Falls LichensDry Falls Lichens I am to the fun part of this work now.  I am adding the lichens .  They are created by layering felt on the bottom with velvet on top and then a layer of nylon net on top of that.  With this sandwich pinned together I free motion circular patterns on top of all of it to bind it together.  I really enjoy doing this  step.

 New workNEW WORK  I made this simple layout for yet another bit of hand work.  I found some wonderful plastic shapes that I want to add to the surface by hand so this will serve as my base.

Keep Creating and I will keep struggling with the program.



Why there have been no Posts

??SnowHello Faithful Followers,

I have not had access to the computer for a while.  The screen went black and we had to send it out to be repaired- twice to get everything back in running order.  We still lost some stuff.  Good thing it is on the back up hard drive.     Now my second problem is I lost the program that I was using to perpear pictures for the this blog.  It has been a real  challenge for me to learn a new way of doing that step.    The holidays also mean lots of travel and family activities for me so I doSilk paper with Ethel not have a lot of work to share.  I feel like I am getting going again as I went to visit my friend Ethel yesterday and we made Fused Silk Paper.  I have been working with moss, lichens and trees lately so I concentrated on playing with greens with the silk.   I feel like I have a good selection of colors now.



I did finish all the Minions and gave most of them away.  But I did stop in the process long enough to take photos with every step along the way so I will put up a tutorial on that in the next few days.

Map YellowstoneProgress Report:  Memorie Map -Yellowstone

When I was seven my Father worked for the National Park Service in Yellowstone National Park.  It was a glories time for a kid with lots of freedom and wonders to see and explore.  Every weekend we went some were and had some sort of adventure or another.

Memi Map Close up 1One adventure was a fishing trip were all the ranges at the base took all the kids fishing.  This close up shows  Gene and I with our cut throat trout.  We really feasted that night as there was no electricity  and the fish had to be eaten that day.

Map- Lupin

One of my other memories of Yellowstone was the lupin.  They were so beautiful and seemed to grow just every were.  This last close up is of Dad’s shoulder patch that was on his uniform.    He was Map badguea guard at the South Gate Ranger station  that wonderful summer.






Sounds Like the Blues
Sounds Like the Blues

 Sounds Like the Blues  

This work go  got a lot of attention when it comes to hand work.  I had fun using lots of different types of threads and such to the surface of this pieces as well as the leftover silk pieces.



Circuit Board Sircut board     Now that I am done with one bit of hand work I had to start a new one.  I hand stamped some orange circles on a white background and started connecting them together with hand stitches.  I added the beads because it looked so simple.   I am having fun doing all this chain stitching.

Dry Falls Lichens   Dry Falls Lichens  I am working on yet another Foundations piece.  This one is based on a photo I took at Dry falls of the Lichens growing on one of the stone guard rail units.  I liked all the variations  in the colors on the plan gray stone,

Keep Creating



Snow Time

-snow-treesHello -from the snowy north…….

I think the snow has stopped  falling and sense I took this shot yesterday I know there is lots more snow out there- but this does give one the idea.    If I was still teaching- I would have used the fall to teach tree branch  forms  by giving the students gray paper and only black and white crayons.   They kids always did wonderful work when they were directed to slow down and look  at their world with a careful eye.    The slow down part is so important when it comes to snow- It quiets the world a bit too.


I went down to the Turquoise Moon studio and spent as day playing with collage this week.  I seem to collect lots of cool images and do not take the time to work on them when I am home.  It takes a play Ginnyday like this one to remind me of the joy that I get from doing “paper work”.

Ginny wanted help making a bag for her Grand Daughter for Christmas.  So she came with her goods and we did the job yesterday afternoon.  The bag is for all the Fairy stuff Ginny had collected to give her for dress up.  It was fun.

Progress Report: cutting  Scrap Bag     I  still do not have my big sewing machine and I continue to use Garma Butterworth’s old Feather Weight.     I  have finally finished assembling the scraps from the scarp bag however.  So I started cutting them into 2.5″ strips.   I made the mistake of working on that step too long – 2 hours and my arm and index finger really paid the price for that excess.     That happened last Friday and I still feel a twinge of pain when I press too hard with the finger.   I am limiting myself to cutting only ten sections into the strips before I stop now.    I never really knew my habit of only doing one thing/ project  for about an hour was a good plan- I just thought of it as an extension of my teaching where I only had did one class  for 45min before I had a new bunch of students and usually a new grade level to deal with.  Now I see the benefit of not working too long at any one thing.   I will Bluesstill get the  cutting and assembly job done- it will just be a bit more slowly.     That is OK too as I am building these quilts to give away and there is no deadline.     I did decide to purchase a new sewing machine however as I do have a deadline for the wedding quilt.  The machine – a Berna B 350 will  come tomorrow or Sat.  I am excited about getting back into free motion work.

 Sounds like the Blues   I am still doing hand work on this piece.  I also started  a knitting  project too  so progress on this hand work  is slow. 

Minion  Minion  The other thing I just started was this Minion.   I think they are so silly and they always make me laugh- so here goes me attempt.  I am sure there are patterns out there- but I will muddle along.    I am sure I would not go this route if I had a free motion machine- so I will count  this as one of the unexpected blessings of only being able to sew treestrait stitches with a machine.

My holiday wish for all of you is- may you find joy in the challenges you face.

Keep Creating




Clean Up


In the process of returning all my quilts to their normal storage spots I noticed how much orange I use in my work.  Then on further consideration I realized that it tends to appear more in the work I do in the fall when I see more orange and brown as the leaves change color here.    But now my world has become very muted and almost  mono chromatic.  prints  That was espically true today when the sky was gray and trees were black against it .  The leaves on the ground tended toward brows, and tans with a little rust there.  I will try to take note as to the color choices I Angelamake in the studio in the next few weeks.   I spent Tuesday with the  QuEG’s folks and we played with the Gelli plates.  Several of the gals had never done it before.  After a quick demo- the paint started flying and we all produced lots of colorful prints.

Folks did show and tell too of course.

Angela showed off her “10 Min Wonder ” table runners.  It really only took 10 min to put together she says and she is set to make lots.Corinne had been to the Red

Corinne Thread Retreat and she was excited by the experience too.   She came home with a box full of treasures.  Mostly in book forms this time.  It was a good day.

At the moment I am not making lots of progress  on my work because  my sewing machine is in the repair shop.   I was free motion sewing on the wedding quilt  when I noticed  there was a problem with the tension.So  I did pull out grandmother Butterworth’s old Feather Weight and  went to work on the scrap bags.  Being limited to froward and backward means I am limited to piecing.   It took the better part of last week and Monday to finish putting all the scraps into groups.  I started slicing them into 2.5inch units today and started assembling those into long strips for my Scarp Happy quilts.

Progress Report:

Flow Patterns 21.5X 38.5 $300.00
Flow Patterns
21.5X 38.5

Flow Patterns    Although I do not have a machine now- I did earlier and I did finish the free motion work on this quilt befor.  This project just seemed to flow out my finger tips when I was pinning the parts up.  I so enjoy using my silk paper and that is what the most of this project is made of.  It does have some gold painted tyvek as an add on  portion too.flow





Flow pattern close up 2This work has lots of movement from my point of view.








Broadcasting 23" X 26"  $215.00
23″ X 26″

I can do some work with only strait stitching and this piece only needed to have the facings added to do that part.     I enjoyed adding all the round elements by hand to this piece.  There are beads and pads from saxafones  on the surface of this work.  It was easy to stitch through the felted pads and the ones with leather were also easy to push the needles through.

Broadcastingcl2A friend who plays the sax is very impressed.











YellowstongfullMemory Maps- Yellowstone    Even though I can only sew strait stitching I can work on this project a little.  I outlined the park and painted in the rives and Yellowstone lake.  Then I did the road lines.   I have added the Ranger Station at South Gate where Dad worked when we lived  there.    I am still working out exactly where I want to place the trailer that was our home  at this point.  And the trees- I remember so many lodge pole pine Map-Memory Yellowstone close uptrees in all directions….  It is fun to work away on this project as more and more memories of that wonderful season when I was seven keep flowing back to me.





clutchSilk Clutch     I needed a elegant small hand bag for a seasonal event last week.   So I looked at the silk paper( I was working on  Flow Patterns at the time) and found a bigger piece of some I had created with Ethel as fall.   This is strong enough to be a bag because we  sandwiched a piece of silk organza in the middle of the silk roving when we created the paper.   It worked well and I got several compliments on the bag.

The Blues clSound like the Blues     I am still doing lots of hand stitching on this work.   All the textures are starting to come together for me.

Keep Creating

