All posts by admin




We are deep in the cold of winter here and that makes me stay in the studio and get a lot done.  But I do have the meetings that come at the first of each month.  QuEG’s meant.    Liz is busy doing hand work on her project that she dyed last fall at the  play/work retreat at the Schweinfurth.  That is her work at the top.

Sue Ellen'sSue Ellen is busy too and she made this colorful quilt for the Linus Project.  I always get  a lot more out of the group meetings.

Circle Challenge


















This time I showed them all the Circle Challenge pieces all together.  IMG_7436.jpg That lead to a whole lot of playing with how they could or should be presented.   I continued the whole idea when I got home.

IMG_7433.jpgThere are just so many ways to go with them.


circle placementThe Diva’s had a good time playing with them too.   There was a lot going on at that meeting as well.











Alice has finished her Bed Quilt and she made prints of the finished work to give to all the folks in the family who owned the bed so they have the history.   I think that is a good idea.


LiesaLiesa  is building a wonderful book on stamps.   She printed the stamps on fabric for this work and laments that she still has all the original  stamps left.


Donna's work









Donna just returned from a 10 day retreat where she did a lot of Gelli printing and pastel work. IMG_7409Maureen is doing lots of work with indigo so she can do more teaching of the techniques.   She shares her knowledge so very kindly.


Regina's work Regina went off to the  conference called “ Rocky Road to California” and took a class with the Tentmakers of Cairo.    She keeps exploring new techniques.
















Ruth is busy with her wonderful clam shells too.    It was a good meeting and I came home with new ideas of things to do with my own work.



Three JacksProgress report: Three Jacks This work is 28” X 40”.  Because I had to take it apart  to fix the nail at the bottom I took photos of the work without the glass.  No  problems with reflections that way.   I also did a major cleaning of the glass- something that I had not thought of before either.  IMG_7446The work is dramatic and I like it a lot.

cl up- three Jacks  The velvet jacks really convey the rich contrast of the two parts of the flower.

Snow Dying

IMG_7420It snowed this week and so I did a bit more snow dyeing.  It is snowing today too so I will do an orange batch next.

TeasilTease I   I did the hand stitching on this work this week.  It is almost ready to stretch.



Teasel II IMG_7386  I pulled this fabric for the background  of the green teasel heads I made the week before on Monday.  Then I worked hard on getting that section done.   I got all excited  and even moved on to pinning the heads in place.  They are not stitched down.  Teaseil II   No problem with contrast this time.















ScarfLeaf Scarf   I did a lot of free motion work on this piece and determined yesterday that it was complete.   It is based on a work I saw on Pintrest by  Amanda McCarvour.  close up os scarf I only work from what I remember not from any reading or recheck.  So when I did look a second time yesterday, I was surprised by how different they were.  I like the vanes of leaves mixed with the wool roving .IMG_7425  The places where I  tried to work in air collapsed so I think when I try it again I will put a layer of nylon net in the middle of the sandwich so there is a some stability to the whole thing.    That and more stitching lines will do the trick I think.  It will also help avoid the arching that happened with some of the gold leaves.

Xavier Wood IceXavier Wood Ice  I have been taking a lot of photos on my walks of ice and now I am ready to begin a new ice work.  This is the fabric lay out at about the middle of the process.

Pods IMG_7429 I have assembled two of the pods from the felted pieces that I made.  They are nor quite finished as I think I want to add some additional beads on the bottoms  of them.   But I am making progress.  It is like the circle challenge in the way that I can think  of more  variations for each side as I go along.   I will play until I tire of the process.IMG_7431

Scrap Happy  IMG_7432.jpgI have been assembling the strips and cut pieces from Ethel’s scrap box for a few weeks.  I cut them into five inch squares yesterday and made a block.  It is 17” on a side.  That is a little bigger then I usually use so I may need to make adjustments as I move forward.

Block #106Label Block # 106   I was in Jo Ann’s this week and I was tempted to purchase some additional embroidery  thread- but I resisted.  Then when I got home I did a little search and found a new bag full, so I am very happy I did not give into temptation.  Only fourteen more blocks to build.

Keep  Creating


Working time


Four 6X6Hello,

I feel good about the confines of winter as I seem to get a lot done.  I am still feeling the energy of my show too.  I will take it down tomorrow however.  I have four works in the Cabin Fever Quilt show at Bette Branch Library here in town though.   These four little works  pictured here are my 6” X 6” pieces for the Rochester Art center.  I  mailed them off on Tuesday.   They are all part of the felted work I was doing last week.   I still have big chunks of the felting to use in the project when I get the final additional parts.

IMG_7349FAB meant this week and everyone had work to show and talk about.   This is Patti’s new weaving project.  The can at the bottom is full of her woof  threads.   IMG_7350 Judy put aside her red sweater for the summer and has not pulled it out again.  She is getting to the arm wholes near the top now.


Nancy'sNancy got busy and finished off six new placemats for her home.    They are spring like I think.

IMG_7381  We had another snow storm last night so I am doing more snow dyeing.  This is a shot of the top of the bucket shortly after I put the dye on top of the snow that is setting on top of the prepared fabric.   Now to await the melting/dyeing.

FlingProgress Report:  Fling This work is 50” X 34”.   It is based on a collage and  has Ethel’s Marbleized fabric( the orange) and my hand dyed yellow and the light green and blue stuff.  IMG_7366   The quilting is done in two styles.  For the orange and the white fabrics I followed the edges of the color changes.  For the purples I did a pebble style. IMG_7372


Circle Challenge VICircle Challenge VI   This work is 14” X 19” .   It has a lot of movement in it.  The quilting is reflective of the circles and done in quilting thread.  IMG_7377  I liked adding the beading at the end and I will do that again in number VII.

Circle Challenge VIICircle Challenge VII   I finished the  quilting last eve.   It is trimmed and ready for beads and facings so I will finish it quickly this week .   


IMG_7382 Three Jacks   I put this work under glass this week- and that makes  for awful reflections.   Then before I sealed the back with brown paper I checked it and noticed that I had some how gotten a nail on the outside  between the matt and the glass.   So I will need to take it all apart and do it again before it is complete. IMG_7383


Scrap Happy     IMG_7379.jpgI continue to work through Ethel’s scrap box.  I need to complete a scrap happy quilt for the Prevention Network so I have been putting in an hour a day putting the scarps together.   They are cheerful I think.

Scarf IMG_7353   I have always  enjoyed  looking at a project and trying to figure out how it was done.  So this week when I saw a wonderful image on Pinterest I thought- I will try to do something similar.   First I pulled out a lot of green roving.    After adding some leaves I cut from gold ribbon, I placed them  on some wash away and drizzle some yarn on top of the whole thing. IMG_7374   After placing a second bit of wash away on top to create a sandwich I started stitching everything together.   This will take me a while to complete, but I am looking forward to this little challenge.

TizelNew Work   I am all done with the assembly of the background for  this project.  But when I added the Tezel on top I did not quite  work as I though it would.    Then I looked at it in gray scale on my camera and realized the Tezel heads are too small and too close in value to the background.  The opposite of what I did with the Jack in a Pulpit project.    So I took the heads off and created new ones that are bigger and have a bit of orange in their color  to create a contrast with the background.  Brown TizelThey work a lot better.  Now I will need to create a new background for  the first heads.  I am going to test myself by creating it in the same  size as  the first and see if I can make it work with just a value changes.

Sharron’s ChallengeIMG_7380   Sharron  and I purchased the same kimono( the stuff in the center) last year and have a challenge to created something with it.  I pulled some fabrics that I think work well with this fabric and will start a project soon.

IMG_7344.jpg Creative Assistants  I finished off a new batch of these little fellows this week.  I need to really get going on them as I do not have much of a tribe yet this year.  I want to be able to give them away  at QBL this summer and not leave anyone out so I need to get going.

Label Block # 105 Block #105   I think that I only need to do fifteen more and I will be done with this step of this project.

Keep Creating




Tree Hello,

I was looking at how the light shown off this tree against the gray sky and liked the sheen there.   That lead me to think of all the different words we have in the English Language  to talk about light.  Objects can have gloss, glint, sparkle, luster, shimmer, flicker  and glow.    Light as a concept expands our language to make it more colorful  too.   We can see the light.  Things can dawn on one or we can have a flash of inspiration.  There are bright  folks as well as dim wits.     One can have a brilliant idea.  There are  many more examples of words related to light that are a part of our language that we use  to describe a lustrous  world and I am enjoying that.

Jill  I went to an opening at Onondaga Community College yesterday were Jill Doscher  talked about her fiber work.   IMG_7301She talked of her process and how she grew from a printer to a fiber artist who dyes her own fabric and prints on it too. It was great.

I also checked out the Scholastic Art show that is also on display there.IMG_7302 The teachers are doing a fine job with their students.


Little trickelProgress Report: Small Spill This work is 12” X 12”.   It is my usual construction but I did not use any wool roving on this work.  IMG_7322  I did use parts of a silk scarf I hand dye painted about fifteen years ago when Barbara anduse to get together and play with art ideas one a week .   IMG_7324  There are also some yarns that were free motion stitched down to add texture.

Blue Too Blue Too  This stretched work is also 12” X 12”.   I played with taffeta, metallic fabric  and  organza on this one.IMG_7318  I also stitched down purple candy wrappers because the color was what I wanted.   The candy was from the bed and breakfast were I  stayed with Marty and Rosalie last summer.  IMG_7319  It’s a fun way to add a personal memory to this work.

Three Jacks Three Jacks    This work is ready for the frame now.   Judy gave a big frame and glass that I will try to add this work to.    I enjoyed doing all the machine embellishing on the Jacks this week.IMG_7328  Lots of wide satin stitching.

Color Challenge IVColor Challenge VI   This work is  15.5” x19”.     I am enjoying the exploration this challenge is giving me.

IMG_7340This is the last  piece in this series were I will have three of the light colored circles on its surface.   But change is suppose to be a part of the process.



 Collage VColor Challenge V   I only need to tack the last two facing ( brown at the top and bottom ) and add the sleeve to this work to complete it.






Color Challenge VIIMG_7334  I am  doing the quilting on this one before I add the bead work.  I am not sure how this will effect that aspect.     This is suppose to be a challenge and a place to explore……

FeltFelt Studies  I did three more studies in felting this week.  The pink uses organza ribbons as well as the wool roving.   The orange used silk and organza scarves and roving,  plus a bit of candy foil.   The green got it sheen from Angelina  and  a bit of taffeta.  These ideas are all from the book Stitch, Fabric, Metal and  Mixed Media.

New collageNew Collage work   I needed to do a bit of piecing this week so I went  back to the collage based working idea and found an old collage( from Sept)  to build a work around.  The orange marbleized sections are Ethel’s work.  The yellow and pale blue are mine altered fabrics.

New work
















New Work    I started another stacked fabric work this week.  I enjoy the process so much I can not seem to stop doing it.  Building the surface it time consuming and so transformative.



Ice Dying  IMG_7312  I did yellow ice  dyeing this week .  I like the softer colors here.      There is also a bucket full of  the next batch that I need to wash out today. IMG_7333I used yellow and turquoise- and learned that the turquoise takes over.  I will try again after the next snowfall to see if I can mix these two colors and keep some yellow in the final fabric.

Label Block # 104 Block # 118   I keep stitching away.

Happy CHinese New Year    Sat.

Keep Creating


My friend Judy gave this to me last week.   It smells heavenly.





As the image shows I am still struggling with Value.     Thus far in my own study I would say that value works best in  strong contrast- or at least it is easier to see.  Gradation  limits the ability to see value, or perhaps that it is just more difficult to label.     I can see that I really do not know what I am exploring.   A good thing I think.

IMG_7253FAB meant this week.  Patti was/in really into knitting hats this month.  This  red one is for a newborn and will go to the hospital.IMG_7255This second one if for a friend who is going to Washington on Sat.

Nanacy's quiltNancy is still working away on the Blue Bird quilt for her Mom.  She had concerns about her boarders.   The  striped boarder will be followed by a cream one.    It is good to have folks to explore ideas with.

Five Jacks                                                                                                       







Progress Report:   Five  Jacks    This work is 20” X 31”.   It is stretched on bars that my friend Tanya gave me.    The final work is pleasant and I enjoyed doing the piece a lot. IMG_7287   Applying the jacks this week was fun.  I added color to the body of the jack with water color pencils that I then heat set.     Because I knew I was going to stretch this work from the start, I also used paper as part of the material in the background.  IMG_7289  The dark brown jacks were all  created with a wide statin stitch.     Wools, velvets and  a rust dyed green silk scarf were also used in this piece.close up of 5 Jacks










Three Jacks  IMG_7259.jpg I finished the leaves on this work this week.   The jacks in this piece are made from brown velvet.


Circle Challenge IIICircle Challenge III   This work is 16” X 19.5”.   I only need to press and add the sleeve to this work and it will be complete. IMG_7282  I like the horizontal hand work on this one.     IMG_7281  The beads add interest too I think.


Circle Challenge IV  Circle Challenge IV  I am almost done with this piece too.  I am back to quilting in the circular patterns in the background.  I introduced a darker orange to the triangles as I needed a higher contrast.


Circle Challenge  V   Circle Challnege IV   I am changing things again with this work.  Because I do not have any more of the light fabric that I used for the faced little circles, I tried using the dark orange that I used for triangles in number IV.    I also dropped the triangles all together here.   I am still machine appliqueing down the circles.  The may move about yet.

Circle Challenge VICircle Challenge IV    The same can be said for this  layout.   The tilt is the biggest change.  Again most of the circles are free floating at this point.

Bird Block  IMG_7266   This is just a start for my entry for the SAQA auction.   Not at all sure were I am going with this one.


New work 1 new work blueI pinned up this new blue work  and have just started doing the free motion work.    I am sure it will change with time.

IMG_7262New work 2   This piece like the other is small and in an early stage.   I do enjoy this part of the process a lot.  Its so fluid.

Red StudyRed study I got a book for Christmas called Stitch, fiber Metal &Mixed Media  by Alysn Midgelow-Marsden.    This is one of her exercises using mostly felting on red velvet.    I am so rusty with the falter I broke three needles and did not have any replacements so I had to stop and order some new ones.   I do like who it is going however.








Label Block #103   Label Block #103And the bead goes on as they say.  One more done and only  seventeen remain.

Keep Creating


Word of the year- Value



This is a shot of Caramelized from the  Foundations show at May Memorial.  The opening was Sunday and there were about 100 folks there. Shot of show I was thrilled by the  positive  response.  I even sold one of the works.   It is a great space to show work as the walls are nice warm wood and the space is very large.

IMG_7230  Rosalie Dace gave me this card of gray scale and pushed us to lay out our fabric for a project from light to dark to see the Values in class last summer.  I feel I have not paid attention to this idea enough in my work so VALUE will be the word I concentrate on this year.    I plan to make a poster with that word on it to hang above my pin wall to help me keep the idea front and center.

IMG_7247   I also made a little promise to myself that every time it snowed more than an inch this winter I would do some snow dyeing.  This is the first batch.  I love the wild patterns and the color mixes.   It snowed again this week and that next batch is reds and pinks.   They are drying on the line now.

Wendy and MarkProgress Report:  Wendy and Mark- Name Game   This quilt is 50.5” X 45”.    It is the main reason I am doing  the word Value- because I feel this does not work as well as it might.   IMG_7243The shapes are strong and I like how they play together- but there just does not seem to be the vibrancy that I was hoping for.  IMG_7246    One needs to expect that there will be second rate work sometimes.  The important thing is to learn from the mistakes.  It will be a fine lap quilt.

Circle Challenge II Circle Challenge II This little work is 16” X 19.5”.   It flows well.  I am enjoying the challenge of using machine and hand quilting together as well as the bead work.IMG_7235


IMG_7236The projects are small enough that I get to move onto the next idea quickly.

Circle Challenge III   Circle Challeng IIII really like the darks that are a part of this one.   The addition of the triangles also makes this one more interesting  I think.   I am ready to add the hand stitching and feel that this time I will fall back to normal quilting thread.

IMG_7228Circle Challenge IV   I did the circle on this base before I really did the hard looking at the Challenge III.    It laques the  power that the dark gives the work in the other piece.  I will keep that in mind as I add the additional shapes to the surface.

3 JacksThree Jacks    These are my Jacks for this project.  When I got them done and drew the leaves I realized they would cover too much of the background I had built and its power would be lost.  So I created a simpler back ground for these Jacks.IMG_7224  This is still not simple- but I think I can make it work for this project.


Five JacksFive Jacks   So Three Jacks became Five Jacks.  The flowers are much smaller and they dance along the bottom edge of the rock face I had designed.    It is ready to be stretched now.


IMG_7239Bird Square   I   started playing with the the few little birds leftover from  a previous project.   It is at an early stage and will change with development.

Label Block 102  Label Block 102I just keep at these little squares  and they keep getting completed without much effort.   I am starting to think about what will come next when this project is done in about 18 weeks.

Keep Creating


PS. One more shot from the show.Show

New Beginnings



In the deep cold we are experiencing now, I think of the wonderful warmth of spring and the new beginnings that  a new year makes on consider.  New sketchbooks, new book keeping,  and new calender’s are  all part of the new start for 2017.    I am working on choosing a new word for my focus this year too, but  have not decided quite yet.  Sue Ellen at the QuIG’s  meeting was thinking of spring too with this new Hosta leaf pillow she shared.  The machine work is wonderful.     The Diva’s also meant this week.  Because of the show that Donna is hosting for us there IMG_7190was lots of talk and work for that event.       I served as transport for work for Noel and Regina's workSharon  as both  could not attend.   Sharon kindly gave me a little gift in the form of one of the book marks that she makes for her booth.    I like it. Regina has been doing a lot of indigo dyeing. ( look at that pile)      Cheri's workCheri had two new pieces for the show as well as to share.    She also does such nice little surprises for the backs of her quilts that I am sharing one of those too.IMG_7173



Ruth's waveRuth got into a traveling trunk show for SAQA and  she showed us the new wave she did just for that.   I like the waves out to sea too.   Then there is the wonderful foam under the wave.   It is really a strong work I think.  IMG_7169




LLieseLliese   had a wonderful piece to share with us as well.    This piece is much bigger than she usually works.

I hung my Solo Show yesterday with the help of Steve and Lynne.IMG_7177  Preparing for this was a good experience for me as I got to really look at the body of work.    I have been on this earthy foundations work for about three years now.  We hung 21 pieces and I took 24 home with me that we did not use.  I like having a choice. My work    It is a beautiful place to display and I enjoyed doing that step too because of the wonderful help.

more work







Circle Challenge 2Progress Report:  Circle Challenge 1    I am pleased with how this turned out.   All the parts seem to work together for me.



Circle Challenge 2 IMG_7188  This second challenge has different colors in some of the strips and the rotation is different.  Three additional colored circles remain but the parts of the solid yellow circle have been dropped and replaced with four triangles.  I am ready to do the bead work now .

Name GameName Game Wendy and Mark  I am all done assembling the strips of this work now.   I made the back the other day IMG_7186 and I am now ready to add the batting and begin quilting it.

Three Jacks  Three JacksI have finished the background of this work.  Then I did some research followed by some drawing.IMG_7185  The paper patterns are enlargements of the sketch.  I still have one more to do as you can easily see.   I could not find the color fabric in my stash that I wanted to use so I had to purchase the green on Tues at Quilters Corner when I was there.

Bird BlockBird Block   I am playing with some leftover bird cuts from the Bird land quit here.   It is always  a little challenge to see if the remainders can become something on there own.    I am thinking now that I will balance the birds with some free motion  bushes based on this sketch book drawing.IMG_7184 They have such a light feeling that I feel they can balance the heavy birds on the left.



Label Block  # 101  Block #101I am working away on these little blocks.  Only 19 more to build now.

Keep Creating



Christmas CatusHello,

We are racing now toward the end of 2016.    In thinking about the end of the year  and closing my book keeping, I become very aware of numbers.   Because I am still enjoying Ethel’s fabrics I only purchased  38 yards of fabric this year and most of that in half yard units.    The first  for the  Label Block project for this year was block # 34.   This week I completed block # 100  so that is  67 blocks  for the  year.  A bit more than one a week.   I make pillows and  fill them with the cut off bits of batting  from the trimming and squaring off of  quilt work. This year I completed   9 pillows.   I donate quilts to almost every organization that asks for them and this year I gladly gave away  13 to such deserving origination’s like Ronald McDonald House, the Art Rage Gallery and my local Public TV station.   I am still ahead in that game as I completed 59 on my own creations.     I use lots of thread in my work and this year  and  I emptied   65 spools.   I was a part of  5 quilt shows and I am looking forward to my solo show in January.     I participated in 4 challenges.   A good way to stretch ones self.       I was rejected from 7 competitions.    But I keep trying.     I wrote and posted  37 blogs this year too.  This year has been a full   one with lots of  things going on in my quilt life.  Looking back,   I feel that 2016 has been a good one for me and I hope you can say the same.  I hope that I can face  2017 and handle the challenges it presents as successfully as I did this year.

Aunt Shirley's QuiltProgress Report:   Aunt Shirley’s Quilt  This work got shipped off  to it’s new home on Monday.  I hope it gets to my Aunt before her birthday Jan 2.






Cotton Candy










Cotton Candy   This work is  12” X 12”.     It seemed to take me a long time to get to this little work.  I just kept shuffling  it to the bottom of the pile.  The colors are so very different from what I am working with at the moment.  But once I decided not to try to make it into one of my rock works it was easy and enjoyable.  I will try again for rose quarts later.


Name GameName Game- Wendy and Mark This work has gone through a major change sense last  week.  I added Mark’s name- (he is Wendy’s husband)- because the Wendy section was not enough.   Still it is not something I look forward to working on.  But I felt the same way about the one I did last summer where I used my own name. Perhaps that is the nature of this project. I am still shuffling  the strips at this point.

Dead Horse Canyon  Dead Horse CanyonI have been calling this wool work 1 for the last few weeks.   That just does not cut it so I selected a name.    This name comes from a childhood play area near my then home in Carroll Iowa.    I have been thinking about it a lot of late and though this could be a tribute to all those memories.



New workNew Work This is the newest rock based piece.  I used gabardine for the base and I also added fusible inner facing  to the back.   That extra body has some real strength.   I really like how it is not a warped as the wool piece above.

IMG_7149Circle Challenge 1   I have finished the hand  circle  quilting on this work now.  I am ready to add the facing and finish it off.

Circle Challenge 2Circle 2   With the end of Circle Challenge 1 in sight I put in machine quilting work on this one.  I now feel I need to work on the layout for the third in that series now.


IMG_7158Scrap Happy  I am working with the scraps from Ethel’s box this week.  She had a whole stack of batik samples and they are all 5” square just like the ones I made for my quilt in the fall.  So I am using them with some old and  new 5″ squares for this new top.

Label Block  # 100  LABEL Block #100As the big Spiegel  label  ( upper left corner) shows I am still using labels that are not all current.  I just enjoy the process.

May the new year bring you joy and creative times.


Holiday Season


Judy's treeHello-

I am in the holiday spirit and enjoying the fun.     I like the lights, the trees, the great smells,  the bright packages and the candles.  Folks seem to be happier too.    This tree is Judy’s and it is always lovely.  Mother Nature is doing her part as well. Tree with snow All the trees were outlined in white this morning when I got up.  I sure like that look too. We had a FAB meeting this week.  It was good to see folks as we seem to only meet once a month now days.  Nancy had  been working away on her mother’s Blue Bird quilt and it looks great.IMG_7108She Circle Challene1has appliqued down all the  big  sunflowers now.  They look so happy.

Progress Report: Circle Challenge 1   This project is getting hand attention now.   I have completed adding the big beads and I am now quilting  big circles.IMG_7126  This is slow progress.

Circle Challenge 2 IMG_7123Because I am impatient I laid out and did the top for the second one in this challenge.   I have only stitched the shapes to the background.     I have several ideas about how to embellish this one.   There will be some color changes in the next one as I am out of some of the fabrics already.

Wool 1Wool 1 I have not touched this work in a few weeks so I really came back to it with clear eyes this week.  The colors need to flow together a bit more for me to be really happy with this one.  There is lots of distortion at this point too.  More free motion work will help that part.





IMG_7119.jpgPinks    This little work has not been touched in an even longer time than wool 1.  It dose make me feel like spring or cotton candy.    The spring thing is not a good sign as winter only started yesterday.




Wendy layout



















Name Game- Wendy and Mark   I am in the early stages of this new project.  These two sections are Wendy’s name on the top and the negative space on the bottom.   Mark layoutThe Mark sections are laid out the same. They are only pinned to the surface and not stitched down yet.  After that is completed I will stack the four parts and slice them into units and mix the pieces and put them back together.




Aunt Shirley's
















Aunt Shirley’s quilt    This is a scrap happy quilt for my Aunt.   It is a small twin as the first one I gave her was too  big.   I hope this dose the trick.  It is a bit quieter than most scrap happy’s because   she asked for  lots of greens for her quilt.   I need to add quilting and do the binding then it will be done.    I gave away  a scrap happy today because my daughter needed one for her one of her clients.   Now I need to make a new one for the closet so I am prepared for  the next request.



IMG_7117.jpg Label Block # 99   This block went fast as the labels were so very big.  Only 21 more to complete.

I hope the joys of the season bless everyone’s, days.



Supporting a Friend


It’s a brisk 10 degrees out side this morning and the heat from my neighbors  chimney is clearly visibel.



My big event for this week was to be a support  a person for my friend  Noel at her Trunk show at the Schweinfurth  on Sunday.   Donna and Noel                      This shot is of Donna and Noel.

As it turned out most of the work was displayed on the walls and I only ended up holding a few pieces.   It was very impressive to see most of her wonderful  work  hanging  toghther.

QuiltsThese works represent years of effort on her part and they show how she has taken an idea that she loves and run forward with it playing with new color approaches and ides along the way. IMG_7065.jpg  She even explored using an artist’s work as  a jumping off place for some of her own work.   I sure cant tell what work is based on another artist.  A lot can be learned from this process.

IMG_7068.jpgShe dyes most of the silk she uses in her work too so there is an extra layer of personal involvement in what she does.   It is one thing to see works by others one and two at a time and quite a impressive and wonderful thing to see them all together.    I am glad she is a friend.




SpottedProgress Report: Spotted   This work is 39” X 38” and is one based on a collage.   I am seeing the end of this type of exploration for a while.  Doing one a month is not necessary any more.  IMG_7099Not only have I learned how to build a work without strait lines I feel my quilting has improved with this series of projects.  IMG_7101  I also feel more free in my approach to design.

Rred NebulaRed Nebula  I am getting ready for a solo show in Januray and  as a part of this process I am looking at older works.   I did this piece a while ago but did not finish it.   I decided to stretch it and add it to the mix of possible works for the show.IMG_7083   Working with older pieces and doing  this additional work makes me want to return to this subject and do further  exploration.

close up of Red Nebula










From Dry FallsFrom Dry Falls This work too is one I did  over a year ago.   When I check this piece for the stack of works to be considered I discovered that I had not stitched the label to the back.  So I had to do that to complete this project.IMG_7092My labels include the title, size, my name and add.

Pond Water
Under the Miscrope Close upo
  This work has not had any attention for a few weeks and it too came to the top of the pile this week.  I am enjoying adding  embellishments to the top with hand stitches.  I have seven pieces that need hand work on them at this time so it may be a while before I finish this one.







Wild Patch  IMG_7072  This work is in the washer at the moment.  I have stitched all the patches to a solid purple background fabric with may raw edges on the top.  I want to see if the frayed parts add a texture that I can use and control in my work.


IMG_7077.jpgCircle Challenge I  This is a personal challenge I am working on.  I want to use circles as a stronger element in my work.  I am to the hand step here and the threads on top are what I am thinking about using for some big  hand stitched lines on top to hold the work together.

Circle Challenge IIIMG_7093.jpg

This is the second on in this challenge.  More circles and I am still using the cut away as a part of the design.   I will trim it to the same size as the first one.  Beyond that I have not made any decisions about this second work.  I know I will have to make some modifications as I am out of one of the fabrics in the circle section.

 IMG_7094 Dog quilt    Our local dog pound has called for little quilts to add to the metal cages that the dogs are put in to add to there comfort.  I had started the quilt, but lost my intention so it was just a top.  I thought it would do better to go to this cause then sent in the box of UFO’s.

Label Block #98  Label Block# 98One more done.   I am happy to say my embroidery thread stash is shrinking  as I work on this project.

Keep Creating




IMG_7051.jpgHello-  I am getting ready for my solo show that I will hang on Jan 4.  I am not a person who puts things off and being a quilter I know the value of doing lots of small things completes a task with a lot more success then tackling the whole thing.  So I have started pulling pieces for the show and looking with care at them to make sure they are ready for the public eye.    Big Blue( 36” X 24” X 2”)  is one of the works I needed to add to.  I had not added a label so that was one of the little  finish up projectsIMG_7052 I took on this week.   That just meant that I had to stitch a white square of fabric to the back of the stretched workand write the label infoirmation on it.       This process  of pulling out work for the show  also revealed a work that I really liked, but it was badly warped.   It was one of the early works in my wool based projects and I had just added batting and a black back to the wool felted quilt like project.  Coastal Color 1    I took the time to take the project apart and stretched it over a canvas based set of stretcher bars.   Coastal Color 1 ( 20” X 16”) looks a lot better now and I am happy with it.  It will now go into the show if there is space.  This rework is a much better solution than the process I had used with it before. Time and pashents really worked together to make this new treatment a much more successful piece then it was before.



The fist Tues of the month was this week so I had meetingsof both the QuEG’s and  Diva’s. IMG_7019Corrine did this wonderful piece of jewelry that she shared with us at the  QuEG’s meeting . Sally had a whole  pile of Christmas projects that she had completed, Snow Manbut I love the Snow Man the best. Even the the hat has thread work all over its surface.      Angela is in the middle of a on line class on three dimensional wool  works.  I really love this one she did withits  wool units about 2” tall sticking up from the surface.IMG_7021  She sure had become a major felter.

I then went off to the Diva meeting.  It was a very small group of us – only six, with not a lot of work to share.   But I do enjoy seeing folks.

Anne' ProjectAnne has created a wonderful top with a very limited pallet.    She has gotten very good at inserting those points too.

Noel is working on a small Van Goth landscape. IMG_7034It is inspired from a card she received.

Ruth took  an indigo class.  She had some  real beauties from that experience.Ruth's Indigo This is her sampler of different stitches.    She was also in the Open Wet studio at the Schweinfurth early in Nov.  She did some specular dye pieces.    This one is my favorite.IMG_7035  Both meeting got me all excited again as they usually do.

Progress Report:  Awakened by Black Birds Awakened by Black Birds  This work is 19.5” X 19.5 “.   This felt based pieceinspired by my experience at the Open Wet studio weekend  is complete now.   I used the fly stitch to add the feeling of birds in flight in the sky as well as the cut ones. IMG_7046  I also did a lot of machine drawing to create the limbs on the tree.

close up of Awakened   In the ground trees I added just little strait stitches to indicate  the birds.IMG_7047

Spot On  IMG_7053   I am still doing the free motion machine drawing on this work.  I only have the big white areas  and the yellow ones to fill now so I am sure it will be done by next week.

Wild PatchWild Patch I am trying a new  approach with this work.  I laid down a solid base and drew with a white pencil the areas I wanted broken up on the surface.  The I proceeded to place fabric on top in those shapes.  Sometimes I stitched the adjacent pieces together with the raw edges out and sometime I did it in the regular manner.  In other areas I just left raw edges with the background showing through.  Most of this is not sewn to the back ground yet – but that is the next step I plan to take.  When everything is attached to the background I will wash it to make the raw edges fray.   This is unchartered- so I do not know if it will be successful or not.   It is a true  “what if”  project.

Label Blocks # 96 and # 97

IMG_7058.jpgI did finish two this week to make up for not finishing any the week before.

Keep Creating
