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Quilting by the Lake 2017



I can not believe that this is how the gym at Onondaga Community Collage looked on Friday July 14 the day after my last post and the day we started preparing for Quilting by the Lake for this year.     This post will be full of photos and snippets of what happened in those glorious days plus a bit of what has happened this week too.


So by the end of the day we had filled the gym with all the quilts that we had received at that time.  It was not ready for guests as more work

came in on Saturday,IMG_8694 but we did a lot.

I spent my Saturday helping my friend Sharron move into her dorm room and decorate for Christmas in July.  We had fun, but more about  that later.

IMG_8808There were four special shows within the quilt show at QBL this year.  One was five Dear Jane Quilts by Sharron.

Sharron's dear JaneShe talked about her journey with the development of this project one afternoon after class. IMG_8705  I have watched her work away on the blocks doing all the color variations at the same time for each of the 350 blocks.  It has taken her six plus years to complete this master  body of work.  It looks great.   Marcia De Camp had a solo show as well.   Non on my photos of that are strong enough to be included here, but believe me when I say it was powerful too.

The Finger Lakes Fiber Artists had a great display .  Cheri and Sharron  These two works are from that section.  The top Quilt is by Sharon Souva.  The bottom one is by Cheri Sheridan.     Liz's work














This quilt  is by Liz Anderson,  she is also a part of the Finger Lakes Fiber Artist’s group.  The little girl on the far right is Liz at the age of six.

Noel and her lecture










Noel Keith also had a solo show and talk the second week . Some of her works have been included  in the Quilts=Art=Quilts shows in the past. IMG_8825She works with silks that she has hand dyed herself and that adds a wonderful layer of excitement to her work.


Sister Sew and SewSister Sew and Sew made an appearance at the quilt show.   She had lots of tips and bits of knowledge that she shared with us as well.


This shot is of Sister checking the length of this woman’s hem from the floor.  An item that my Catholic friends assure me was common in their pasts.




My class week one was with Cynthia Corbin.  I am going to post a few of the solutions that folks created in class.IMG_8744This is a shot of Annette’s project in the middle of the week.  It changes as she assembled it.  I really like the quiet colors.

IMG_8745This work is by Diane.   Her first work with all solids she tells me.   IMG_8763  This shot is of my table partner Robin and her work as we did our Mimi talks about our work for the week on Friday afternoon.

We were Cynthia’s last  topic class and so we gave her flowers as a thank you for her kind support and help.Cynthia


IMG_8767Friday night at the end of the first week of QBL we have show and tell where each class with their teacher get up on the stage and show what they worked on.  This is a shot of Alice with her project from Studio class.

Wedge classOne class- on the use of wedges-  just moved there boards with their work into the auditorium and display them.  Nice touch.

Another event at the end of the week is the action of TOTE Bags to raise money for the Scholarship IMG_8774Fund.   This is Rosalie Dace with her “Chicken bag” .

Week two I had a class called “One Theme – Many Variations”  with Kerr Garbowski.   IMG_8884

We started each morning with some drawing.  This shot is of Cherri doing a blind contour.IMG_8810of onions- her subject.

We worked with colored pencils, chalk and paint blocks too.   This is Cherri’s experiment  using those things on a silk screen. Cherri's wrok With each pass she added more color so the image changed   with each print.

Lots of my friends where in this class and we all had great fun.   We did lots of deconstructed screen work.  IMG_8852Cris and Ann were in front of me.  Both worked hard.  RobinRobin sat next to me again and did some strong work.

IMG_8850 Gerri really did some big works with her little screens.Liz I have been dyeing with  Liz on most Mondays this summer and her big strong   gestural work is so inspiriting.   These two works from class confirm this feeling.

Angela Angela was also in this class and she did this wonderful series using  a glue line print of her husband’s  saxophone keys.    She too changed the background color with  each pull.

These are IMG_8977some of my fabrics from class.

Quilters are a divers group. One of my friends,IMG_8786.jpg Emily has done a lot of beading in the form of bracelets this year.  She shared them with us.  They are wonderful!


treeWeek II of QBL also brought our Christmas in July celebration.

We played games based on carols.Christmas gang  We pulled  poppers.   We drank eggnog, we had a garb bag gift exchange and laughed a lot. IMG_8734 Sharron dressed in red and was our master of ceremonies.Sharron   It was great fun.









The second week ended with show and tell like the first.     Debbie had completed this quilt.Debbi's quilt














LindaThis shot is of Linda with one of the works she did in class.   IMG_8888 And another class project.

The week ended with the tote auction and Cynthia’s tote sold for $1,350.00 – the highest price paid for any work that was going to the scholarship fund.   Cynthia Cynthia sweetened the pop of her tote by adding some of her own hand dyed materials to the collection.IMG_8899  This is a shot of the bag after the sale.      Nice way to close QBL for 2017.

Saturday I went downtown to the Art’s and Crafts fair where I saw several artists friends and watch the native American dancers.  They really moved and I enjoyed all the action.

Dancers My daughter’s company had a booth there too and this shot is of her and several of her fellow workers.  IMG_8929Wendy is the one in the middle.

I also had QuEG’s and  Diva meetings this week.  At QuEG’s  we looked at many projects  folks worked on at QBL.IMG_8931This is the piece that Linda was working on in Independent Studio.

Liz- hand work This piece is what Liz worked on in Rosalie’s class week one at QBL.




Sally's Light houseThis is another  3-D work by Sally.   The whole section at the bottom is all made with thread- except the door. The light house had a lite in the top too.  She does amazing work with her embroidery machine.IMG_8932This is another bit of jewelry  by my quilting friend Corrine.

The Diva gals had lots of wonderful work too. IMG_8944Lori showed off her knitting with these hand warmers that she made on her curse to keep her hands warm.   She also showed off her stitch work.

















Sandy proudly displayed her work just home from a quilt show.


Noel's work












Noel showed off her newest work where she was mixing black and white with solid colors.

Sally's piece

















Sally displayed her second quilt showing off her morning walks.  The quilt shows a map of the rout in red  and the photos are  some of the items she sees.

IMG_8960.jpg  Ruth is actively working away on her dinosaur track quilt.  These first layers are ready for the mud layer now. IMG_8953

Maureen is working away on layers of dye  for her new projects.   This is lovely.

SusanSusan is still doing little units of work on Pellon.   These are memory pieces of her experience in Mexico.       As I have said many times I am so very fortunate to have so many stimulating  and creative  friends.


Progress Report:  Owl project

Owl 1The first week I took a class with Cynthia Corbin called The ABC’s of Composition.  In this class we design blocks using letter forms as the basis of the blocks.IMG_8698Gliph This is the black fabric patters for my blocks.    We then interpreted the patters in color and built the quilt around them.     I stayed with this word all week and went from this first start to a “glyph” using the word owl.

I have always been fascinated  by the positive and negative spaces in art and this project played into and developed several more pieces in this vain.IMG_8737


Glyph IVAt this point I wondered about a size variation with the  glyph.   I did a shrink   and an enlargement.IMG_8740 I have not done any work with the smaller ones even though I have several ideas.

Glyph VThe larger one however has become two pinned works.  Watch for upcoming developments.



Label Blocks








Label Blocks More blocks is getting  smaller and the end of this step is insight.

It has been a busy few weeks and my mind is full of ideas.  Now I need to slow down and get some work done.

Keep Creating.






I am getting ready for the start of Quilting By the Lake  this week along with the usual stuff.    I always get excited about seeing my gal pals that I only see for these two weeks every year.     It really begins tomorrow for me as I will spend the day helping to hang the quilt show that is a part of the two week event.

This week was busy.  I did go and dye with Liz one day and we did a few more pieces.  I will take a lot along to use in my  class the first week.     IMG_8646   These are Liz’s  dyed works that she shared at the QuEG’s meeting on Tuesday.    She also finished her piece that is her entry for the Finger Lakes Fiber Artists show that is a part of the QBL show .  IMG_8645  This is not the best shot of it and I will try to get a better one.    Alice's work There was also a Diva meeting this week.  This it a shot of Alice’s new work for the Women’s museum.  It is early in the process so things will change.  But a strong beginning. IMG_8673 Anne is working on this piece for a show about folks with disabilities.  This is braile.   Both meetings where stimulating and I enjoyed them.


Three Jacks  My Three Jacks was finally installed in its new home with my friends Dave and Betty.     This is a shot of it’s place of honor over their new fireplace..   I am quite proud of how good it looks there.

Teasel III















Progress Report:  Teasel III   This work is 17” w X 22” l.   It is going to my friend Vyvian who lives  in England .    I will try to get it shipped soon.   IMG_8641It is the last of the teasel works that will have this shurbi  dyed fabric in it as there is none left in my stash.

IMG_8642  I hope she enjoys the piece.  I certainly enjoyed creating it with her in mind.  IMG_8643

IMG_8607 Prayer Flags  I made up three more of these little guys this week.  They are so much fun and go so fast.  I often get nice positive comments on then too.

Label BlocksLabel Blocks  Two more label blocks are done now.  I am nearly finished with a third.  It was my plan to have three as I will be away at QBL for the next two weeks and there will not be any posting until I return .  The next post will  be  Aug 4.

Enjoy summer





Summer is here and the long days are warm and pleasant.   I had a good time on my travels to visit Frank Lloyd Wright Houses.  Falling Water I saw four from dramatic Falling Water  to the simple Duncan House.  The house I really loved and thought I could live in was the Kentuck Knob house.    It has a hexagon themeIMG_8505 that he repeated over and over.  We were only allowed to take photos outside the house so this shot of the ceiling over the porch is my best example.  It was all built on one level under the brow of a hill and had  a studio.    I really liked the  crenulation and  the cutouts he added in the window openings too.IMG_8497 His use of local materials is wonderful , epically stone ,as well as his love of fire places.

Gray Stone Gray Stone, outside Buffalo was the only place we could take photos inside and IMG_8550so I am showing this shot of the fireplace.  Please note the black fire irons so you get a sense of scale here.  This house was very livable too.   The association that owns this house is restoring it and some of the local artisans are building furniture from photos to fill it. IMG_8551This table is an example.   I had a good time and enjoyed seeing all the houses.  It was  a trip to see an American Artist whom I have long admired.


AngelaBefore I went on my trip I went to an opening at the Edgewood Gallery where my friends Angela, Carol and Sharon were showing their work.  Angela’s felted works looked divine.  She did  25 new pieces just for this show and only showed  18 of them.    She is a powerhouse.  Carol and Sharon's workThis shot shows Sharon’s new style- on the wall and the sculptured bird is Carol’s.  I was so thrilled to know three of the four artists in this show.

IMG_8576I have had two dye days with Liz sense I wrote last too.   This is a shot of the ones from last week and the new stuff is in the wash this morning.   We are having fun and  I am working on a quilt using some of the fabric we have dyed now.

Little JellyfishProgress Report: Little Jellyfish  This quilt is 34” w X 43’ l.     I was working with transparency and feel I still need to explore this subject.IMG_8594  I have learned so much about jellyfish sense I started exploring this topic. Their only predators are sea turtles and they come in a wide varietyIMG_8596 of colors and shapes. I love how they can change there appearance with ease.

Rainbow TreeRainbow Tree   This work is  16” w X 20” l.     I had a good time adding all the beads and sequins to this work.IMG_8590 Everything I used on this work except the wool I felted with was a gift to me at some point.  Yarn form Judy,IMG_8589beads from Ethel and sequin from Sharon.  Perhaps I should call this a friendship tree.

Wool  1 IMG_8570 Cut up some wool from  Tanya with the idea of using it to build bases for the three sets of 12” X  12” stretchers  that Joyce gave me a week ago.

IMG_8572Wool 2  This is the second start.  It takes me about an hour of work at the felting machine to  build this base.


Wool 3 IMG_8575  All three works are based on the light and dark patterns from one of my rock face photos.  I was liberal with the colors though.

Bits and Pieces Bits and Pieces Liz challenged me to use the fabrics we have been creating.   This work does some of that.


Teasel III















Teasel  III  I am creating this work with my friend Vyvian in mind.    She liked my first two teasel works but they were too big for her use.  So this time I did the design with her  in mind.  I am to the hand stitching of the spears around the heads now.  Six completed and five to go- with one half way done.

Label BlocksLabel Blocks  This was the only project I took on the trip with me.  It is small and easy to transport.

Keep Creating




Mapel treeHello,

It is the first full day of summer and now the days begin to get shorter.   It is also the beginning of what as kids we called “Maple Whistle Time”.  As a kid for about a week we would use the maple seeds as a devise to make a whistle sound and drive my mom crazy.  There is also a mulberry tree that is dropping its fruit  that I pass under when I walk.  That too brings up great childhood memories of  climbing the  mulberry tree in the front yard and eating those berries. They were so juicy. We even tried to make mulberry one time .  Summer was always one day of adventure after another. IMG_8401

Progress Report: Green Dragons Green Dragons 31"wX 37.5  This piece is 31” w X 37.5” t.  It is quilted with stitch in the ditch work and then machine drawing of five dragons was added on top. IMG_8425I stated out by outlining the dragon that was printed on the fabric panel in the work.  I did  little research on Google  and then  some drawings      I then  did the others in a mimic of fist dragon.IMG_8426I have not done a  dragon quilt for many years, but there was a time when I did one as a yearly thing.   It is fun to revisit themes .

Wind Blown 16" X 29"Wind Blown  This quilt is 16’ w X 29” t.  I built up the background and then painted that ground.  I knew I wanted a tree on the surface so I did some drawing.IMG_8394

After  this step I had to decide how I wanted to build the trunk of the tree.  I used tear away paper and drew the image again.  Then I laid treeout yarn for that trunk and the limbs and free motion sewed them all together.   After pulling away all the paper I free motion stitched the tree down.   Next decision was  how  to make the leaves.  I placed a  piece of wash away on top of the tree and  then sprinkled shredded bits of green fabric on top of the wash away.IMG_8395 Last, I placed a bit of green organza on top   to create a sandwich and  free motion stitched the  everything together.  After washing out the wash away  I flipped the organza to the back and free motion stitched it to the tree area. IMG_8415




Little JellyfishLittle Jellyfish  I am still doing the hand work on this piece.  Stitching down all the tentacles is slow.

Ethel Scrap Work IMG_8431 I sewing sold blocks to the 5” pattern ones at this point.

Fly FastFlag- Fly Fast  For this banner I set the machine on zig –zag and drew the letters in free motion.  I like the strange effect.




Flag-Dream IMG_8420This is the last banner that I made in Florida this spring. The letters are done with a chain stitch.


new WorkNew Work  I am building this in the build a unit technique that I use.   The challenge Liz made was to use some of the hand dyed materials we had created.


Label Block # 130Label Block # 130 I can see the end of this process now.

Keep Creating


PS    I will be away again next week .  I am off to visit the Frank Lloyd Wright house Falling Water.

Spring Warmth


The north east has finally warmed up and we are enjoying the weather.  I have spent a lot of time pulling weeds and moving plants.  I do like playing in the mud almost as much as doing studio work.    I did spend and afternoon dyeing with Liz, but I have yet to wash out the dye so there is nothing to show for that yet.

IMG_8368FAB did meet on Tues and there was lots of activity.  Judy was tying  three baby quilts during the meeting.  She always uses such bright colors for them that it is a joy to the eye.  Nancy is finally finished with her Blue Bird quilt.  It is beautiful.  Unfortunately my photos of it are not- so take my word for it.

Spring Jacks 18X20Progress Report:  Spring Jacks  This work is 18” X 20”.  The background is all felted work  and the Jacks are appliqued on top.   IMG_8387 Sense the big Three Jacks piece has a new home I did this smaller one to remind me of that other project.  IMG_8389




Prayer Flag PinsPrayer Flag Pins  As the picture shows I am having too  much fun using little bits of projects and stuff that ends up on my desk making these little guys.  The freedom of no size or shape restrictions is wonderful.


  Rainbow Tree IMG_8383   I keep working away on this project in one hour units.  I love the effect so I am not at all unhappy that I am only about one third done with this project.   I am sure it will be well worth the time when it is complete.

JellyfishLittle Jellyfish    I am working by hand on this piece with a fly stitch.  The tentacles are  couched.   I do not want to use the machine to pull away from the movement  they produce.

Green Dragon IMG_8375 I am doing  machine drawing on this piece.  I did outline the print( its from Ethel)  and started to continue the body.  I took a lot of that stitching out yesterday as it was too big for the body.  I will try again this week.

IMG_8380Texture Project   I painted this background this week.  In doing a second look I think it needs another layer  of horizon so I will go back in and add some more paint   before I machine draw on top of it.

Label Blocks # 127 #128 #129Label Blocks  Do to the warmth I spent a lot of time out of doors in the evening this week and did a lot more  work on this project then usual.  I am having fun as I see the pile of black square diminish.

Keep Creating


PS   I made an error last week I   Label this  jewelry  as being created by Carrine and it is by Linda CIMG_8324_thumb.jpg.





This  beautiful work is by Carrine.  Please accept my apologies. IMG_8326

Travel plus


IMG_8279 Hello,

We hit the open road to test out Eric’s new car.  It was fun but we spent a lot of time in the rain.  We went to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Coppers Town first. IMG_8260.jpg Then on the Norman Rockwell museum.  We saw Edith Wharton’s newly restored gardens were a sculpture show was going on. The sculpture was mixed among the woodland paths too.  We did the Emily Dickinson  home  and then moved on to Shaker Village in Canterbury.   I really liked all the wonderful innovative machinery there.IMG_8269  These machines were in the wash house.    We made it all the way to the Maine coast before we headed back west.IMG_8272  This model boat was in an old boat house that was converted into  restraint where we had dinner.    We stopped in the Adirondacks  for the night and then went to the Adirondack  Experience museum and had a good time looking at the treasures there.   The travel was great but as always I am glad to be home with many great memories, lot of photos and the ideas are flying in my head.

Tue as the  the QuEG’s meeting so I got even more stimulation.  IMG_8324Corrine has been doing a lot of beading and the results are beautiful.

Linda's top Linda C showed us this beautiful top.   There is a lot of hand work on it.

Liz is finding lots of UFO’s as she dose some spring cleaning.  She shared three.  IMG_8328 I look forward to seeing the finished work too.

IMG_8331  Linda H shared this hand printed fabric that she has started doing hand work on.    We all had stories and lots to share.  It was a good time.


IMG_8338   I have such great friends .   Yesterday I got a treasure box from   Debbie.   I love all these little bits of trim and ribbon.    She knows me too well. They will all go into the next batch of Creative Assistants that I will begin as soon as QBL is over this year.

White Iris's 15" X 19Progress Report White Iris   This work is 15”w X 19”h.   The white blossoms where originally created for the 9 Blue Iris quilt that I showed in the last post.  But they were too pale and faded into the background.

IMG_8356So  I did a felted and fabric wall and used the flowers on top.     I do like the shape of iris and hope to do some more of them.

ButtonweedButton Weed    I did a little rework on this piece.   IMG_8366It needed a center of interest so I added a dragonfly.   IMG_8364The body is three cords twisted together and then zig -zagged over with a  satin embroidery thread.  The wings are a florist’s ribbon.


PodsPods  These are the last two pods.   I have 36 of them and I have had a good time.  I also have all my little Christmas Favors done for this year.


Prayer Flag Pins










Prayer Flag Pins   I made these after reading the June/July issue of “Quilting Arts Magazine”.    The  article made it seem so simple and it really was.   This shot makes them about life size on my computer.  I will make a lot of these little guys as they are fun too.

Spring Jacks










Spring Jacks    When I make felted backs I try to do more then one at a time.  I did three when had the felter out  and this one is going to be my support for the third Jack In the Pulpit  project.

Rainbow Tree















Rainbow Tree This is the third of the felted  pieces.   IMG_8337I am having fun using my many clear beads to embellish this work.

Pond Water

IMG_8353This project is also done with a lot of hand work so it usually does not get much attention.  I did add the gold units and a lot of stitching this week because I got a head on my Label Block project while traveling.

JellyfishJellyfish  I continue to struggle with this work.  But I keep at it.  I sliced the top layer of the organza and did hand work on top of that.   I like the texture and will continue to work on all the Jellies in this fashion.




Green DragonsGreen Dragon   This work is all assembled and I have done the stitch in the ditch step on it.  Now to move to the dragon quilting.
















Flags- Play Time   IMG_8250I worked on the flag project from my trip to Florida this week too.   I only have two more images to alter.  I used oil paint sticks to add color  to the works this week.

IMG_8248Flag- Monkey Business   With this flag I used a paint marker to do the lettering.

Flag –Along the Shore    IMG_8246 With this piece I used the oil sticks for the water.  The lettering was done with markers.

4 Label BlocksLabel Blocks #123, #124, #125, #126   This was the only hand work I took on the trip so every night I worked away on these blocks.    The pile is getting smaller.

Keep being Creative


Keeping Active


These beautiful Alliums where blooming in my friends garden and they just captured  me when I drove up.  There are constant changes as the  weather grows warmer and the days are longer.  One needs to pay attention to the catch those  changes.  Keep Your eyes open.

IMG_8174I had two meetings this week.  The FAB group meant and it was an active meeting.  Nancy is making great strides on her Mother’s quilt.  I spent time helping her with the free motion work in the center section around the little sunflowers and the birds.    She is does not have enough experience with free motion work to make it work flow  for her yet.  But time and work will solve that problem.   IMG_8175Patti is taking painting classes in both acrylic and watercolor.  I think that takes courage.

Judy is working away on her “Disappearing  Nine Patch” and assembling it .  She has plans for a second alreadyJudy's Quilt







Marty was at the meeting too and she showed us the quilt she made for her great grandson.

Marty's quiltI really like how the longitude lines   curve just a bit to give the rounded feel to the piece.

The  Finger Lakes Fiber Artists also meant this week.   It is so stimulating and there is lots of interaction between the participants.   IMG_8182  This shot shows Regina and Sharon talking at lunch. ( the works on the floor are Sharon’s)

Pat Pauly's small quilt  This is one of Pat ‘s rare small works – it’s about 16″ square.    Her hand printed fabric  really lends its self to a big format so   this is a different challenge for her.

IMG_8199  This is Julia’s piece in response to a collage that she did in David Horning’s  class at QBL two summer’s ago.


Beverlys work   This work is by Bev.  I love how she breaks up a shape and re assembles it.   The colors work well together too.

IMG_8211   Then on Monday I went to Liz’s house we spent the day using thickened dye to alter the color of fabric.   We both did about three pieces and will meet aging in a few weeks to do  another batch. IMG_8244  These are mine and I am most delighted by finally getting some pure white in the front piece.

Nine Blue Iris





Progress Report: Nine Blue Iris This work is 15” X 31” .     Iris are one of my favorite flowers that bloom early in the spring.   IMG_8238  The old lace in the background here is from a pillow case that my Grandmother Ruth made .    I am continuing to challenge myself to work with organza and build up layers of color.  Flowers work especially well with this idea as they are so delicate.

close up of iresMost of these flowers are three layers thick,





Pods4 pods  I am continuing to build these little works.  I only have enough  altered felt to do two more and then I will move onto another project.
















Jellyfish     This project also is working with the layers of transparency.   The colors do not come through as well as I had hoped.  Not enough contrast here I think.   But that is part of what I am learning about this material.


Notebook- Harlequin Paper  

Notebook   I made this book cover from the Harlequin paper  I made last week.  I fused down candy wrappers to black felt and then layered  golden brown nylon netting on top.  The work was then free motion quilted over the surface to hold it all together and give it a strong  body.  Making it into the note book jacket was the final step.


Creative Assiatants












Creative Assistants    I finished up another 30 of these little fellows this week.   They will disappear that QBL  as I give them away.


New Work

Fabric Liz challenged me when we were dyeing to create something with some of the fabric we have created together over this last year.  I pulled all of these to do just that .



Label # 122Label Block # 122     I keep   working away on this project one little block at a time.

I will be away from home so there will not be any post for the next two weeks.  I will have holiday ones to share when I get back.

Keep Creating


Going Forward



We continue to go forward into the wonders of spring.  I love all the smells that assault my nose as I take my daily  walk.   Some flowers are fading, but others Like Spiraea, and Lily of the Valley  seem to quickly take their place and demand the attention of the bees.

Sharon's laeves  I went off to see the  art show at St David’s last week.  It was very impressive and with so many of my friends represented  I really enjoyed  the  powerful work.  This is one of Sharon’s new works.    I like how she is building up the surface and overlapping the leaves.    IMG_8136 Carol had two sculptures  in the show.  I know she struggled with this one.


Barbara had two pieces as well and this one is a part of her street seen series.Barbara's street  Beth had two pieces too and both of them had red stickers on them.   She was delighted with the sale news. Beth's barn











My Friend Angela had work in the show too.  I learned later that this piece sold too.  It is always a powerful show with lots of interesting work.   I am delighted for my friends.IMG_8126

I went off to play with Beth and Barbara on Thursday  afternoon at the Turquoise Street Studio.   IMG_8140 They were both working  away on pastels as is there usual thing.  It is fun to work in a parallel setting.IMG_8141


Button WeedProgress Report:  Button Weed   This work is 16” X 20”.     I enjoyed working on this piece as I have good memories from the Iowa farm and picking these weeds.  We use to use them as noise makers when we did Indian dancing.  IMG_8164I was always taken by the fact that they where such a strong spring green. IMG_8165



Pods Pods   I keep working away and finding new ways to embellish these little pods.   It is fun to find homes for the last few odd beads and buttons that I seem to have lots of.


Pond Water Pond waterI did hand work on this project at Turquoise Street.    I am adding the gold units now.   It is very calming   almost meditative  work  for me.






IrisIMG_8145 This project had proved to be a challenge.  I made all these iris blossoms and then discovered that they just got lost on my background.  I guess there will be a second one in this grouping.   So I built some in blue and purple for the actual project.  IMG_8143    I am ready now to go back in and build up this flower with more detail and color.


Little JellyfishCurvy Cut Jellyfish   This project is moving forward.   I really like the shapes of these jellyfish.  I have had to really challenged myself  with  I could  how to build them up to get the effect I want. IMG_8155   I am sorry that the dark centers get lost with the many layers of organza.

IMG_8144Brown Back  I found a use for the back I made last week already.  I am ironing down all the cut-a way’s from the   fusing I use in my work.

Red ScarfIMG_8150  I keep working away on these works.  They are fun to build, but they do take a lot of time.   I will add the soft neck unit when I have all the nets filled.  Only three more to complete.



Wool Brown  wool brown  I am a little beyond half way along with the felting of this work.  I will do the free motion work on top when that step is complete.

IMG_8159Mixed     I am all done with the felting here and ready to add the stitches on top.


Label Block # 121Label Block # 121    They just keep on coming.

Keep Creating


Spring Energy



Spring really brings on fast changes around here.  Last week this lilac barely had leaves and now it is in full bloom.  And the smell is wonderful.  So too of so many plants.  I love all the quick changes Thaw in Xavier Woodthat happen this time of year.  The  leaves fill in all the empty spaces  as they reach for the sun shine and soon one feels under a canopy of green. The vast views of  the land are cut down as the leaves block the eye line to the horizon line and one feels enclosed and protected.   I find it really energizes me as well and I have had a great week.


Progress Report : Thaw in Xavier Wood   This work is 38” X 40”  and based on photos I took last fall when we had a nice thaw in mid November.     Ice is a subject that seems to constantly call back to me.IMG_8115   I love how the leaves are effected too not only in color but how they deteriorate. IMG_8116 I even tried using copper for a few of them knowing that they will also fade with time.   IMG_8119


PodsPods     I seem to be fascinated by the areas of connection of the units for these pods this week.  They sure got  most of the attention.   I am also using Sharron’s buttons as focus points on the surfaces of many of the pods.

IMG_8078 Curvier Cuts   This is the back ground for a new study of jellyfish.  All the curved cuts suggest the motion of moving water to me and  jellyfish  sure take advantage of the ocean’s motion to move.


IMG_8071Flags: Tajira   I keep working away on the flags that I started in Florida.  This one is called Tajira because that is the name of the new baby Giraffe that was just born to April  last week.   This “ child”  was 90 pounds and 6 Feet tall at birth.   The lettering was done on silk paper.

Flight IMG_8070  I enjoyed making this stencil.  It is colored in with water color pencils.  I had to add the beaded fringe because so how this piece of cloth was too short to meet the size requirement.


Spring Iris'sSpring Iris’s   I built up a base of several layers of different types of creams and white  fabrics and then added some brown and yellow  stains  to the surface for this piece.   I used some old lace that my grandmother Ruth created for the edge of a pillow case here too.   Then  I did a life sized drawing of the Iris’s I want to put on top of this work  and now I am ready to begin that step.IMG_8102 Because I want to use layers of sheers for the petals I am moving very slowly.  I am considering adding roving between the layers  for more color.


 Buttonweed Buttonweed   This rock wall background has been waiting for me to make a decision about the top layer for  a few weeks.  This week I finally decided to go with my original plan and drew these big paper  patters for the seed pods for the Button Weeds. IMG_8105 They will be cut from this bright green because that is the strong color the weeds are and that plus the shape is what draws me to them.

IMG_8107Harlequin Papers     This is a pure experiment.  I had read some where that one could fuse down candy wrapper  papers and use them on a work.  So this week when I spilled the box of papers I thought that it was a sign that I needed to act on that idea.   I will need to look and think about it for a while before I know how to proceed from this point.


Wool- Red  IMG_8097   My friend Tanya , gave me a big piece of red wool this winter and I finally pulled it out and cut three pieces from it.  The roving is just hand felted into the surface here.

wool BrownWool- Brown      This felted beginning has the same red wool base.  It also has a lot of fabric mixed with the roving  and wool yarn on the surface.   I have not started laying out the third one yet.  When it too is hand felted I will get out the felting machine and do that step to all three pieces and go from there.


Brown Base IMG_8092   These fabrics seemed to go together so I untied them.  It is just a raw base for  a future something.  I know that I will use it at some time and be glad that it is ready like a primed canvas is for an painter .

Purple Possibilities   IMG_8111 While I was pawing through my stash looking for the the green to use in Button Weed  and the blues I used in the curvy cut piece, I noticed that there were lots of small purple bits in the bottom of bins and such.  So I started collecting them in one place.   I will use this as personal challenge to use them all together in a piece some time.     I enjoy a little problem solving   every now and then.

Label Block # 120 Label Block # 120      I keep working away on these blocks.  Only 25 more  to go at this point.

Keep Creating


PS- One last look at the spring flowers.IMG_8088

May Apples

May ApplesHello,

As this image shows the May Apples are up.  No blossoms yet- or at least  none as of yesterday.  But they will appear soon.  They are such fleeting plants as they will all be gone in a month.   Knowing  the hill side where these live means I look for them year after year in one of the small wild areas close to home.

Liz with work





This week was a busy one that started last Friday with a three day  open studio at the Schweinfurt Art Center.  I spent the time in the wet studio again and had a great time.  There were only three of us down stairs,  so we all had lots of space to work.  Liz worked on top  of old black ans white samples for her dyeing.Penny    Good way to give this work a second life.    Penny built paper screens and did lots of stamping.      I had a lot of new thermofax  screens that I enjoyed playing with.  There were some problems  though.  Liz and I used the dye  and print paste we


had mixed up in Oct.Liz'z wall  Most of Liz’s work washed out to very pale colors. This great big piece went from a strong powerful work to IMG_8008this timid pastel work.     I did not have as poor a luck as she but my works could not seem to keep their whites.

My wall  None of the browns, that I truly love ,worked either.      I did have good luck with my greens though.

Liz's shot of me Liz  shot this one of me working.

Washed out  I am still washing out they dyes so I will wait for my final decision about the success of it all.   We will start from scratch next week.  There were seven gals upstairs working in the sewing studio too.  We got to talk with them at lunch time.IMG_7985IMG_7987

The “Made in New York” show was also up in the gallery.    Wings   The wings were especially striking.    The whole week end event was fun and exhausting.




Because Tuesday was the first Tuesday of the month, I had QuEG’s and  Diva meetings too.

At QuEG’s   Sally had lots of great work to share.IMG_8030  The more I learn about machine embroidery the more impressed I become.  All those little  red snowflakes on this tree skirt are machine drawn!    She had some wonderful hand work too. IMG_8026   The light color of the ribbon, basket and flowers was done with Crayola crayons before she did the embroidery work.  It is  quietly luscious.  Linda has been exploring water soluble crayons  and having fun at that.IMG_8024    She is also playing with black and white fabrics .

Regina'sThe  Divas were also inspiring this month.   Regina shared more rust dyeing and this wonderful Bird of Paradise  miniature quilt.   It is paper pieced.  I find the idea of all those little 1/4” seams coming together in the points a  task I do not even want to attempt.IMG_8042 Ruth is working on a  social commentary piece about the massacre.    It will be a pleasure to watch this work grow.   IMG_8044  Lori is doing Gelli plate printing to create backgrounds for her stitching work.   The quiet  colors are  so beautiful  here.

Noel's leaf Noel brought her big leaf top  from a Pat Pulley Workshop  she took a few weeks ago.  The fabrics are very strong.    There was a lot of stimulation this week so not a lot of work got done.



Copper leavesProgress Report: Ice  I am to the point on this piece where I am machine drawing the leaves that are in the water.  There is no pattern for what I am doing and I  get to invent the vain and leaf shapes as I go along.  It is fun, but very exhausting at the same time.   IMG_8057   The few place where I have cut  and applied  fabric leaves are much easier  to complete.

PodsIMG_8068  Only one pod was finished this week.  I have two more that I am sure I will complete this eve, but they are not done yet.  I am using lots of the special buttons I have been purchasing over the years and  some from the of the fancy ones that Sharron gave me  as my center points on some of these latest ones.

Label Block # 119Label #119

Again I keep working away on these blocks.   Only 26 to go now.

Keep Creating,
