All posts by admin

Birthday Week 2019

It was my Birthday this week and Eric got me these beautiful spring flowers a great card and took me to dinner.  I had dessert and ice cream with the FAD gals, some cards from my aunts came in the snail mail, got lots of emails, a great phone call from my daughter and a text from my grand daughter. It was a great day for me.

The FAD gals meant and we had  a good time. Sharon was doing the hem on her quilt – Moon River in the Rain.   I like the way ones’s eye roams across the surface with this quilt.

I made a vow at to try to do a follow up on an idea from one of the magazines I get every month. This month I tried cheese cloth painting from Julie Booth’s article in the April May issue in the  Quilting Arts magazine. It was fun and messy. I was trying to build up some more material for my next wild fire piece. I also just played- something most of us do not spend enough time doing.


Progress Report :   Jacket 
I just keep working during the news on this project. I am adding the Turkey work on the last patch. It will be evaluation time again before I know if I am done or not.





Tee Shirt Quilt I am now starting to build units with this project. I cut 2.5″ and 4.5″ strips of various blues, browns and greens and connected them to the sides of the squares from the clothing. I do not want the work to have an up or down so I am placing the blocks together with the text reading from both directions. All the small units are built and now I am adding things together.


Scarp Happy.     I am done with the assembly of the rows for this   Scarp Happy quilt,  But I am out of the strips of scarps that I use for the edges and boarders.   Here is one of four bags full  leftovers and “cut aways ”  that I have to make those  new strips with.  So I  guess I will have to get going and put some together for this quilt in order to finish it.

  Blue Squares  I was doing a bit of spring cleaning and I came across this stack of 42   squares. I do not remember what my intentions were- but I think I got frustrated when I reached this point because the squares are not all the same size.    After giving it thought, I think I will make 45 more squares using the same theme and put them together as nine patches. I will make them all the same size by cutting down the big ones so everything goes together smoothly.  All the new squares will be this new size to start with too!  I guess this will be my new Daily Practice for a while.

Collections VI I have started stitching a few things to the base on this project. It is not getting much attention at the moment.
















Icarus I put in a lot of time  in on this work this week. I fused the body and legs to quarter inch batting.  I have done colored pencil  drawing and free motion thread painting on he work to create  the shading. The top half is done. I have stitched down the wings so I am playing with position for the head and trunk at this point. The legs need the thread work before I can trim away the extra  batting and add them to the surface. I am happy with the progress.

 3 X 3 -Circular Thinking 

This is a shot of the back of the work.   I am done with the most of the embroidery work on this piece now and have moved to assembling the rows into a nine patch.     The yellow with the red and blue print is sashing.  The center row shows how the back of the work looks before I fuse a solid print onto it to stabilize the work  and finish it.  There are 27 sides to stitch down to finish this piece.   

Childhood Memories- the Grandfathers This project keeps evolving as I work on it.   I have been looking at slides and photos of when I was a kid  and noticed that mom seems to have dressed me   in  red a lot, so I will use that to help identify me in the works from now on.     As the title suggests this piece is about my grandfathers. Grandpa Howard was my Mother’s father. I remember him always wearing Carhart pants and shirts in forest green. He had a very inquiring mind and a good sense of humor. He helped my parents build three of the four houses that we lived in as I grew up. He was helping Mom on the house in Columbus Junction, Iowa, the year I started Kindergarten. I come home from lunch every day. After eating together he and I would set in the red and silver print chair in our living room  and he would read one chapter of Alice in Wonderland to me before I ran back to school in the afternoon.
Grandpa Merritt was a farmer. Except for Sundays, he always wore gray and white striped overhauls from Oskash and a woven hat. I remember enjoying running in the furrow of the plow behind the tractor. It was a red International Harvester. The feeling of the rich dark earth between my toes and the powerful earth smell always delighted me. I can’t remember how many springs I followed him as he plowed that 160 acre filed, planted it and harvested the bounty when fall came. He lovingly rotated his crops to keep the fields rich too.

Keep Creating

Itching for Spring

I am itching for warmth and more flowers and green leaves. We continue to get little tastes as these photos show.  Even the trees are blooming -But I am greedy and I want more Spring.

This week was a very quiet one when it came to seeing other folks and meetings. So I got a lot done in the studio.

Progress Report: Sea Stars This work is 36.5″w X 21″ l.  The base of this work came from leftovers from Wave. I just put the remainders together in a curvy cut fashion and had a great pallet to begin on top of. The starfish are created from wired ribbon that was leftover from Christmas.  The coral came from a purchase of paper that I made last spring in Rochester at the Art store.  Beads and yarn were in my collection. It was a fun project.   No money was spent on the creation of this project.   I already had/ have a deep supply of stuff to use in my work.










Puck This stretched work is 12″ w X 16″l. I stared this work years ago and came across it in one of my searches. I decided to completes this work because with time I  could see what it needed. I added some shading and then did the machine drawing on top to complete the work.

I have a friend who is in Mid Summer’s Nights Dream next month and I will give this work to her as a memento.















Collections This work is slowly moving forward. I added the old leather book mark that was my mothers. The post card was from her trip to India. The pictures of Candy Grandmother, ( upper left) and Grandma Butterworth(  the flapper)  I had, so I decided to use them as well.



Icarus  The feathers are all made now and most are stitched down to the wings. I will finish this step and then move onto the body in the up coming week.



Circular Thinking- 3 X 3 I continue to work on the assembly step of this project. Columns A and B are stitched together in long columns. I have also stitched the first two blocks in column C.

Each connection also includes adding circles that cross over the boundary between squares.  I will begin to connect the columns this week.









Scrap Happy This is the newest scrap happy and it is made  from leftovers. I even made the back yesterday from remainders of other backs that I created for other projects.













I keep working to integrate the patches into the body of the work.   each stitch moves me forward.




Childhood Memories – The Grandmothers On the left is grandmother Ester, my fathers mother. I will show her in pale purple from now on, because the dress that she made and I loved the most was a calico print with purple pussy willows printed on it. Grandmother  Ester taught me to sew in the summer before  seventh grade.   My first project was pajamas in cotton  duck fabric. The top was white with big quarter sized multi colored circles. The bottoms were turquoise. I made them to wear to church camp that summer.
The    tall figure on the right is grandmother Ruth, my mothers’s mother. I will show her in royal blue as I remember a blue dress with a big white line pattern on it.  She always wore an apron made from a retired dress- just the skirt over the top of her clothing. I decide to show a summer day when she and I were clearing out the out buildings of Great Grama Gast’s home. ( that was Grandma Ruth’s mother)
In one of the buildings we opened the door to find a big ball of string so large it could not come out of the space. Strings from the butcher, mailed packages and groceries were tied one to the next and wrapped into this ball. Because  Grandmother Ruth and her mother Great Grandmother  Gast had lived through the depression, they   did not toss out any thing that could be reused! We had to cut away the string with a knife until it was small enough roll it our the door. But the real amazing thing was on one of the shelves in the back of the room. In a brown paper bag- and it was full- written in Grandmother Gast’s hand were the words “ string too short to save”. It was full of the knots and bits! I still have that bit of brown paper under glass on the back porch.
Keep Creating

Spring Flowers


It is so nice to walk out the door without boots, gloves and hats.   The early spring flowers are making their appearance in central NY as well . That is always a good sign.

The FAD group meant this week and the talk was lively.  Judy shared her newly completed sweater. She was working away on the next one all during the meeting.
















Sharon has been busy at her machine and she had three quilts to share. This one is a commission where she tried adding pines in the background for the first time.   That layering adds a lot of depth.

Progress Report: 3 X 3 Circular Thinking I finished the last square this week and I am now in the process of connecting all the squares together. The first row of three is stitched.  I now need to go back into the work and add a bit more stitching to complete some of the circles.


















Sea Stars I have stitched down the stars now and I am on to the coral. I did the coral by machine. The coral is cut from hand made paper that I purchaed at The Art  Store in Rochester last spring.




















Jacket This work goes forward now that I have a new direction. I have added Turkey Work to three of the patches to integrate them into the jacket. I think it really pushes them back and anchors them too.


Icarus Here I am working on creating feathers for the wings. It takes a little over 12 min to do each one, but I think it is worth the effort.    I have created  16 feathers so far.


















Collections I keep pining items on the surface as I come across them. I am just about ready to begin stitching on this project.



Scrap Happy I looked  again at the box of fabric that Angela gave  to me and found more of the fruit  bathers in a much bigger format. So I cut the 4.5 in strips from  it and added the sides. These new blocks  plus the leftovers from the first fruit swimmers  quilt will go together to make a second.





Childhood Memories This is a new venture that will be my  weekly project. This square is to introduce the core family characters. The memory connected with this work is one that happened every in our house  every Christmas as I grew up. My parents were married on Christmas eve and my Mom put on her wedding dress on that night every year.  Dad took a photo of my brother Gene and myself in the folds of the gown. I loved the dress as it was a beautiful silk double weave of a star pattern.   When one grows up one dies not realize that every family has its own traditions.   I  was Jr high before I realized no one else’s Mom dressed in her wedding gown on Christmas eve for a yearly photo.    The idea of celebrating an anniversary by dressing in the wedding  gown was just something my family did and it  had nothing to do with Christmas.   What childhood “traditions” where particular to your family?

Next week I will be trying to represent my grandparents in a new machine drawn  collage image.

Keep Creating

Travels in Florida

Flying PigHello,

I got home form sunny Florida on Sunday and arrived in a snow storm.   The trip was beautiful and exciting.   I spent five days with Chris T  in Brenton Florida.  She is a great hostess and took me to see the Museum  of Whimsy.  It was a visual overload with so much to look at that I felt  a bit overwhelmed.   The flying pig is from that museum and a very small portion of what the museum has to offer. Then it was off to the Ringling museum with a different feel altogether.   It is divided into three separate museums.  The actual  circus stuff and the art collection is where we spent most of our time.    The dioramas where full of  amazing detail, like this one of the big top.   I had not considered all the parts that went into running a Circus including, black smiths, adverting men and  costume repair folks along with cooks and performers.  It was a delight.Chris  Chris’s son took us out on his boat into the Gulf to see the sun set one night.  it was glorious.  Manatee Chris  took me to the Museum of Southern Florida where  I watched a great  talk/demonstration on Manatees among many other things.      This fellow  is set for release back into the wild soon.

I enjoyed the   Village of the Arts   where her  shop is located.   It was fun to explore and see wonderful art at every turn.    Ihelped in Chris’s gallery two days too.

.IMG_3007 We walked the Mangrove grove shore on Sunday morning.   There were lots of interesting plant forms there.    Chris’s home is on the water and we got to see lots of close up of wonderful shore birds,   every morning and evening .

IMG_3032Then we went off to Gulfport and I moved in with Cris W.   Susan, Cris and I spent a day at Fort Desoto on the beach and had a good time relaxing, drawing and watching the passing birds.   I did collect shells too.

Cris took time to teach Susan, Carolyn, Laura and myself   how to do Boiled Books.    I was apicallyBoiled book open happy with how mine came out.    This shots shows the plants that created the white on this page.

Susan and I painted fabric and work on projects in her garden several days. In the garden 2019We went to exercise class, drawing on Wednesday eve and did the Gulfport editable garden tour.   I learned a lot on with that experience.

IMG_3040 I  even got up twice to see the sun rise over the water.    I had a wonderful time.   I feel so fortunate to have such nice folks to visit.

IMG_3053This week was the first on the month and there was a QuEG’s meeting on Tues.   Angela  has been making books.  Thirteen last month!   This is one of her Secret Belgium binding  ones.    Corrine shared her  Coptic stitch binding books too.IMG_3056  I think we are headed for a book play day in the future.

Susan was busy getting ready for The Surface Design Conference with a series of small color based quilts.  This one is Green.  She also had   red,  yellow and  blue ones in similar fashion.  Great fun with letter forms and color I think.  IMG_3051  Sally made a table runner for the holiday this month.

Liz shared her  new mystery block project with us.   Lots of color here.  She also had her 6X6 entries for the Rochester Art Center  ready to ship. IMG_3067



There was also a Diva meeting on Tuesday evening.   This is Anne’s work on machine drawing and quilting.   I really like the quiet dignity of this work.


   Mary shared her  women project.   They are all to be stretched and will all have portions that hang off the side.  There were  ten of them.   That is a lot of work.



Regina presented her gorgeous snow dyed work!    She really can get great colors!      IMG_3086Noel brought a crazy quilt she is working on and this rework of one of her older pieces.   They are very impressive groups and I find them stimulating.

Progress Report:Icarus   I think I’m just about ready to launch into the figure for this work .  I keep fiddling with the position of the body parts but feel now I can at least begin the wings this week.  That way I can still play with the body if I want.

Collections VI  009  I keep collection and  adding things to the surface of this piece.    I have lots of stuff of Moms I can use here.    No stitching yet, but that will begin soon.

019Jacket   I have been frozen with  this piece for a while so I took it to the meetings on Tue and got some advice.  I now have a few ideas on how to go forward.  That is one of the best parts of belonging to groups of fellow artists.

3 X 3 A-1 I finished this block while I was in Florida.      I will work into it more when it is joined with its sisters and I can see what needs to be built up.



A-2   I moved into this one when I finished the work on A-1.  This is my last block and I will soon move into the  next phase.

Sea Stars

007   This work grew out of leftovers from Wave and the SDQA   starfish block I did for their auction.   I find that my mind sometimes just keep asking “What If?” and away I go on the next project.

The Card project has changed.  It grew out of the Florida connection.  We meant and decided to change the focus to Childhood Memories.  I realized I could not do collage to fulfill this project so I am changing my approach too.  I plan to work larger and to do painted fabric and machine drawing to solve the problems presented.   Over the core of time it should help my machine drawing skills too.

Keep Creating


Inching Toward Spring


It has been a quiet week for me.   Sometimes we need fallow times to catch up with ones self.   I did spring clean out of the closets and that sort of thing with a big run to the Rescue Mission and I am feeling  being a little lighter.  The weather is improving too.   On my walk today I heard lots of different bird songs and noted four different flocks of Canadian Geese in migration flights north.   These things plus lengthening days of sun light mean spring is coming.

Progress Report: Shore Line This work is 16” w X 32” l.   I did a lot of hand work on this piece and it is my solution to Cris’s challenge.    The white is like the egg sack that we picked up on the beach that was the basis of the challenge.IMG_2963Then I added a little challenge for my self.  Angela gave me a box of items and I tried to use a lot of the trims and items from that box  on this piece .   The white bead like items came from her box as well as  the ribbons and shells.IMG_2964The starfish too.

Starfish II   This work is 12” X 12” and my entry for the  QSDA auction for next year.   IMG_2975I just seem to get going on theme and keep at it.IMG_2976   I used the  big  starfish that was too big for the fist work and added two smaller ones  on this piece.


6 X 6   These three works are my entry for the 6X6 fund raiser for the Rochester Arts Center.   I had fun playing with these small works and experimenting.













3 X 3 C-1   This blocks location is  the upper right hand corner  of the piece.   IMG_2993I am enjoying to process and it is going smoothly.

3 X 3 B-1 This is the next block in the series.  It is the for the center of the top row.     I am enjoying this daily practice project.

IMG_2989 Here is  a shot of all of the blocks so far.   There are two blocks that have not even been started.   They are the top and middle block of the far left row.( white here)

 Wave    This is the new background for the wave word.    The contrast is much better.   Here is a shot of the old background. 














Icarus Because I cannot waste  a single thing- the old background for wave  will become the background for my   Icarus quilt.  I am taking the Aloft challenge   from QSDA and this is what I want to play with.   I am working on a drawing for the figure at this time.

IMG_2974Collection VI Mom  I was pawing through  my tins when I was looking for stuff for the 6X6 cards and came across  items that my Mon had   made and given me.   The little dog and sail boat were the bib parts on some rompers that I wore as a toddler.   So I am honoring her with this collection piece.

Puck IMG_2967   I also came across this piece and due to some more recent purchases of roving I had the colors I needed to finish up the felting step of this piece.   I intend to add some stitches to it to add detail.

Cards  The Brain I have been thinking

about the brain and how it functions of late.  Sometimes my thoughts seem as confused as this image and other times it is like one picture laid over another with no real connection.  It is  really a complex item!

IMG_2998  This card is the representation of the scattered  working of ones mind.

I will be away for the next two weeks so the next post will be  April 4.

Keep creating,


March Begins



As the photo shows we are still having winter here.  The first day of March it did snow and it is alternating between sun shine and snow fall around here now.   The deep blue shadows that the sun creates on the white surface never seem to lose there wonder for me.

Along with a new month there are meetings.  The Finger Lakes Fiber Artists meant on Sat.  This is a shot of Marcia’s quilt.   We had a good meeting with lots of decisions about our future.    IMG_2885Liz has now finished quilting her school days quilt.   Angela is taking a class on line dealing with felting.  She has learned how to mix the fibers and now she can create any color she wishes.   IMG_2889Beverly  shared this beauty that is full of her hand dyed fabrics.   Marla shared her rug hooking project.
















Pat finished this new big piece.  This work is  the newest piece in  her series using only two fabrics that she has created.   I think it is very powerful. IMG_2896Mary shared a work she started in a workshop on silk work.  She altered it to fit what she wanted to express.  IMG_2905QuEG’s meant on Tues.  There were only three of us but we still found a lot to share.   This is a shot of Corrine’s newest book cover.  IMG_2909She also shared this beautiful scarf that is  felted work on a sorry base.   She had a whole collection she had purchased as gifts.   The idea is worth some exploration.   Angela   had her Sax keys piece that she hand quilted.  It is a whole cloth quilt that she created in a class at QBL two summers ago.

IMG_2906   This is a felted and stitched book jacket that Angela did too.

The Diva’s also meant on Tues.  Regina showed us this new top that she had created from three prints that she had made in a class at QBL2 .    IMG_2912She also shared this work with indigo she has made with a stamp on top.   IMG_2915 Joan shared some collages that she is building in prep for a new work.   It was a good meeting, even though attendance was small at this gathering too.

  Progress Report: small god – Zapoteck    This little quilt is 23” w X 32”  l.   It is based on a sculpture that I saw in Oaxaca at the ruins last month.   IMG_2932  All the parts are appliqued down with a wide satin stitch.   I may created some more work from my photos. of other sculptures.

Shore Line This work is coming along nicely.  I must have it done before the 20th of March so there is a little pressure.

IMG_2918Wave   This is a good example of how one can see in a photo problems one can not realize  when looking at the subject under natural conditions.   The picture clearly shows  that there is not enough contrast between the words and the background.  I could not quite see that in reality.   So I have pulled out new pieces for the background and I will redo it.   Finding something new to apply to the quilted background however may prove to be more of a challenge.

Creative Assistants IMG_2921  I finished up 15 more of these little guys for this summer.

Snow Dye   The snow dyeing resulted in these beautiful fabrics.

Starfish IMG_2923I keep doing the knots on the star fish.  I think this one is ready to   face and apply to the background.

3 X 3 C-2  This square is mostly complete now.    This bit of Daily Practice is going very  well.

3 X 3 C-1  IMG_2939 This square is about half done at this point.   IMG_2943 The process is very calming for me.

Label Cards: Bird Song   Despite the snow,  I have heard lots of bird songs when I have been out of doors of late.   It is encouraging.

StretchingIMG_2947  I like to stretch my mind and keep it limber.   And I would disagree with this statement for the most part.   But I have been know to take on more than I really should by stretching the idea too much.

Keep Creating


Final Day of February



I know I though that I would not be posting today, but due to the heavy wet show Liz and I stayed home instead of going off to a play day.    Regina said we would try again later in the spring.  IMG_2850     I did take advantage of snow and dyed some this morning .    After the last batch came out so pale I really added more dye this time.    I will post the results next week. FAD meant yesterday and Sharon had a lot to share.  She is doing a commission  of six quilts made from a woman’s clothing .   I’d say it was a big challenge.   This is the first.

Progress Report: Starfish II IMG_2861I continued to work on this second  starfish piece.this week.    The first is all packed and ready to ship to the SAQA auction  some time next week.     I may or may not finish this work any time soon as it is not due until next spring, but I always like to have a little project that I can pick up and work on  if I need some think time.

small god I finally got going on this piece.  It is based on a photo that I took in the museum at Monty Albume on my trip to Oaxaca.  I have drawn out all the patterns  and now need to cut  them out in fabric  and applique them on top.

IMG_2855Wave  I am ready to start a new text piece.   The word pattern is done( the white with green lines)  and I made all these blue and aqua curie cut sections to cut the words from.

3 X 3 A-3  Tuesday I finished this block.   So I moved  right on to the next block.

3X3 C-2    This is the fifth block so I am half way along on this project now.  I was a bit panicked as I thought the completed project  was due at the end of March- but I learned it is not due until the end of May.   IMG_2867I am enjoying the process.

Capture ScarvesIMG_2875I got busy on some new scarves when I realized that March is starting tomorrow.   I am off to visit with Chris, the woman who sells these for me and so I need to have some to pass her way.  These still need the fabric neck units added to them.


Label cards: Little Know Our world is so very vast I feel overwhelmed some times.  There is so much I do not know about so many things.   One needs to keep exploring and expanding one’s mind.









Sewing OperationsI was writing out the steps for how to use the sewing machine for the girl scouts and I realized that there are many little operations in doing simple sewing events.   This is a card to honor that idea.

Keep Creating


Winter Week

A A SatHello,

This week was a quiet one for the most part.   I did go to the Associated Artists meeting on Saturday and  enjoyed Julia’s talk about her collage technique.   She mostly paints textured papers and uses them to create her her work.   Her talk was informative.

IMG_2812We had a snow storm  this week so I did snow dye.   IMG_2816It was not  a real successful.  The yellow was power as I have used in the past.  The other colors were mixed liquids  and they did not take so well.   Too much dilution after soaking through the snow  I think.   I always think experimenting is worth while  however,   one always learns something- even learning what does not work, increases one’s knowledge. Tanya's Paintings

I had lunch with Tanya this week and she is working on Yupo paper with inks.   It sure make a bright splash of color in this dark time of year.

Progress Report:   Starfish  This little work is 12” X 12” and is what I want to send off to the QSDS  auction this year. IMG_2839  I added the French Knots on the starfish  to give it the texture  I was after  and add color.    IMG_2841

This work spawned another in the same vain.   I enjoyed doing the starfish so much I started a second. IMG_2827I see now that the starfish is too big for the background so it will have to find another home and I will have to build a different one for this project.

Scrap Happy  I did finish up the  quilt  that I was doing for  the Bed for Kids project and I passed it on to them on Tues.  In doing the back for that project I discovered  that I had a lot of material for making backs and so I decided to make another top to use up some of those pieces.   Angela had given me a box of fabric that she no longer felt she would use.    I pawed around in that box and came up with two fabrics that I though would make nice center blocks for this project.   I like the fruit ladies print  and the green batik she gave to me.

Shore Lines  Last March when I visited Cris we took a walk along the shore  and saw an egg sack of some sort and created a little challenge.  I am starting to respond to that challenge now.   The egg sack looked a little like the white unit on this piece.

3 X 3  C-3  This block is at a good stopping point for now.   Working in this segmented fashion   is difficult for me.   I find that I want the units to interact with one another and the whole and so I decided this one was complete for now.  When I get them all done I will look at the whole and make decisions about what if anything is needed to complete the project.

A-3  This is black 3 in column A.  It does not touch the other block pictured so it is difficult to see how they relate to one another.  That is part of the difficulty/challenge of working this way.   The process is   good for me I think and I am working excitedly on it

IMG_2836Label Card  Live Now    I think this message is good for all of us.   Life is short so do not put things off.

Keep Creating


PS   the post next week will be on Friday as  I will be away on Thursday  – weather permitting.

Valentines Day


IMG_2804Happy Valentine’s Day,

I hope it turns out just the way you want it.   I received these three valentines.  One from Judy, one from  Tanya  and one form Marilyn.   I set out a parcel of them myself.  I always have fun playing IMG_2772with this shape and trying some new form of using bits and pieces of things  to create them.   I had a FAD  meeting this week and folks had stuff to share.  Nancy is getting ready to stretch this wonderful bit of stitchery that she brought back from Cuba a few years ago.     It is so very colorful.   IMG_2776Patti is knitting away on a scarf that she will give away to some homeless person.    Judy is pulling out old projects and completing them.   I love the antique fabrics she used here.     We had a good time as always.










Progress Report: Killdeer    This piece is 18” X  13”.    The Killdeer  were   machine drawn and then attached to the felted IMG_2809background and stretched.


3 X 3- block  3-C I keep doing my daily practice on this  project.   I think this block in almost complete. Just a few more rows around some of the circles and I  will move on to the next block.

IMG_2782Nylon net scarves   I am off to visit my friend Chris at the end of March.  She sells my capture scarves  and so I cut the nylon netting to begin making some to take with me on that trip.   This shows ten  of the   cut starts and there are five more.

Scrap Happy IMG_2800I  visited Angelia a few weeks ago and she gave me a box of fabric that she no longer wanted in her stash.  I pulled these two out of the collection and cut them to be the centers of  the next scrap happy quilt.  The are in 4.5” strips now and I will add 2.5” strips of scarps to both sides and then cut them into 8.5” blocks to create the rows of the quilt.

IMG_2798Beaded Bag   I found this old project in my cleaning this week and it only needs the neck unit to finish it so that will be another of the projects that I work on this week.

Label Cards- Red      In this time of gray and while, I am thinking about color.   So I did a red card.





Beauty Awakens   I like the idea of this message.

Keep Creating




It seems like this time of year one tends to do a bit of clean out and reevaluation.  I found lots of my friends using what they had to make new work this month.

I  spent my Saturday  last week working as a part of the Bed for Kids project here in town.  Sadly there are many children in our community who do not have beds.  So this group is working on bedding as a part of the goal to meet this need.  I started this quilt and the top is almost complete now.   It is made of a project that was passed to me.   Many other women worked on creating pillow cases.  Girl Scouts and a girls basketball team also showed up and created polar fleece no sew blankets.   It was a lively and fun project to be a part of.   I also contributed 13 quilts to this worthy project.

Both of the groups that I belong to meant on Tues.   At QuEG’s , Sue Ellen showed up this top that she created  as she tries to work down her stash.   IMG_2715Dori   is doing hand work on this witches hat to  use up some of her trims.    IMG_2716 Victoria is also using up available materials.  She is cutting up all her angora sweaters that have small wholes and making a throw with them.   Susan is  going through her scrap bag and building units with raw edge applique and embroidery.  She has also set the limit of using red and turquoise as her main colors  for this pursute.   I think limiting like that  can make one be very creative with other tools.   Liz continues to happily quilt away on her  school days piece.   IMG_2727  And Sally is making cards with one of her new sewing machine patterns.  She is also experimenting with water soluble colored pencils that she had on hand.   I like the directions she is exploring.

At Diva’s, Alice  shared her new  series.  She is experimenting with India ink painting on fabric.   To good effect I would say.    IMG_2736 Regina in her wonderful way completed  this indigo piece  this month.   She really challenges herself I think.   Both meetings were full of inspiring talk and interesting works.    I came home all fired up again.


Progress Report: Forest Flock    This quilt is 39” w X 35”l.    I have been enjoying doing the thread painting of birds for a while and this time I tried doing them for a quilt.   IMG_2765 It is a bit different type of approach for me but I like to mix my techniques.   IMG_2766  The more I play with this process the more I seem to enjoy it.   I keep learning little things with each attempt  too.   With  these birds, I  explored  not only using the the  two layers of wash away but  a layer of nylon netting in the middle.  I had noticed that   the  shapes I had created before could easily  be distorted in the pinning and drying stage.     The nylon net seemed to make the work more solid  and helps  to avoid that  distortion problem.    Now there may be a time when that is undesirable desirableIMG_2768 but now the  nylon netting   really helps maintain  the shapes  that I am building.


IMG_2744Sandpipers  The birds are attached to the shore now and I am doing some intense looking as I am not really happy with the appearance   of this composition.   It seems to need something in addition.  I will study it over the course of the next few weeks and hope that I can find a solution that I am happy with.


3X3   This is blao B-3.  The third block in row b.   I finished it for the most part and placed block C-3 next to it so I could make connections.IMG_2750  Pressing and  a little more work should do the trick.   The I went ahead and worked on block C-3.IMG_2752I have been putting in about an hour  every day on this project.  

Label Cards: Tied Up  This week I realized how I get myself in worry knots about nonsense.  Being away from the studio and  such  helped me get a better perspective.   I hope I can continue to recognize  the unimportant things and let them go.

Color Wonder In this gray time of year I am always surprised by a sudden splash of color.   I could not get the pink nose of  my a friends dog’s nose out of my mind so I made this card to remind myself to look  with care at the world around me.