This last week has been an especially active one for me. It really started last Thur evening. My friend Barbara had encouraged me to enter an art show with her. The title of the show was “Figurative Art”, and she remembered some of my older quilts with figures in them. So I pulled the work and went to Rome NY to the Arts Center there with Barbara two weeks ago and entered my work along with her. To my delight I was accepted and the reception was last Thur eve. Again Barbara made the drive to Rome and went to the reception. The show although small, only forth pieces was very strong for a first time show in this venue. Barbara had all four of her pastels accepted and won a fist place ribbon for one of her works.

I had two pieces in the show and got an Honorable Mention for my piece “Gals in Green.” After the awards ceremony I was approached by a fine couple who really were drawn to the work. We talked a bit and they later informed me that they had purchased my piece. I was/am so excited by this I still can not believe it has happened. I did not know how validating it can be to have a stranger be so taken by your work that they wish to poses it. I get all sparkly inside when I think about it.

Tue was the other big day this week. I am fortunate to be a part to two different Art Critique groups. They bot consist of about a dozen women and bot happen to meet on the first Tue of each mouth. One meets at noon and the other in the evening. Not only do they become a goal post for the completion of work on a monthly basis, but they also are great places to get feed back on work in progress and stimulation for new ideas. At the noon group- called Quilt Exploration Group or QuEG’s for short we ended up talking a lot about color. This grew out of my showing all the DMC challenged together.
The color interpretation element alone is one of the most complex elements of this project. The Crimson has created three interpretations here showing various hues and values. The same can be said of the other two colors. I am excited about the idea of working on this aspect of my work with others over the next few mouths.
The DIVA group is the one that meets in the evening. I was really excited by Cindy’s work. She uses big swatches of color with such confidence and power.
Here is an example of one of her new pieces. I like how the muddy brown that represents the flood waters passes through the work.
Ruth also had a great piece at the meeting. She is creating cell like shapes with silk and her quilts are wonderfully rounded shapes with openings.

The other person’s quilt I want to show from the meeting is a part of Sharon’s quilt. She is doing this huge work to hang in the chapel of the cancer unit of the hospital. I will add her web sight to the blog when she posts it and you can checkout the total work there. This is only a shot of the crown but you can see the hands of the children are woven into the branches in a beautiful fashion.

All this activity has my brain going at a fast pace. Now to get a little sit down time to work at the machine myself.
Progress Report
Adventure Challenge- Sand Bar
I created the background of this work for the Bias project. But it was too soft. So when I was looking to try a second Adventure Challenge I started out with it. I saw the Yo-yos and like the idea. I added the beads as well for additional texture. I need to finish tacking down the facings and the sleeve and this quilt will be complete.

Pillows- Twinkling Tracings

I created these two pillows to go on the white leather couch to accompany the Twinkling Tracings quilts that I completed in early Jan. I used the extra fabric strips to make the surface. The blue lines are similar to the ones on the quilt units only much narrower. I will deliver these this eve.
Paper Quilt I am continuing to work on this paper quilt. I do not have a title yet, but feel it will be something with flowing water, because it makes me see a river pattern and the paper “rocks” created from the wholes continue that feeling.
The purple is a ribbon that I am thinking about adding in the cracked sections of this work. I am having fun on this piece even if I am very unsure about were it is going.
Valentines I love to get hand made valentines so I like to make a few to send to friends. I cut a stamp of hearts from an eraser on Monday and stamped some white fabric with it that day too. Yesterday I collage some net, ribbon and the stamped images together for my cards. They will go into the mail on Friday.

I hope you all have a Happy Valentines day too. Keep Creating
Congrats on the sale of your quilt! It is a wonderful feeling to have someone want your work in their home, or place of business.
Your mind definitely does work at a fast pace, as do your fingers! i LOVE seeing the paper quilts in progress!