Hello Friends,
This week has been a very busy one for me. I have had an event of some sort every day this last week. That started out with QuEG’s play day were we all worked with Gelli plates.. ( From Gelli Arts)
The smiles should indicate how much we all enjoyed the process. We worked and printed only on paper because we did not know what we were doing. The paint was flying onto the surfaces as we all explored the mixing and mark making fun of working this way.
Linda explored with Saren Wrap and got some wonderful results that I want to try.
I really liked working with the styrofoam plates and printing on top of collaged papers. I can see the potential for use on fabric as well. We all went home with stacks of paper with a wide variety of images on them. There is lots more exploitation necessary I think. Then I went off to Ethel’s and we did more discharge work and wax painting with her new jaunting tool.
( at the bottom of the photo) On Friday I went off to the Turquoise Street Studio again and did even more stamping. My goal is to print with all the stamps I have created. I worked all day and I still have a bag full. I am sorting and tossing out some that are weak as I go along. I will need to spend another day at that at least- but I think I will not work on that when I go the next time. I want to do more Gelli play first.
Progress Report : Tropical Day Dreaming

19″ X 27.5″
I had a lot of fun laying out and assembling this bright quilt. This project uses the gessoed fabric like Gearing Up, except this time I made it all. The gesso is painted on turquoise felt with two different stencil patterns. I used the textured gesso on plain white fabric- again with a stencil and then painted the fabric with turquoise and blue paint. The textured gesso can be seen in the close up. I free motion quilted a tile pattern all over this quilt. I do not recommend the texture gesso however as the machine does not like stitching through it. I even tried a leather needle, but the thread kept breaking .
Another Choice
I challenged myself to use paper applique on this top. I had done some wax resist on paper and then dyed it. ( the white lines in loops were the wax and the blue is the dye.) I found I could not use the paper as I intended because it would not stick to any thing with the wax finish so it was shuffled around for at least four years.

24″ X 37″
When I was looking for paper to use with the Gelli printing it came to the top again. So I decided to use it. First I cut the wax covered paper into triangles. Then I zig-zagged them down to blue felt. I played with several layout locations, never really finding anything I was happy with. Finally on Sat I saw the cut away triangles from my last paper quilt and added them to the mix. I was satisfied. The size if the quilt holds the many parts and I am very pleased with the results.
Purple Trees This project continues to move forward ever so slowly. I would enjoy a row of days without any commitments- then I think it would come thought. But I do not see that in the near future so I will just have to limp along on this project.
Experiment: Far Horizons. This is an experiment as the heading suggests. I am still working with the wiggle cutting and trying to get it to lie flat. Now that I am at this point I want to make several vertical cuts and then rearrange the parts. I am not at all sure how this will work, but I saw a quilt that I think was created this way and I wanted to play with the idea.
Scrap Happy . I am still working away on the scrap happy quilt. This first shot show two rows that are ready to be sewn. The second show shows the same area open up.
I only have three more ten block rows to add and the top will be assembled. After that point it usually takes me about four more hours to complete the quilt.
New Top This top is my newest beginning. No name yet but I am working on it. The commercial fabric with the strong strip pattern is the unifying part of this one. I silk screened the pale blue pattern on the white fabric with dye. I like the pattern but was disappointed by how pale the color turned out to be. I will screen some more fabric in a darker color in the future.
Color Challenge These fabrics will be the start of a new piece this week. I was reading an old article on color and one of the things the author was pushing was using analogous colors and then adding the compliment for punch. I realized that I had never consciously tried this color combination. I may still add some neutral to this mix, but for the most part this will be the color combo I think.
I am happily playing in the studio as much as I can and I hope the same for you.
Keep Creating