Hello Friends,
Sandy did not hit this part of the country- but the cold sure did. We went form fall to instant winter. It snowed on Tue- not a lot just enough to make me glad I had pulled out the hats, mufflers, and mittens over the week end. I worked away on a quilt to ship to the shore for the

Queen size
relief program the quilt group organized. I have been working away on this scarp happy quilt fora while and now I am very happy that I have been. I only had to finish the binding and now it is ready to ship. I always have one of these types of quilts in some form of assembly- it is my way of getting started some times. It is also a way to use – by cutting up-my mistakes and they do not become just trash. I machine assemble them and they are totally machine washable and dry able. It is just about time to start putting together pieces again so I will do a tutorial on the process by early Dec.
Progress Report: Lauren’s Wedding Quilt I am finally done with Laurn’s quilt. I like

90″ X 100″
the way it looks like a birds eye view of the mid west. I also like the way the gold and brown centers sort of float up to the top of the work . This quilt also made me realize I do not seem to be very confident in my use of green. It was my mothers favorite color and I think I resisted it for that reason. I will ship it off tomorrow.
Composition in Purple This quilt is one I have lots of mixed emotions about. I like the

20″ X 28″
colors and I know that Laurn’s quilt did influence me into starting this one_ (especially the boarder fabric). I also wanted to contrast the shinny silk with the matt finish of the cottons. I am still playing with wiggeleing the seams. It is fun but I do not have the control I really want with this process.
New Exploration 3
This new top is really into the wiggle stuff that I got from Marty last mouth. I pictured two others in this series last week. I am really enjoying inserting the little units into the composition. I have a lot more control of the curves and movement of seam lines with this process. The other two in this series are nearing completion , but not done so I am holding them all to show together. I am enjoying this process so much- that there may be even more.
I hope you are all snug and comfortable.
Keep Creating