My daughter gave me flowers for Mother’s day and they are beautiful. This could be jumping off place for some new work too.
Nature keeps amazing me. The red bud from last weeks photo has dropped all its blossoms now and has little green leaves instead. Both the oaks and walnuts have bloomed and leaves are forming. They are about three inches long at this point and so very delicate. It is such a wonderful time of year.
I shipped off five lap quilts to my Aunt for distribution in her nursing home. It is good to have a goal.
This week has been quiet here with only two meetings. The Pixie Zoom group meant yesterday. We always talk of interesting things and catch up with one another.
We had a play day at Angela’s this week too. We were doing Shbori with watered down inks. Victoria did some wonderful work.
Angela showed us her most recently completed work too. She dose wonderful hand work.
Progress Report: SAQA Auction. This is my 12’X 12″ entry for the SAQA Auction this year. I do so enjoy doing them.
Lap 5 I quilted this piece this week and I am now in the process of stitching down the binding.
Lap 6 This work also got totally assembled this week. The quilting is all done and it too with get the binding worked on this week.
Lap 7 I started a new lap quilt on Monday and I only have a little of the parts to fill in now.
Ethel 5 I finished the binding on this work yesterday. Now I need to do some diagonal quilting and it will be complete.
Shore Line The Tyvek I painted last week did not melt much . I think I used too much paint. It is was still fun to knot it up with additional stuff like old belt buckles and beads. I am in the process of stitching it down and adding beads to the surface.
This work is built on top of one of my rock pieces from the foundations series.
I love the season and all the changes that are happening. Life for me is great.
Keep Creating