I have been thinking about books as we are trying to turn our office into an up stairs laundry room. We are shorting and passing forward some of the books that are no longer needed in our lives. When I was talking of this to a friend she told me e-books are the answer. But I find the e-books are not at all the same as the physical ones. One can’t use a marker to find sections that one wants to refer back to as easily for one thing. I often morn for some of the old books that have been lost from my childhood. Foe example, a forest green lather bound book with a highly embossed cover of a buffalo, that Mom read to me were I first learned about plagiarism comes to my mind. Or what became of all those Big-Little books on Snow White, the Littlest Rebel, and Little Orphan Annie? They all reside in my memory if not on my shelves. I never regret a single penny I spend on a physical book, even if I only read it to pass it forward to another. E-books may take less space in the physical world and are ecology better for our environment, but I still love the feel and weight of a physical book every time. But I will have to admit that I went to my friend Patti’s book give away on Tue and picked up 2 new books there. I am hopelessly in love with books.
It has been a quiet week for me. Tony and I went to visit with Marty for lunch on Monday and it was a good time for all of us. She continues to create her wonderful fabric landscapes. Sorry I didn’t square this, but you get the idea.
The only other thing was the Pixie meeting yesterday and it was short due to the fact that they were having a thunder storm in Florida and we all know that being on the computer can be dangerous at that time.
Progress Report: Ferdinand This work is 39″ w X 46″ l. I mixed a lot of older bits of fabric that I had altered into this composition.
I still have several hand stamped from the 100 Day Challenge and I will use a few more in the next lap quilt that I will build.
Equal Voice This work is for the Diva Challenge to do a piece to donate to the Together We Rise twenty fifth anniversary event. They will raffle it off at that time
. I need to add the sleeve to this project to complete the process.
Hands I have started the free motion quilting step on this project. It is slowly moving forward.
Creative Assistants I finished off 18 of these fellows this week. I am enjoying doing them during the news.
Ethel’s Scraps I pulled out the box of Scraps from Ethel’s daughter this week and started to assemble the scraps for the next bed quilt that I will make from them. It is a real ” no think” process that I am doing at the end of the day . The pieces grow with each strip I add , but the box of scarps seems to remain the same size.
Collage 2 I did the Collage Tue thing on Tue afternoon and created this piece. Then when I was listening to the SAQA lecture on Wed I learned that May 24 in International Collage Day. So I was glad to have completed my work before hand.
Handwork I had some wonderful green scraps from doing the lettering for Equal Voice and so I fused them down onto an older napkin that I had and started doing the fun part of bringing it to life.
I hope you are enjoying things in your life.
Keep Creating